1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War (91 page)

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152. "Bentz," "Operational Order for Operation `Shoter,"' 24 July 1948, IDFA 352/53//28.
153. Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, 1:673 - 68 2.
154-. Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 438 -441.
155. Yadin, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 8 September 1948, ISA.
156. Yadin, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 8 September 1948.
157. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 159.
158. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 161.
159. Unsigned, "Summary of the Meeting of the Advisers on Arab Affairs in Camp Dora 31.3.48," and unsigned, "Summary of the Meeting of the Arab Affairs Advisers at Dora Camp 6.4.48," both in IDFA 4663/49//125•
,6o. Myerson, protocol of meeting of JAE, 6 May 1948, CZA 45/2.
161. Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 311 and 321.
162. Protocol of meeting in Haifa, 6 June 1948, ISA MAM 303/41.
163. Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 316.
164. OC IDF Intelligence Department, 16 June 1948, ISA FM 2426/9.
165. Moshe Shertok, "[Talk] with Yosef Weitz," 28 May 1948, ISA FM 2564/20.
166. Weitz, Danin, Sasson, "Retroactive ... ," undated but from early June 1948, ISA FM 2564/19.
167. Morris, "Weitz and Transfer Committees," 533-535•
168. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for i June 1948,477-
16q. Oded/Operations to battalions, 13 June 1948, IDFA 63o9/49//2.
170. Ben-Gurion, Shertok, Cisling, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 16 June 1948, ISA.
171. See, e.g., OC Golani Brigade, Nahum, Golan, to Shimon, Binyamin, and Levi, 16 June 1948, IDFA 1o96/49//51, and Yitzhak Rabin, Dani HQ, to Harel, Yiftah, Kiryati, and Eighth Brigades, 19 July 1948, KMA-PA 141-419.
172. Protocol of Cabinet meeting of 28 July 1948, ISA.
173. Foreign minister to Cabinet members, "Instructions to the Israeli Delegation to the UN General Assembly," 1o September 1948, appended to protocol of Cabinet meeting of 12 September 1948, ISA. See also Ya`akov Shimon to Eliahu Sasson, 16 September 1948, ISA FM 3749/1•
174. OC Fifty-first Battalion to C Company, etc., 20 July 1948, IDFA 922/ 75//899.
175. Fifty-first Battalion/Intelligence to Giv`ati HQ/Intelligence, 19 July 1948, IDFA 1041/49//12.
176. Giv ati Brigade, untitled logbook page, entries for 21-25 July 1948, IDFA 922/ 75//899. The entry for 21 July, dealing with the fate of the three detainees, was blacked out by IDFA censors.
177. Intelligence officer, Fifty-third Battalion, to Giv`ati HQ/Intelligence, 24 July 1948, IDFA 1041/49//12.
178. Givati Brigade logbook, entries for 6,13 August 1948, IDFA 922/75//899.
179. OC Givati to Fifty-fifth Battalion, etc., 24 August 1948, IDFA 7011/49//5•
18o. Fifty-fifth Battalion/ Intelligence officer, to Giv`ati /Operations, "Report on Operation `Nikayon,"' 29 August 1948, IDFA 922/75//899.
181. OC First Company to Jezreel Battalion, 5 August 21948, IDFA 128/51//32.
182. Golani Brigade/Intelligence, "Daily Summary 25 -26.8," IDFA 1o96/49//64.
183. Third Battalion/Intelligence to Yiftah HQ/Intelligence, 27 September 1948, IDFA 922/75 //1227-
184. Jezreel Battalion to Golani/Intelligence, 8 August 1948, IDFA 128/51//32.
185. Fifty-second Battalion to Giv`ati/Intelligence, z5 August 1948, IDFA 1041/ 49//12.
186. Golani ?, to Golani and Carmeli HQs, 9 April 1948, IDFA 128/51 //So.
187. Palmah HQ to HGS, "Daily Report," ioApril 1948, IDFA 922/75 //io66.
188. Palmah HQ to HGS, "Daily Report," 12 April1948, IDFA 922/75 //1214-
18q. Palmah HQ to HGS, "Daily Report," 15 April 1948, IDFA 922/75//1o66.
19o. Nahshon Corps HQ to battalion HQs "A," "B," and "C," etc., 4 (?) April 1948, IDFA 922/75//1233.
191. Unsigned, "Report on the Conquest of Qaluniya," 9 April 1948, IDFA 922/ 75//1233.
192. Levine, Jerusalem, entry for 12 April 1948, 67.
193. Palmah HQ to HGS, "Daily Report," 16 April 1948, IDFA 922/75 //1214.
194. Nahshon Corps HQ to Second Battalion, etc., 15 April 1948, IDFA 236/53//1.
195. Nahshon Corps HQ to Fifty-second Battalion, Giv`ati, 15 April 1948, IDFA 236/53//1.
196. Nahshon HQ to First Battalion, i5 April 1948, IDFA 236/53//1.
197. Cisling, statement in Cabinet, 16 June 1948, KMA-AZP 9/9/3•
198. Gvirtz to Shitrit, 23 June 1948, and Gvirtz, "Report for the Month of June," undated, but from early July 1948, both in ISA AM gimel/19/aleph.
199. Gordon to Davar editorial board, 14 December 1948, IDFA 1292/51//68.
Zoo. Eli'ezer Kaplan, protocol of meeting of Ministerial Committee for Abandoned Property (which he chaired), 5 November 1948, ISA FM 2401/21 aleph.
201. Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 361.
202. Kibbutz Neve -Yam to Agricultural Center, 3 August 1948, LA 235 IV, 2251.
203. Weitz, Diary and Letters, entry for 20 May 1948, 3:288.
204. Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 366 -367.
205. Weitz, "To Settle New Lands," 1949, ISA AM 29/7.
2o6. Weitz, Harzfeld, and Horin, "Proposal for New Settlements by the Agricultural Settlements Committee of the National Institutions . . . ," 28 July 1948, KMAACP 8/4 aleph; Weitz, protocol of meeting of JNF directorate, 16 August 1948, CZA I KL io.
207. Ra anan Weitz, secretary of the Jewish Agency Settlement Department (and son of Yosef Weitz), memorandum submitted to Ministerial Committee for Abandoned Property, 3o November 1948, KMA-ACP 4, aleph/8.
zo8. Weitz, Diary and Letters, entries for 3, 1o December, 3:360, 364.
209. Weitz, Diary and Letters, entries for 18, 19 December 1948, 3:366, 369.
210. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 31 January 1948,197-
211. Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 384-385.
212. Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 384 - 393.
213. Chapman Andrews, Cairo, to FO, 16 August 1948, PRO FO 371-68677-
214. Kirkbride to FO, 18 August 1948, PRO FO 371-68677.
215. James McDonald to secretary of state, 17 October 1948, USNA 501, BB Palestine/1o-1748.
z,6. Stanton Griffis, Cairo, to secretary of state, 6 October 1948, USNA Sol, BB Palestine/ 10 - 648.
217. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, i August 1948, ISA.
218. Eliahu Epstein to Shertok, zo August 1948, DFPI, 1:$40.
219. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, zi September 1948, ISA.
220. Yadin, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 8 September 1948, ISA.
221. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 9 September 1948, 679.
222. Douglas, London, to secretary of state, 27 August 1948, and Douglas to secretary of state, 3 September 1948, both in FR US, 1948, 5, Pt. 2:1354-1357,1373 -1375 -
223. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 186-189.
224. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 190.
225. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 196-199.
226. Acting secretary of state (Lovett) to certain diplomatic and consular office (conveying Marshall's statement), 21 September 1948, FR US, 1948, 5, pt. 2:1415-16; Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 226.
227. Trefor Evans to FO, zi September 1948, PRO FO 371-68376.
218. Harold Beeley to Burrows, 11 November 1948, PRO FO 371-68643.
229. Ilan, Bernadotte in Palestine, 224.
230. Gerges, "Egypt and the 1948 War," 164.
231. Cohen-Shani, Paris Operation, 73-95.
232. Sasson to Foreign Ministry, z3 September 1948, ISA, DFFI, 1:632-634.
233. "Appendix 1," 22 September 1948, ISA, DFPI, 1:34-636.
234. Shertok to Walter Eytan, Tel Aviv, 5 October 1948, ISA, DFP1, 2:21-22. It is not clear from the available documents whether the Egyptians were insisting on the whole of the Negev (plus the southern Coastal Strip) or only the northwestern strip of the Negev earmarked in the UN partition resolution for Palestinian sovereignty. Doran, Pan-Arabism before Nasser, 181-18z, thinks the former.
235. "Appendix II," "Appendix III," ISA, DFFI, 2:25-25-27.
236. "Appendix IV," ISA, DFPI, 2:28-29. See also Doran, Pan-Arabism before Nasser, 181-184, for these negotiations.
237. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 6 October 1948, ISA.
238. Gelber, Independence versus Nakba, 312.
239. Foreign minister to minority affairs minister, 8 August 1948, ISA FM 2570/10. See also Haim Berman and Sasson, "Proposals," 13 March 1948, CZA Sz59383.
24-0. Gelber, Independence versus Nakba, 312.
241. One incident, in which four persons were shot dead in an Arab ambush on 22 September, is described in a radio message from Bunche to the chief of staff of the UN observer mission from 30 September 1948, intercepted by IDF intelligence (see Ta to "Daat," undated, HA 105/119).
242. Protocol of Cabinet meeting, 26 September 1948, ISA.
243. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 6 October 1948.
244. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 6 October 1948, 735.
245. Protocol of Cabinet meeting, 6 October 1948, ISA.
246. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, io October 1948, ISA.
247. "Meeting of the IDF General Staff, Defense Ministry ... 6.10.48," IDFA 111/ 50//172.
i. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 26 September 1948, ISA.
2. Rabin, Memoirs, 37: "We were ready and eager for action."
3. Fifth Brigade to Battalions 51, etc., "Operational Order Operation `Yoav,"' 11 October 1948, IDFA 922/75//899; Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 425 -426.
4. Tal, "Military Decision in the Shadow of Political Struggle," 1:450-456.
5. "The Battle for the Negev, a Stenogram of the Lecture by General Yigal Arlon, OC Southern Front, on 1.11.48 to the Cultural Officers," IDFA 2289/5o//8o.
6. Gelber, Budding Fleur-de-Lis, 2:706 -707.
7. Ayalon, Giv'ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 416 - 417; Ilan, Origin of Arab-Israeli Arms Race, 256.
8. Ilan, Origin ofArab-Israeli Arms Race, 257-258. In the corruption charge sheet drawn up against senior Egyptian officers after the war, it stated that, in one significant purchase, 42 percent of the ammunition was spoiled and "more dangerous to the user than the enemy."
9. Ben-Galion, War Diary, 6 October 1948, 736.
io. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, 7 October 1948, 736-737; Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 5 September 1948, ISA.
11. Gelber, Budding Fleur-de-Lis, 2:732.
12. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 5 September 1948, ISA.
13. Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, 3:35.
14. Rabin, Memoirs, 37.
15. Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, 3:36.
16. Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, 3:35 - 36.
IT Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, 3:37-42.
18. Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, 3:4.6.
19. Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, 3:45
20. Ilan, Origin ofArab-Israeli Arms Race, 232.
z1. Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 431- 436.
22. Giv'ati, l'ath of Desert and Fire, zio-ziz.
23. Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 443.
24. Ayalon, Giv ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 455.
25. Ben-Galion, War Diary, entry for 18 October 1948, 753
z6. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 19 October 1948, 754-
27. Yiftah in a Storm, 213.
28. Ayalon, Giv ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 505 - 524•
29. Giv`ati, Path of Desert and Fire, z16.
30. Alec Kirkbride to secretary of state, 21 October 1948, PRO FO 816/131.
31. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 20 October 1948, 756-757; Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, zi October 1948, ISA.
32. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 21 October 1948.
33• "Editorial Note," DFPI, 2:72-
34. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, zo October 1948, ISA. But Ben-Gurion objected: "The first truce favored us ... We were on the verge of complete exhaustion."
35. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 21 October 1948.
36. Gruenbaum, protocol of Cabinet meeting, zo October 1948, ISA.
37. "The Battle for the Negev, a Stenogram ... ," IDFA 2289/50//80.
38. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, z6 October 1948, ISA.
39• Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, zo October 1948.
40. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, zi October 1948.
41. Guri, Breaking, 72-73.
42. Giv ati, Path of Desert and Fire, zz8; and Michael Cohen, "Teddy Eytan, `the French Commando' and Battalion 75 in the War of Independence," in Shiran, ed., Jews and Arabs in Protracted Struggle, 124-1 25.
43• Morris, Birth ofPetlestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 467.
44. Eldar, Flotilla 13,142 -15 z; Tal, Naval Operations in Israel's War of Independence, 161-169.
45. Harel Fifth Battalion/Intelligence, "Summary of the Battalion's Battles in the Deiraban-Beit Jimal Sector," i November 1948, IDFA 922/75//1233.
46. Friends Speak about Jimmy.
47. Intelligence Officer/Jerusalem Area, "The Conquest of Deiraban, Deir al-Hawa and Beit Jimal," 21 October 1948, IDFA 63o8/49//141.
48. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, z6 October 1948; Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 22 October 1948, 760-761; Gilead, ed., Book of the Palmah, 2:424.
49. Kirkbride to secretary of state, zi October 18948, PRO 816/131.
50. Glubb to Goldie,16 October 1948, quoted in Shlaim, Collusion across the Jordan, 329.
Si. Abu Nowar, Jordanian-Israeli War, 242; Glubb, Soldier, zoo.
52. Gelber, Budding Fleur-de-Lis, 750-751.

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