21 Marine Salute: 21 Always a Marine Tales (62 page)

Read 21 Marine Salute: 21 Always a Marine Tales Online

Authors: Heather Long

Tags: #Marines, Romance

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“You got quiet. You okay?” They held hands as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

“Yeah, I’m just—” How did he put his thoughts into words without sounding like a complete jackass?

“It’s okay to be a little fucked up over seeing someone you knew stuck in a wheelchair.” She paused next to a column. The lobby bustled with evening activity, but she chose the one quiet corner. Her dark eyes softened in understanding and he sighed.

“You’ve seen that a lot, haven’t you?” How close had she been to ending up like that? Would she yet if she planned to deploy again? The sobering thought gnawed on his soul.

“More than I like to think about, but it’s the price we’re willing to pay. My best friend got hit by an IED a few months ago—I was thirty feet away? Forty?” Dark emotion clouded her voice. “She was talking to a kid. It was a routine day, and one moment she’s standing there and the next she’s running, pushing the kid out of the way and blowing into a wall. People make jokes about the bone-crunching noise you make when you slam into something, but I heard the crunch and then she was down and bleeding.”

He crowded closer to her and slid an arm around her. He didn’t know what to say, but he wanted to give her support at the same time. “I’m sorry.”

“She’s okay—now. But it was touch and go for a long time, and I couldn’t do anything about it except pray and hope. She’s at the rehab facility I told Boone about, and I’m going to her wedding in a week or so. They had to postpone the official ceremony last Christmas for one more surgery, even though Jazz swore it gave her two honeymoons.” Tears glimmered in Mary’s eyes, and she swiped a hand against her face.

“I’m glad.” And he was. Glad her friend was okay and beyond grateful it hadn’t been her. He closed the distance between them, his mouth hovering close to hers. She stopped him with a hand on his chest.


Dammit, here comes the rejection
. He could handle it. “Yeah?”

“I’m a Marine.” She met his gaze steadily. “It’s not just what I do—it’s who I am.”

“I know.”

“That means I could end up like that, I could end up not coming home, and—”

He pressed a finger to her lips. “Life is about moments, Mary. This is our moment. Let’s worry about today and let tomorrow take care of itself.”

“Okay.” Her breath tickled his finger, and he traced the soft skin of her lower lip.

“I’m going to kiss you.”

She smiled. “Okay.”

He wasn’t sure which one of them moved, but she was in his arms and his mouth slanted over hers. Her tongue met his in a fierce dance. She tasted as sweet and strong as she looked and fit against him perfectly, supple steel and utter femininity. He cupped the back of her neck, caressing the skin with his thumb. The cascade of worry inside him parted for the pleasure of just holding her close.

The slow heat building in the kiss soothed the fist of tension in his gut. Over and over again their mouths came together, the kiss taking on a life of its own—playful and intense by turns. Heart hammering in his chest, he lifted his head and gazed down at her. “You need to call your mom.”

She laughed and nibbled his lower lip. “I should, especially if I’m not going home tonight.”

“Yeah.” Sliding an arm around her waist, he fished his phone out of his pocket and unlocked the screen. “Here, use my phone.”

Her orchid corsage tickled his wrist as she took the device and punched in the number without looking away from him. She held the phone to her ear, her free hand stroking the hair at the base of his neck. Her mother answered.

“Hi, Mom. Just wanted to let you know I’m going to be out the rest of the night. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

His heart kicked against his ribs.

“I will Mom, love you, too.” She hung up. “All good.”

“You will what?” He tucked the phone back into his pocket.

“Have a good time.” And their mouths came together in another kiss. They needed to walk over to the elevators, but Kyle contented himself with the intoxication of her kiss and the sweet spice of the moment.

The perfect moment.


“You were that certain I’d be a sure thing?” She teased.

Kyle let her go long enough to slide the card key into the door. They were on the top floor of The Grand, and he pushed open the double doors to reveal a hedonistic suite done in sweeping white with gold accents. Candles decorated the sitting room, along with flowers, a bottle of champagne chilling in an ice bucket, and a table with warming lids over a meal laid out next to a panoramic view overlooking Los Angeles.

“Let’s say I like to think positive.” His ears actually turned a faint shade of pink. He delighted her. He was so real and despite his success, managed to hang onto what had made him so awesome in high school. Sexy, sweet and smart.
God, I’m lucky

Dropping her purse on the table, she let him draw her into the room and close the doors. It was beautiful and romantic—and unmistakably sweet and thoughtful.

“I wasn’t sure what you’d like to eat, so I ordered up several different dishes….” He paused halfway to the table and glanced at her. “If you’re hungry.”

“Not particularly.” She crooked her finger at him, beckoning.

He pivoted slowly and walked back toward her. “No?”

“Nope.” She flattened her hands on his chest and rubbed her palms over the fabric. “Not for food at least.”

“Well, okay then….” And their mouths came together. She didn’t need words or long conversation, but this? This she needed. The electricity skating over her nerves kindled a deeper heat in her belly. They glided across the room. She loosened his tie and pushed his jacket free. He pulled the clip from her hair and combed his fingers through it. Their tongues twined, rubbing along each other, and she tasted a hint of the champagne they’d drank downstairs and the intensely masculine flavor of him.

They made it to the bedroom door. Leaning back, she panted for a breath and gazed up at him. The quiet heat of him pressed against her raced through her veins like a fever. She didn’t want the moment to end. Everything he’d done since running into him three days before collided through her in a wealth of intimacy.

He dipped his face to her throat and inhaled deeply. A raw shudder of need trembled through her. He drew his tongue along her neck, tracing small circles around the pulse point, and she wanted to go up in flames. The feel of his hands over her breasts made her hate the dress. It separated her skin from his.

“The zipper is on the side,” she whispered breathlessly, and God bless him, he took the hint and peeled it downward. The dress fell, pooling at her feet, and he eased his way along her body, breathing fire across her skin until he captured a nipple in his mouth. The point ached with want, and she clutched his hair, holding him to her as he lavished attention to her breasts. So lost in the pleasure of his tongue and teeth teasing her nipple that his fingers slipping under the waistband of her panties shocked her.

A moan wrenched free and she banged her head on the wall. The tiny bite of pain just enhanced the pleasure throbbing in her center. Every hard pull of his mouth teased the liquid heat in her core higher, she burned from the want of him. And the man had way too many clothes on. He slid his hand around and cupped her ass. Accepting the invitation, she ground against the erection tenting his pants. The door opened and he ushered her backward. They tumbled onto the bed. He lay across her and she parted her legs to keep them touching.

“You have too many clothes on.” She pulled off the corsage and worked her hands between them to unbutton his shirt. He laughed softly and caught a nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

“You don’t.” He kissed a path to the other breast and lavished it, every motion pressing him against her, and she arched her back. God, the man had a beautiful mouth and he knew how to use it. He continued to slide down her body, pulling free of her hands. He hooked a finger into the scrap of fabric and peeled her panties down, then stood over her staring down.

“Damn—” Panting, he seemed to be struggling for a breath. He smoothed a palm over her belly. “Stay—right there.”

Going to his knees, he pulled her legs until they slid over his shoulders. Rising to her elbows, she met his gaze down the length of her body. Pure lust and deep affection collided in his eyes and she felt beautiful.

“I told myself I’d lick you everywhere if I ever got the chance. I’d taste you, stroke and explore every inch of this gorgeous body.” His breath teased her sex, and she clenched her thighs at the promise in his dark voice. He pressed a kiss to the inside of her thigh and she moaned. She didn’t have to imagine the sensation because he moved his mouth to her sex and drew a long lick up from her entrance to her clit.

Her mind locked up. Every stroke of his tongue, every light bite of his teeth enchanted her and she writhed under his mouth, spreading her legs wider and digging her heels into his back. The pressure mounted, and when he slid a finger to test her entrance and pushed inside, she came with a shout. He didn’t back off, driving her past one orgasm and straight into the tumbling force of another.

When she floated back to earth, he stared up at her—fascinated.

“Get naked, mister—now.”

He grinned slowly and pulled free of her. Stripping out of his clothes in short order, he lowered over her, covering her chest, belly and thighs before taking her mouth in another searing kiss. The musky spice of him filled her nostrils and the wild need he unleashed within her roused.

“Condom,” he murmured and she broke from the kiss to bite his shoulder.

“Hurry up.” The order turned into demand, and he laughed at her before rolling over to grab the foil package she hadn’t even seen him drop on the bed. His cock rose hard and proud, jutting up toward his belly. She rolled onto her side and traced a finger from his pectorals to his abdomen. He wasn’t ripped like a bodybuilder, but no spare flesh marked his tan skin. Watching him sheath himself had to be one of the sexiest things she’d ever seen. Impatient, she rose up and straddled his hips.

He looked up at her and his mouth quirked teasingly. “Hello there.”

“Hello.” She stroked her hand down to cup his balls and massage the soft skin. He sucked in a hard breath, delighting her. “You’re a beautiful man, you know that?”

“No, but I’ll take your word for it.” He didn’t lay there idle, instead rubbed her sides, then under her breasts, teasing the swell before tracing caresses across her nipples. She firmed her grip on his cock, adjusting him to her entrance and easing onto him. He pushed into her, inch by glorious inch. She didn’t pause or slow, just one long relentless thrust until he filled her. God, he was so huge and stretched her.

She couldn’t catch her breath. It was perfect—she wanted to feel him deep and know he belonged to her. Pride filled her at the adoration in his gaze, a thrill that he wanted her—her—the woman and the Marine with a mind and a desire to do good in the world. She impaled herself on the last of his hard length and shared a groan with him. He fit her.

Surging up, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her until the dizzying feeling threatened to carry her away. “You’re really here,” he murmured against her mouth, the sensual words unlocking another tidal wave of pleasure and then they moved together, a coordinated dance that took her breath away with every thrust.

He flipped her over and every nerve pinged to life. She gave him the control and the pace, locking her legs around his hips and meeting his kisses with fervor. The world faded and she and Kyle existed in a cocoon of pleasure. He filled her over and over again and she rode the flash of sensations bursting through her body. Each wild kiss and frantic moment drove her closer to the edge and she urged him on, digging her fingers into his back and the pleasure spiraled out of control.

Hot sensations exploded through her—strafing fire like a hundred rockets taking off at once. She barely heard his shouts, but the lock of his muscles increased the friction, and she clenched him, holding him fast through his orgasm. He jolted and they shook with the force of it. When he collapsed, she cradled him close and tears floated in her eyes.




Chapter Seven



Morning came too soon and Kyle stared with a sigh out the window at the rising sun. Mary sprawled next to him, pillowed on his chest. She’d fallen asleep sometime around three, exhausted and happy, but sleep eluded him. He felt raw—everywhere—inside. Spending the night with her filled him with such an incredible sense of rightness, and his heart longed to not let her go. But he couldn’t keep her chained to his side and that meant accepting she would go back to work—go back to a war zone.

Glancing down at her, he sighed again. He loved the sight of her darker skin next to his, the taut muscles illustrating her strength. He wanted to capture the moment forever, and keep her safe, but he refused to lame up their night by getting needy.

Moments. Hang on to the moments and let tomorrow take care of itself

“Morning,” she whispered, her breath feathering along his chest. Her eyes were still closed and he smiled.

“Good morning.” He stroked the hair away from her cheek. “How are you doing?”

“I’m good.” The lazy sweetness in her voice stroked him. “But you’re worried.”

Was he really that transparent? “Pensive, maybe,” he conceded.

She shifted, settling her chin on his chest to look at him. “We can talk about it now, if you want.”

“Don’t want to spoil the day.” He rubbed her shoulder.

“It won’t.” She seemed so certain. But then she always did. It was one of the most fascinating parts of her—that determination to make the world the place she wanted to be in. Hell, he wanted to be in that world she made, even in some small way.

“I’m worried I won’t be able to let you go when you deploy again.” The confession tweaked his pride, but he preferred honesty.

“You don’t have to let me go,” she murmured. “You just have to be here when I come home.”

His heart thudded, squeezing with the pressure of saying goodbye. “How is that different? Doesn’t one have to happen for the other?”

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