Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (157 page)

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Lea was almost beside herself when Kansas inserted another finger inside her pussy. Lea thrashed around some more. The pleasure was building up and becoming more intense. She let some of the intensity out by grabbing and pulling harder at Kansas’s tits. Lea didn’t know it, but Kansas was one of those people who could come on breast stimulation alone. Kansas, for her part, didn’t stop exploring every nook and cranny of Lea’s most secret cave that her fingers could reach. Kansas soon felt herself about to go crazy. Just like Lea, she couldn’t hold her orgasm in any longer.


“Lea, I’m going to come,” Kansas told her friend.


Lea moaned before answering, “So am I, Kansas. My god, I’m going crazy.”


Just when Lea felt she couldn’t really prevent her ecstasy from gushing over, Kansas stopped what she was doing and actually removed her fingers from inside Lea. This surprised Lea, but the move did nothing to reduce her building lust.


“Don’t stop, Kansas,” Lea begged.


Kansas responded by taking Lea in her arms and pulling her up. Kansas then half-carried Lea into the bathroom and inside the tub. Lea was growing weak, but she wasn’t weak enough to not climb into the tub. Kansas slid in after her friend. She sat facing Lea, placed Lea’s legs over her shoulders, and turned the water on. The Kansas inserted three of her fingers inside Lea’s cunt and resumed her thrusting motion.


Lea leaned back on the tub and, with her legs over Kansas’s shoulders and in the air, let Kansas do her thing. Kansas was a sex goddess of some sort, Lea found out, when Kansas slid a finger into Lea’s asshole at the same time. When Kansas did this, Lea’s eyes flew wide open. She had never been done in the ass before, and it hurt. She turned her head to look at Kansas, who seemed to have read Lea’s mind.


“It’s uncomfortable at first, but it gets better, Lea,” Kansas assured her, breathing heavily. She talked, but her hands and fingers never stopped doing their thing inside Lea’s vagina and anus.


Lea was overwhelmed. She had never thought it possible for a person to experience the kind of pleasure she was feeling now. But she did, she was feeling hot, heavy, and horny right now. The water around her was adding to the situation’s intensity. Lea threw her head back and raised her hips in time with Kansas’s thrusting.


She was about to blow now. She felt it in every pore, and she felt it not only between her legs, but also inside her ass. Kansas was right: the discomfort eventually gave way to pleasure. It was a kind of pleasure that could rival the sensation in her pussy. Lea didn’t want the sensation to stop until she could come. She sensed that moment was about to arrive any minute now.


“I’m coming, Kansas, I’m really coming this time!” Lea cried out. She squeezed her legs together, wanting to keep Kansas’s fingers as tightly as possible inside her. Kansas felt Lea’s squeezing, and so she increased the intensity and urgency of her thrusts.


Lea couldn’t take it anymore. She reached out and gripped at the edges of the tub. She whipped her head from side to side with her eyes shut. She bucked and thrashed, even clamping her mouth shut to prevent the cries of ecstasy from escaping her lips. But Lea could only exercise too much self-control. Before she knew it, she was moaning and crying out loud. Her cries echoed and were magnified in the bathroom.


Lea’s cries greatly aroused Kansas. She leaned toward Lea and kissed her hungrily on the lips. The position was a little awkward, but it suited Kansas fine. She wanted to catch Lea’s cries on her lips. She wanted to capture Lea’s ecstasy. Kansas kept her hands busy while she kissed Lea on the lips. She felt she was about to come too. The shivering started to come. Kansas shut her eyes and allowed herself to get drowned in all that pleasure.


The two girls came almost simultaneously. Lea came first. She did so with a loud cry and gasp. Her body was wracked with shivers and shakes, to which Lea surrendered willingly. Water splashed around and spilled a little over the tub. Lea had become a thrashing heap of arms and legs, and Kansas still didn’t remove her fingers from inside Lea’s pussy and asshole.


Lea came again, and it was this second wave of orgasm that finally pushed Kansas over the edge. With a groan, she removed her fingers from inside Lea’s most intimate parts and moved up Lea’s body. Lea by then was too spent to protest, so she let Kansas do her thing. Kansas positioned her pussy over Lea’s breasts. Her hands were buried in Lea’s hair, and when Kansas started to shake all over, Lea felt the vibrations on her scalp.


“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Kansas shouted, and came right over Lea’s breasts. Hot white fluid gushed from Kansas’s pussy and into Lea’s chest, where the clear fluid settled for a bit before sliding down Lea’s stomach. Some of the fluid even slid into the water. Kansas, spent as well, collapsed on top of Lea. Lea welcomed her best friend into her arms, and the two girls spent the succeeding moments wrapped in each other’s arms, making no noise except for the harsh panting as they tried to calm their racing hearts and catch their breath.


As her breathing returned to more-normal levels, the reality of what had happened sank into Lea. She couldn’t believe she had just done the deed with her best friend—her
best friend, of all people. Lea didn’t have a clue on where their friendship would go after the episode. Will they continue to be the close chums they were, or will awkwardness have its way and break their bond apart? Lea didn’t know, but she knew she wanted to remain friends with Kansas.


“Kansas, I—” Lea started, but Kansas cut her off.


“I know what you’re thinking, Lea,” Kansas said, smiling. “I don’t know if it’s fine with you, but it’s okay with me. Really.” She wiped a drop of water off her forehead. “We’re still best buds, right? We’re not going to be fuck buddies or anything.” She laughed. “That would be weird. Besides, I’m totally straight.”


Lea burst out laughing. She couldn’t help it. Trust Kansas to say the darndest things in a serious situation such as this one. She shook her head, smiling too. “Of course we’re still best buds. This is crazy, I know, but I’m fine with the whole thing too.” She realized how her words sounded. “Not that I’m going to suggest we become fuck buddies or anything like that,” she added hastily.


It was Kansas who burst into laughter this time. “Silly girl!” she exclaimed. “Well, I guess something good came out of this thing with Paul.” Her voice grew thoughtful. “I didn’t mean to use you or anything, Lea, I swear.” She sighed and rolled off Lea.


“I know, Kansas,” Lea said quickly. She hated it when things got dramatic. “It’s okay, really.”


“Thanks, Lea.” Kansas turned to look at her and smiled. “You’re the best.”


“I know,” Lea answered with a grin.


The two girls looked at each other again, and this time, both of them exploded into laughter.

The Beauty Next Door


Elle McCully was bored out of her wits. It was a Thursday afternoon, and she was supposed to be at her favorite salon for her thrice-a-week beauty sessions. Unfortunately, Rhea her hairdresser bailed out at the last minute—she apparently caught the common cold that had been circulating around town since the last week and could no longer stand to be in the salon for another second. Elle had graciously accepted her apology. She may be a vain housewife, but she knows a sincere apology when she sees one, and Rhea’s without a doubt fit the category to a tee.


She sat on one of the giant leather couches adorning their huge, spacious living room. Her husband, Roy McCully, made money as one of the state’s top computer honchos. Elle counted herself lucky. Not only was Roy good-looking and smart as a whip, he was also sweet, patient, and extremely loyal. Elle figured her own stunning looks had something to do with Roy’s almost-fanatical loyalty. The thought stung her a bit at first, but she eventually learned to deal with it. She loved her husband, no doubt about that. She would do anything in her power to make sure he stays by her side. This was why she kept to her thrice-a-week salon appointments. They were at Roy’s expense, but being the moneymaker that he was, he didn’t mind at all. In fact, he encouraged Elle to go out and pamper herself as much as she wanted.


Elle thought about the missed salon appointment again, and a sigh of impatience escaped her pink glossy lips. She may be gracious and forgiving, but she was no way a saint. Rhea’s sudden cancellation pissed her off more than she would like to believe, but fuming the entire afternoon off wouldn’t cure Rhea from her cold. Elle sighed again and checked her watch. It was still a long way before Roy got home from work. She had no idea what to do with the remaining four hours of the afternoon. She thought of shopping and quickly dismissed the idea. She wasn’t in the mood to shop. What she wanted very much was to lie down and have someone knead her dull, listless muscles back into life.


She thought of hitting their state-of-the-art home gym and running for miles on the treadmill. She had always been a sucker for running. It calmed and soothed her in ways her favorite salon appointments can’t. It was also how she kept her figure trim and slender. She thought some more and once again rejected the idea. No, she didn’t feel like running off the whole afternoon on the treadmill.


What do I do then
? Elle wondered. The thought of the entire afternoon stretched out before her made her feel listless.


Just then the phone rang, and Elle was startled out of her thoughts. She frowned, wondering who it could be. She knew it wasn’t Roy. He was scheduled for a meeting with another top computer company, and he wouldn’t break that off even if the world came to an end outside the boardroom. It wasn’t her husband, she was sure of it. She was curious, though, because nobody called at this time of day. Well, whatever.


Elle shrugged and went to pick the phone. “Hello?” she said into the receiver.


“Elle?” the voice on the other end of the line asked.


Elle frowned again. It was not a familiar voice. “Yes, this is Elle,” she replied. “May I know who’s on the line please?”


“Oh, I’m sorry,” the voice said apologetically. “Elle, it’s Miranda Larson. You know, your next-door neighbor?”


Realization slowly dawned on Elle. “Oh, hi, Miranda!” she exclaimed. “I’m sorry, I do know you, but we haven’t spoken on the phone. Until now, of course.” She gave a little chuckle.


Miranda Larson—Elle knew her, all right. Not only was she the block’s most well-known woman, she was also next-door neighbors with Elle, who was also one of the block’s most well-known women. It was sometimes whispered among social circles that Elle McCully and Miranda Larson were in tight competition with each other, although neither woman seemed aware of it. Elle was aware of the whispers, though, but she had no idea of her so-called competition with Miranda. It was difficult not to like a woman named Miranda Larson.


For Elle, Miranda was the poster girl for the ideal American housewife. Miranda was tall and slim. She had light blond hair—so light that it was almost yellow, actually—and pale blue eyes that were just as light and clear as pure crystal. Her complexion was smooth and creamy, as she had never encountered a single blemish in her entire life. Her breasts, hips, and butt weren’t really remarkable, but her legs more than made up for them. Miranda had
legs. Even both Elle and Roy McCully marveled at them, and Elle once remarked that someone should place Miranda’s picture next to “legs” on the dictionary. Roy had agreed, and Elle couldn’t blame him. She herself would readily drool over Miranda’s lower limbs.


Miranda Larson was the kind of woman the other women usually loved to hate. But there was a simplicity in Miranda that made it hard not to genuinely like her. She was beautiful, sure, but there was an innocence around her that made it a challenge for any woman to develop ill feelings toward her. Elle herself couldn’t find a single thing that she could hate about Miranda. She was near perfect, it was often agreed in the neighborhood. There were some less-than-perfect facts concerning Miranda, like the fact she couldn’t dance to save her life, for instance. But how could anyone hate someone with two left feet? Being born with two left feet is unlucky, but it’s not malicious. And it’s tough to hate without malice.


Elle was too happy to get a call from Miranda. She was bored, sure, but she was also delighted at the thought of maybe getting to spend an afternoon with the woman. They knew each other, but they weren’t on intimate terms. They smiled at each other and made small talk every time they run into each other at the mall or on the street, but they didn’t exactly swap beauty secrets or talked about the latest novel they have recently read. Elle didn’t know why, but she would love to be on intimate terms with Miranda. Miranda seemed to be a nice-enough woman, and Elle definitely wanted to know her better.


So Elle was very pleased with Miranda’s call. She gripped the receiver tighter as Miranda went on talking on the other end.


“I know it’s such late notice and maybe you already have plans,” Miranda started, “but I was wondering if you’d like to come over this afternoon for some red velvet cupcakes. I made a batch, see, and—I don’t know, I guess you could say I’d love to have some company.” She paused suddenly, as if embarrassed at what she had just said.


Elle was touched. “That’s so sweet of you, Miranda,” she said. “Sure, I’d love to come over. In fact, I can come over right now, if that’s okay with you.”


“That’s great!” Miranda gushed. “Okay, I’ll get the lemonade ready. Don’t worry, everything will be set by the time you get here.”


“I’ll be there in five minutes,” Elle told her. “Thanks!” She placed the receiver back.


Elle dashed upstairs to the master’s bedroom for a quick touch-up. She was done in less than five minutes and hurried down the stairs again. Before she left for the house next door, she left a message on Roy’s voice mail and told him she wouldn’t be long. She knew her husband wouldn’t mind if she went out, but she didn’t want him coming home into an empty house.


She made it to the Larsons in less than two minutes and was about to knock on the front door when it swung open. There stood Miranda Larson in the flesh, and about only six inches away from Elle, who was initially surprised. She had never stood this close to Miranda, not even when they stopped for small talk out in public.


Elle discovered she and Miranda were almost of the same height. She saw Miranda’s complexion looked even better up close. She also saw that Miranda wasn’t as flat chested as she initially thought she was. In fact, Miranda had quite-impressive boobs. They strained against her pale-pink spaghetti-strapped top, which also revealed a hint of lace underneath. Elle felt slightly uncomfortable. She didn’t know why, but the sight of Miranda’s chest somehow seemed to . . . well, turn her on.


“Hi, Elle!” Miranda said warmly. She opened the door wider. “Come in, come in! God, I am so glad you could come over. I haven’t really thought what to do if you were busy with something, but anyway, here you are.” She grinned, revealing perfect white teeth beneath healthy, luscious lips.


Elle grinned back and stepped inside the huge house. “I’m glad I could come over too,” she told Miranda, who shut the door behind them. “It was getting to be a drag, being at home all alone.”


“I know what you mean,” Miranda agreed. “That was why I decided to bake some cupcakes. And it’s so hot too!” She glanced at Elle. “I hope you don’t mind me wearing only this tank top and shorts.” She gestured at her clothes.


Elle’s eyes travelled up, down, and all over Miranda’s body. Of course she didn’t mind seeing her next-door neighbor clad in clothing that revealed more than hid her body. The shorts were tiny, indeed, but they greatly emphasized her killer legs. Elle felt a stab of insecurity shoot through her, but beneath the emotion was an even greater feeling of arousal. She discovered she wanted to touch every inch of Miranda Larson. She couldn’t believe it at first. She knew herself well enough to know she was perfectly straight. Hell, she has a husband, for Pete’s sake! But the knowledge did nothing to diminish her sudden desire for Miranda.


The thought scared Elle, but it excited her too.


“No, not at all,” she assured Miranda. “In fact, you look great in them.”


Miranda smiled. “Thanks, Elle,” she said. “You’re the sweetest. Well, why don’t you sit here for a minute?” She gestured to the couch. “I’ll go get the cupcakes. They’re still warm. I’ll get the lemonade too. I hope you’ll like them.” She sauntered over to the kitchen.


Elle settled herself on the couch. A few seconds later, Miranda emerged from the kitchen with a plate full of cupcakes on one hand and a pitcher of lemonade on the other. She set them down on the table in front of Elle and went back to the kitchen. When she emerged this time, she was carrying two glasses with her, which she set down on the table as well.


“These look lovely, Miranda,” Elle told her beautiful next-door neighbor.


Miranda sat beside Elle and flashed her dazzling grin again. “Gee, thanks! You’re the sweetest, Elle.” She shifted her body to pour them some lemonade, and as she did, her bare legs brushed against Elle’s equally bare legs.


Elle did nothing and only sat very still. The feel of Miranda’s legs brushing against her own only intensified her already growing desire for the beautiful woman, and she didn’t know what to do about it. So she kept as still as possible and hoped Miranda wouldn’t notice how she truly felt inside. The fact that the space between her legs was beginning to feel moist and sticky did nothing to improve matters for Elle. No, she couldn’t let her lust be made known to Miranda. She would just die. They were next-door neighbors, after all, and she didn’t think she could face Miranda ever again if Miranda did find out Elle was having the hots for her.


But Miranda did notice Elle’s behavior. She placed the pitcher back down on the table and turned to face Elle. “Elle?” she asked, her voice full of concern. “Are you all right?”

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