16 Sizzling Sixteen (8 page)

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Authors: Janet Evanovich

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Sizzling Sixteen
Page: 44

No, Im not okay. Im on my ass, and I found the edge of the road on account of Im in a bush. Where the heck are you?

Everyone stay still until our eyes adjust, I said.

How longs that take? Lula wanted to know.

A couple minutes, I think, I told her.

Its been a couple minutes, Lula said, and Im not adjusted. I think that adjusting is a lot of hooey.

Give it a minute more, I said.

We waited a minute more, but we still couldnt see.

Ill show you adjusting, Lula said. And she flipped her flashlight on.

So much for the stealth approach.

We followed Lula and her flashlight until we reached the grassy area around the house. Once we were out from under trees, we were at least able to differentiate structure from sky. Light blazed from several windows. A television flickered in a downstairs room. A figure moved from one room to the next. The SUV was still parked by the door.

We need to get closer, Connie said. Someone should run across the lawn and look in the windows.

Someone? I asked.

Yeah, Connie said. You.

Why me?

Its your job. Im the office person, and youre the sneaking around, chasing down bad guys person.

What about Lula? Why cant Lula be the sneaking around person?

Yeah, Lula said, what about me? I could sneak your ass off.

So let me get this straight, Connie said to Lula. Youre the one wants to get thrown under the bus.

Since you put it that way, it occurs to me Stephanie has the skill sets needed for this operation, Lula said.

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I struggled to get out of the azaleas, and I moved around the house, peeking in windows, listening for conversation. I got to the kitchen, and there was a tray on the kitchen counter with some dirty dishes and a can of Coke tipped on its side. There were also a couple dishes, some silverware, and two glasses on the counter by the sink. It could be that someone was served on a tray and two people ate in the kitchen. Not conclusive proof Vinnie was being held in the house, but it was worth considering.

I jogged back to the woods and told Connie and Lula what Id found.

I say we rocket a bomb in there and see what comes out, Lula said.

Suppose only the guys watching television come out? I said. Is someone going in to make sure Vinnie isnt there?

That would be you again, Lula said, since youre so good at finding people.

No. I shook my head. No, no, no. I already did my thing. Someone elses turn. Im not going into a house that smells like cat pee and diarrhea fart.

Id be happy to do it, but I got asthma, Lula said. I might have an attack in there. It could kill me.

We were standing at the edge of the woods arguing, and headlights appeared on the dirt road. The car was traveling at a good speed, coming in from Lower Bucks Road, almost on top of us before we saw it. We dove for cover, flat on our stomachs, hidden in shadow. The car roared into the circular driveway, stopped in front of the brown-shingle house, and Bangfired off an object that broke the foyer window. Banganother shot fired at an upstairs window, and the car spun its wheels and careened out of the driveway, back toward the road. It was a dark-colored SUV. I couldnt see the plate or the make. We got to our feet and stood in shock for a moment.

What the heck was that about? Lula wanted to know.

In a moment, we knew what it was about, because the inside of the house was engulfed in flames, and smoke billowed out the broken foyer window.

Fire bomb, Connie said.

We ran to the house to make sure everyone got out, and just as we reached the house, three men ran from the opposite side, jumped into the SUV, and took off. Hard to tell in the dark if one of them was Vinnie, it all happened so fast. There was a small explosion from somewhere inside, windows blew out, and flames shot out the windows and licked up the side of the house.

We need to get out of here, Connie said. We need to get to the car before the police and the fire trucks show up. The police will wonder why a cars parked there.

I grabbed my purse and the box of stink bombs, and we hustled down the road, with Lula in the lead holding her flashlight.

Boy, Bobby Sunflower is a really unpopular person, Lula said. You gotta get in line to bomb his house.

We were walking fast. I was sweating holding the box of stink bombs, and I could hear Lula breathing hard in front of me. We were almost to Lower Bucks Road when we heard the sirens.

Crap, Connie said. How did they get here so fast?

I hiked my bag farther up on my shoulder. Im sure the house had a security system, and fire always goes directly to police and the fire department.

A police car was the first on the scene. It turned onto the dirt road, and we jumped into the woods. A second car was close behind, but it stopped on Lower Bucks Road, behind Connies SUV.

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The cop sat in his car for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, the drivers door opened, and the cop got out and walked to Connies car. A beam of light swept over the SUV. We held our breath and didnt move. A fire truck chugged past and turned onto the dirt road. It was followed by an EMT truck. The cop returned to his car, pulled onto the road, and turned into the dirt road.

Connie called the Trenton police and reported her brothers car stolen.

I parked it at Quakerbridge Mall, she said. And I just came out of Macys, and its not here.

She gave all the necessary information and said she had a ride coming and needed to get home.

That was quick thinking, Lula said. It wouldnt be good if Bobby Sunflower found out we were parked here. Hed think we were the fire bombers. The police probably would think that, too.

Unfortunately, we cant use the car to get home, Connie said. Were going to have to leave it here.

I bet your brothers gonna be pissed, Lula said.

Connie shrugged. Hell understand.

Connies family took crime in stride. It was a family activity.

So how we gonna get home? Lula wanted to know. Its getting late, and I got television shows I want to watch.

My brother Tony would pick us up but his cars on the side of the road, Connie said.

I got no one, Lula said. I dont got a special someone in my life right now.

I shoved my hand into my pocket and came up with Mooners card.


THE RV CREAKED to a stop behind Connies SUV and Mooner leaned out the drivers side window. Have no fear, Mooners here, he said.

What the heck is this? Lula said, taking in the hand-painted peace signs, swirly wind, and stars symbols on the side of the bus.

Its a motor home, Mooner said. Its a quality recreational vehicle.

Connie sniffed the air drifting out the open window. It smells like dog.

Yep, Mooner said. And it comes by it honest.

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This heres real nice, Lula said. Surprisingly plush. Course, Im a animal-print person, myself, so I appreciate the decor.

I did it myself, Mooner said. I was going for retro animal kingdom. Mooner ground the RV into gear, performed a U-turn at the dirt road, and headed back to Trenton. Were you ladies attending the bonfire? he asked. It has to be mega. I could see the glow from the bridge.

We didnt go to the bonfire, I told him. We were just riding around and the car broke down.

I could turn this bus around and take you to the fire if you want, Mooner said.

Not necessary, I told him. Youve seen one fire, youve seen them all.

So true, Mooner said. Personally, Im more a wind man. Wind rocks.

Mooner dropped Connie off at her brothers house, so she could retrieve her car, and he took Lula and me back to the bonds office. Lula got into her Firebird and drove away, and I walked back to the Jeep, where Morelli was waiting for me. He was lounging against the Jeep, arms crossed over his chest.

Hey, I said. Whats up?

You were asking about Bobby Sunflower, so I thought youd want to know one of his properties burned to the ground tonight.

Which one burned?

His Pennyslvania house.

Was anyone in the house?

Its too early to tell. No one was rescued. Morelli wrapped me in his arms and nuzzled my hair. You smell smoky, he said.

Must be from Mooners motor home. He took us for a demo ride.

Its not nice to lie, Morelli said.

Our eyes locked.

Do you honestly want the truth? I asked him.

Morelli thought about it for a beat. No, he said.

I stood on tiptoes and kissed him on the nose. Its late. I have to go home. I have a big day of bounty huntering tomorrow.

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Youd go home with someone who might be a liar?

Yeah, Morelli said. Im getting desperate.

You were the one who wanted to break up. You said I wasnt relationship material.

I didnt say that.

You did!

Can I take it back? I hadnt had my coffee yet. And I needed . . .

I narrowed my eyes at him. You needed what?

Toast, Morelli said. He blew out a sigh. This isnt going to happen tonight, is it?


I was getting mad all over again. No one pushed my buttons like Morelli. I mean, why was I the one who had to remember to buy the bread? Okay, in all honesty, I thought this was a pretty stupid thing to break up over. And in all honesty, I should have remembered to buy bread. That didnt alter the fact that I was mad. Mad wasnt a reasonable emotion. And the truth was, I wasnt entirely sure if I was mad at Morelli or mad at myself.


I ROLLED INTO the bonds office at nine oclock. Connie was at her desk. Lula hadnt as yet arrived.

Have you heard anything about the fire? I asked Connie.

So far, no bodies found. Word on the street is theres a war going on between Bobby Sunflower and some under-the-radar Mob guy.

Did your brother get his car back?

Hes picking it up from impound today. The police suspect it was stolen by someone associated with the fire.

Only tangentially.

Thats a big word, Connie said.

I heard it on television. Im pretty sure I used it right.

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At least we know Vinnie didnt burn up in the house.

Looks that way. I suppose its a good thing, although Im starting to think it might be easier just to look for a new job.

Lula bustled in. Whatd I miss? Did I miss anything? I overslept. And then I couldnt figure out what to wear. And my coffeepots broke, so I had to stop at Starbucks, and the line was out the door.

We found out Vinnie didnt burn up in the house, I told her.

Hunh, Lula said. But then on the bright side, since he isnt dead, we might get to use the stink bomb after all.

Every cloud has a silver lining, Connie said.

You got bags under your eyes, Lula said to me. You spend the night with Morelli?

No. Were in the off-again phase of our on-again, off-again relationship, I told her. It was just one of those sleepless nights.

I had bags under my eyes because Id thrashed around all night in a state over bread. And then I was in a state because I had two men in my life, and I had no clue what to do with them. I loved them each in different ways, and I was too traditional and Catholic to just enjoy them. How sick is that? I wasnt a practicing Catholic, but I had guilt. And I was stuck with all these rules about relationships. And then there was my mother, who I suspect was mortally afraid Id end up with Ranger. And my grandmother, who probably thought I was an idiot not to be sleeping with both of them. And my father, who didnt think there was a man alive who was worthy of me. So Id probably gotten about an hours sleep last night. And then Chet had called at seven oclock. Midmorning for Rangers team.

This morning, Chet called with a list of properties Sunflower owns through his holding company, I told Connie and Lula. Im going to do a drive-by on everything thats local.

Im up for that, Lula said. Its a nice sunny day out. Perfect for riding around. Maybe we should put the top down on the Jeep.

FOR THE MOST part, the holding company owned commercial real estate that was leased out to a variety of businesses. A supermarket, a dry cleaner, a pet store, a hair salon, a natural foods store, and a couple empty lots.

This is interesting, Lula said. Heres this Sunflower guy whos real bad, making his money off prostitution and gambling and drugs, and then hes got this whole other side thats got legitimate, boring businesses. Dont you find that interesting? I mean, the man owns a natural foods store.

He doesnt actually own the store. He owns the physical space.

Same difference. And a pet store filled with puppies and shit. I mean, can you see Bobby Sunflower selling puppies?

He doesnt personally sell puppies.

But suppose he did. Wouldnt that be weird?

ID DRIVEN PAST all the properties on Chets list and I was now parked on Liberty Street. Nothing on the list had the potential for holding Vinnie captive.

I dont know where to go from here, I said to Lula. I have two days to find Vinnie, and Im out of ideas.

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Good idea, I told her. I know just the place.

I drove down Liberty to Broad and followed Broad across town to Marble Street. I pulled into the 7-Eleven lot and parked. Mickey Gritch was on the other side of the lot, conducting business as usual.

I gave Lula a twenty. Get me nachos and a drink. Im going to talk to Mickey.

You sure you dont want me behind you doin backup?

No. I can manage on my own.

I waited for a guy in a rumpled suit to walk away from Gritch. When the guy got in his car, I moved in.

Hey, I said to Gritch. Long time no see.

Not long enough, Gritch said. Get away from me. Youre like poison.

How so?

I dont know. By association.

Talk to me, I said.

Gritch rolled his engine over. Im leaving.

You can talk to me here, or you can talk to me at your house, I said. I know where you live.

Id had good luck with Ernie Wilkes with that threat. I figured Id roll it out and try it again.

You wouldnt do that, Gritch said.

Yep, I said. I would.

Thats not fair. A mans home is his castle.

Wheres Vinnie?

I dont know. I swear. I guess he was at Sunflowers house in Pennsylvania, but it got firebombed, and they moved him. Im serious now. Walk away. Let Sunflower do whatever he has to do to Vinnie. Hes dealing with crazy people. I dont even know who they are, but they scare the crap out of me.

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