Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (41 page)

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But Mr. Potter didn’t do anything of that sort. He nibbled and lightly sucked on both her upper and lower lip. He was tasting her, Andrea supposed. Well, she wanted to taste him to. With her fingers still running up and down his back, she slid her tongue inside his mouth and flicked it here and there. She discovered he tasted like coffee and cigarettes. His taste was very manly, and that added to her already elevated levels of libido. She moved beneath him until her legs were free, and she wrapped them around his waist. In that position, she felt something hard and solid between his legs. She knew right away it was his cock. Andrea felt like laughing. They haven’t even done anything yet, but Mr. Potter was acting as if they’ve already screwed each other more than five times tonight!


Then his tongue met hers, and she almost gasped in surprise. His tongue was smooth and moved expertly, like it had a purpose and knew what it wanted. She parted her lips even more, and his tongue ran all over the inside of her mouth, leaving no part untouched. Something gushed from her down there. She was very aroused now. In her mind’s eye, she could see the growing spot right between the crotch of her panties. The stuff was sticky but fresh, and Mr. Potter was licking the juice right off her panties then right off her swollen pussy.


She moaned too loudly. Realizing her mistake, she stopped kissing him and kept an ear out for any movement from her mother’s bedroom. She heard a snore in response, and she relaxed. Her mother was very sound asleep, it seemed. Time to resume her action with Mr. Potter.


He kissed her deeply again. His hand slid inside her pajama top and settled on her flat stomach. His hand felt warm against her flesh, and something gushed from her pussy again. Andrea arched her back. She wanted his hand to move up and higher, right into her breasts. Her twins were begging to be touched and caressed. Plus her sleeping nipples were waking up now. She wasn’t wearing any bra beneath her pajama top. She realized with regret she shouldn’t have worn any panties too.


Mr. Potter slid his hand up her chest and grabbed one of Andrea’s tits. She moaned softly. It felt so good. His touch always felt incredible. She saw he was looking down at her with a smile she couldn’t quite read.


“Is this what you want, Andrea?” he asked in a low voice. His thumb flicked over her sensitive nipple, and she had to suppress a gasp. His thumb moved again, firmer and faster this time. Her nipples now stood up, nubs as erect as soldiers. Mr. Potter kept flicking them with his thumbs. His other hand was on her other breast now. His hands began to move. He groped and fondled Andrea’s tits eagerly, like a child exploring a new toy. Andrea arched her back even more, encouraging him to grab as much breast meat as he liked, which he eventually did but not before he almost ripped her pajama top open. Now she was naked from the waist up beneath him.


Mr. Potter looked down at her bare torso. He removed his hands from her breasts and just stared at her.


“You’re lovely, Andrea,” he murmured, stroking her shoulder as he spoke.


“I’m yours, Mr. Potter,” she answered. “I’m yours. I’m your fuck toy. Play with your fuck toy now.”


Her words seemed to set off some hidden alarm in him. Mr. Potter attacked her. Andrea squealed as he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head. God, for a man so trim, he was extremely powerful! He buried his face on her breast, sucking and pulling frantically at her tits. She kept her mouth clamped shut, giving off small moans every now and then. Much as she wanted to, she couldn’t cry out loud, not if she wanted to wake her mother up.


So she squirmed and wiggled as he had her way with her twins. The wet sensation between her thighs was growing now. She suspected her thighs were already wet with some of her juices, but there was no way of knowing that, was there? She wanted him to be over with her chest already and get down on her right there. She let him know her sentiments by raising her hips as well and pushing and rubbing against his crotch. She felt the solid bulge beneath his jeans during every rub. It excited her. She imagined what it would feel like to have his cock inside her. It looked like she didn’t have to wait too long to find out, anyway.


Mr. Potter got the message of Andrea’s rubbing and bucking. He stopped sucking on her nipple and looked up at her.


“Mr. Potter, I want you down there,” Andrea said, and bit her lower lip. She didn’t know how he would react to her request.


Mr. Potter removed one hand from her wrists and ran a finger down his cheek. “A bit impatient, aren’t we?” he asked in a low tone. “Mr. Potter, I’m so wet,” Andrea confessed in a whisper.


Mr. Potter chuckled at her direct confession. “That is why I like you, Andrea,” he said, and gave her a peck on the cheek before he removed his hand from her wrists, freeing her. She lowered her arms right away, moving them here and there as his hands found the waistband of her pajama bottoms and lowered it down her legs.


His eyes widened as they came upon her soaked cotton panties. She saw his reaction and blushed slightly. She was embarrassed to be caught like this, but she was also proud because it showed how much she wanted him. She was now clad in only her panties. He was still in his jeans, but he must’ve read her thoughts because he slid them down a few moments later.


Andrea saw Mr. Potter was wearing nothing underneath his jeans. She gave off a choked cry, her voice thick with desire. He heard her and looked at her. He was completely naked now. She still had her panties on, but she might as well be naked now.


“I had no idea you were so wet,” Mr. Potter said.


“Only for you, Mr. Potter,” Andrea said shyly.


Mr. Potter climbed on top of her and kissed her passionately on the lips. She responded with the same passion and threw her arms around his neck. She felt his dick grow harder and longer through the soaked cloth of her panties. His tongue penetrated her mouth, and she let it. She wrapped his tongue with her lips and sucked on it softly. He groaned and began to fondle her breasts.


They were in a sitting position. Again Andrea encircled her legs around Mr. Potter’s trim waist. He grabbed her on the buttocks and pulled her closer to him. His hands clawed madly at her remaining underwear, digging deep beneath it until they were inside the thin cloth. He grabbed a handful of her bottom and squeezed hard. She made a low sound. He grabbed another handful and squeezed harder. She moaned again and shut her eyes.


Mr. Potter’s hands made their way from her buttocks to her dripping pussy. For Andrea, the amount of fluid she was excreting was crazy. Was she really that turned on? Yes, yes, she was. As soon as his fingers touched the tender folds of her labia, she let go of her inhibitions and cried out loud. She no longer gave a shit if her mother walked in and happened to find her and Mr. Potter getting down and dirty. This was her imagination, anyway, her world. In Andrea’s world, her mother wouldn’t get up and interrupt her fantastic mental lovemaking with the world’s best babysitting boss. No, sir, it just won’t happen.


She gave another loud cry as Mr. Potter’s fingers slipped inside her crack. Two or three fingers, she wasn’t sure. She was too lubricated to feel even a bare hint of friction right inside her cunt. No, his fingers inside her weren’t enough. She wanted something solid, something hard, something that can cause her to scream out loud with crazy pleasure.


Andrea wanted Mr. Potter’s cock inside her dripping-wet pussy.


She lay back on her bed and placed her ankles on his shoulders. He got the hint right away. He lowered his head until it was over her pussy. She wound her fingers around her hair and gave him the gentlest of tugs. She wanted him right now. The feeling was urgent, and she wanted to let him know she could no longer wait.


The feel of Mr. Potter’s tongue inside her cunt was heaven to Andrea. She couldn’t stop from moaning as he thrust his tongue inside her slit again and again. His tongue was darting in and out of her like a snake’s. She bent her knees and opened her legs wider to give him better access to her organ. His face was positively buried in her vagina now. His hands made their way to her buttocks, where they squeezed endlessly.


Mr. Potter lightly ran his tongue over her engorged clitoris. The sensation was incredible, and it left Andrea reeling. She gasped out loud, and her fingers wound tighter on Mr. Potter’s hair. She tugged, and again he licked her clit. She shivered. She was at the mercy of her sensations now. She had no idea how to make them stop, not that she wanted to, of course.


Mr. Potter licked and sucked on her pussy again and again. Andrea kept moaning and gushing forth fluids from her most private cave. Her juices weren’t leaking down her thighs, though, because he was licking them off at every chance he got. Every lick caused her to shudder. She was going to come soon now, she was certain.


Now he rose up on all fours. She looked at him in awe. His face was covered with her body fluids. Yet he didn’t appear to mind. In fact, he appeared to like it. He buried his face on her breasts this time, rubbing off the sticky substance from his face to her tits. Once most of the substance was on her chest, he leaned down and licked them right off. Then he planted his lips on hers again. She was amazed. She tasted herself in his mouth, and again, she was incredibly turned on.


Mr. Potter abruptly broke their kiss. Still on all fours, he adjusted his position over her until their hips were almost level. This was the moment she had been yearning for, Andrea realized. Mr. Potter was going to get his grand cock inside her now. She opened her legs, and upon seeing the welcome signal, Mr. Potter plunged right in.


Andrea felt like she was being ripped apart. She was still very wet, but because Mr. Potter was so huge, she felt every inch of him. He slid out of her wet organ, only to thrust back inside her again. She screamed again. The pain was incredible! But the ripping sensation was appealing in an odd sort of way. He kept pounding right into her, and she found the pain was slowly being replaced by pleasure. Now she was starting to like it.


Andrea moved her hips in time with Mr. Potter’s thrusts. The bedsprings squeaked. The smell of sweat and come filled the air. Everything was silent save for the creaking bed and their quick, harsh breathing. She, for her part, was relieved. Mr. Potter had finally taken her. Of course they weren’t going to end up together, but that was the least of her concern now. She had given herself to Mr. Potter, and he had received her eagerly, giving her a part of him in return as well. As he pounded away on top of her, Andrea gazed lovingly at her babysitting boss’s profile. He was just so lovely to look at. She felt lucky at getting to snag a man like him in bed.


“You’re lovely, Mr. Potter,” Andrea said. Her shivers were coming at more regular intervals now. The pleasure she was feeling was building and intensifying. Another minute or two, and she was going to literally cream her bed.


Mr. Potter answered her by sliding his penis out from Andrea’s pussy and thrusting it into her mouth instead. She was taken by surprise, she almost forgot to breathe. Again she tasted her own fluids, from Mr. Potter’s dick, inside her mouth. She opened her mouth wider to take in as much of him as possible. When she was comfortable with how much flesh she was holding in her mouth, she settled into a more comfortable position and began to suck on his cock tenderly, with one hand holding his enormous penis steady while the other played with her own clitoris down there.


With his organ right inside Andrea’s mouth, Mr. Potter bounced up and down. Andrea wanted to take in some more of his rod inside her mouth, but she was inexperienced in that area, and she didn’t want to make a fool of herself. Not now, not at this heavy moment when they were almost to the point of climaxing, and maybe even together. Not that it mattered, but Andrea had always been a sucker for romantic stories. She knew she was being silly, thinking of romance when she sucking on her boss’s cock, for Pete’s sake. But that was—




A shrill honking sound broke through Andrea’s thoughts, and she started. For a moment, she didn’t know where she was, what she was doing. She looked around and saw she was on the Potters’ porch, sitting and waiting for Mr. Potter to arrive from work. She was supposed to be babysitting, really, but he cancelled thirty minutes before the usual schedule. She was initially disappointed, but he told her to still proceed to their house anyway. As she left her own house, Andrea knew right then and there Mr. Potter had something up his sleeve than just babysitting. Her pace quickened, and she had to stop herself from flying all the way to the Potters.

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