Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (105 page)

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The Boy Next Door


Kaitlyn fell onto the couch with a contented sigh. Joshua gave her no trouble when it came to getting a bath, save perhaps for a slightly wet shirt. And once he got his bedtime story, he was out like a light. She hadn’t lied to Mrs. Roberts when she said that it was no problem at all for her to be here even at the last minute.


She loved Joshua like he was her own little brother and his mom had always been nice to her family. She had grown up with Mrs. Roberts’ eldest son, James, gone to the same schools, but got separated in college. She had chosen to say in state, he had decided to go north.


Headlights flashing through the window caught her attention. That must be James, she thought. Mrs. Roberts had called her to babysit after finding out that James’ car had broken down on his way home from college. With his arrival delayed, having to leave for the night shift at the hospital and Joshua alone, Kaitlyn was the only option.


“Oh hey,” he greeted tiredly. “Is mom already gone?”


“Yeah,” she replied. “About an hour ago, I think. You okay?”


“Just tired, hungry, greasy and in need of a bath,” he said with a dry chuckle.


“Well, why don’t you take that bath and I’ll make you something to eat?” she offered.

“You really don’t ha–”


“Your brother was practically asleep when I arrived,” she interrupted. “At least make the money your mom’s paying me worth it and actually let me do something.”


“Alright,” he conceded. “Thanks.”


Kaitlyn’s gaze lingered on his back as he made his way through the house, disappearing into his room at the end of the hallway. She went to the kitchen, thinking of putting together a sandwich, when her thoughts drifted.


She had been attracted to James ever since their sophomore year of high school. He had become one of the popular kids after making it as the quarterback, and while she was never part of that clique, he had never neglected their friendship. She had chalked it up as some sort of hero complex, thinking that she just thought she liked him because he had always made her feel like part of his world. But seeing him now, with his tousled blonde locks, his muscles more defined, smelling of musk and motor oil, her senses were sent on overdrive. He had definitely grown up from that boy next door she once knew.


“You okay?”


Kaitlyn was shaken out of her reverie at the sound of his voice. Turning around, she spotted James standing just at the entryway, running a towel against his hair, shirtless and looking like he belonged in the pages of a magazine.


“Uh, yeah,” she stammered, focusing back on the task at hand. “Just thinking.”


“About me, I hope,” he said smugly.


Kaitlyn snapped her head around, dropping the piece of bread she was holding on the counter. “What?”


James smirked at her reaction. He hadn’t missed the feel of her stare as he walked away earlier. Truth be told, he liked it. He always had. But whenever he thought of crossing that line when they were in high school, he always held himself back, thinking that he didn’t want to risk losing her friendship. But after a year in college, being miserable with not seeing her face every day, he knew he had to take the chance. “I missed you,” he said, inching forward.

“What are you –”


Whatever thought she had left when James closed the distance between them, pressing his lips against hers, interrupting her. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” he said when they parted.


“Do it again.”


James was happy to oblige, cupping her cheeks to hold her in place as they kissed. He coaxed her lips apart, delving his tongue into her mouth when she granted him access, deepening the kiss. Kaitlyn’s hands crept up his bare torso, desire stirring in the pit of her stomach when she heard him moan at her touch. His arms found their way around her, pulling her body flush against his. All the while their kisses grew more fervent.


Tearing her lips from his, “I want you,” she said.


He took that cue to pick her up, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he made the short trip to his bedroom.


James kicked the door close once they were inside, turned around and pressed her back against the door. He trailed kisses from her mouth down to her neck, anywhere his lips could reach. Kaitlyn arched her back, pushing her breasts into his view.


He paused to look at her. “I’ve been thinking of doing this for a long time,” he confessed.


“Then stop talking already.”


He chuckled at the urgency of her tone, but did as she asked nonetheless. He pushed away from the door and made his way over to the bed.


He sat down on the edge, her legs on either side of him as she straddled his lap. He bit back a groan when she rocked her hips against his manhood, his erection painfully obvious against his basketball shorts. He made quick work of her clothes, whispering praises with each patch of creamy skin that was exposed.


He took one breast in his mouth as his hand massaged the other, suckling and pinching the nipples into hardened peaks.


Kaitlyn kept on rocking against him, her aching center growing wetter by the second. She knew James wanted to make her feel good but she had grown impatient. Reaching down between them, she pulled his hard cock out of his shorts and pushed her panties to the side, impaling herself in one swift motion. He kissed her forcefully to drown out their moans, not wanting his little brother to possibly hear anything.


His hands gripped onto her hips, guiding her up and down his shaft in a pace that they both found pleasurable.


 “You feel so good,” she sighed, burying her head against his shoulder as his hips bucked upwards into her. “Fuck me harder, baby. I wanna cum.”


His fingers found her clit, rubbing in hard circles to give her what she wanted. Soon enough, he could feel her walls contract around him. “That’s it,” he coaxed. “Cum for me.”


Reaching her climax, Kaitlyn bit into his shoulder to muffle her screams as James kept pumping into her, wanting his own orgasm.

“Fuck!” he groaned, pulling out. He stroked his cock until his seed spilled out, coating both their stomachs.


Their ragged breaths were the only sounds they made for a few moments, perhaps reveling in what they had just done. He cocked an eyebrow when he heard her giggle.




“Now you need another shower,” she said, pointing to his stomach.

“Wanna join me?”


Be My Valentine


She furiously wiped at her cheeks, trying to erase the trace of tears, when she heard someone at the door.


“Mia, what’s wrong?”


The petite brunette attempted a smile but it was no use. He had seen right through it, cocking his head to the side as if to say just as much. “It’s nothing Mr. Baker,” she tried to say. “Just stupid problems that I’m sure you don’t wanna hear about.”


“Try me,” he said. “I have a daughter, whom I assume is already asleep in her bed. I’m pretty sure I’m gonna end up dealing with that kind of thing somewhere down the road. Why don’t you tell me what’s wrong so I can have a bit of practice?”


Mia had to chuckle at his words. She could actually imagine how he’d be once Jenna was old enough to date. He was left as a young father and widower at 33 due to complications with childbirth, and his now 4-year old daughter had become the center of his universe. She had no doubt he was going to be a very protective father, and boys will have to live in fear before they can even think of hurting Andrew Baker’s little girl. The thought was actually quite endearing.

And that was why, over cups of hot chocolate, Mia found herself talking about what had her in tears. It was a few days before Valentine’s day. She had bought the perfect dress, made appointments at the salon for her hair and makeup, and she was excited. That was until she found out that her boyfriend was cheating and decided to dump her for another girl.


Andrew found himself at a loss for words as she talked about how she wasn’t pretty enough or skinny enough; how maybe if she had worn tighter clothing like her ex had asked, he wouldn’t have cheated.

Mia was a natural beauty. She didn’t need to get dolled up or cake on makeup. She wasn’t skinny, she had curves, ones that most women would pay good money to have. Any hot-blooded male who took the time to look past her simple appearance would be able to see that. He sure had.


He had lost count of the times when his eyes travelled to her ass as she bent over to pick up Jenna’s toys, the times he had imagined those shapely legs of hers wrapped around his waist, how her ample breasts would bounce as she rode him.


“Are you okay Mr. Baker?” her soft voice broke through his thoughts. He apologized for letting his mind wander, telling her to go on. “I think I’ve already taken up enough of your time. I’m just being silly.”


“It’s not silly, Mia,” he said, reaching a hand out to place on top of hers. He meant it for comfort, but the surge of electricity that travelled up his arm sent him a different message. “You’re a beautiful girl,” he continued. “And he’s a stupid boy if he doesn’t see that.”


“Thank you for saying that, Mr. Baker,” she replied, taking his hand in both of hers. “Jenna’s lucky to have you as a dad.”

“I’m not just saying it just for the sake of saying it,” he said, looking straight into her red-rimmed brown eyes. He raised his free hand to her cheek, his thumb stroking softly. “A real man knows your beauty.”


Mia licked her lips as he stroked her cheek, his eyes travelling to her mouth when he saw her tongue dart out. Her heart started beating faster when she saw his eyes go dark. She had seen that look before, but not on him. She had seen it on her ex whenever he wanted to have sex. There’s no way Mr. Baker wants me like that, she thought. What would a hot 27-year old guy want with me?


Andrew allowed his gaze to wander, from her eyes to her mouth, from her neck to the top of her shirt, staring in wonder at how the material stretched to accommodate her breasts. “I’d like to think of myself as a man,” he started, his hand following the path his eyes had taken, stopping just above the neckline of her shirt. “Would you let me show you how beautiful you are?”


Mia nodded in response, mesmerized by his voice and touch. He pulled her off her chair and had her straddle his lap. She gasped as she felt his erection poking at her center, shuddering when he whispered into her ear about how she always did that to him.


He wasted no time in getting her shirt off, dropping the material on the floor, her bra soon following. He leaned into her, his mouth closing around breast, sucking the nipple into a hard peak while his hand massaged the other. He groaned when Mia started rolling her hips. “You like that?”


She nodded her head in response. The thought then crossed Andrew’s mind that maybe her ex hadn’t known how to satisfy her if she was this eager with him.


He told her to stand up and turn around. “Take your shorts and underwear off,” he said. He felt his cock twitch as she did what she was told, licking his lips when she bent over with her ass and pussy right in his face.


Andrew stood up abruptly, pushing her up against the dining table. He knelt behind her, making her gasp when his tongue lapped at her pussy. “Oh wow, Mr. Baker,” she mewled. “That feels so good.”


The taste of her invading his tongue drove him wild. He stood back up to shed his trousers, his cock straining against his boxers. He pushed them down his legs and took his cock in his hand, stroking the blunt tip against her wet opening. He slowly inched his way into her, both moaning once he was fully sheathed in her walls.


They easily found a rhythm, Andrew thrusting steadily as Mia rocked back against him. She arched her back after a particularly hard thrust, burying his cock to the hilt.


“Your ex never fucked you like this, did he?” he said hotly, his thrusts getting faster. “He doesn’t know how to do a man’s job, that’s his problem.”


She felt her climax start to build in her stomach as he kept pumping into her, his hands travelling from her ass to her breasts, squeezing her supple flesh. Her walls started to clamp down on him, her channel getting deliciously tight.


“Come for me baby,” Andrew said into her ear. “Ladies first.”

His thrusts grew harder and faster, and soon enough, he had Mia screaming his name. Her pussy clenched around him, pulling him to his own orgasm, his hot seed coating her inner walls.


She whimpered when he finally pulled out, evidence of their sex dripping down her thighs.


“You alright baby?” he asked.


“Can I come here on Valentine’s  night instead?” she said with a sly smile. “I need a real man to help with my dress.”



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