Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (39 page)

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“You enjoyed them the last time,” he said pointedly. He was referring to the time they had wild, crazy sex right on the kitchen floor. He had tied Rain to a chair and ravaged her to seemingly no end. It was a miracle nobody came pounding on the door, the way she was crying out. They were lucky then. He was confident their luck would hold even now.


“Yes, but—”


“I’m getting impatient,” Ben cut off. “Come on, on my lap now.”


She hesitated but eventually positioned herself over his lap. It was quite awkward, seeing a fully grown lady poised over a male adult’s knees and lap, like she was about to get a solid beating like what her dad did to her when she was a little girl and did something that displeased him.


Ben felt Rain tremble lightly as she lay face-down on his lap. She shifted so that her bottom was over his knees. As she moved, he felt the wet mouth of her cunt brush against his legs. The girl was soaked! He moved his left knee, creating a kind of pressure against her crotch, and she moaned right away. He raised his knee higher, and she moaned louder. There was nowhere for her to move now. She was balanced and positioned perfectly on his lap. She whimpered; she couldn’t help it. She knew he would never do something to hurt her, but she couldn’t be completely sure of that.


The first slap came from nowhere, startling her. Her back arched, and he pushed her right back down.


“No moving around, pretty lady,” Ben said, as he placed his right arm over Rain’s back. The other arm, of course, he used for spanking her bare bottom. He ran his left hand—the spanking arm—over her smooth round buttocks. Such delectable flesh. He was almost sorry he had to make them red and splotchy, but there was something about the angry red marks against the smooth white skin of her behind that greatly aroused him.


He spanked her again, still using the brief but smart method of spanking. She began to wriggle, and he pushed her back down again. “Keep still,” he told her. “Keep still, or I’ll use something else to smack you with.”


Rain had a deep fear for marks and scars on her skin. Ben’s threat worked, and although against her will, she stayed put and didn’t move an inch as his palm flew from the air and on to her buttocks several times.


Ben was almost in a frenzy now. His open palm flew up, down, and went smack! against Rain’s bottom. There was something incredibly arousing about the spanking, and he wondered why he had never thought of it when he and Rain were starting out. Well, no use thinking of what could have and should have been now. He raised his palm and brought it down harder this time. The smart slapping sound filled the air. Rain cried out, and this time, her cry was positively filled with pain. There was none of the erotic undertones that had riddled the air when Ben was pumping into her only several minutes ago.


“I know you like this, Rain,” Ben said, striking Rain’s bottom with each word. Her cries and moans filled the air, yet he wasn’t worried. He knew how much the babysitter was enjoying this. No, he felt her immensely enjoying the spanking. His lap was wet with her fluids now. The girl was aroused and getting more soaked by the minute. He understood how she felt although it was he who was doing the spanking. Being spanked was humiliating, edging on degrading. But it was also fascinating. There was something about submitting oneself to another that did wonders to one’s libido.


Ben believed that was what Rain was going through. He didn’t mind. It was only through his babysitter that he was able to live out some of his wildest sexual fantasies. Spanking happened to be one of them. He had thought of doing that to his wife, and he had actually brought up the idea once. She had rejected it faster than he could blink. He hadn’t brought it up since then.


The more Ben spanked, the wetter Rain’s pussy became. Her fair, white bottom was now bright red and covered with angry swollen splotches here and there. Her skin was raw and looked red enough to sting. Still Ben didn’t let up. His arm was getting tired and his palm was beginning to hurt and turn red itself. Still he went on spanking Rain. She, for her part, went on crying out loud. She sounded as if she was wailing. Ben was no longer worried though. The music had gotten louder downstairs, and so were the guests’ laughter. He supposed the alcoholic drinks have done their thing now. People sounded as if they were getting bolder and tipsier by the minute.




Briefly he wondered if Valerie was looking for him. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. Val had her plate full tonight. Some of the guests were her buddies from high school. He knew they were catching up like mad on their lives, giggling and shrieking as if they were still in high school themselves. So, no, his wife wasn’t looking for him.


“It hurts,” Rain whimpered. “Ben, it hurts. Stop it now, please stop.” Her actions were the opposite of her words, though, as she raised her swollen bottom a bit while she spoke. The sight made him laugh. The babysitter still wanted more and more!


“I’m not stopping until I say so, Rain,” Ben said. She screamed as another set of blows came down her behind, this time harder, faster, and stronger than the previous blows. Her screams aroused him. His already stiff cock grew stiffer and harder, brushing against the mound of her cunt, which was soaking wet and giving off juice like it would never stop. He would have to enter her soon. But not until she got the most sexual beating of her life.


Rain was wriggling now, trying to get off his lap. He grabbed a handful of hair and pulled hard. She shrieked again but stopped moving. She was so wet now. She felt violated and humiliated, being spanked like that, like she was a little girl who did an awful, awful thing. But with the shame came the deep well of arousal. She was consumed with lust at every smack that came down her behind. Her pussy throbbed. She wanted him inside her now. The smacks were becoming painful—really, she wondered how on earth would she be able to sit, lie down, and walk these coming days—but the delicious undertone of arousal was in each and every smack. The pain was also surprisingly turning her on. She no longer thought of it as pain, in fact. For her, the pain had become almost synonymous with erotic ecstasy, a kind of drug that she wanted to have and never stop having.


“You keep still!” Ben said harshly, his hand still wound around Rain’s hair. “Once a naughty girl, always a naughty girl, I guess. Now quit moving, and let me do what I want to you.”


“You’re a bastard, Ben,” Rain said, sobbing. “You’re a fucking bastard, and I fucking hope you choke and die and rot in hell.”


Ben pushed her off his lap. The move caught her unprepared, and she tumbled off his lap and into the floor. Her words didn’t sting Ben, not at all, but he pretended they did. He stood up and looked down at her with fury in his eyes. She looked back just as furiously, but he also knew it was all a sham—an act in its finest level, something to add sparks to the fire. Oh, it excited him, this role-playing thing. His dick was standing stiffly in front of him, pulsing, vibrating with excitement at the thought of finally having something to penetrate into. At that moment, Ben loved Rain. He didn’t love her enough to leave his wife and marry her. But, God, did he love her at that moment. She may be only in her twenties, but hell, she turned him on way more than most of the women his age.




“Oh, you bastard,” she whispered, her voice choked. She was looking up at him with tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. She was a mess down the floor, but what a beautiful mess she made. Ben could stop himself no longer. He got down on the floor with Rain and straddled her.


Someone from downstairs laughed boisterously. She shrieked at the exact same moment, and the loud laughter drowned her cry. Ben hit her with a resounding slap in the face and caught her arms, pinning them down her sides with his knees. She fell back on the floor, but that didn’t stop her from getting right up again and trying to pummel him on the chest with her fists. This was, of course, impossible, considering her hands were pinned to her sides. She moved this and that, and she didn’t budge an inch. She was stuck. She glared up at her captor, her hair covering part of her face.


Ben looked back at her, almost tenderly. He was enjoying their “fights,” the roles they were playing. He pushed the hair that was covering her face.


“If you want to know what’s coming next, keep still,” he said gently, caressing her on the cheek.


She didn’t say anything, simply lay back, breathing heavily, her glorious breasts rising and falling with each breath she took. He bent down and took a nipple in his mouth. Against her will, she moaned out loud. He began to suck on her nipple, feeling it come to life and grow hard right inside his mouth. She tasted fresh and clean, with faint traces of sweat. He would have wanted to play with her other nipple using his hand, but he needed his hands to make sure she stayed in place. Rain can quite get carried away with their games. She had scratched him too hard on the back once. Fortunately Valerie was away on a trip that time, so he didn’t have any explaining to do.


Rain writhed on the floor. She was getting wet again, with Ben sucking on her breast and licking her nipple with his tongue. The domination and submission was all a game, all right, but she wanted the game to be over now, not because she was bored but because she wanted his enormous penis inside her now. Really, she could feel her organ throb and become engorged with wanting. She squirmed, her head turning to the left and right. She was going to explode soon, and she wanted Ben’s cock to be inside her when it happened.


His hand was now in her pussy, his fingers playing with her wet, soaked flesh hungrily and greedily. He groped without class, almost roughly. Her back arched, but only a little since Ben was still pinning her down with his arms and knees. She moaned louder and gave off little cries in an attempt to let off some of the intense ecstasy that was threatening to rip her body apart.


“Ben, inside me now,” she managed to gasp out. Beads of sweat broke out all over her body. She shivered and shut her eyes. She didn’t know how long she would be able to hold on now.




He felt the little tremors that were plaguing her body here and there, and he knew she was no longer kidding when she said she needed him inside her flesh right now. He nodded, reluctantly letting go of her hard pink nub of a nipple. He let go of her arms. She didn’t resist now, no longer needed to. Her lust was quickening, rising urgently. No more room for games now. It was time to get to the real thing.


As soon as Ben was off her, Rain quickly raised her legs and rested her calves and ankles on his shoulders. Ben grasped her legs and adjusted them and her body until he was satisfied with how they were placed. She locked her ankles behind his neck so as to be able to spread her legs wider. It worked. He quickly rose on top of her until they were face-to-face. He brushed the tip of his hard rod against the moist tender flesh of her vagina. She moaned again. The sensation was driving her mad.


“Don’t tease me, get inside me now!” she screamed, and shut her eyes. Her hands groped madly until they found Ben’s torso, and they wrapped around his chest, holding him close to her.


His cock pounded into her flesh for the second time that night. She was so wet she hardly felt anything. He thrust out and again, deeper into her this time. That did the trick. Ben’s cock was so huge and wide she sometimes wondered how she managed to keep a thing that size inside her. But now wasn’t the time to think and analyze things. She shut her eyes harder and let the sensations wash all over her.


Ben was on a roll now. He panted harshly as he pumped deep and hard into her. He slammed himself inside her with all the force he could muster. He was ripping into her, almost tearing her flesh apart, yet he was aware he wasn’t hurting her. He could get lost in the feel of her flesh wrapped around and all over his cock as he pounded in and out of her. Her hips rose in time to meet his thrusts, and quickly, they had a smooth kind of motion between them. His body started shaking uncontrollably. He knew he was about to come soon. He pounded harder, thrusting himself in and out of her flesh faster. He wanted to come right inside her wet cunt. He knew she wanted the same too.


Rain’s body, covered in slick sweat now, made slapping sounds as she raised and lowered her hips in tune to Ben’s thrusting. She opened her eyes and buried her fingers into his hair, tugging lightly in time with their thrusts and pumps as well. He groaned as she did so, and she knew he liked what he was doing. Her bottom felt sore and raw as it rubbed and slammed against the bare floor, yet she would let herself be spanked again in a heartbeat. She suspected their punishment and domineering games were just beginning. The thought excited her greatly, and that was when she felt the waves of her orgasm coursing through her.

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