101 EROTICA STORIES (58 page)


Authors: Vallen Green

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He just touched his forehead to hers, still holding her wrists, as if he couldn’t bear to let her go. Unable to say anything or look at her, he just continued to breathe deep.


She was stunned, no doubt about it. Damon Ronsard is the most confident, self-assured person she knows. People in her line of work were sure of themselves once on stage but they had their share of insecurities too. That was one of the reasons why she was never able to bring herself to question his decisions in the past.


And now, except for the tight grip he had on her wrist, he seemed… uncertain.


“Why did you come back?” he asked, not opening his eyes.


She wrenched her wrists from his hold and raised half of her body, pulling the pillow from her back and embracing it on her front. She wanted to make up some reason – use the construction of their bar or something – but he had a beaten look which crushed her as well.


“I don’t know, Damon.” she said honestly. “It just seemed like the right time to come back, you know. I felt that I was OK to face,” she paused, thinking of the right word, “all these now.”


“Well, are you?” he asked, now looking intently up at her.


She closed her eyes, not wanting him to see the ache she felt. She thought she was. Even when they were driving into town, her heart was hammering loudly in her sternum. She just thought it was the usual nerves. After all, she has not been here for years. But when she saw him at the bar – that proved that she was still head over heels over him.


He breathed deeply. “I couldn’t find you. After the wedding, I went to look for you. I knew then, when I said those words to Elise that I made a mistake. But you were gone. I nearly went crazy then. I could have hit your brother hard for not telling me where you’ve gone,” He glanced at her with a fake chuckle which ended in a sad smile. “I guess I did for a while. Gone crazy, you know. When Elise gave me the divorce papers, it was a relief.” He sighed. “I should have gone after you then. But mother died afterwards. And then I-”


At that staggering, albeit rushed explanation of sorts, Victoria shushed him, cupping his hard jaw with her palm. “You don’t need to-”


“Yes, damn it, Victoria” he exclaimed roughly. “I need to tell you because I don’t have a fucking idea what it will take to make you stay.”


A sob escaped her throat but she stopped it by plastering the back of her hand on her mouth.


Damon must have thought that a good sign because he suddenly got up from the mattress, held her shoulders tight and gently laid her down. He went on top of her, spreading light kisses all over her face. When he tasted the saltiness of her tears, he tightened his embrace and captured her mouth once more.


“Marry me,” he whispered.


Victoria’s eyes widened at that. He, too, seemed surprised with what he said. But that dissipated in an instant and changed to resolve.


“Marry me, Vic.” he repeated. “Even if you aren’t sure about what you feel for me, think that we’re pretty good in bed. So that counts for something, right?” he added with a wink.


Speechless, she continued to just gape at him. Marriage? To him?! Well, that was wholly unexpected. But she felt the excitement pool in her belly. But it was mingled with uncertainty too.


She must have been holding her breath because Damon shook her gently. Victoria just looked at him – and she wasn’t sure what he saw but his expression was more livid this time.


Going completely on top of her, straddling her hips with his muscular legs and lifting her hands on top of her head, he demanded, “Victoria Leigh! If you don’t answer this moment, I’ll-”


“I’m not Victoria Leigh anymore.” she whispered.


That stumped him. His hand went to tip her chin up. “I don’t know him,” he said, referring to Anthony Chandler. “I know you. And to me, you’re Victoria Leigh. The young girl I loved – the woman that I continue to love. Shit, you make me go crazy, you know.”


Victoria stared up at him, her mouth gaping broadly, her eyes almost out of its sockets. It was almost unbelievable. But the thing with Damon is that he means what he says – she knows that well. “Did you just-”


“Yes, I love you. I said it a while ago, didn’t I?” he grumpily reminded her. “If you don’t feel the same way yet, that’s fine. But soon, baby, soon you will too.” he vowed. “If I have to fuck and lick my way to it and you’ll be in bed naked with me most of the time, then that’s what’s going to happen.”


She chuckled at that. “Oh. But what if I love you too already? You’re not going to try and sleep with me anymore?”


Getting back at him was easy, she thought. Damon’s eyes widened and it seemed as if the air whooshed out of his lungs. He had to breathe deep to sputter, “Y-you… love..?”


Victoria leaned up on one elbow and curled the other arm about his neck. “Yes, Ronsard, I love you. I’ve loved you since – well, since forever.”


“So you’ll marry me?” he asked tentatively.


She grinned at him. “To make you miserable for making me miserable before,” she said jokingly. “I have a lifetime to try.”


“Oh, I doubt.” he contradicted, pulling the sheet down from her breasts. He then let his hands rove down from her face to her clavicles, shoulders and down to linger on the undersides of her breasts. “The storm’s done, baby. We’ll have loads of fun, I think.”


Then she felt his hard, thickness prodding her stomach. Her eyes, crinkled in laughter a second ago, darkened with desire almost in a snap. “I guess we’ll have a lot of this, hm?”


He pushed into her opening and slowly squeezed his penis in. Her body opened up, wet and welcoming, “Oh yeah,” he groaned, feeling the warmth. “Yes, we’ll surely do this a lot.”

Friends To Lovers

Kevin drummed his fingers against his denim-clad legs as he waited impatiently in the midst of New York traffic. The streets were always busy on any day but add an uncharacteristic torrential downpour in July and it just got that much worse. If the traffic wasn’t bad enough for his sanity, the thoughts seemingly going at a hundred miles per hour in his mind weren’t helping him calm down any. Was he right in doing this? Is he really willing to risk years of friendship to act out on his emotions and possibly get the taste slapped out of his mouth?


Fresh off visiting his hometown, Kevin had switched his plane ticket for the first available flight to New York JFK instead of going home to Philadelphia. NYC to Philly may have just a few short hours of commuting between them but he could have used the down time before he had to get back to real life and his job in a matter of two days. Yet, he barely cared if the detour took away a few hours from the remnants of his vacation. He had switched his flight on a whim, lucky to find a flight with available seats. He was just hoping that his luck wouldn’t wash out along with the rain.


For the first time in his life, Kevin didn’t have a real plan. The thoughts that were running rampant in his head were ones that he never really entertained until recently. After getting his emotions sorted out with the help of one of his best friends, he pretty much decided to say “fuck it all” and finally go for it. Sitting in the middle of traffic now made him wonder if they had been looking out for him or were being sardonic by letting him go.


After being asked how Elizabeth was doing, he had been on the receiving end of questions on whether or not they had begun dating yet or if he was still in denial about how he felt. His expression, as his friends and family described it, was one of shock, not expecting that they saw through him easily. Being ganged upon by the people closest to him wasn’t easy to ignore or avoid, and he began confiding in them about how he felt, ending up being told to just man up and tell her everything.


 “Sir,” the voice of the cab driver broke through Kevin’s thoughts. “We’re here. Do you need any help with your bags?”


“No, I’ve got them” he replied, before handing the man a wad of bills to cover the fare.


He stood on her doorstep for five minutes before even finding the courage to knock. It took him another five minutes before he was finally able to see her beautiful face.


“Kevin?” her voice, obviously laden with sleep, had asked softly. “What are you doing here?”


He paused for a moment, taking in her appearance, his jaw going slack when he noticed that she was clad in nothing but an oversized shirt that dwarfed her petite frame.




Instead of giving her a verbal response, he took one purposeful step toward her and swept her into his arms, his head dipping down to capture her lips in a searing kiss.


Kevin had always been a passionate man, never doing things half-assed. He was pouring everything into kissing Liz. He expertly massaged her lips with his own, waiting for her to respond. After a few moments, he felt her sigh into the kiss, her arms making their way up his arms before finally resting around his neck. She moaned, pulling herself even closer to him, the wetness of his clothes seeping into her flimsy sleepwear. She had let him take dominance over the kiss as she enjoyed the taste of the sweet spice of his mouth. It took all of her strength to pull away and even greater confidence to breathe out what she said next.






Kevin couldn’t quite figure out how he managed to restrain himself until he got to the bedroom. The second he picked Liz up and felt her legs wrap around his waist, it took everything he had to not lay her on just any flat surface or push her up against the wall to do as he pleased with her. The franticness in her kisses and her caresses did absolutely nothing to help.


She grasped onto the hem of his shirt, slowly pushing it upwards until he broke the kiss to get rid of it. She had reached out tentatively to trace her fingers across his strong arms, slowly crawling up to his shoulders, then over his well-defined chest, down to his abs, finally stopping at the waist band of his jeans.


She raised her eyes to meet his gaze, asking for permission to continue but he instead took her hands into his own again before gently pushing her back towards the bed. “Just let me love you.”


Slowly and silently, he stripped Liz of her own shirt, making sure that his hands traced every curve of her torso and earning a shiver from her. He gave a bit of a smirk at noticing that it was actually one of his shirts that he was now holding balled up in his fist. He had either left with her or that she had taken without his knowledge.


She pulled his lips back down to hers as soon as the shirt was off. He gathered her body in tighter against his and ran his hands up her naked back. Without breaking their heated kiss, he had pushed her to lie down on the bed, his body hovering over hers as he leaned against his arms.


The little sounds coming from her throat and the movements she was making from right under him had Kevin on the brink of losing control. He had leaned back on his knees to free his arms as they snaked their way down to her hips. He hooked his fingers under the waistband of her panties and pulled them down her long legs, tossing the flimsy material over his shoulder.


He felt all the heat in his body travel towards his crotch as she opened her body to him. It had already taken so much to control his primal instincts and not ravage her. But the trust and need swirling in her cerulean eyes were all the permission that he needed to go further, quickly getting rid of his own clothes.


Kevin crawled his way back to her, his hands grazing her legs followed by feather-light kisses before stopping at the apex of her thighs. Before Liz could utter a protest, his tongue swiped at her folds. She moaned at the sensations that he was creating. He traced his tongue up and down her slit before closing his mouth to suckle on the tight bundle of nerves of her clit. Her blissful moan turned into a gasp as she felt him slide a thick finger into her core. Between the licking, sucking and the pumping of his hand, she reached her climax, crying out his name.


He made his way back up her body and gave her a kiss, the taste of her own sex lingering on his tongue. With his forehead laid upon her own, he searched her eyes for one final measure. Seeing nothing but a glow of need, he grabbed his cock and settled the blunt tip of his hard length against her opening before slowly pushing his way in, sheathing himself halfway into her warmth before slowly pulling out again. With a quick thrust of his hips, he buried himself to the hilt, making her gasp.


He released her hips only to pull her legs up and wrap them around his waist. She let out a keening cry and arched her back into his body as he drove into her, each thrust becoming more possessive than the one before. Her hands clawed at his back, leaving angry red marks in their wake.


She started thrusting her hips upwards to meet his own, almost leading him into his own undoing. He reached down between their bodies to rub his thumb across her clit, providing more pleasure than she thought imaginable. It wasn’t long until he felt her walls start clamping down on him. “Cum for me, Lizzie.”


As soon as he uttered the words, she felt the familiar sensations running up her spine. With a scream into his shoulder, she fell headlong into her second orgasm of the night. It wasn’t long before he joined her in bliss and emptied his hot seed deep within her. With a few final thrusts, Kevin collapsed onto her, rolling off a bit to the side to avoid crushing her with his weight.


For a few moments, nothing was heard in the room save for their labored breathing. When he finally caught his breath, he pulled out of her warmth, earning a whimper from her. He quickly gathered her up in his arms and covered their naked bodies with the down comforter at the foot of her bed.


Completely spent and satiated, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. Before fully succumbing to sleep, he heard the sweetest and most beautiful of words leave her lips.


“I love you Kevin.”


“I love you too, Liz.”


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