Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (24 page)

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That being said, I better go. It’s a Thursday afternoon, and the boss has called, asking me if I can babysit his daughter for about two hours. Isabella had been down with something, and she’s too weak to attend school for today.


Of course, I said yes.

Drinks On Me

James Mason let his gaze roam over the club floor. There was an invitation-only event being held at The Blue Lagoon, some after party for an awards show or a concert or whatever that he really couldn’t care less about. All he knew was that it was getting the bar attention, putting money in his pocket and bringing an endless line of beautiful women through the door.


“Looking for your next victim, eh buddy,” Andrew Burwell mused, handing his business partner a glass of scotch on the rocks.


James smirked at his redheaded friend as he took the glass of alcohol, all the confirmation needed being given without a word. Andrew leaned against the railing of the darkened VIP area as he too took the time to peruse the people mingling on the floor below them.


“What do you think of that one?” James asked, pointing toward a statuesque blonde leaning against the corner of the open bar.


Andrew raised his eyebrows at the girl that his best friend and business partner had pointed at. She was dressed in a prim and proper white button up dress shirt, black high-waist pencil skirt and black patent pumps. Her hair was up in a neat and high pony tail. She screamed all business, a far cry from the type of women James usually fancied to take for a roll in the sack.


“She doesn’t look like your type,” he mused. “She doesn’t look like she’s having fun either.”


“How would you know what my type is?” James asked, bemused, before letting a sly smile slowly tug at his lips. He knew exactly what Andrew meant by his type. Sleazy and easy, was their joke, but he was in different kind of mood and definitely in for a challenge. “I think I’ll be able to show her some fun.”


Andrew chuckled from low in his throat at the playful edge in James’ tone. He knew exactly what “fun” meant for his buddy. The poor girl won’t know what hit her, he thought.


“I’ll leave you to it,” he said, clapping his partner on the back. “I’ll make sure to stay clear. Just make sure you don’t make too much of a mess in here like you did last time.”


“I can’t promise anything, mate,” James said, another smirk landing on his lips. “It’s not my fault they get buck wild.”


Andrew shook his head as he watched his friend make his way out of the VIP area, making a beeline for the girl they had set their sights on.



“I’ll have a scotch on the rocks and the lady will have another glass of what she’s drinking,” James called over to the bartender.

“I was getting the drinks for free before you came over, open bar and all,” the blonde said dryly. “So what makes you think I’ll accept it just like that?”


“Simple,” he replied slyly, sliding the delicate martini glass over. “You wouldn’t say no to the bar owner.”


He watched as one perfectly arched eyebrow rose up at his words, her lips pressed into a small pout as she pondered over her next move. She took the glass up to her lips to take a sip of the cocktail before addressing him again.


“My name’s Louise Rockford,” she said, extending a hand out towards him. “But please, call me Lou.”


He took her hand, but instead of shaking it in greeting, raised it up to his lips and placed a soft kiss to her knuckles. “The name’s James,” he said. “Just James will be fine.”


“So,” she started, quickly taking her hand out from his grasp. “Bar owner huh?”


It was James’ turn to have his brows up. From how she was acting, she was clearly unimpressed and maybe even disinterested. Smiling inwardly, he knew he was in for a good time. He always heard how it was always the quiet ones and the ones that played hard to get that made things more interesting. And Lou looked to fit the part.


“Among other things,” he replied with a smirk. “But tell me Lou, why is it that you’re in the middle of a party yet you don’t look like you’re having fun?”


“Nature of the job,” she replied simply.


“What? You’re paid to look bored?” he quipped, earning a soft chuckle from her.


Lou quickly explained what it was that she did. As an agent for a huge modeling company, she was paid to make sure all the models had their heads screwed on straight before, during and after the runway shows. “It’s a 24-hour job,” she quipped.


James roamed his eyes across the club once again, taking note of how many scantily clad waif figures were walking around. So it was a fashion show, he thought. He now fully understood Andrew’s slight surprise when he set his sights on Lou, with how half of the female patrons fit the part of his type. But then again, he preferred something a little more substantial to grip onto.


“That may be true,” he started, looking back at Lou with a roguish grin. “But it never hurt to have some fun.”


“And where exactly has fun led you?” she asked in a challenging tone.


“Paris, London, LA, Milan,” he rattled off. “I’ve been to many places and had my share of fun in each one. It’s led to some great pleasure both for me and the people I’ve met. I’m sure no one will argue with that.”


Lou scoffed at his bragging, clearly unimpressed. “I’m sorry Mr. Mason. But if you’re trying to lay it on thick to impress me, it’s not working. Besides, you know what they say about men who over compensate.”


James chuckled lowly, loving her no nonsense attitude. It was posing a challenge and he was enjoying it.


Licking his lips, he leaned closer to her, his breath blowing cool puffs of air by her ear, making the hairs on her neck stand up and goose bumps to prickle her skin. “Trust me Louise,” he said in a low baritone. “I’m well-equipped to back up everything I say.”


He heard her stifle a gasp before he leaned back in his seat, a wry grin set on his lips as he saw her eyes darken. Offering his hand for her to take, he smirked triumphantly when she pressed her soft palm into his. He stood up from his seat and gently tugged on her arm, guiding her back to the VIP area. She was playing coy, that much he now knew. Watching the seductive swing of her hips as she walked in front of him, he couldn’t wait to see just what else she was hiding.


Lou threw her head over her shoulder, eyeing James as he stared at her backside, making sure to add a more sensual stride. She smirked as she heard him groan inwardly. If it was fun he was looking to give, then it was also fun he was going to get.


With a hand settled on the small of her back, James guided Lou to the plush leather couch set up against the far wall of the spacious room, the farthest away from any prying eyes trying to get a peak of the exclusive VIP area. He held back a laugh at seeing a bottle of champagne chilling in an ice bucket, as well as a plate of fruit and chocolate, placed in the middle of the table. Andrew, he thought.


“A 2002 Perrier Jouet Rosé,” she mused dryly. “My, my, aren’t we looking to impress?”


“You’ve heard of the vintage then?” he asked casually, taking the bottle and easily popping the cork to pour the both of them a glass.


“There are very few vintages that cost over $300, much less champagne,” she said matter-of-factly. “So I have to wonder. Exactly how many of these do you have just lying around?”


James chuckled lowly, knowing exactly what she was trying to imply. It was an expensive bottle with only 4,000 cases made. The number may be plentiful compared to some vintages but its popularity with collectors and wine enthusiasts made it hard to come by, definitely not one that you just pop open when you had the whim.


“It’s a special occasion,” he said, handing her a flute. He eyed her intently as he took a sip out of his own, his gaze following her every move as she dropped casually onto the couch, crossing one slender leg over the other.


He placed his flute down on the table before removing his jacket, haphazardly throwing it over the back of the couch. He could feel her eyes on him as he loosened up his tie to take off, and popping open the top two buttons of his shirt to show just enough of his chest to make her lick her lips.


With purposeful strides, he soon found himself seated right next to her, offering her the plate of fruit and molten chocolate. “Try a chocolate-dipped strawberry when you drink,” he said with a sly smirk. “It brings out the flavor more.”


Lou bit the inside of her cheek, contemplating what to do. She knew that the show he had just put on was meant to tease her. How amateur, she thought, smirking when he had offered her just the perfect set up to show that two could play this game.


She took one ripe strawberry between her fingers, slowly dipping it in the chocolate just as he had suggested. A small ribbon of the gooey confection was dangerously close to dropping on her pristine white blouse, but she quickly took the fruit to her mouth, her tongue flicking out to lick the excess chocolate off, her azure eyes boring straight into his. She felt empowered at the feeling of his heated gaze on her as she bit into the succulent fruit, some of the dew seeping into the corners of her lips. Before she could use one dainty hand to swipe at her lips, James leaned forward, capturing her lips in a kiss.


He bit back a groan as he finally felt the softness of her lips under his, the flavors of strawberries, champagne and chocolate mixing with her own sweet taste. He traced the seam of her mouth with his tongue, asking for entry, but he felt her hand gently push at his chest. Not wanting to push his luck just yet, James broke the kiss. He cocked an eyebrow as she put the half-eaten strawberry between her lips, beckoning him closer with a finger. He smirked at her actions, if she wanted to play that way, then he was going to do things right.


He reached down to place his hand at the back of her knees, sweeping them up off the floor and pulling her onto his lap, before leaning forward again to crash his lips against hers. Sweet nectar dribbled down her chin as he bit into the fruit she held with her mouth, creating a sultrier sensation as the taste invaded both their senses.


James’ grip on her thigh tightened as he felt her delicate hands make their way into his shirt, her cold fingers making his warm skin prickle. When his tongue darted out to trace her bottom lip, she parted her mouth, giving him access. He roughly thrust his tongue into her mouth, exploring the warm recesses as he took complete control of the kiss.


Lou groaned into his mouth, thoroughly enjoying his dominance. She knew he had been around the block countless times, and he had the skill down like an art. She gasped as she felt a tug on her hair, causing her to throw her head back to lessen the pressure. James’ lips left hers as they descended to her chin, down to the smooth column of her neck, his tongue lapping at the track of strawberry nectar.

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