Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (38 page)

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“Was that good, Dina?” he asked. “Was I good? Did you like what I did?”


She shut her eyes. She was still breathless, and she couldn’t find her voice to answer him. She figured he was being sarcastic. Of course he knew how well he did in pleasing her. Because he made her come, not to mention scream out loud as she came, he was certain to get high marks on that category, which happened to be the highest—and hardest—category of all. John Thompson would have to be without a brain to not know he had excelled in that department, and he obviously had lots of gray matter between his ears.


“Don’t kid with me,” Dina answered. “You know how you did.” She pushed him off her and sat up straight, but she didn’t make any effort to stand up. Instead she adjusted her necklace and her stilettos.


John sat beside her, studying her. “Dina, you’re beautiful,” he said softly, almost tenderly.


Dina wanted to turn and look him in the eye but did not. Not that it was prohibited; hell, they could look into each other’s eyes as much as they want. Yet she didn’t, because she was afraid. She was feeling very weird now, even after the fantastic almost-sex. Sex was not allowed in the interview process. The rules were clear: you can do anything but that. Hugging, caressing each other’s faces, and cuddling were just some of the things that the firm banned the interviewer and applicants from doing. All forms of and actions that suggested intimacy weren’t allowed inside the building. It wouldn’t do at all for the employees to have conflicting feelings for the applicants. That would muddle things up. No, it wouldn’t do at all.


Dina suspected she was already muddling things up. But she wouldn’t let them know, not especially the higher-ups.


She stood up, trying not to look at John Thompson in the face. She went behind the relative safety of the desk and gestured at the folder lying on the desk while John got dressed.


“We’ll call you once the results are out,” she said curtly, still not looking at him.


“Dina,” John started, but she cut him off.


“We’re past our allotted time, Mr. Thompson,” she said, still looking down. “Thank you for being here. You may now leave.”

When she heard the door click shut, Dina sat down on the office chair, laid her head on her arms, and muddled things up.
Game Over

The party was in full swing when the door creaked open and Ben poked his head in. His eyeballs almost popped out from their sockets when he saw Rain spread deliciously on the bed. His babysitter was naked save for the transparent panties that revealed more than covered the slick and moist mound underneath. Ben couldn’t help but run his tongue over his lips. He couldn’t believe Rain, only twenty-two years old, would have the guts to do something like this, with his wife, Valerie, and tons of people downstairs.


“Is that all you’re going to do, just watch?” Rain asked with a wicked smile. She stretched on the satin sheets, bunching them up beneath her. Her arms went over her head, making her already large breasts with the light pink nipples look even larger. Her long slim legs spread wider, and Ben saw the darkening spot had grown larger. And only in a matter of minutes at that! It was the growing dark spot that did it. He groaned, shut the door behind him, and dove to the bed, right on top of Rain and practically groaning like a maniac.


“You’re a slutty, teasing cunt,” Ben growled, and gave Rain’s pussy a brisk slap with his hand.


Rain giggled. “My poor darling,” she cooed, and spread her arms wide. “Come here and give little Rain a kiss.”


Ben pounced. He pinned Rain’s slim arms to her sides and placed his lips on top of hers, so sweet and luscious, devouring them in a frenzied passion. Rain moaned, exhaling breath right into his mouth. It turned him on. He let go of her arms, and right away, she pushed his shirt up his chest and over his head and did away with the buttons, zippers, and belt loops on his jeans. Soon he was as naked as Rain, yet she still had those damn panties on.


Ben broke their torrid kissing and lowered his body so that his face was now in line with Rain’s hips. He took the top of her panties into his mouth and tugged them downward, sliding them down her legs and off her with his teeth. He looked up to see Rain looking back at him, flushing rosily and looking so incredibly turned on. That aroused Ben even more, and the second the panties were a crumpled mess on the floor, he went right back up and over Rain.


He decided to go down the wild-and-dirty route this time. He wound his hand around Rain’s long blond hair and pulled hard. She groaned and bit her lip, obviously in a bit of pain. He tugged harder, and she moaned louder. Ben leaned down and bit Rain’s lips. She gave a little shriek, which he silenced with another torrid and heavy kiss. He slid his tongue inside her mouth, tasting and exploring every nook and cranny of her lovely mouth.


He removed one hand from her hair and touched her pussy. It was wet, just as he had suspected. He liked the feel of her bare cunt against his skin. He played with her lips for a while, teasing her. She squirmed, and her breath began to catch.




Ben slid two of his fingers inside Rain’s slippery crack. She moaned, spread her legs some more, and bent her knees. He removed his other hand from Rain’s hair and ran it over her luscious large breasts. He watched hungrily as her already hard nipples grew even harder, becoming nubs, reminding him of pencil erasers. He rubbed and rubbed, knowing that arousal was turning into sensitivity and, finally, into pain. His fingers down Rain’s cunt didn’t stop doing their thing. Ben wanted to ravage his hot babysitter with the conflicting and intensifying bouts of pleasure he knew were running through her, thanks to his simultaneous poking, prodding, and rubbing.


Rain was now positively writhing on the bed. She was giving off little kitten like cries and breathing harshly. Ben watched her with utmost concentration as he went right on playing with her tits and pussy. He was growing hard himself, and he wasn’t surprised when he glanced down and saw his thick tool standing large and erect between his legs. He was ready to roll, baby. She better be too. He slipped another finger between her dripping-wet crack. A minute later, he removed the hand on her breasts and slipped a finger of that hand inside her ass.


She squealed. Her moans grew louder. He was positive the guests—and his wife, never forget his wife—downstairs could hear her cries should the music break down at that very moment. He wasn’t sure if he didn’t want it to happen—or not.


In and out, in and out went Ben’s fingers into Rain. He felt he wanted to be inside her hot flesh now. He suddenly removed both his hands and placed them on her breasts, digging into them. He mounted her and, without warning, plunged into her.


She cried out very loudly. He didn’t attempt to cover her mouth with his hand this time, unlike the first few times. He entered, thrust, invaded, pulled out, and attacked viciously again. He felt he was ripping through moist tender flesh, and it almost drove him mad. He pounded away again, hurting her practically and grinning in satisfaction when she began to squirm, as if to get away from him.


He slapped her hard across the cheek just as he came and gushed forth inside her private cave. She gasped, stunned at the slap, but she went on moving her hips. Ben chuckled. She really was a slut, and this was why he was so fond of her.


He pulled his cock from her pussy. She gasped again.


“Get back inside me, Ben,” Rain said, breathless.


Ben nodded. “On your stomach now,” he instructed, to which she followed without hesitation. Spreading her cheeks, he tore inside her again. She cried out loud, but he knew she liked it. Yes, she liked it very much.


As Ben rode on, he thought with a smile that he liked this party very much too.


Rain was giving off loud moans again. The music downstairs came to an abrupt stop, and Ben stopped in mid-thrust. His eyes flew open. He was screwed, he was sure of it. Rain’s cries could be heard down the entire block, he was very sure of that. His stomach turned into jelly as he wondered how Valerie would react when she burst into the bedroom and found her husband straddling their seemingly innocent babysitter, thrusting and pumping into the babysitter’s plump behind with the babysitter screaming without a care in the world in time with each thrust.


Ben grew cold. Rain went on moaning beneath him, but he no longer cared about that. His libido had gone cold. Sweat broke out on his forehead, and he wiped the dots of perspiration away. There were guests downstairs—important guests, people who mattered in the society. Valerie would more likely die from the shame than from the betrayal her husband had given her. The gossips would talk, tongues would wag, and reputations would come shattering down. No, he wouldn’t allow that to happen. He couldn’t stand the thought of it. He loved Valerie. He loved his wife, he was a 100 percent sure of that. He may have the occasional itch, but he never wanted to go back home with any of the women he had bedded and fucked. It was Valerie whom he always thought of, Valerie with her gentle smile and—


“Ben.” Rain’s voice broke through his thoughts, and he started. He looked around. He remembered where he was. Yes, he was in his house, inside a bedroom, screwing his babysitter. He remembered the music suddenly coming to a halt and was about to scramble madly off Rain when he realized the music had come up again. In fact, it seemed to be louder than ever, if that was even possible. He also realized no one had heard a thing. Not Rain’s cries of ecstasy, not his moans of pleasure, not the thumping and humping of their bodies joining together. Nothing. He was safe. For now, that is.


“Rain, that was a close call,” Ben said in a low voice. His penis was still in Rain’s butt hole. He shifted a bit, and she gave a soft cry. Rain was sweating heavily now, more likely from physical exertion than from the stress that came with the loud music downstairs suddenly stopping, he thought. The sweat made her skin glow and appear silken. Against his better intentions, he found himself growing hard right inside her ass hole. God, how could someone make a being as drop-dead gorgeous as Rain? How could a person be this delicious? It just didn’t seem possible, yet there was Rain sprawled beneath him in all her naked glory.


She groaned, frustration evident in her voice. “Lighten up. The music stopped a split second, and that was it.” She looked into his eyes. “Nobody heard a thing, I swear. You had me worried for a minute, spacing off like that.” He saw her eyes become softer. “I thought you were having a heart attack or something.”


“The music gave me quite a scare,” he admitted.


She laughed. “You’re cute. I’d love to give you a peck on the cheek for that, but you’re ripping my ass apart, and I don’t quite like you to stop yet.” Her smile turned mischievous. “Well, what do you say, Mr. Ben?”


He knew she was playing victim again, offering willing submission of her luscious flesh. Of course he couldn’t resist. To hell with the music and the so-called important people—whom he didn’t really like, he had to admit—all partying and having the time of their lives downstairs. He was having the time of his life right here. That was what mattered.


To answer Rain’s question, Ben gave her a brief but smart slap on the buttocks. She squealed, pretending to be in pain, but Ben knew her too well to know she was not in any form of pain. He smacked her bottom again, harder this time. She gave another squeal, and he watched in fascination as the smooth skin of her buttocks began to turn a raw, angry red. He suddenly had the urge to see all of her bottom covered in red splotches. He quickly got off her.


“Ben! What’s wrong? Where are you going?” she asked, surprised. She fingered her hole lightly. “My ass needs more of you. Come on, get back inside.”


He smiled. “You’ve been a very naughty girl, Rain,” he said softly, almost soothingly. Her eyes grew wide, almost fearful, and he felt himself grow hard at the sight of the babysitter’s beautiful eyes wide open. He laughed inside. He was in control. He had power, and boy, was he going to use that power!


Rain caught on, as he expected she would. She flipped over so she was now lying on her back. She spread her legs wide, letting Ben see the inviting, glistening pussy that was waiting for him and only him. He almost let himself go at the sight of her swollen, juicy cunt, but he stopped himself in time. He was in the mood for some hard games. After that brief but intense fright he had over the damn music a while ago, he was determined to get an extremely good time now.


“I wasn’t being naughty,” Rain was saying, pouting her lips at the same time. “It wasn’t my fault the music—”


Ben shook his head. “This isn’t about the music, Rain. This is about you. Get it? You. You’ve been naughty.” He paused. “Very naughty,” he corrected himself.


“Ben,” Rain began, but he cut him off by pinching her pussy lightly. She gasped, and this time, the pain in her eyes was unmistakable. He never hurt her, never touched her that way down there.


Well, he decided things would be a little different now.


He sat at the edge of the bed. He looked at Rain seriously. “Over my knees, pretty lady,” he said in a stern voice. “I mean it. Now.”


She whimpered, but she stood up and sat down beside him. “Ben, what’s this?” Her voice was hoarse and sounded quite fearful.




“I told you, over my knees,” he said, ignoring her question. “Now, Rain. You know we don’t have all the time in the world, do you?”


Her eyes suddenly hardened. He realized she wasn’t liking how things were going, but he knew she was going to do whatever he told her to do anyway because the whole thing was totally turning her on. He looked down and saw her pussy was now very wet. Ah, yes, there was the proof he needed. He looked on, fascinated, as some of her fluids began to drip and run down her slim thighs. Oh, what he wouldn’t give to kneel before her and lick those creamy dripping fluids off her! The temptation was enormous. He quickly reminded himself he was in control here. It wouldn’t do at all to be domineering and suddenly drop on his knees in front of her. She would take that the wrong way, and who knew what she would do to him for that?


Rain saw him looking. She smiled. “Let’s not do any of your games, Ben,” she said sweetly. “You can eat me up all you want, do whatever you want to do to me. Just . . . no games. I’m not sure I like them.”

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