15 Targeted (56 page)

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Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Tags: #steamy science fiction, #HEA, #brides of the kindred, #happy ending, #evangeline anderson, #alpha male, #spicy romance, #hot romance

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“Why not just fold space and send somebody out with a portable scoop modulator?” Thrace asked. “I used to have one on The Empress—too bad I don’t have it with me now.”

Sylvan sighed. “We have a scoop modulator but it’s a permanent model and much too large to be moved. I’m afraid this will delay them considerably which worries me.”

“Can’t they just go in another ship?” Thrace asked. He was worried too—he wanted to know that the girl Two had showed him in his evil vision was safe and well.

Commander Sylvan shook his head. “Unfortunately not. Rone says he has delicate tracking equipment aboard his vessel that can’t be moved and he needs it to help pinpoint Emily’s location.”

“That’s too bad.” Thrace frowned. “I wish there was something I could do.”

“Just send a prayer to the Goddess that Emily is well. If the prophesy is correct, she may be very important to our future.”

“Indeed.” Thrace nodded. “So, if it’s not Kate and Rone, then who
calling me?”

Commander Sylvan’s mouth twitched in a rare smile. “Go find out for yourself. I think you’ll be very happy when you see.”

Mystified but intrigued, Thrace turned the corner into the main communications room. One whole wall was taken up with an enormous viewscreen and on that screen was a very familiar face. A face with gold and green ringed eyes and dark brown hair.

“Solar!” Thrace exclaimed, smiling. “Damn—it’s good to see you!”

“Good to see you too, Captain.” His first mate and best friend nodded but there was a look in his eyes Thrace couldn’t quite read—an uncertainty, as if Solar was worried about something. “I’ve been searching for you forever it seems. I’m glad to find you safe and sound.”

“I feel the same.” Thrace felt a stab of conscious. “Forgive me for not searching for you as well. I have…unfinished business here on the Kindred Mother Ship.”

“Don’t worry yourself about it, Captain,” Solar said. “I landed on my feet after we were both sold at the Flesh Bazaar. I was bought by a mistress from Yonnie Six. In fact…that’s one of the things I wanted to tell you about.” His face took on a look of grim determination.

“Oh?” Thrace frowned. What was Solar holding back? He could tell from the other Havoc’s expression that something was wrong—what was the problem?

“Yes.” Solar nodded firmly and lifted his chin. “Captain, I have broken my Havoc oath—I have bonded myself to a female.” He reached off screen and pulled a little female with a long waterfall of rippling auburn hair to him. “Captain Thrace, meet my lover and my bonded mate, Kaylee.”

“Hi!” the girl said and snuggled close to Solar, pressing her cheek to his chest as she eyed Thrace uncertainly. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Hello.” Thrace arched an eyebrow at Solar and sent a mental call back to his suite. “So, you bonded yourself to your mistress,” he said aloud.

“I did,” Solar acknowledged, nodding firmly. “And I would do so again. I know that we Havoc are not supposed to bond but, well…” He cleared his throat. “I love her, Captain. And I will not leave her.”

“I never asked you to,” Thrace said. “Where are you calling me from?”

“Where?” Solar still seemed to be in shock over Thrace’s reaction—or rather, non-reaction—to his mating. “Uh, we’re aboard The Empress. I got her out of drydock on Padge because I thought she’d be the fastest way to get around and find you. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course I don’t mind,” Thrace told him. “That was actually going to be my plan of attack once I started searching for you. The Empress is one of the fastest ships around—remember the time we outran that band of Rothian pirates?”

“How could I forget?” Solar laughed. “We were light years away before they even knew we’d left! We—”

Just then Trin came into the room. She looked at the viewscreen curiously and then came up to put her arm around Thrace.

“Hi baby, what is it? I got here as fast as I could.”

“Captain…” Solar’s eyes grew wide. “Who—?”

“This is
Mistress, Trin.” Thrace touched the collar studded with Lathvian sapphires that he wore around his throat. “She is also my lover and my Deep-Bonded mate.”

Solar’s eyes grew so wide they looked like they might take over his entire head. “Captain,
You not only bonded with her but you gave her the Deep Bond?”

“Best decision of my life,” Thrace said, nodding and giving Trin a kiss which she returned with interest. “If you plan to have children, you should consider it yourself.”

“I will.” Solar still looked dazed. He cleared his throat. “So, now that I know you’re safe I’ll be returning The Empress to you, Captain Thrace. In fact, we’re just outside the Gatspian wormhole so we should be at your location very soon.”

“Wait a minute—” Thrace raised a hand. “The Gatspian wormhole?”

“Well, yes.” Solar nodded. “We were searching this sector when I finally got word that you were aboard the Kindred Mother Ship.”

“Do we still have that portable scoop modulator aboard The Empress?”

“Of course.” Solar shrugged. “Why—do you need it?”

“I don’t, but I know someone who does.” Thrace turned his head. “Commander Sylvan! Could you come in here, please?”

“Yes?” The blond Kindred came around the corner. “Is there a problem, Thrace?”

“No problem.” Thrace grinned at him. “I think we have a solution that will get Rone and Kate back on Emily’s track in no time.”

Solar frowned. “Kate and Rone? Who are they?”

“People you’re going to meet and help,” Thrace told him. “Listen up, First Mate Solar, I have a job for you…”

Chapter Twenty-four


The Holy Mountains of Rageron weren’t anything like what Emily had expected. Then again, growing up in flatter-than-a-pancake Florida she hadn’t had much chance to explore any mountains. She
taken yearly visits to her grandfather’s cabin in the Blue Ridge—which was absolutely beautiful. But the Blue Ridge was blue in name alone. The Holy Mountains of Rageron were literally blue—covered in vegetation that ranged from the palest periwinkle to the deepest indigo. It was breathtaking—and a bit intimidating.

They flew down in the shuttle and Tragar landed them on a steeply curving slope that led up to a vast plateau. On it was a tall, narrow building made of pure white stone. In fact, the stone was so white it was dazzling and Emily had to shield her eyes as she looked up at it.

“Come,” Tragar said. “The Holy Council awaits.”

They started to climb the hill together and Emily reached for his hand.

“You should not,” Tragar warned in a low voice. “The Council will not look kindly on me touching you publicly when I am not your chosen mate.”

my chosen mate.” Emily entwined their fingers defiantly. “And I want to make sure they know it.”

The big Kindred made no more protests but simply squeezed her hand gently with his own. The gesture gave Emily a warm, tingly feeling and she shot him a small smile. She was certain that no matter what the Holy Council threw at them, they would be all right as long as they stayed together.

They reached the crest of the hill at last and found themselves facing three elderly Kindred, all of them dressed in pure white, long sleeved robes. Two were males with iron gray hair and one had a long gray beard that reached almost to his knees. Standing in front of them was one of the rare female Kindred. She was an older woman with a deeply lined face and long hair which was a mixture of gray and faded olive green. Her eyes had pale green whites and emerald green irises. It was a striking combination.

,” she said, stepping forward and extending both hands to Emily. “Welcome to the Temple of the Transfiguration where you will complete your

“Um, thank you.” In order to take the older woman’s hands, Emily had to let go of Tragar’s. She didn’t want to but it seemed rude to refuse the gesture of greeting. “Thank you,” she said again, taking both the woman’s hands in hers. “Are you in charge here?”

“Yes, I am the High Priestess of the Temple and the Head of the Holy Council. You may call me Mother Chundra. And these two Elders are called Brother Hurx and Brother Gr’nir.” She nodded at the two elderly Kindred males behind her. “They are also on the Council.”

“It’s very nice to meet you,” Emily said, bowing her head in what she hoped was a respectful way. “We’ve had a long trip to get here.”

“So I understand. Master Xen’dex called ahead and notified us of your arrival.” Mother Chundra nodded gracefully. “We are most pleased to have you here, child. Though I must say, we have never had a
come to us under such unusual circumstances. Am I to understand that you did not even know you were
until this male found you?”

“This male is
Emily released the older woman’s hands and hooked her arm possessively through the big Kindred’s. “He saved my life and kept me from dying through the first three stages of
She took a deep breath. “He is also my chosen mate.”

Mother Chundra frowned. “That is not for you to say, child. A
cannot choose her own mate—such a choice is too important to be left to any but the Council.”

“He’s the one I want.” Emily lifted her chin. “The
one I want.”

The two Kindred males behind Mother Chundra were muttering together and then one of them—Brother Hurx, Emily thought—put a hand on Mother Chundra’s shoulder and whispered into her ear.

“Very well,” she said, nodding at them and then at Emily. “Brother Hurx makes a valid point—a
wishes are very important in this process. We will give due and careful consideration to your request. This male who found you and saved your life will certainly be included in the candidates for your chosen mate.”

Emily wasn’t sure she liked the sound of that but when she looked at Tragar, he simply nodded. Well, maybe there would be a bunch of guys for her to choose from and he would be one of them. In which case, she would just point to him and be done with it.

“Well, all right, I guess…” she said doubtfully.

“Good. Then it is decided.”

Mother Chundra clapped her hands twice and suddenly two more females appeared. They looked to be much younger—probably Emily’s age. One of them had green streaked hair and green eyes, like the High Priestess and the other had the deep indigo eyes and black hair like the image of Tragar’s wife.
She must be one of the Ancient Ones,
Emily thought.

,” the girl with green eyes said. “Let us lead you to your chambers and bathe you with the Juice of Refreshment to ease the tension from your weary limbs.”

“And we will feed you on the Feast of Becoming so that your
can progress as it should,” the girl with Indigo eyes said.

“Um…” Emily wasn’t sure about taking a bath in any kind of juice and she didn’t want to leave Tragar. But the two girls were already pulling her away. She looked back at the big Kindred anxiously. “Tragar?”

“Go, my
He nodded at her and she thought he looked sad.

“Will you be all right? Will you…” She wanted to be sure he wouldn’t hurt himself while she was gone. Tragar seemed to understand.

“I will be here waiting for you, my
he said. “I swear it.”

“All right.” Emily felt marginally better about leaving him. And he
promised not to do away with himself. “Okay then, I’ll see you later. I…I love you.” She felt a little shy about saying the words out loud in front of all these strangers but she wanted him to know how she felt.

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