1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War (88 page)

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137. Ilan, Origin ofArab-Israeli Arms Race, 48 -49.
138. Morris, Road to Jerusalem, 183-184.
139. Abu Nowar, Jordanian-Israeli War, 8687.
140. IGrkbride, From the Wings, z8. Other sources say the crossing began just before dawn, 15 May.
141. Glubb, Soldier, 99•
142. Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, 144-145.
143. Abu Nowar, Jordanian-Israeli War, 86.
144. Shlaim, Collusion across theJordan, 239.
145. Levy, Jerusalem in the War of Independence, zz5-235; Yanait, Avrahami, and `Etzion, eds., Haganah in Jerusalem, 220-272.
146. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 16 May 1948, ISA.
147. Morris, Road to Jerusalem, 155 -156.
148. Dov Steiger, "Arab Legion," 74, IDFA 1o46/70//178.
149. Glubb, Soldier, 108-109. See also Kirkbride to Bevin (no. 331), 15 May 1948, PRO FO 816/izo.
i5o. HIS, "Arab [Affairs] Information Bulletin from 18.$.48," IDFA 500/48//55.
151. Glubb, Soldier, 118, reproducing the text; Sela, "Transjordan, Israel and 1948 War," 651.
152. Abu Nowar, Jordanian-Israeli War, 93-94--
153. Glubb, Soldier, 11o.
154. Steiger, "Arab Legion," 73, 75, IDFA 1046/70//178.
155• Kirkbride to FO, 19 May 1948, PRO FO 371-68829.
156. Sela, "Transjordan, Israel and 1948 War," 647.
157. Apparently on the direct command of 'Abdullah, bypassing Glubb (see Abu Nowar, Jordanian-Israeli War, 95-96).
158. Glubb, Soldier, 111, 113.
159• 'Abdullah had already spoken explicitly on zo April of sending Glubb "to conquer Jerusalem" and hinted as much both before and after (see Morris, Road to Jerusalem, 153-155).
,6o. Letter, apparently published in Al-Nisr, 17 May 1948, PRO FO 816/izo; HIS, "HIS Information, Daily Summary," 27 May 1948, IDFA 9oo/52//58; Nevo, KingAbdallah and Palestine, 137.
161. Glubb, Soldier, 107-
162. Lapidot, Flames of Revolt, 376-377.
163. Arieli, ed., Youth Battalion (Gadna), 93-97; Levy, Jerusalem in the War oflndependence, 2,44-247; Avizohar, Battle for Jerusalem, 164-168; Abu Nowar, Jordanian-Israeli War, 113-117.
164. Levy, Jerusalem in the War of Independence, 247-
165. Mrs. Campbell, diary entry for zo May 1948 (by "Mrs. MacInnes"), PRO FO 371-68511.
166. Arieli, ed., Youth Battalion (Gadna), 116 -118; Levy, Jerusalem in the War of Independence, 247-248.
167. Kirkbride to Bevin, 21 May 1948, PRO FO 816/i2o.
168. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, i9 May 1948, ISA: "The Legion has apparently begun its move and it has three aims: the Old City, the whole of the city, and its environs."
169. Gruenbaum, protocol of Cabinet meeting, zo June 1948, ISA.
170. See Ben-Gurion and Interior Minister Yitzhak Greenbaum, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 23 May 1948, ISA. Ironically, Whitehall simultaneously was warning 'Abdullah against attacking West Jerusalem (FO to Kirkbride, 19 May 1948, PRO FO 371-68853: "A full-scale Arab Legion attack in Jerusalem is exactly the kind of situation which would produce the greatest possible difficulty for us in our relations with Transjordan").
171. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 30 May 1948, ISA.
172. Shertok to Chaim Weizmann, 23 May 1948, ISA, DFFI, 1:66. But some Jordanians believed that the Legion's ultimate objective was to conquer West Jerusalem (see J. B. Pruen, "Conversation with Major Abdullah Tell," 24 May 148, PRO FO 371-68641).
173. Jerusalem Brigade and District OC, 21 May 1948, IDFA 661/69//45.
174. [?] to Shiloah, 7 June 1948, CZA S25-5o35.
175. Levy, Jerusalem in the War of Independence, 256 -259; Abu Nowar, JordanianIsraeli War, 175-177; Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, 87-89.
176. Glubb, Soldier, 116.
177. Mrs. Campbell, diary entry for 23 May 1948, PRO FO 371-8511.
178. Collins and Lapierre, Jerusalem, 474.
179. Arieli, ed., Youth Battalion (Gadna), 113 -122.
18o. Abu Nowar, Jordanian-Israeli War, 1zo-1z6; Glubb, Soldier, 115-125; Levy, Jerusalem in the War of Independence, 25o-z51; Avizohar, Battle forJerusalem, 169-172; Collins and Lapierre, Jerusalem, 473-476. The figure for Legion casualties varies: Glubb speaks of about a hundred, Abu Nowar of "300."
181. Glubb, Soldier, 126.
,8z. Richard Beaumont to Bevin, 30 May 1948, PRO FO 371-68510.
183. Avizohar, BattleforJerusalem, 132-135.
184. Palmah HQ to HGS, "Daily Report," 19 May 1948, IDFA 922/75//1066; Ehrnvald, Siege within Siege, 208 -210.
185. Yosef Mizrahi's statement, as recorded by Z. Maimon, "The Battle in the Old City," 3 June 1948, CZA Sz5-77z3.
186. Levy, Jerusalem in the War of Independence, 45 -57.
187. Ben-Gurion, Restored State ofIsrael, 1:130.
188. David Balfour to Beaumont, 17 June 1948, PRO FO 371-68508.
18q. Ehrnvald, Siege within Siege, 230. 190. Levy, Jerusalem in the War of Independence, 53-57, 70-71. See also Narkis, Soldier of Jerusalem, 96-97, for the events of 18-i9 May.
191. See Ehrnvald, Siege within Siege, 229 -241, for the surrender. The original document was lost.
192. Levy, Jerusalem in the War of Independence, 29 - 30.
193. Yosef Mizrahi's statement, as recorded by Z. Maimon, "The Battle in the Old City," 3 June 194.8, CZA S25-1123. See also Beaumont to FO, 31 May 1948, PRO FO 371-68509.
194. Levy, Jerusalem in the War of Independence, 66 -71; Tall, Memoirs, 103-112.
195. Beaumont to Bevin, 30 May 1948, PRO FO 371-68510.
196. Even before the pan-Arab invasion, Harel Brigade HQ had concluded that "the Latrun Junction is turning into the decisive spot in this battle [for Jerusalem]" (see Harel HQ to Palmah HQ, "Report on the Brigade's Activities No. 33," 1314 May 1948, IDFA 661/69//45)-but this appreciation was not shared by HGS until a week later.
197. Glubb, Soldier, iio. See also Royle, Glubb Pasha, 363; Itzchaki, Latrun, 153155; and Shlaim, Collusion across the Jordan, 244.
198. Steiger, "Arab Legion," 109, IDFA 1046/70//178.
199. Ben-Gurion, War Diary, entry for 22 May 1948, 450.
Zoo. Itzchaki, Latrun, 180-184.
201. Levy, Jerusalem in the War of Independence, 266.
202. Gelber, Budding Fleur-de-Lis, 455; Itzchaki, Latrun, 185-186.
203. Itzchaki, Latrun, 195-196.
204. Itzchaki, Latrun, 202.
205. Itzchaki, Latrun, 212-213, quoting Mordechai Ya`akobovich.
206. Rivlin and Sinai, eds., Alexandroni Brigade, 231-259.
207. Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, 176.
zo8. Sharon, Warrior, 57.
209. Sharon, Warrior, 56.
210. Itzchaki, Latrun, 226-227; Shapira, "Historiography and Memory." During the following decades, Ben-Gurion's political rivals, from left and right, and Arab chroniclers, enormously exaggerated the Israeli losses at Latrun, each for his own reasons: Mahmoud al-Ghussan speaks of"8oo" Israeli dead (Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, 176); Glubb, Soldier, 132, speaks of "six hundred dead Jews." Itzchaki and Shapira, who checked the rosters, write of seventy-two to seventyfour dead and dismiss the charge that most or many of the dead were immigrants just off the boats and with no military training.
211. Abu Nowar, Jordanian-Israeli War, 142.
212. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 26 May 1948, ISA.
213. Seventh Brigade HQ/Intelligence, "Intelligence Survey," 4 June 1948, IDFA 922/75//1018.
214. Levy, Jerusalem in the War of Independence, 263 -275, gives a good overview of the battle.
215. Itzchaki, Latrun, 233.
z16. Itzchaki, Latrun, 253.
217. Gelber, Emergence ofJewish Army, 4$6.
218. Itzchald, Latrun, 258-26o.
219. Collins and Lapierre, Jerusalem, 5oq-514;; Itzchaki, Latrun, 252-268; Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, 183-18q; Shamir, "Latrun Battles."
220. Levy, Jerusalem in the War oflndependence, 282.
221. Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, 183-189.
2z2. Quoted in Itzchaki, Latrun, 263.
223. Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, 188, and Abu Nowar,Jordanian-Israeli War, 145, say that two Legionnaires were killed and seven wounded.
224. Levy, Jerusalem in the War of Independence, 295-302; Itzchald, Latrun, 292- 320.
225. Levy, Jerusalem in the War of Independence, 301.
z26. Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, 19q. Ben-Gurion, unusually, gave the Cabinet detailed explanations of what had gone wrong in each of the Latrun battles (protocols of Cabinet meetings, 26 May, 20 June 1948, ISA).
227. Abu Nowar, Jordanian-Israeli War, 14-7-150-
z28. Gezer's Day, 37; Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 199 - zo6. Abu Shusha, a neighboring Arab village, had been captured a month before and atrocities had been reported.
229. Gezer's Day, 35 - 68.
230. Abu Nowar, Jordanian-Israeli War, 147-150; Levy in the War of Independence, Jerusalem, 302-303; Itzchaki, Latrun, 327-332.
231. Levy, Jerusalem in the War of Independence, 285 -294; Itzchaki, Latrun, 269 - 282.
232. As Kirkbride emphasized, "The Arab Legion is the only Arab army which has not (repeat not) entered the Jewish State" (Kirkbride to FO, 20 May 1948, PRO FO 371-68506).
233. Unsigned, untitled report, 24 June 1948, HA 105/127 aleph.
234. Ilan, Orgin ofArab-IsraeliArms Race, 234-235.
235. Ilan, Origin ofArab-Israeli Arms Race, 42.
236. Unsigned, "Report on Monitoring of Arab Radio Stations for 1$.$•48," HA 105/90.
237. Campbell to Bevin, 4 June 1948, PRO FO 371-68527-
238. Major Lord Douglas Gordon, War Office, to D.M.H. Riches, FO, zz October 1947, and Riches to Gordon, 11 November 1947, both in PRO FO 371-63077.
239. This paragraph and the preceding paragraph are based on Ilan, Origin ofArabIsraeli Arms Race, 35-41. Israeli intelligence at this time offered far higher estimates of Egyptian strength ("seven" infantry brigades, "zoo to 25o aircraft," etc.) though noted that the infantry units were substantially under-strength and much of the equipment was in disrepair (see HIS, Research Section, "The Arab Armies," 25 May 1948, CZA S25-8oo9).
24o. Ilan, Origin ofArab-Israeli Arms Race, 40.
241. Nasser, "Memoirs," 5-6, n. 4 (by Walid IQialidi, ed.).
242. Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, 76-77, 79-81.
243. Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, 85-86; Tal, War in Palestine, 176-177.
244. I irkbride to FO, 24 May 1948, PRO FO 371-68373.
24$. Nasser, "Memoirs," 12.
246. Cohen, History of'Israeli Air Force, 1:127-129.
247. Cohen, History oflsraeli Air Force, 1:132-134--
248. Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, 1:135 -142. The British warned Egypt to stop bombing civilians (see FO to Campbell, 19 May 1948, PRO 371-68373)-
249. Cohen, History of'Israeli Air Force, 1:142-146; Campbell to Ahmed Muhammad Khashaba, 23 May 1948, PRO FO 371-69223. The Egyptians killed four British soldiers and seriously wounded five, and they destroyed three British aircraft and damaged eight. Already on 15 May the Egyptians had mistakenly attacked a British-manned airfield-at al-Bureij, near Gaza, killing one and wounding eight.
250. Ben-Gurion, WarDiarv, entry for 16 May 1948, 430.
251. Nasser, "Memoirs," io.
252. Nasser, "Memoirs," To.
253. Nasser, "Memoirs," 1o.
z54-. Haim (Jerry) to Sergei (Bibi), "Summary Report on the Egyptian Army Attack on Nirim on 15,16,17.$.48," 25 May 1948, IDF 922/75//1223; Negev Brigade, 66-70; and Nasser, "Memoirs," 1o.
255. Giv ati, Path of Desert and Fire, 54.
256. Segev, ed., In Enemy Eyes, 76-8z.
257. IDF History Department, War of Establishment, 219.
258. Ayalon, Giv`ati Brigade in Face of the Egyptian Invader, 40.
259. Gilead, ed., Book of the Palmah, 2:476.
260. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 19 May 1948, ISA.
261. Nasser, "Memoirs," 12.
z62. Gilead, ed., Book of the Palmah, 2:476.
263. Givati, Path of'Desert and Fire, 5; Negev Brigade, 75 -79
z64. Gilead, ed., Book of the Palmah, 2:476.
265. Turgan, "Yad Mordechai," 196-197.
266. Giv ati, Path of Desert and Fire, 64.
267. Doron (Elitzur) to HIS-AD, 28 May 1948, HA 105/92 aleph; Cohen, History of Israeli Air Force, 1:243-246.
268. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 30 May 1948, ISA.
269. Egyptian Foreign Ministry to British ambassador, Cairo, "Note," 27 May 1948, and Campbell to FO, 26 May 1948, both in PRO FO 371-68508. Cohen (Under Cover, 232-233), argues that their mission was to collect intelligence; although they had initially been ordered to poison wells, the order was rescinded before they crossed the lines.
270. Gelber, Budding Fleur-de-Lis, 2:573. It is possible that, weeks earlier, Haganah agents had poisoned waterworks near Acre, where an outbreak of typhus was recorded by British and Arab officials (Morris, Birth of Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, 230).
271. Beith and Evans, minutes, 23 June 1948, PRO FO 371-68509.
272. Kirkbride to FO, 24 May 1948, PRO FO 371-68373.
273. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 30 May 1948, ISA. See also Nasser, "Memoirs," 14.
274. Ben-Gurion, protocol of Cabinet meeting, 14 June 1948, ISA.
275. Ilan, Origin of Arab-Israeli Arms Race, 158, 162. Ten Messerschmitt Avia S-199s, the Czech version of the German fighter, were purchased in Prague by Haganah agents on 23 April. They were disassembled and, beginning on 21 May, shuttled in parts in an American Skymaster cargo plane to Israel, where Czech technicians hastily assembled them. By 29 May, four were ready for action. By the end of August, another fifteen had been added to what remained of the original ten. They constituted the backbone of the IAF. In general, and in contrast with the Spitfires, which arrived later, they performed poorly.

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