Read 05 Desperate Match Online

Authors: Lynne Silver

Tags: #Coded for Love

05 Desperate Match (25 page)

BOOK: 05 Desperate Match
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She launched herself out of her seat to straddle him and kiss him. Laughing, he kissed her back, but it soon turned hot and needy. They struggled in the confined space, each of them wanting to make love and demonstrate their love physically.

“Jill,” Rowan groaned, “the next time we fight and you run away, can you please run to a hotel room with a king–size bed? Or better yet, a hot–tub?”

She pounded at his chest with her fists. “Idiot. I won’t run away again. It was stupid of me. I’ll stay and fight it out with you.”

“Much appreciated,” he said, but his attention had moved to her breasts, and his hand crept under her sweater to fondle her nipples. She leaned in to his touch, loving the feel of his slightly cold palm on her heated skin. Sex between them was still new, and it was hot.

She tried to get as close as the tight quarters and clothing would allow. Her hips ground against his, letting her feel his erection trying to punch out through his jeans. “To the back?” he murmured, pulling his lips from hers for a second.

A glance to the back showed her the seats would fold down, letting them stretch out. But another glance out the window reminded her that while they were alone in the parking lot, security guards watched the cameras mounted every fifty feet or so. She should know. They’d saved her just a few hours ago.

“Can’t,” she managed. “The cameras. I don’t want to lose my job over indecent public behavior.”

“Good point. Let’s go.” He pushed her off and maneuvered his arm between them to open the passenger door.

“Where we going?” She hopped out, then waited for him to stand beside her.

“My car. Leave yours here. We’ll come back for it tomorrow.”


“You don’t work tomorrow, right?”

“No, it’s my day off.”

“Then let’s go,” he said with a grin, and tugged her along toward his waiting SUV, identical to hers except for the special steering wheel.

She grabbed her purse out of her car, then followed him and climbed into the passenger seat. “Where are we going?” she asked again.

“Don’t be a brat,” he teased, pulling out of the parking lot.

“I’m curious.”

“You’ll survive.” He kept driving, and she watched the passing scenery for a clue.

Ten minutes later, he pulled into the lot at a decent looking chain hotel.

“Are we here?”

“Yep. And I’ll even splurge on the whole night. Don’t think they rent by the hour.”

She laughed, and a grin remained on her face. She was practically dancing alongside him as they entered the lobby. “I haven’t stayed at a hotel in forever.”


Soon they were ensconced in a room with a king–size bed she jumped on in her excitement. Rowan laughed at her when she jumped from the bed to the floor, then sprinted to the bathroom to explore.

“There’s shampoo. And lotion,” she called to him. “And robes.” A white fluffy robe was hung, perfectly tied, on a hook next to the shower. She knew this wasn’t a five–star hotel by at least two stars, but to her it was the most perfect hotel room ever since Mr. Ritz–Carlton was born.

“Jill, get out here.” Rowan poked his head through the bathroom doorframe.

“Okay.” She happily followed him out to the main bedroom to sit and bounce a few more times on the bed.

“Glad you’re having fun,” Rowan said, grinning at her.

“This is the best. Are you sure it’s not too expensive?”

“It’s okay. I get a salary, plus room and food is covered, so my savings adds up pretty quick.”

“Oh. Good. What should we do now?” She’d meant her question as a joke. After all, hadn’t they come here specifically to have sex? So, she was surprised at his next words.

“How about a game?” He climbed onto the bed and sprawled back into the mess of pillows against the carved wood headboard.

“Like what?” A glance around the room revealed nothing. “I didn’t see any games. Do you think the lobby has some to borrow?”

“That’s not the kind of game I was talking about.”

“Oh?” Now she was curious. Did he mean something sexual?

“Let’s play
I never

It took her a second, and then she remembered the game from high school. “The game where we say something we’ve never done and if you have done that something, you take a drink? Do we need beer?”

“Yep. There’s a mini–bar in that cabinet. Go grab some wine or a beer if they have it.”

She followed his directions and squatted in front of the small fridge examining its contents. “The beer is twelve dollars!” It was larceny.

“Grab it. And do you want wine or beer?” he asked.

She hadn’t had wine in a very long time. Jack had preferred beer. She selected the small bottle of white, then headed back to the bed with a can or bottle in each hand. “Here you go.” She flipped the top and handed the can of Sam Adams to Rowan.


She settled in across from him, crossing her legs. “Why do you want to play
I never
? Feeling nostalgic for high school?”

“I want to know you better.”

“You could just ask.”

“Yeah, but this is more fun.” He grinned.

“Planning on getting me drunk and having your wicked way with me?”

“You read my mind.”

He took a sip of beer and she watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. “Let’s start off slow,” he said. “I’ve never watched television.”

They both took a drink. The wine she’d selected was dry and she felt it in her nose as she swallowed. “Okay, my turn. I’ve never spent the night in a hotel with anyone other than my parents.”

He drank.

“You have? When?”

“Twice in high school, once a few months back.”

They hadn’t been together a few months ago, but hearing he’d spent the night in a hotel with a woman felt like a kick in her gut.

“Loren, Xander, and I went to London to rescue Adam.”

“Oh.” She felt instantly happy again. “What about the other times?”

“Prom. A whole bunch of us chipped in to get a room. They kicked us out by 3:00 a.m. Money well spent.”

She laughed. “And the other?”

“I was the equipment manager for our high school basketball team. We made it to a big championship that year. Man, the moms baked every day for weeks so we could have bake sales and earn enough to get three rooms for the twelve of us. Good times,” he said nostalgically. “Okay, my turn again. I’ve never taken the SAT.”

She took a long gulp of wine.

“How’d you do?”

“Good enough to get into college.”

“Nice. But you didn’t go.”

“Nope. Got married.” She took a therapeutic drink of wine. His mention of his trip to London reminded her of another thing she’d never done. “I’ve never been on a plane,” she said. Unsurprisingly, he drank. Had she thought they’d taken a boat or car to London?

“But it was only that one time to London,” he explained. “I’d never been on a plane before.”

“Did you like it?” She’d always wondered what it would be like to sit in a tube that high off the ground. And it was petty of her, but she liked that Rowan had a similar amount of experience to her when it came to world travel. She’d have felt inadequate if he’d been all over the world.

“I was so worried about Adam, it was hard to concentrate on the flight. I’d like to go try it again. With you if you’re willing.”

“I’d love to. My parents were big into road trips, and Jack never took me anywhere. I want to see as much of the world as possible.”

“Then let’s do it. We’ll save up and head out every chance we get.” They grinned at each other.

“Okay, another one. Prepare to get your drink on,” he said with a devastating grin. “I’ve never had long hair.”

She drank, and understood his game at once. “I’ve never been in the boy’s locker room.

Rowan drank. “I’ve never worn a bra.”

She laughed and nearly snorted wine up her nose. “I’ve never shaved my beard.”

He drank. “I’ve never shaved my legs.”

She drank.” I’ve never…” She took another sip for courage. The wine was clearly getting to her or she never would’ve said her next thing. “I’ve never had an erection.”

Rowan coughed and spluttered on his gulp of beer. “I’ve never played with my pussy,” he said with an amused glint in his eye.”

Her cheeks heated at his dirty language, but the tingles running under her skin made her aware of her reaction to being alone in the hotel room with Rowan, sitting on the big bed and playing silly games. “I’ve never touched a woman’s breasts beside my own.”

“I’ve never given a blow job.”

“I’ve never received a blow job,” she said, tilting the mini wine bottle to her mouth and realizing it was empty.

“I’ve never played
I never
with a woman I love before,” he said, setting his beer can on the nightstand with a

“I’ve never kissed a man in a hotel room before.” She pressed forward onto her hands and knees to reach and kiss him. Their lips lingered for a long moment before she leaned back and waited for his next
I never

“I’ve never removed a woman’s shirt in a hotel room.” Now it was his turn to lean forward and tug her sweater up over her head.

She thought long and hard about her next words, knowing he would act on whatever she said. “I’ve never ordered a man to take off his shirt in a hotel room,” she said finally and watched happily as he removed his long sleeve navy cotton T–shirt. She’d never tire of seeing his smooth skin with the sprinkling of black curls over his pectorals. A narrow line of hair trailed down the center of his belly disappearing into his jeans. She’d licked her way along that line yesterday and licked her lips now in anticipation of tasting him again.

“I’ve never kissed a woman’s nipples in a hotel room,” he said. In a flash, her bra was flying through the air to land in a pile on the carpet in front of the window, and Rowan’s mouth was on her breasts. Sensation spiraled through her as she shuddered and her arousal built. She’d been on edge since their heated kisses in the car in the parking lot, and it didn’t take much for Rowan’s tongue to turn her into a shuddering, needy wanton.

“I think this game has turned from
I Never
Truth or Dare
,” she said, clasping Rowan’s head to her chest.

He pulled away from his decadent kisses to look her in the face. “Let’s do it. Dare me, Jill.” The look in his eye told her she might’ve taken on more than she could handle. Though she’d been an active participant in their lovemaking up to now, Rowan had taken the lead and guided her on his tour of pleasure. She had the power here. The question was what to do with it.

“I dare you to”—she licked her lips thoughtfully—“I dare you to get naked and lie on your back. Eyes closed,” she added. When all was as she wanted, she leaned over him and planted a kiss on his lips. Then she kissed her way down his body, stopping at all the best spots. His chin, where his unshaven beard scratched at her skin. His pectorals, one nipple, then another. His belly button. “You’re ticklish,” she observed.


Then she made her way lower to his erection, lying over his belly pointing at his chin. She freaking loved his body and how it reacted to her every touch. Being alone with him in the hotel room was even better. Here there were no echoes of footsteps in the hallway, no clock ticking signaling the end of their hour together, no narrow bed forcing them to get creative in their positions. They had a king–size bed and a whole night to explore.

Kneeling at his side, she took him in her mouth, eliciting a moan. His musky taste filled her mouth, and she lovingly used her tongue to drive him wild. His body wasn’t alone in its quest for pleasure. His hand found the crease of her jeans between her legs and explored her intimately while she used her mouth on him. She parted her legs, giving him better access, and it was all she could do to concentrate on giving him pleasure when he was making her feel so good.

She knew if she straddled him, her body would welcome him easily. The temptation to stop the foreplay and ride this thing to completion was great, but she held off.

“Are you ready for me?” Rowan asked. “You want my cock in you?” His eyes remained closed, and a smile lingered on his face. His words caused a rush of heat in her already damp passage. Yeah, she was ready, but it was too fast. They had all night, and she wanted to take advantage.

“Too soon,” she whispered, and moved her lower body out of his reach.

“Jill,” he warned. “I’m close. You want me in you, then don’t make me come.”

She didn’t answer, and instead lowered her mouth to swallow as much of his penis as she could fit.

“Urgh,” Rowan made an incomprehensible noise, and she suddenly found herself on her back with him looming over her. “It’s my turn to dare you. Ready?” He held her down, with his knees on her thighs and his one arm pressed against her shoulder. She could try to overpower him, but it wouldn’t work. He was stronger. And that’s when it hit her how far she’d come under Rowan’s love and care. She’d never dreamed a man could hold her down, and not only wouldn’t it scare her; it aroused her. Because she liked feeling him dominate her.

“Dare me,” she said.

“It’s not going to be easy,” he warned. “I’m still a little pissed you ran from me, and I had to chase you down. We could’ve had our orgasms and been sleeping in our own bed already.”

“I’m sorry,” she said.

“Don’t feel too bad. I got a hotel room with my nearly naked girl. Life is good.”

They smiled at each other. “Take off your jeans,” he ordered.

“Is that the dare?” she teased, “because that’s easy. I’ve been doing it since kindergarten.”

“Smart ass,” he muttered, but it was obvious he was distracted by her shimmying out of her worn jeans.

“Naked ass,” she corrected and shook it at him while on her hands and knees.

“Yep.” He gave it a sharp spank, and her head whirled around to stare at him in shock. She’d been hit on nearly every body part by Jack, and every punch and slap caused humiliation and pain, but when Rowan spanked her, she wanted to arch back and demand more.

“You okay?” he asked, clearly attuned to her stunned surprise.

She nodded and remained on all fours. “What’s the dare?” she asked, expecting a demand to get on her knees and open wide or on her back and spread her legs. Therefore she was stunned at his challenge.

BOOK: 05 Desperate Match
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