Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (42 page)

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Now the moment had arrived. Andrea was there, Mr. Potter was home, and they were all alone. She suddenly remembered what she had been thinking while waiting for him to arrive. Her face burned as she realized she was thinking of them having sex right in her bedroom, with Mr. Potter sneaking in through her bedroom window and ravaging her while her mom slept and snored through the whole thing in the next bedroom. Unbelievable. She looked up and saw Mr. Potter was getting out of his car. She stood up to greet him, and she felt something very wet and sticky in her panties.


Andrea was dismayed. This was just like her in her daydream, but she was wearing shorts now in the real life instead of the pajama bottoms in her fantasy. Still, she didn’t like being soiled before their whole escapade even started. Mr. Potter would definitely approve of her being so wet before they even got any action done, but Andrea didn’t want him to think she was being too easy.


Yeah, right, Andrea thought.


Mr. Potter was now coming up the steps. In his white shirt and—surprise, surprise!—denim jeans, he looked young, fresh, and stunning. Just looking at the man was enough for Andrea to come right into her panties. But that didn’t happen, of course. She smiled up at Mr. Potter instead.


“Hi, Mr. Potter,” she said in a controlled voice, trying not to sound too perky or eager.


“Hey,” Mr. Potter answered back, and gave her a lopsided grin that almost had her shedding her clothes right there on the porch. He turned to the front door, unlocked it, and swung it open. He turned to her and tilted his head, telling her to get right inside.


Andrea nodded and stepped inside the Potters’ house. Mr. Potter shut the door behind her. The second the click! sounded, he pushed Andrea against the wall, pinned her hands above her head, and kissed her hungrily on the lips.


She responded with the same hungry passion.


And, of course, Andrea was delighted.

Sweet Anna Marie

Anna Marie is your ideal babysitter. The kids like her, she likes kids, and she has the patience to carry on the job. In fact, she enjoys babysitting so much that it shows. Many parents that have been her bosses in the past will never forget her impeccable service and the way she took care of kids. Aside from babysitting, Anna Marie is a young geek programmer. She’s the silent techie one and knows how to go around gadgets and stuff. She may be the young woman in pastel coloured cashmere sweaters and skinny jeans and red sneakers. However, when it comes to computers and wirings, she’s like a man-pro.


On the outside, parents would easily think that her love for kids is Anna Marie’s main driving force. What they do not know is that behind the charming smiles of this lady is a dangerous fetish. She’s a closet pervert. No, she does not prey on the fathers of her subjects. She also is not interested with the moms or any other members of the family. She gets her kick by prying on the sex lives of her bosses.


This fetish started when she worked as a babysitter for Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds. She happened to be at there house on a Sunday morning. While she was at the kitchen to get some diet Coke, she heard strange noises coming from the guest room a few steps away. She opened the door and saw Mr. Edmonds taking Mrs. Edmonds from behind. Anna Marie was still a virgin then and the whole thing came as a shock to her. Looking through a crack on the door, she had never felt so aroused in her whole life. She stood there, her glasses making her unable to see more closely. She saw Mr. Edmonds hands massage his wife’s tits and move in and out of her. It was like a hardcore porn movie. That evening when she got home, she stepped into the bath and soaked. As soon as she was dried and lying on her bed, she touched herself for the very first time. It was an incredible awakening for her. She lay in bed wearing only her chemise and started fondling her breasts. She propped her head on her pillows and turned off the lights so that her room was pitch dark.


Her hand started slowly, rubbing over the fullness of her breasts in gentle circular motions. The tip of he fingers lightly teased her nipples. The straps of her chemise slid down her arms, her hands more eager now. She moaned as she felt herself getting warm. She thought about Mr. Edmond’s cock as it entered Cara’s pussy, her breasts jiggling with his every thrust. She sighed as she felt her body respond. Her friend Michaela was right. Touching yourself can be totally blissful.


She reached on her bedside table and grabbed a tin of rose salve. She rubbed some salve on her breasts and started kneading them more intensely. She sighed as she felt all heated up, wanting more. Her hands caressed her neck and face. Anna Marie loved the smell of roses and the smell of the salve got to her nerves. Raising the hem of her nightdress, she started rubbing her thighs, the salve going smoothly on her skin. She put a pillow under her butt and took a deep breath. She lightly caressed her kitty lips, allowing herself to build up the sensations. Spreading her legs, she rubbed herself to frenzy, still not getting enough. She put rolled down her skirt dress again and this time rubbed herself vigorously through the fabric. Oh, that was really good. The friction made her go really crazy and rubbed herself again, feeling her self secreting something hot and slick. The sudden gush of fluids took her by surprise. For the first time in her life, she felt like a woman.


With the way she was rubbing herself, she feels hornier by the second. Her other hand dug on the mattress while her toes cramped in anticipation. She felt as though her pussy has suddenly had a life of its own, pushing her beyond common sense and making her want to do things she has never done before. She removed her nightdress and tossed it on the floor. She spread her legs wide and pinched her clit lightly with the tips of her fingers.


Her hand became wet with her own juices. Wanting to know what she tastes like, she licked her fingers. Maybe because of her own musky smell, she became even more heated up. She inserted her forefinger and gasped as she hurt a bit. She tried again, slowly and gently this time and held her breath as she found out how tight she is. She moved her finger again and again, until she was moaning and panting. She imagined having a real dick inside her and she shivered. She inserted another finger inside her mound and arched her back. She was almost breathless now. Moving her fingers in and out of her, she imagined being fucked for real. Her fingers went really crazy, all the more rubbing her g-spot. In seconds, she was spiralling and moaning. It was her first true climax.




There have been a series of “watching” after that. Some performances were poor, others mediocre, and others really spectacular. One of the most unforgettable ones happened at her current employers’ home. Anna Marie started working for the Boors a few months ago. Mr. Boor was a thirty-ish man who is a bit shy while Mrs. Boor---Catherine is rather flamboyant and quite loud. The two make a really good pair. In fact, watching their steamy sessions are some of Anna Marie’s favourite past times. It is very safe to say that the couple do enjoy their sex life----so much.


It was a few days ago that Anna Marie installed a bug in the master’s bedroom. Lani, her subject, was asleep then and Mr. Boor asked for her. Mrs. Boor was scheduled to be away for a few days and the fact that they’d be alone in the room both excited and terrified her. When she arrived there, Mr. Boor was in the shower. Holding a micro camera in her hand, she placed it strategically on the tapestry facing the bed. Camouflaged by the rich colours of the tapestry, it definitely goes unnoticed.


When Mr. Boor came out, he was only wearing a bath towel wrapped around his waist and my jaw dropped. He could pass as someone who is just 25. He’s all lean and has superb olive skin. Oh if only...


If only what? I thought. If only he’s not married? If only he isn’t my boss? If only I’m his type? All these thoughts were on her head when she asked, “Errr, is there something wrong Mr. Boor.”


He looked at her for a moment. Well, actually he also caught her looking at him at him for a moment. “No. Nothing. Close the door.”


She obliged and closed the door. Then he added. “Make sure it’s locked.”


That last bit of order made Anna Marie swallow really hard. It is weird yes, but her panties started to get soaked from...from...her own juices. What the hell is going on? Boldly, he approached Mr. Boor and tugged at the towel hiding his goods.


“You’re a naughty girl Anna Marie. What do you want?”


“Fuck me, Mr. Boor. I want you to fuck me.”


He chuckled then. “I don’t want to.”


All sense came back to her then. She was suddenly embarrassed. “I see. I’m so sorry. It’s just that seeing you covered with nothing but a towel took all my common sense away.”


His entire expression changed and he smiled at me. Taking my hand, he led it between his legs and for the first time in so many years, he held a real cock in her hand. It was still slightly limp when she touched it but in seconds, it came to life and hardened right before her very eyes. She was literally in awe. She squeezed him gently and made a fist while holding him and moved her hand back and forth. Mr. Boor groaned in response. That instant, a surge of power came over Anna Marie. It was like while he was rubbing him, Anna Marie was the centre of his world. It was amazing.


Now it was Mr. Boor’s turn to be enthralled as he fumbled with Anna Marie’s clothing. His hands were big yet rough but gentle. It actually turned her on. He touched the delicate skin of her neck and ran his hands all over her buttocks which were made more prominent by the white leggings she was wearing. He butt was soft and cushy. Mr. Boor cannot get enough of it. She was wearing a striped man shirt and since Mr. Boor does not have the patience to undo the buttons, he just slid his hand from under.


And oh, the contact. Once his hand found her tummy, she sighed with pleasure. The intensity was doubled as his hand found her bra. He slid a finger and rubbed her fullness, with the garter acting as a barrier. Oh, but it felt so good. He was able to unhook his bra in a snap. He cupped her breasts and she moaned in response. His fingers pinched her hard nipples and she moaned even louder, the sounds echoing in the entire room.


It was finally happening, she thought. He led her to the bed and sat her on his lap. He looked at her for a few seconds and started kissing her. His mouth was wild on hers, demanding and fierce. She responded, feeling heady from his scent---which is a combo of soap and hot male. Anna Marie wrapped her arms around him and allowed him all the liberties. Her thin leggings were so flimsy to buffer any sensations brought about by her contact with his bare and hard cock. She rocked against his hardness and his tongue took a deep plunge inside her mouth. It was the most amazing thing ever. Their tongues mating like there was no tomorrow and the fact that their mouths are exploring each other’s is such a huge turn on. He was able to remove her shirt all the while kissing her. Naked from her waist up, he was able to see her breasts which have now perked up from so much attention.


“You’re beautiful.” He breathed as he held her tits. They feel so full now that they are in his hands. “Play with them, Mr. Boor.” He gave her a squeeze and she arched her back. “Taste them, baby.” She cooed. Calling him baby did it for them both. He put his mouth on her breasts and suckled. She messed with his hair as he did so, loving the light suckling noises he was making.


He made her stand and he gently rubbed her waist and held her butt. He massaged her ass provocatively now and made her spread her legs. Anna Marie felt slightly conscious about the fact that she’s wet so she only gave him about a couple of inches. “What’s wrong, baby?” He asked.


“I’m so wet, Mr. Boor.” She couldn’t look at him so she looked at the floor instead.


“Really? Will you let me lick off your juice? Will you let my tongue in?”


Oh, how she wanted that---to let him have a taste. But no other man has done that to her before. Despite herself, she looked at him and nodded. “Yes.”


He kissed her again and again, nibbling her lips while letting his hand brush the front of her leggings. There is something sensually raw about the babysitter which he finds really provocative. Rubbing her knuckles between her legs, he made her moan sweetly and grab his shoulders for support. He nibbled on her earlobes as he slowly pulled down her leggings. Her hold on his shoulders tightened at first. “Sssshhhh. It’s alright. I want to see all of you.” With that, her resistance seem to slowly dissipate and he allowed him to do what he wants.


His hand felt warm and it tickled every inch of skin that gets exposed. He left her T-back on, rubbing the front of it over and over. It was already damp and musky smelling. The aroma tickled his nostrils. He pushed her near his nose and inhaled her womanly scent----that warm, nutty, musky scent of an aroused woman. He pushed his nose between her legs and rubbed her knob of pleasure. She moaned at that and gripped his head.


Then very lightly, he used the tip of his tongue to torture her, to bring more ecstasy to her being. His tongue was flicking really slowly, her wetness mingling with his own saliva. God she tastes amazing.


The sensations travelling through her body and centred on her mound is just beyond words. Mr. Boor was licking her through her panties---wet panties at that! She felt like melting and moaning. She was delirious with pleasure. “Oh, take it off. Please Mr.Boor...”


He heard the desperation in her voice and so he pulled her panties down and tossed them on the floor. He heard her gasp as he lightly kissed her cunt, motioning him to do more. Her pussy was practically hairless, so you can see her goodness without any barrier. He spread her kitty lips wide and blew some warm air, making her clit tingle. He started very, very slowly using the tip of his tongue to tease her flesh. She was so wet and slick, making him want to eat her like ice cream. This he did and Anna Marie tossed her head. Plenty of ooohs and aaaahs escaped her lips as his tongued flicked her tender flesh. She was throbbing and wanting and melting all at the same time. “Do you like that?”


She responded by pushing him deeply between her legs. His tongue was going frantic now, making Anna Marie secret even more juices. He fingered her with his big thumb and she trembled as it rubbed her G-spot really good. “Oh, baby, don’t stop. I like that.”

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