101 EROTICA STORIES (81 page)


Authors: Vallen Green

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She was still too spent to understand what he meant. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said.


“The deal we made,” Ed answered patiently. “I give you what you want, you give me what I want. Fair enough?”


Cheryl nodded. “As long as you promise we’ll be doing this every now and then.”


He threw back his head and gave a deep laugh. “You’re unbelievable!” he exclaimed. “What am I, your fuck toy?”


She smiled and set herself down on his lap. Save for her skirt, both were completely naked. She felt the tip of his penis graze her lips down there. The limp tip slowly stirred into life, and she laughed. “You’re my lean, mean fucking machine,” she murmured, burying her face into his neck. “I say yes and give you the job, you say yes and give me what my body wants.”


His hands stroked the delicate flesh of her back, making abstract shapes and figures on her sweaty skin. She clung to him. She didn’t know what made her change her mind so quickly. It was unlike her. She usually held on to her decisions with a firm hand, but something was different with this one. Ed intrigued her, and his skills amazed her. They haven’t even gone all the way—for now, that is—but she felt she had an idea on how things would turn out later on. It excited her. The thought of finally having a regular sex life after a long dry spell excited her. Her boss might be surprised, but she could wiggle her way out of this one. Besides, Ed made the cut in the first place. Her superiors couldn’t say a bad thing about Ed once they see his impressive work experience and credentials.


Everything was falling into place, it seemed.


“Congratulations, Ed,” Cheryl said. She leaned back so she could see his features clearly. “You’re hired. You have the job!”


Ed chuckled. “Thanks. That’s gracious of you.” He lifted her up under the arms and stood up, carrying her with him. He went to the far end of the room and gently placed her back against the wall.


“Ed!” Cheryl wrapped her arms more tightly around his neck. “Ed, what are you doing?”


“Celebrating, what else?” he answered. His hips began to move, and his penis began to slide slowly into Cheryl’s eager flesh.


Cheryl understood what he meant. She cheered. “Celebrate away!” she said happily.


Oh, how she loved her job!


“He’s doing it again.”, said Angie over the phone.


“Doing what? Signing papers?”


“Damn you, woman! Have you got no eyes? He’s been looking at you all morning.”


“Oh shut up!” Said Carmi exasperatedly. “You are imagining things. He’s just bored.”


“Bored my ass. He’s been throwing sticky gooey looks at you and you don’t even notice.”


“Did you call me just to say that?”


“No. I am calling to tell you, you should date him.”


“You’re nuts, Angie. He’s not my type. He also happens to be MY BOSS.”


“So what? What’s the big deal? He likes you. Plus, he is rich Darling. You can leave this BS of a company and just please him. That’s one hell of a job. I’d trade places with you anytime.”


“Will you stop corrupting my head? I told you, he’s not my type. He’s a decade older than me, he smokes Cuban cigars, and he’s----you know----pretty stiff and stuffy.”


“Well, stiff is good. IT is good.”


Carmi let out some air and meet her friend’s eyes. “Cut it out.” She said over the phone. “Why don’t you try your luck and seduce him instead. You sound as if you like him that much. I’ll support you.”


“I’m married to the man of my dreams. Besides, he’s not salivating over me. I want a man who’ll worship the ground I walk on and the way that man looks at you tells me he’d even lick it. Roy is enough of a man for me. But you’d be nuts to pass this chance. I’m telling you.”


“Whatever. God, he’s coming. I have to go. Later.”


“Okay, see you a lunch.”


She calmly put down the phone and arranged the papers at her desk, her peripheral view on the lookout out for his foot steps.


“Miss Stoddard, these layouts are very good. Impressive.”


“Thank you, Mr. Greene. I’m glad you liked them.”


“I do----very much.” With that, he turned around and walked away. That puzzled Carmi. Well, he certainly does not act like he likes me THAT way. He’s just being nice and appreciative, she thought. She remembered the very first time he met him. She honestly thought he looked good, but she shrugged off the thought since he was her boss. Things like that never work out. And, it’s not as if he behaved in a way worth encouraging.




She smoothed her skirt and opened her bottom drawer. There was a vial of Samsara inside. She reached for it and applied a drop on her wrist. The rich smell of sandalwood and moss earth greeted her and she was suddenly at peace.


Her phone rang again. Angie, she thought. She answered it, slightly annoyed. “What did I just tell you? Will you leave me in peace now...? Oh, Mr. Greene. I am very sorry. Okay, I’ll be there in a second.”


She felt herself flush as she realized her blunder. She consciously tucked her hair behind her ear and walked towards Mr. Greene’s office.


“Please sit down, Miss Stoddard. I am afraid you have to work with me tonight. A client needs some copy right away----a very big client. For us to be able to proceed on schedule, I’ve decided to work on them myself. I need someone to help me. Have you already made any plans for tonight?” He eyed at her briefly, waiting for her answer.


She shook her head. “No, I haven’t made any plans. I will stay tonight and help.”


“That’s great to hear. You may leave now.”


Carmi stood up gracefully and walked silently out of Mr. Greene’s office. For some reasons, she can actually feel her heart beating really quickly. Strange.


The day passed by without any incident. At about 5 in the afternoon, most of the office staffs are preparing to leave. Carmi looked at some of the papers on her desk and sighed. She really isn’t in any mood to work. She reapplied some gloss on her lips and shut down her computer. Being bitter isn’t going to work this time.


She gazed at the windows and took in the view of the golden horizon. She thought about the many men she dated in the past and how she always makes the wrong choices when it comes to relationships. A smile touched her lips. This isn’t exactly the right time to do some soul searching. She has some work to do.


Carmi went downstairs to get some coffee. On her way, she bumped onto Mr. Greene at the hallway. “Would you like some coffee, Mr. Greene? I figured I need a cup, I might as well get you some.”


“Thank you, Miss Stoddard. I’ll see you in a while.”




The next few hours were spent brainstorming and writing drafts that were needed for the copy. Mr. Greene is a focused man and his attention to details is extremely admirable. Carmi, on the other hand is great in thinking out of the box and pushing past the limits to come up with better ideas. Together, they worked in seamless harmony until it was almost time for dinner.


“Pizza or Chinese food?” Mr. Greene asked in random.


“Excuse me. What?” Carmi asked as she looked at him.


“It’s dinner time. What would you like to have, pizza or some Chinese food or both?”


“Chinese food sounds good. I’m starved.” Carmi laughed.


“So sorry I made you a horse slave tonight. Hmmm, I’d like some pizza. I think we should get both. I’m starved too.” He laughed---a booming sound that is filled with electricity.


Carmi was suddenly out of her wits. It was the first time he heard him laugh like that and it was a soothing sound she’d like to hear over and over. She risked another glance at him and noted his serious yet slightly impish face. My, he does not look that old. Could Angie be right? She thought.


He caught her looking at him and he smiled. “You must be mighty hungry, Miss Stoddard. You’re looking at me like I’m a delectable sandwich.”


“I, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stare.”


“I don’t mind. If you’d look at me like that more often, you’d ease some of my stress away.” He smiled again.


She felt herself flush and focused her eyes on the monitor, suddenly not sure what to say or do. Dinner arrived in less than thirty minutes and it was a feast. There were dimsums, hot noodle and wanton soups, spicy spare ribs with sesame sauce, plus a giant Manhattan Style pizza. Carmi felt a bit shy at first then started to feel at ease at the middle of the meal. The food was hot and delicious, and the meal was made even more enjoyable by the funny antics of Mr. Greene. He’s not a scary monster after all. After that, they had some tea and went back to work.


In the middle of writing drafts, Carmi felt the need to remove her blazer. As she did so, Mr. Greene’s eyes darted on her. She was wearing this lilac lacy chemise top with a neckline that revealed the creaminess of her skin. As a form of habit, she touched her neck and felt for her pulse. Mr. Greene was unable to remove her eyes off her. Her hair covers a bit of her face, making her look mysterious.


She must have felt him looking at her because she glanced towards his direction. Before she can even say a word, Mr. Greene is already in front of her. “You are incredibly beautiful, Miss Stoddard.” He said as his manly fingers caressed her face. His forefinger traced her lower lip and Carmi surprised them both by drawing it to her mouth and sucking it. She felt even bolder and held his hand so he can lick his finger even better. Mr. Greene’s breathing became so much deeper as he look at Carmi up close. Her sheer chemise lightly reveals the deep valley between her breasts. He tried to look away but it took every ounce of his will power. He kneeled down in front of her and gazed at her for a long time, his eyes intense and revealing his desire for her. “Forgive me, Miss Stoddard but I have always wanted to do this.”


“Do what?” She asked, slightly unable to speak.




With that, he lightly dipped his lips onto hers, his lips light and fluttery yet intent. She sighed upon contact and closed her eyes. His lips teased hers, noticing how soft and silky they are. He nibbled gently on her lower lip as his hand touched the delicate skin of her neck. Before she was able to feel more, he stopped. Her eyes flew open.


“Why did you stop?”


“Don’t you want to slap me now?”


She shook her head. “I want you, Mr. Greene. Please don’t stop.”


She wrapped her arms around him and winked. He felt a surge of lust shot through him and he kissed her again, more ardently this time. Her lips parted slightly and she felt his heat as she held him. He kissed her lips and held her even closer, inhaling her earthy smell. His tongue entered her mouth ever so slowly, making her adjust to all the sensations she’s feeling all at once. Their bodies seem to fuse together, and their breathing became uniform. His tongue feels so velvety and hot, melting all her doubts away. She pressed even closer to him and sucked his tongue again and again until he was panting.


He took hold of the kiss and languidly teased her mouth with his tongue. His hands moved along her bodice and her thighs and she started to feel hot all over.  He lifted her off the chair and pulled her close. His eyes got glued on the strap of her chemise that slid off her shoulder. He swallowed hard and ran his hand on her exposed skin. Carmi shivered and held his hand closer to breast as she nibbled on his ear. He groaned as she licked his neck. He smells like pine and burned leaves. He smells oh so sexy.


He reached under her chemise to feel her naked skin against his hand. He skin felt smooth and warm, her smell reaching his nose. “Take it off.” She whispered and in a flash, she was getting out of the lace and silk chemise. She sighed again as he massaged her breasts, now only covered by her lacy bra. She should have felt self conscious facing him all exposed, but instead she felt so wanton and sexy. It was as though she was a rented stripper and she was hired to please this very handsome serious man in front of her. She stood in front of him and pressed his face in between her legs. He breathed deeply then and she could have sworn that she felt the warm air seeped through her skirt and through her now wet panties. She wanted...oh she wanted him to smell her again and again. She felt Mr. Greene rubbing her nose between her legs and she felt like melting. Carmi felt herself starting to grow wet. My God, she thought. He’d know she’s so aroused. She could have died of mortification then, except she was all too turned on with what he’s doing.  He pushed his face even closer to her covered flesh and her hand messed his hair. Oh, this feels like heaven, she thought.


He stood up and met her eyes and all he saw was pure lust shadowed by innocence. It was the most amazing sight. He moulded her breasts with his hand and they felt full and heavy. He slid her bra straps and removed her bra clasp. Her breasts are free at last. He bent down and reverently kissed her full flesh, his lips sending shivers down her spine. He held her breasts like juicy peaches and kissed her nipples, lightly at first then went full throttle and sucked a budding nipple.  She sighed and moaned as his tongue licked that very sensitive part of her. She felt her mind clearing up, feeling only this sizzling fire that spreading across her body. He cleared his table in a flash, throwing everything away in one go. She smiled coyly as she realized what he’s about to do. He’s gonna take me---right here, right now, Carmi heard inside her head. How she wanted that. How she wanted him to lick her aroused naked body. Goosebumps started to form on her arms.


He lifted her effortlessly and sat her on the edge of the huge mahogany table. Gone are the drafts, the copies---everything. It even turned her on that he doesn’t seem to care about any of those anymore. He lifted the hem of her satin skirt and revealed her lilac cotton panties. He was frozen in place when he saw a small wet spot at the centre. His eyes shone as he looked at her thighs, as if seeing some gem between her legs. She sighed as he started to rub the front of her underwear. “Oh my goodness...”

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