03 - The Wicked Lady (18 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jernigan

BOOK: 03 - The Wicked Lady
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Her gaze drifted back to Trevor, and she felt her bottom lip quiver. What was the strange feeling she had for him? It was as if she were happy and scared at the same time. Her finger touched her bottom lip to stop the quiver, but before she could turn and run, the music started, and someone nudged her from behind. She took her first step toward her new life.

Kristen felt the hundred pairs of eyes looking at her, but the only ones that really mattered were Trevor's, and his gaze never left her face. He was drawing her with that strange power he seemed to have over her. Suddenly, she was beside him, and he was taking her cold hands, giving them a squeeze for reassurance. She looked into his eyes and saw the same doubt and nervousness that she felt. His uncertainty made her feel better.

The priest began his prayers, blessing their union, and the rest of the service became a blur. Kristen's mouth moved, the proper words came out, but she couldn't hear anything for the blood pounding through her ears.
She heard the words 'til death divide' and the next thing she knew, Trevor had pulled her into his arms, and cupped her chin tenderly in his warm hand.

She looked into his soft eyes, and her turbulent heartbeat raced just that much harder.  Trevor's arms tightened, and he lowered his head to possess her mouth. He took it in a hot, searing kiss which was very different from the other kisses they had shared. An undeniable magnetism had developed between them, leaving her to wonder what would happen next.

As suddenly as it began, the kiss was over, leaving Kristen dazed and wanting more.

The priest had them turn and announced, "I present to you the Duke and Duchess of Chatsworth."

The minister swept them into a side room where he produced a register and held a quill out for Trevor who signed his name with a sure and quick stroke.

"What's this?" Kristen asked when Trevor handed her the quill.

"We have to record our marriage, love." He smiled at her.

With wide eye's Kristen started at the parchment. Everything was legal, but somehow it wasn't right -- not how she dreamed. She looked up at her new husband and then quickly signed her name next to Trevor's.

Slowly they moved back out into the church and down the aisle. Once they were at the back of the church, everyone rushed up to congratulate Trevor on his new marriage.

Then they were whisked to the waiting carriages that would take them back to Chatsworth. Once the conveyance started to move, Trevor surprised Kristen by turning her until she lay across his lap, her head pressed against his shoulder.

"We can't do this now," Kristen said.

"I think we can," he replied before his lips found hers. His mouth was scalding, devouring, searching for something more from her. A warmth spread all over her, and she responded, clutching him close to her and returning his kiss.

Her hands slid around his neck and she welcomed his tongue. She heard him moan just before he broke the kiss.

"We will continue this later, love." Trevor looked her over seductively. "But for now we will have to entertain our guests." He helped her sit up and straightened her skirts, just as the carriage came to a stop.

Once they entered the house, they were again surrounded by guests. Kristen politely smiled and made small conversation, but she felt lost with all these strangers.

She found her mind going more and more to Trevor and his promise that they would continue later. Just the thought of what they would do made her quiver inside as she looked at him across the room. He had awakened in her a lot of new emotions that she didn't know how to handle, and that left her reeling. She simply had to get her mind off the man.

"You looked pretty, Kristen," Hagan said as he tugged on her skirt from beside her.

"Ye look mighty smart yerself." She smiled at him, thinking how glad she was that she could give Hagan a better life. He grinned back, then darted away. She watc
hed as he went straight to the dowager duchess. Kristen prayed Constance wouldn't cause a scene. Not today.

"Are you all right, Grandmere?"

Constance looked down at the sandy-haired child looking up at her with such concern in his eyes and something within her heart twisted just a little. She saw Trevor at that age. "I feel a little weak, Hagan."

"Here, take my hand." He held up his chubby little hand, and she reached out and accepted it. "I'll take you over to get some punch." 

"I would like that." And for the first time Constance smiled at the child, and felt a huge burden lifting off her shoulders. Perhaps, this daft marriage of Trevor's would work after all.

Kristen couldn't believe what she'd just seen and heard. This was truly a day for miracles! Then she remembered the jewels they had not yet returned to Constance. They had planned to give the necklace to her on the day they married. She hoped Trevor had remembered to bring it. Kristen squeezed Trevor's hand. "It's time to give your grandmother her necklace."

"Thank you for reminding me. Come with me." Trevor escorted Kristen by the elbow over to his grandmother.

"Grandmere, could you join us for a moment?"

When they were by themselves in a sitting room off to the side, Trevor reached into his pocket and grasped the necklace. "Kristen helped me return something that I believe belongs to you." He held up his hand and let the chain slip through his fingers until the jewels dangled from his fingers.

"Gracious!" Constance exclaimed. For a moment she stood there without moving and stared at the necklace. Finally, she moved forward and took it from Trevor. "I never thought to see this again. Someone very special gave this to me a long time ago."


"No, dear.  It was someone else."

Trevor wondered who she could be referring to, but decided now wasn't the time to have such a discussion. He did notice a certain glow in her eyes. One he'd not seen there before. The necklace must have meant a great deal to her.

"Thank you both." Tears brimmed in Constance's eyes.

Kristen smiled. "Here, let me help you put this on."  Kristen hung it around the woman's neck and fastened the clasp. This is novel, Kristen thought. Putting jewelry on someone instead of taking it off. Maybe she had changed her ways.

The rest of the day was filled with feasting and dancing. Finally, it was time to leave the guests and head for their room.

Trevor thought his bride looked very nervous as she started up the stairs ahead of him. To give her as much time as she needed, he didn't follow. He'd have to find a way to calm her down. He'd waited much too long to have anything spoil this night. He wanted Kristen more than he could recall ever wanting a woman before. Tonight, everything had to be perfect.

When he thought she'd had enough time to herself, Trevor went upstairs. He watched his lovely bride from the doorway of his chamber. Her white satin gown looked as delicate as she did and it left absolutely nothing to his imagination as it clung to her every little curve. He had to curb the desire to lick his lips.

His body sprang to life with desires he'd not felt in a long, long time or maybe it had just been too long, but he definitely wanted the woman standing in front of him . . . and in the worst way.

However, his little bride didn't look like an adoring wife eager to jump into his arms and smother him with kisses. Her eyes were enormous as she stood hesitantly staring at him and desire wasn't what he saw in her eyes . . . It was more like stark terror.

She finally cleared her throat. "Are ye sure ye want to do this?"

Trevor took a step closer and smiled at her ridiculous question. "Very certain indeed."

She shook her head. "What if I dinna care for this?"

"You will," he assured her confidently. He lifted his hand and slipped her strap off her shoulder.

"How can ye be sure?" She tugged the strap back in place. "Have ye ever done this before?"

Not to be undone, he slipped the strap down again and this time, drew her to him before she could readjust her gown.  "I've done this many, many times."

Kristen shivered. "Then why do ye want tae do it again?"

He chuckled. He really didn't know how to tell her his blood boiled at the sight of her, that he wanted to completely possess her and make her his. "Do not be afraid, sweetheart." He enfolded her in his arms. "You'll understand in a short while," he whispered, then kissed the end of her nose.

Her eyes fluttered closed as his lips moved across her cheek. She trembled in his arms, making Trevor feel like a king.

"I want you," Trevor rasped. He tugged on her soft earlobe with his lips, and was pleased to hear her soft groan. "And I think you feel the same."

Picking her up in his arms, he carried her over to the bed and laid her down. He returned to the chair and slipped off his shirt which he'd unbuttoned earlier and then took off his breeches and turned to face Kristen. She looked so beautiful to him, he'd never let another man have her. Never.

"Oh, my God," Kristen exclaimed.

Trevor saw where her eyes had drifted. Evidently, she was as innocent as she'd claimed. He now knew he'd have to be very gentle. How could he manage when his blood simmered for her so? "You really don't know about this do you?"  He asked as he lowered himself to the bed beside her.


"Then I shall teach you." He pulled her to him, his fingers slipping through her hair and finally resting on the back of her head as he hovered just above her. He looked deep into her eyes, eyes that had suddenly changed from an expression of uncertainty to one of anticipation and desire that even she didn't yet realize.

Her lips parted slightly, and he took what he wanted.  What he needed. She slid her arms around his neck and pressed her body into his.

Trevor Claremont was a doomed man.

Their kisses grew intense. Their breathing became labored as they became caught up in a ritual as old as time. "I need you, Kristen," he whispered tenderly as his tongue touched her earlobe.

"I need ye, too."  Kristen replied. "I've tried hard not tae." She didn't know anything could feel so wonderful and torturous all at the same time. What was this crazy burning that had spread from her stomach and had managed to engulf her body and drive everything else out? Except for the touch and feel of Trevor.

His tongue touched her ear and she went limp as shivers of desire ran through her. His lips slid down the side of her neck and then pressed lower.

The saints above!
This mon can kiss
. Kristen couldn't seem to get enough of him. She wanted more. Her satin gown slid down her body as Trevor expertly removed the garment. Now she lay completely naked beneath him. The warmth of his body engulfed her.

"Beautiful." He gazed at her body and then followed with his mouth, lower and lower until he found the soft mound of her breast.

"No," she gasped, but her body betrayed her objections as she arched against him.

What was he doing to her? This couldn't be decent, but it felt so wonderful, she admitted to herself. She was no longer afraid. Her burning need had to be satisfied, and Trevor seemed to be the only one who could give her what she needed. He said he knew what he was doing . . . .

So far he hadn't lied.

The next thing she knew he was nibbling the lobe of her ear, making her shiver. Then ever so slowly his lips moved down her neck and back to her mouth where
his tongue plunged into hers. He caressed her tongue with bold kisses that held nothing back. His hands wandered down her back pressing his hips against her.

She began to match his desire with her own.  She gasped for air when he tore his mouth from hers.  The pleasure that ran through her was so intense she could hardly believe anything felt so wonderful or could get any better.

He lowered his head and took one nipple into his mouth and began to suckle. Kristen clung to his shoulders. Lord, she was going to die right here.

Trevor's hands seemed to be burning everywhere they touched, and Kristen didn't know how much longer she could stand this torture. When his fingers moved between her legs, though, she immediately clamped them together. "Ye cannot do this!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide.

"It is part of it, sweetheart. You must trust me."

She wasn't too sure about that, but she needed something more than kisses. She needed Trevor like she'd never needed anyone before. Finally, she relaxed and, for once in her life, trusted someone else.

He shoved his fingers into her warmth and started to move while he kissed her over and over again. Her nipples were taut, pressing into his chest, and she was arching into him with a sensual desire that was matching his.

Somehow she'd found heaven, she thought as raw pleasure soared through her.

"Are you ready, Kristen?"

"I dinna know. I just know that I want ye closer somehow."

A growl of satisfaction rumbled from Trevor as he separated her thighs. He needed to go slow, he reminded himself, but the blood pounding in his head pushed him on. In one swift move, he became one with his bride.

God! She was tight and warm and he didn't want to stop, but he did when he felt her tense. Kristen hadn't lied to him, he
thought with pride. She was no more a common thief than he was. He felt a big piece of the puzzle was still missing from this girl, and he hoped one day to find that piece, but right now he only wanted to make her completely his.

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