
Read 20Seven Online

Authors: Marc D. Brown

BOOK: 20Seven
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Copyright © 2012 Marc D Brown

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author.








By Marc D Brown




WARNING! Contains some explicit language and some mild sexual reference.





Twitter: @WordsofMDBrown








To everybody who downloaded my first book, thank you. You’ve all helped keep me motivated enough to write this second collection of poetry so soon and also I have recently started to write a story which will be an exciting challenge for me as it has been
a while since I’ve attempted to do so.


‘20Seven’ to me is a lot darker than my previous book ‘An Introduction To Marc D Brown’ as that was more of a look into the way I think and the type of things that run through my head: it was the most honest introduction I could have given.


‘20Seven’ is more in depth and I hoped to have pushed some of my own boundaries and I hope it reads that way to you. Yet again the book does involve certain aspects of my life but many other pieces are just based on my thoughts and topics that the masses think about, or have to deal with in life.


I chose to call the book ‘20Seven’ because this year (2012) I’ve reached the age that some of my idols died, 27, and it really made me reflect on my past and look towards my future. When you’re a kid 27 seems forever away, it sounds old but now I’m here I just feel the way I did when I was 16. When I’ve talked to older people they feel the same too, they still feel the same as they did in their minds as they did when they were 16-18, hearing that from people definitely dispersed my fears of growing old.

I’m happy to know that
, inside, I’ll still be the same laid back daft kid I was back then.


I hope you enjoy reading my second collection of poetry.


This is ‘20Seven’.



























A Prayer For The Realist


The Silver Tongue Stops


Wreck Of A Sun




Strangers Online


Monday Morning


Feast From A Kill






A Colourful Creation


A Falling Star


A Disaster Unfolds


Blank Stares & Crooked Smiles


Family Ties


Apparent Victory


It’s Time That Lets Me Down


The Note


The Riddle


The Office


The Most Beautiful Thing


A Portrait Of Disaster


Lover-Boy Butcher


Tapped Out


It’s Not The Falling That Kills You!


The Anchor


No Rest For The Wicked


The Local Dealers


God Only Exists In Man(How I See It)


A Tongue Full Of Bullets


Lifes Own Style Of Water Torture


A Note In My Diary


Just A Thought


I’m Bored


The Fraud


A Blind Desire Deemed To Fail Again


No More


Love Hurts


The Big Climax




The Ghost Inside Me




Not What It Seems


Not The Right Way


The Recipient




Feel Love


I’m Still Waiting


...It’s Complicated


Closer To Me


Take A Load Off


Can’t Rely On Time


That Lasting Battle We Call Life


Tune In
























































A Prayer For The Realist


Have faith in me my child!

For I am the one who holds the key.

Have faith in me my child!

Your sins are forgiven, you are now free.

Have faith in me my child!

For I am the one, the mystery.

Have faith in me my child!

I am the almighty and not a being.


My faith is lost oh lord!

How can I believe in what I can’t see?

My faith is lost oh lord!

If you exist then why do we bathe in misery?

My faith is lost oh lord!

Your church is built on foundations of hypocrisy.

My faith is lost oh lord,

and you are nothing but a theory I refuse to believe.

My faith is lost lord!

I’ve grown up and I accept that this is all there is.


The Silver Tongue Stops


The only sound in my ear tonight

is your voice.

Burning out until the morning light,

I sit and wait and wonder.

Do you really have any clue?

Any idea of the
time spent digging these roots?

Just trying to move you in any way I can.

Scraping away to find the strength in me

that you always said I had.

You always said I had too many faces,

well I find my strength in numbers.

You can’t deny the way you feel.

can see the damage in your eyes,

The resentment has you lost for words

and for once that silver tongue of yours is paralyzed.





Wreck of A Sun


The sun lays dormant in the earth, she’s waiting,

just waiting for the right time.

Buried deep so she wouldn’t be discovered by prying eyes.

She weeps alone with destructive force,

just waiting for the right time.

Creating ash from who ever came into contact.

listered skin, scorn for life until the end of days.

Marked with fire... hell has touched your home,

something never to forget or you too will be burning out alone.

Charred remains of the arms that cradled her

the sky is but a memory, a thing of the past.

With no clear future, her air had turned to soil and stone.

Now blackened dirt is all that surrounds,

this is where she calls home.




Uncover your eyes!

There’s no use in moving forward blind,

a little taste of compromise

has left you wishing to be home.

clicks of those heels,

ou’re dead and gone!

Wrapped up in mischief

but still so plain down to the bone.

We will find a better way to get around this!

You will find the solution to the fever!

We buried these demons long before

you came around, wanting to be more.

You were left in the lost and found,

it wasn’t your decision to make.

Not to be abandoned,

not your decision at all

that you became a phantom.

A ghost!

A mystery!

To all of us, to all that see.

I still don’t have a clue as to who you really are!



Strangers Online

The companionship of strangers

amuses and frustrates me.

How you can let your guard down

as if you’re a naïve teen?


Kind words and relation

to how you are thinking.

Pretentious & condescending,

for some people, real life will never sink in.


How lovely it would be in
this fairytale land

where we are all friends,

but everything has a dark side.

Just open your eyes to the dangers

that you invite.


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