2#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (6 page)

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need to go now,” Becky said.

had better tell me all about it.” Tanya put on a threatening voice.

see,” Becky huffed.

yes we will…” It sounded like the queen started to say something else but Becky
ended the call.

had to fight the urge to put his hand between her legs, from making her writhe
in pleasure right here and right now whether they had an audience or not. He
needed to show her that he was capable of pleasing her. Ross pulled her closer,
running a hand up and down her outer thigh instead. He knew that she would not
appreciate being touched so intimately with Elisabeth and Griffin sitting in
front of them. Particularly since Griffin could see in the dark and Becky was
highly vocal so the others would soon know. Thankfully they were close to her
he told himself.

Elisabeth put a hand to her mouth. “I should probably go back to my place.”

noticed how disappointed she looked.

took her hand. “Come up for a little while. We can take you home later.”

winked and she giggled before recovering quickly and turning to face Becky.
“Would you mind?”

female paused for a second, then she smiled. “Yes, you must definitely come
over. We still need to finish our meal.”

sure?” Elisabeth asked.

both Griffin and Becky answered. The male put his hand on the human’s leg as he
said it.

parked out back and made their way to the elevator. No one said anything on the
ride up or on the short walk down the hallway.

female’s apartment was small but comfortable. Little feminine touches were
everywhere. From the tie-backs on the drapes to the cushions on the sofas and even
the very live and thriving plants.

locked the door after they were all inside. Sweet, considering no one would
dare try anything with him and Griffin there. Although, he did like that she
put safety first. He longed for the day…soon…when he would be able to protect
her at all times.

walked towards one of the doors before stopping and turning back to the three
of them. “Can I get anyone anything to drink? I might have a bottle of wine

wine.” Ross tried to keep his voice even but it came out in a low growl none
the less.


He shook his head. “I need to be inside you now, then we can talk and you can
drink wine if you wish.”

dark haired female made a choking noise, she clasped a hand over her mouth.
Griffin whispered something in her ear about them having some alone time. The
female…Elisabeth made a sound of acknowledgment. He kept on forgetting that
humans, especially the females of the species, were not very vocal about sex.
For some strange reason it made them uncomfortable.

put his arm around the female and whispered something else that made her giggle
again. His hackles rose.

need to talk to you, Griffin.” He narrowed his eyes at the male. “Becky, please
will you wait for me in your bedroom? Preferably naked, I don’t wish to tear
any more of your clothes and I would be forced to do so otherwise.”

think we should talk first, besides we have guests. We can’t just go and have
sex. It wouldn’t be right.”

human female, Elisabeth, addressed him—“that outfit is mine.” She pointed at
Becky’s clothes. “And secondly…” She turned to face Becky. “Feel free to go
with Ross.” She widened her eyes suggestively at Becky, evidently trying to
secretly communicate something to her. Becky threw Elisabeth a dirty look.

friend doesn’t mind and all the more reason to remove your clothes.” He needed
her more than his next breath. That nine would soon be a twelve.
He shook his head. “We’ll rut first and talk later. Make no mistake, we have
much to discuss.”

shook her head harder, her blond curls bounced. “Talk first and that’s that.”

clenched his teeth. “One very quick conversation but we’ll do it naked.”

can’t talk while we’re naked.”

to bet? We could even talk while I’m rutting you. I like that idea even more.
That way we could talk for hours…all night if you want.”

hands flew to her ample hips and her large breasts thrust forward. He could see
how her nipples had pebbled against the fabric. His female wanted him even if
she wouldn’t admit it. “No freaking way. We will first set the ground rules and
then I’ll decide whether or not you get to stay.”

staying.” He smiled at her. “Of that you can be certain.”

see.” She huffed.

he looked back at Griffin, the male had an amused look on his face. Ross made
for the kitchen area, ensuring that he brushed past Becky. As their bodies made
contact, her breathing hitched and her heart rate picked up speed.

was afraid and he planned on finding out why. It would be difficult, but he
would rein in the need to rut her until she screamed with pleasure. It was
important that she be happy. That way she would be able to relax. He planned on
making her scream, long and hard.

soon as the door closed behind them, and before Griffin had turned to face him,
he blurted, “You are not to rut that female.”

swung around looking at first crestfallen and then angry. “Why the hell not? I
am highly attracted to her and she feels the same about me. I can scent her
arousal. If I were to slip my hand into her panties, I’m sure she would be—”

held up a hand. “Enough. I have received special permission to rut this human
on the condition that you are ready to save her should the need arise.”

said you don’t plan on drinking from her.”

have changed.” He narrowed his eyes.

are not permitted to take from her.” Griffin narrowed his eyes back.


fucking shit. You
on taking from her. Mistake my ass.” Griffin
chuckled. “It would be the perfect way to ensure that you receive a ten next
time round.”

snorted. “A ten…when I sink my fangs into her she won’t remember how to fucking

serious? I don’t think you should—”

Ross snapped. More harshly than he intended. “You do not have permission to rut
the human. The only reason you are here is to ensure my human’s safety. Do your
duty with the knowledge that I plan on taking from her. Am I clear?”

folded his arms across his chest, a grin on his face. “You just called her your
human. There is no way in hell Zane and Brant will let you mate her.”

no mistake…” The sense of urgency increased. “The female is mine, I will find a
way to convince the kings of that.”

may have to first convince her.” Griffin chuckled. “It sounds like some wolf
beat you to it.” His grin was impossibly wide and his eyes had narrowed in
humor. “It sounds like the beast left quite the impression.”

hadn’t meant to do it, but rage hot and thick coursed through his veins making
him punch Griffin in the face. He managed to pull back at the last second so no
bones broke.

eyes widened in shock and he brought a hand up to cradle his jaw.

knew that he should probably apologize but to hell with it. The male should not
have goaded him like that.

Griffin shook his head. “You really must care for her.”

nodded once. “I do.”

luck then. I won’t tease you again.”

started to walk away but Griffin cleared his throat so he turned back. “Is
there something else that you want to discuss?”

nodded, looking uncertain.

listening.” He had to work to keep his voice even.

said I can’t rut the female.”

narrowed his eyes and he nodded.

male stuffed his hands into his pockets. “I would like to ask permission to
give her pleasure.”

locked his jaw.
What harm could it do?
As long as the male kept his wits
about him. “She may not touch you in any way but you are permitted to give her

tension eased out of the male. “Can I kiss her?” He smiled.

nodded. “Kiss her, touch her but you are to remain vigilant. That means she
keeps her hands and mouth off of you. The only thing she can touch is her lips
to yours. Am I clear?”

smiled and nodded. “I can live with that.”

your dick goes anywhere near her though then you will hurt. If my female dies
because you can’t follow orders, then I will kill you.”

male turned pale. “You can rely on me.”

Chapter 5


walked into the boardroom, the kings were talking quietly with their backs to
the door.

don’t trust them,” Brant said.

forget that they have sworn their fealty, besides I trust King Katar,” Zane replied,
his voice deep and sure.

were talking about her people.

the son that I am worried about,” Brant muttered almost to himself.

was going on?

males turned to her as she entered. They had the most imposing dark stares that
she had ever seen. Their eyes seemed to look right into her.

made her heart race and her breathing hitch. It made her knees shake and her
hands turn clammy. Xavier put a reassuring hand to her back.

realized that, as kings, their natural inherent dominance easily asserted itself
over others. A logical explanation. She reminded herself that she had spent
many moons in the company of her father and brother who were both dominant
leaders. Even her beloved mother had been a natural leader. As the princess,
the same blood ran through her own veins. She was royalty, from strong stock
and would not allow the likes of Brant and Zane to bully her.

squared her shoulders while looking both males in the eyes. She stepped
forward, moving away from the male behind her.


was an enigma. He treated her like his naughty sister most of the time, not
letting her do anything, kept saying it was too dangerous. Like going for a
walk in the forest was dangerous. How was swimming in the lake dangerous? Yet
he’d acted like she wanted to throw herself from a tall cliff or something.

growled at any males that came too close, but made it quite clear that he
wasn’t interested in her himself. The male had asked her out once, but she knew
he did so out of duty rather than because he really wanted to so she’d turned
him down.

the way he rutted with the female vampires, it was even clearer that he didn’t
want her. Her heart clenched painfully. If only there was a way to make him see
that she existed. Not as his charge but as a female. All she wanted was for him
to notice her. To really see her.

take a seat.” Brant said, drawing her out of her reverie. The king pulled out a
chair for her.

inclined her head. “Thank you.” She sat down across from the formidable males.

folded his arms on the table in front of him. His brow was creased, his eyes
focused solely on her. “We have a few questions that we need to ask about your

nodded once. “I will do my best.” Although Esral was now one of the vampires,
accepted amongst these creatures as one of their own, she was still very much
an elf and would do anything to protect her people.

Brant glanced at Zane. “Some elves were seen buying meat in Sweetwater.”

felt her brow crease and her eyebrows draw together. “That doesn’t make sense.
Are you sure they were elven?”

nodded. “Very sure, aside from the clear physical attributes…” He pointedly
looked at her ears. “You also have a unique, easily recognizable scent.”

shook her head. “My kind are vegetarians, they would never consume flesh. It is
against everything we hold sacred.”

sighed, he pinched the bridge of his nose. “This may be so but three elves were
seen buying meat in Sweetwater. This is a fact, Esral, I’m not here to argue
with you…we just want to get to the bottom of this.” He sighed again. “Do you
have any idea why this is?”

shook her head, wanting to argue further. It couldn’t be. Surely these males
were trying to confuse her. “It doesn’t make any sense,” she muttered. “Even
so”—she lifted her chin—“surely the buying of”—her nose wrinkled in disgust—“meat
is not a crime.”

raised his eyebrows. “Well…no, but it is very strange.”

was wrong of my brother to ever enter into an alliance with those wolves…it
shouldn’t be reason to immediately jump to conclusions though.”

threw Zane a look that she couldn’t quite interpret. Maybe she should have kept
her mouth shut about her brother and the alpha. “We are still cautious. It will
take time to rebuild trust.”

the elves have retracted the alliance with the wolves and are very serious
about a partnership with the vampires. So much so, that my father gave his only
daughter as a show of unity. Do you really think they would go against you?”
She looked from one male to the other.

us.” Brant looked past her at Xavier who stood by the door.

Why?” Xavier’s familiar low rumbling voice sounded. It made her blood run faster,

do as I say,” Brant sounded almost bored.

was first a heavy sigh and then the sound of the door closing as he complied.

shook his head. “I hope you realize that you have not taken a male, so technically
there is no official unity between our two species.”

felt herself gape but quickly closed her mouth, working hard on keeping her
breathing even. “Whose fault is that? I was given to Zane. Little did my father
know that he was already promised to another and it’s not like you were
available either.” She took in a deep breath. “I was more than willing to do my
duty as a princess.”

smiled. “And I’m sure you still are. In order to show unity between our
species, you would need to mate vampire royalty. Take Xavier to your bed and
solve this dilemma. There is less likely to ever be a war between our species
if you were to mate my brother.”

by the sun, the moon, and the earth, her heart rate went into overdrive. Her
chest heaved. There was nothing she could do to stop it. “Your brother has made
it very clear that he doesn’t want me. I assure you that the elven species does
not plan on raging any kind of war against the vampires. I have been granted
permission to date and mate with whomever I choose, and until my father instructs
otherwise that is what I will do.”

chuckled. It was weird to see such a fierce warrior in the throes of laughter.
Even Zane frowned, glancing sideways at the male. He finally stopped laughing
enough to talk. “You’re a virgin,” Brant said through a broad smile.

although I don’t see why that fact is so funny to you.” Anger boiled.
dare he?

shook his head. “No, what I meant was that you lack experience in being able to
understand males. Xavier is thoroughly taken with you, princess.”

shook her head. This male didn’t spend any time with either of them. How the
hell would he know? He wasn’t there when Xavier ignored her. Her guard didn’t
so much as look at her bare legs the other day when she purposefully had worn
those very short denim shorts. If anything, he went out of his way to ignore
her more. At the end of that particular shift, the male even went straight into
the arms of another female. She knew because she could scent her on him the
next day. Just as she had scented various feminine scents on him on a regular

females were very different from her. Tall, imposing, rivetingly beautiful with
their high cheek bones and small high breasts. Her hands clenched into tight
fists in her lap as she thought of her own short stature and petite frame.
Esral was as fine boned as her breasts were plump. She had to suppress a sigh
just thinking of how she had caught more than one of the vampires staring at
her cleavage. Must be because they thought her oddly shaped. Her teeth were all
sharp little points, so she lacked the large fangs that they seemed overly fond
of. Xavier was not interested, and of that she was sure.

shook her head. “No, he isn’t and I refuse to mate someone who does not want

so you at least admit that you want him?”

will admit nothing of the sort.” She said too quickly and with too much venom
in her voice.

smiled, looking scarier than if he were scowling. “You have two choices, my
dear Esral, either you mate Xavier or start dating.”

nodded. “Many males have asked you out, yet you refuse them all. What is it
that you want?”

gasped. “How dare you? I don’t have to date anyone.”

shook his head. “I can’t have Xavier on guard duty over you forever. Though the
alternative would be to allow an elven virgin to walk around my castle
unescorted, it’s asking for trouble plain and simple.” He sighed. “Your father
worked hard to get centuries old lores changed to allow you and other elven
highborn females to date and to choose their own mates. You dishonor him by not
at least dating a few males.”

the vampire king right? Should she date other males even if the one she really
wanted was unavailable to her?

finally nodded. “I will need to think on your words.”

locked eyes with her. “That is fair, but do not take too much time trying to
decide. I don’t want to have to set up another meeting. Don’t force my hand,

blood boiled at the injustice but she pursed her lips knowing that telling them
off wouldn’t help her predicament. It would be better to think things through
first. Esral decided to change the subject instead. “I would suggest that you
meet with my father to discuss the need for my people to buy meat.” She
frowned. “I am sure that your males were mistaken but if it was somehow true, I
am sure there is a reasonable explanation.” Although she couldn’t think of any.
The only logical thing was that the vampires had it wrong somehow.

nodded. “You are right, female. It is sound advice.”

may go now.” Brant stated, making no move to stand. “Send Xavier in and wait
outside please, princess. He won’t be two minutes.”

leaned back, folding tree trunk like arms across his massive chest. Heart
beating fast, Esral made for the exit. She had much to think about. There were
two things she was sure about though, there was no way elven folk would
purchase dead animals and Xavier did not see her as a sexual being. Maybe she
should just go ahead and date one of the other males even though the thought
left her feeling cold. If these kings thought they could boss her around though,
they had another thing coming.

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