21 Marine Salute: 21 Always a Marine Tales (46 page)

Read 21 Marine Salute: 21 Always a Marine Tales Online

Authors: Heather Long

Tags: #Marines, Romance

BOOK: 21 Marine Salute: 21 Always a Marine Tales
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A hundred different questions scrolled through her mind, but his favorite sexual position might not be appropriate. Yet. “How long were you gone?”

“You don’t already know?” He lifted his eyebrows, skepticism sliding under the words.

“Well, yes, I do know. Seven years. You enlisted right out of junior college, and you served overseas for most of your contract. You made sergeant fairly early and showed great promise. You’re a credit to Freewill, and they are exceptionally proud of you.” She wrinkled her nose. “Even if you did sneak home and not let them throw you a parade.”

He threw his head back and laughed, a warm, throaty sound that sent tingles zinging all the way from her breasts to her toes and back up again. “Not many secrets in Freewill.”

“True. I had noticed that. Bea at the café got my whole life story out of me before Christmas.”

“She’s good at that. So’s Bud and Brady and Jamie and Guy….” He winked again. “We’re all very good at knowing everyone else’s business.”

“It’s kind of sweet.” In a town like Freewill, her ex-husband wouldn’t have been able to get away with affair after affair. In fact, he wouldn’t have gotten away with a passing interest in one without her hearing about it.

“Sweet’s one word, nuisance is another.” He sat forward and tipped his hat up, his expression serious and somber. “Tonight, for example. Folks know my truck. You came down from the big house. They’ll know. They may not say anything to you directly, but they’re going to know we were here—together. Is that a problem for you?”

The thought had occurred to her when she parked up at the MGR. She didn’t know the layout that well and the smaller roads that twisted and turned on the ranch confused her. Walking down seemed simpler, and she had no reason to be embarrassed about her attraction to the man sitting across from her.

Hell, her only regret at the moment was they weren’t already naked. Her body hummed with anticipation and had since she realized he had to be the man Madame Eve set her up with.

“Nope. You?” She watched him, looking for a reaction, a tell that might suggest he had something to hide.

“I don’t mind one bit. But I do have two questions, and I’d like honest answers, before this goes any further.” His expression remained serious.

“All right.” She sat up, posture straightening and clasped her hands around the bottle.

“How long have you been divorced?” He didn’t move, but the steadiness of his gaze told her he wouldn’t miss a nuance of her answer.

“Eight months, four days, ten hours and maybe fifteen minutes.” Not that she counted. But every day she’d remained married to the sleaze after learning the truth, a little piece of her soul died. The final papers cut the jesses tying her to that crumbling lie.
Thank God

A.J. nodded slowly, lifting his bottle and watching her as he took a long swallow. “Are you still in love with him?”

She frowned, even the thought was distasteful. “No.”

“Good.” He leaned back again, still watching her. Every glance warmed her skin like a physical caress.

Where is he going with this
? Adultery was definitely a trigger for her—so maybe it was the same for him.

“Because I don’t poach and I don’t share.” A smile curled up one corner of his firm mouth. “And tonight, I plan to kiss every inch of your body, find out what makes your nipples tight, and just how many orgasms I can tease from between your thighs. If I do my job right, you won’t remember his name tomorrow.”

Her stomach flip-flopped. Lust swarmed through her like an invading army. She moistened her lips, her mouth dry and her heart pounding. “Do we have to wait for tonight?”




Chapter Four



Wrapping his arms around her middle, he lifted her up out of the chair. His lips were on hers before the final syllable of the question ended. The slow burn in his blood, ignited the first time he’d seen her, roared full force. Their mouths fused and his tongue darted between her lips, lapping up the simple taste of her, sweeter than candy. Her knees hitched around his hips, and she twined her arms around his neck. His hat fell as her fingers thrust into his hair and bounced down to rest in the chair he abandoned.

He didn’t release her mouth, enjoying the tentative stroke of her cherry-flavored lips. She didn’t remain passive under the assault, thank God. Fisting her fingers in his hair, she tugged his head and slanted the kiss. He crossed into the cabin and caught the door with his heel to shut it. Against her, his body turned into a hard, hot wall of need. His cock stiffened painfully behind his zipper, begging for release.

A low moan vibrated in her throat, and he chuckled at the sound of raw desire that matched his own. At the edge of the bed, he stroked his hands down her back to cup her bottom. Her gasp jerked her head back. Her eyes were wild with the fever, the sweet, brown-eyed girl transformed into the luscious, hungry lover.

He traced the column of her throat with a series of open-mouthed kisses, lapping at the thundering pulse point. Massaging the roundness of her ass, he loved how the curves filled his hands, soft, and responsive. Like the first strong winds of spring, she pushed away the cold loneliness he barely noticed anymore. Alive and wild in his arms, she drove away any thought of taking it slow, getting to know her, and easing into sex.

When she pulled at his shirt, he swept up and caught her mouth again before she could do more than suck in a breath of air. The urge to strip her naked, slide down her body and lick every part of her until she begged to come rolled through him like an unrelenting storm. These were the moments he fought for in the service—the freedom to be where he wanted, when he wanted, and by God, be with who he wanted.

“A.J…..” His name rode past her lips on a soft moan and she peppered kisses across his jaw. Her teeth grazed the soft spot behind his ear and a low groan vibrated his throat. He lowered her onto the bed. With another teasing brush of her lips, she sucked on his lobe, and a rush of pleasure stole through him. He pulled free, staring at her tousled hair, dilated eyes and sweet mouth, swollen from his kiss.

“I’m right here, darling.” He went for the buttons on his shirt, stripping down because he wanted no more interruptions. Her hot gaze scorched his skin, and dammit, he should have gotten her naked first. He toed off his boots, pulled out the condoms from his back pocket and grinned at her wide-eyed stare as he dropped three on the bed. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I have plenty more in the truck.”

Sheri threw her head back and laughed.

His hands were on his belt buckle when she reached up to untie her dress. “No, ma’am.” He pinned her with a look. “You leave my present wrapped. I’ll take care of that in just a moment.”

Playfulness flashed beneath the fire in her eyes. “Why sir, I do believe you say the most provocative things.” She cupped her breasts through the dress, and her fingers flicked where he imagined her dusky nipples would be. His dick hardened like corded steel. If he grew any stiffer, he risked permanent injury.

“You’ve got a wicked streak in you, librarian.” The zipper’s release gave him a momentary relief, but his cock thrummed against his belly as he peeled the jeans down.

Her low whistle of appreciation stroked his masculine pride. “You’re about to make a fantasy come true. I don’t think I’m anywhere near wicked enough.” Her confession scraped sparks through him. He nudged her hands aside, replacing them with his own. Her breasts were full, a solid handful, and he massaged them through the dress. Sure enough, her nipples stabbed at his palms.

“Is that so?” He continued to trace her shape, almost arguing with himself over where to start. Urging the hem of her dress up, he revealed a lovely crescent moon tattoo on the curve of her right hip. Rubbing his thumb over the shape, he glanced up at her.

“Yes, it is definitely so. My one other impulsive decision.”

“What was the other one?” Curiosity filled him.

She stretched out a hand and stroked it across his abdomen, the muscles contracting at the feathery touch. “This date—you.”

“Nice.” Lust peaked inside of him. Continuing his quest upward, he teased the gentle mound of her sex through the damp panties. Thank God she seemed as aroused as he. Her breath came in fast little gasps as he explored her reactions. He increased the pressure, searching for her clit. She caught his cock in a gentle fist as he swirled his thumb.

“I want to be naked.”

“You will be.” He slid his hand under the edge of the fabric and dipped his fingers between her slick folds. She gripped his cock and stroked up and down. His eyes nearly crossed. With reluctance he caught her hand in his and urged it away from him. He didn’t want to blow too early.

She growled, almost baring her teeth at his action and he laughed. Damn, she was fun. He caught the side of her panties, right at the seam and tore them. Her eyes widened at the rending of the fabric, but she arched her hips and he pulled them free.

“Better?” He murmured, nudging her thighs further apart so he could enjoy the view of the soft, damp pink flesh. Her shaven pussy damn near did in him. He groaned at the single, neat strip of curls stretching up almost like an arrow. Did she do that just for him? So much more to his sexy little librarian than he knew.

“Almost.” Rolling her head back, she lifted her hips in entreaty again. “But I think I’m overdressed for the occasion.”

“Me, too.” All of a sudden, he felt very agreeable. Playing with her was a joy, but he wanted her naked and all those soft, delicious curves beneath him. He didn’t even mind when she stripped the dress upward in one long, sensual tug and tossed it off the bed. “No bra.”

He approved.

“It’s a sundress.” She crooked a finger at him and he came down on top of her, catching her mouth in another hot, wet kiss. He let his hands roam down her sides, stroking her silky, soft skin and enjoying the warmth as his cock slid against her damp heat. She was sugar and spice and everything a woman promised.

Dragging himself away, he grabbed a condom and rolled it on. Lying at her side, he turned to look at her, meeting the sharp intelligence in her brown eyes.

“Do you remember what I told you on the porch?” His voice, tight with need, rose no higher than a whisper. At her slow nod, A.J. let go of the control reining him in. “Good. Consider yourself warned.”

Rolling over, he kissed a path down to her breasts. He’d forgotten how much he missed this—touching a woman, exploring her body, feeding her pleasure. As much as he’d wanted to be alone when he returned to Freewill, he craved the contact with her—with Sheri. He swirled his tongue around one hard-pointed nipple and increased the pressure of his thumb against her clit. The dual actions sent her breathing into jagged little spikes. She fisted the bed sheets in her hands. Already imagining the feel of her gloving his cock, he fought for that final step, tormenting himself on the sweet sensation of her pleasure.

Closing his mouth over one turgid point, he slid a single finger inside her, urging her release. Her first shout spurred him to add a second finger. He delved into the sensuous heat, thrilled with her wild response and steadily increased the pressure with his tongue until her body clenched, spasming around him. She cried out, hips bucking up to meet his hand, and he abandoned her breast to swallow her cries of pleasure.

She let go of the bed sheets to thread her fingers through his hair, and he slipped his hand free to adjust her hips. He groaned, fighting to control his pace and entered her slowly, inch by fantastic inch, her sweet heat enveloping him as he thrust. Lifting his head, he stilled and waited for her eyes to open.

“I’m going to come hard and I’m going to come fast.” He wanted her to know what she did to him, how it felt to have her pussy wrapped so tight around his cock that he saw stars. He wanted to fly off that ledge with her and pound into her until he emptied all the pent up passion dragging his balls taut. He didn’t usually favor dirty talk. Some of the guys mentioned it now and again, but he liked to treat a lady like a lady. Odd that he wanted to talk dirty to Sheri, the beautiful librarian with the sweet brown eyes.

My brown-eyed girl
. She tightened her grip on him, wrapping her legs around his waist, her wild smile sparkling with challenge. His body tired of his thoughts.

“Bring it, Marine.”

She didn’t have to tell him twice. He surged forward, promising himself they’d go slower next time. He pistoned into her, his cock sinking deeper with every stroke. The velvet glove of her sex locked him in, squeezing him tighter. She made the sweetest noises; all gasps and sighs, and caressed his spine, urging him closer to the edge. They writhed together and there was no stopping his orgasm. It blew through him, swelling until every cell in his body converged and burst with pleasure.

She jolted against him and bit down on his shoulder. “A.J.”

He came in a burst of hard, hot liquid release. Sheri trembled against him, skin quivering, pussy clamping and unclamping. He dragged her closer, rolling onto his side and held her tight as they shook together.

Gradually, his pulse quieted and breathing returned to a semblance of normalcy. Glancing at the clock, he grinned. They had hours.

Hours left to play.




Two orgasms. Two
. Back to back and she was full, stretched, and sore in all the right places. She couldn’t get over the feel of him, the hard steadiness of his muscles and the contrast of his demanding passion to his utter gentleness. Head pillowed on his shoulder, she rubbed her palm against his chest. His heart thundered and her mind raced. A.J. Turner was made for sex. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt so good.

The soothing stroke of his hand running up and down her arm helped to quiet the pleasurable aftershocks tingling through her with every breath. She pushed herself up on an elbow, studying how their bodies tangled together. A small smile hovered against his lips.

“Hey.” He exhaled the greeting soft, slow, and sexy as hell.

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