2#Unlikely Mates: BBW Shifter/Vampire Romance (8 page)

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mind…I understand.” She mumbled. Feeling like an idiot for not knowing right off
the bat. Then again, she did have at least two hundred and fifty pounds of raw,
delicious vampire beefcake posed and on the verge of fucking her senseless, so
it was understandable that her mind had momentarily failed her.

was another loud moan. It sounded like Elisabeth was enjoying herself. At least
this way they were even. They’d both heard each other in the throes of passion.

bent his knees and pulled her legs over his shoulders making her butt come off
the bed. She found herself digging her hands into her bedcovers to try and
anchor herself.

could feel his iron clad cock pressing up against the seam of her pussy. His
big chest heaved against the back of her legs. “I have had many females,” he

Ross,” Becky huffed. “I did not need to hear that right now.”

me out. Many, many females.”

all freaking ready.” She narrowed her eyes at him.

growled softly. It raised the hairs on her arms and caused her belly to quiver.
It also shut her up.

that I have never wanted a female more.” He inhaled deeply through flared
nostrils. “Have never enjoyed the scent of a female more.” The huge male licked
his lips. “I can honestly say that I have never enjoyed the taste of a female
more. Just the thought of being inside you…” He closed his eyes and shivered.
A huge, ferocious vampire actually shivered at the thought of being inside her.
She didn’t know what to say.

going to take you now, Becky. You’re sure about the neighbors?”

didn’t trust her voice, just nodded. He didn’t thrust into her and fuck her
into oblivion like she expected, he gently nudged into her while closing his
eyes and gritting his teeth as he did. Slow and easy until he was fully seated.
Even then, he thrust slowly, carefully. Magnificent to behold as his features
pulled taut with his pleasure. His biceps and neck muscles roped. His jaw
locked. His eyes glowed softly when he opened them at brief intervals to stare
down into her eyes.

nails dug deeper into the blankets. She moaned with each and every deep thrust.
He moved too slowly to take her over the edge. Sweat beaded on her brow. Her
nipples were so tight that they ached. Her clit throbbed.

She begged. “Faster.”

threw her a tight grin and shook his head, continuing his assault on her pussy.
Her moans grew louder as time progressed. So very close yet so far away.
Eventually she was begging him. Tempted to finish herself off dammit.

must have read her mind. “Don’t you dare.” He said though clenched teeth. “When
you come it will be because I take you there. Because this cock takes you
there. Not a second sooner.”

words heightened her arousal. “Please, Ross. I need to…I have to…”

level of pleasure kept going up and up, slowly but surely climbing steadily but
still her release evaded her. He finally pushed her further onto the bed,
releasing her legs so that he could cover her with his big body. Careful not to
squash her. Ross pulled one of her legs over his shoulder, all the while
keeping up with that slow relentless thrusting.

kissed her just as softly and carefully. His touch held such passion, such raw
heat. She broke the kiss and turned her head. It was too much like a lover’s
kiss and this was over in the morning. There was no way she could fuck two guys
one straight after the other in just a matter of days and actually hold any
feelings for either one of them. It just wasn’t possible, was it? Her mind
wandered to Tanya but she pushed the thought away. It would be foolish to tempt
fate. He picked up the pace just enough to bring her back to the brink and she
whimpered. “God, Ross, please.”

is it that you want?” His breath tickled her neck as he spoke. His lips so
close that she could almost feel them against her oversensitive skin.

me come.” Her voice came out sounding wounded.

your back bows off the bed?” He growled.

she moaned.

you can’t think straight?” He continued to pump into her slow and easy.

she whimpered.

you scream so long and so loud that your ears will still be ringing in the
morning?” A low growl that made her already quivering insides quiver more.

it. Now.” She sounded so desperate that it scared her.

expected him to pick up the pace or maybe to slip a hand between them so that
he could play with her clit. She didn’t expect him to drop his mouth to her

was a pinch, then blinding pleasure like nothing she had ever felt before. It
took her breath away and caused every muscle in her body to tense. So tight that
there was a smidgen of pain that only served to increase her rapture. Her pussy
clamped down on him.
If she had been able to hear, she would’ve
heard Ross make an agonized noise. Would’ve heard as he greedily sucked down
her blood in big gulps. Would’ve felt his big hands dig into her arms as he
held her in place.

eyes actually watered. Big, wet drops dripped down her cheeks. Almost too much
for one human to handle. Her body finally relaxed enough to spasm intermittently.
Becky screamed as an even stronger wave crashed through her with another hard
suck at her neck.

finally released her on a loud roar, his body jerked as he came deep inside

guys okay?” Griffin asked.

hadn’t realized it but her eyes were squeezed shut. She managed to pry them
open, struggling to focus on the shirtless male that stood over them.

the fuck out.” Ross grit out, his hips still pumping into her slowly. A trickle
of blood on his chin.


was sobering. Everything in her went cold. She knew she should probably feel
embarrassed that Griffin had actually seen them having sex, but she couldn’t
bring herself to care right now. She was fully covered by Ross’ body.

the fuck did you just do?” She slapped Ross on the arm, hurting her hand. It
didn’t matter, she hit him again.

chuckled as he left the room.

off of me.” She tried to push him, but he wouldn’t budge.

said you wanted to scream until you couldn’t think straight.” His face was just
inches above hers. He smelled really, really good which irritated her. She
didn’t want to like anything about him right now.

eyes were wide with concern.

I wanted was sex. Not that…whatever the fuck that was.” She sounded a little
hysterical, but she couldn’t help it.

is how vampires have sex, Becky. Stay still. Please calm down let’s talk about
this.” He spoke softly.

can’t talk with you on me…still in me. You have a little something on your
mouth…your chin and put those away.” Her eyes zoned in on his fangs.

wiped his chin off with his hand, he licked the one or two drops on his lips.
“I can’t…you are too enticing. I want you again.” His eyes dropped to her neck.
“It will only get better in time.”

She choked. “You have to be kidding me. That was mind blowing. You almost
freaking stopped my heart.”

grinned, looking so sexy that she slapped him again on his huge bicep, this
time breaking a freaking nail. “Now look what you’ve done.”

hitting me.” He spoke in a soothing voice that made her want to hit him again.
“You enjoyed it, I don’t understand the problem.” He lapped at her neck with
his tongue and another zing of pleasure rushed through her, making her moan.

that. Get off of me. You don’t understand.”


ruined me,” she whispered.

eyes widened and he sucked in a breath. “Are you hurt?” He finally lifted off of
her and she quickly scrambled away from him.

You idiot. Why did you have to go and do that? How the hell am I supposed to
have decent sex with anyone else again?”

already thinking of taking someone else to your bed?” He looked so crestfallen
that she had to suppress a giggle.

opposite was true. It scared her. Yet the image of a certain sweet, sexy wolfie
crept into her mind totally against her will. Rushe was out finding his mate
right now or would be very soon so she shoved thoughts of him from her mind.

tension eased from his big frame. “I don’t understand the problem. You said you
enjoyed it?”

too much.”

do it again. That was only a taste.”

taste. Are you serious?” Then again Tanya had told her on more than one
occasion how mind blowing the sex was, she just couldn’t believe it could be
quite as fantastic as her friend had described. Becky was wrong. Tanya was

nodded, his eyes heating as they tracked up and down her body. “I want to take
you again and then you can fetch some of that wine and we can talk. I want to
know more about you.”

flared. His suggestion sounded good. Too good. She really liked him, by morning
she would be smitten. If this was all about the sex for him then she would be
hurt. Even worse, if they did end up in a relationship then she would crush him
long-term. A whole lifetime was just too long to spend with one guy. It
wouldn’t work for her. “That’s not a good idea. I told you I don’t do the whole
forever thing. You might get attached and then what?

Chapter 7


was a knock at the door.

is it?” Rushe was not permitted to admit anyone other than Ward or Sawyer.
Thankfully, not too many pack members had tried to seek him out. He’d had to
pretend to be in a dark, depressed mood and had sent them away. Ward had told
the others of his feelings for Becky and that he had granted Rushe some time
off to be alone. So far it seemed to be working. No one suspected anything. At
least, he hadn’t thought so. Also, he was finding that he didn’t have to
pretend much, he really was in a dark, depressed mood.

was also worried because if any of them so much as suspected that he had rutted
with Becky, there would be major shit to pay. The thought of staying away from
her for another minute, let alone a month or more, made him feel like someone
was removing his heart. Piece by piece.

and anger welled. As well as the familiar feeling of fear that he would somehow
be found out.

least Ward had told Becky that he would seek her out in ten days time. After
their wonderful night together, he was sure that she would be waiting. It
wouldn’t take long before she agreed to become his mate. He was sure of that.
It was the only thing he had to give him the resolve that he needed to get
through this.

me.” His alpha’s deep voice penetrated the wood of the door.

turned the lock and admitted Ward who smiled at him as he entered. As hard as
he tried, he was unable to return the smile and nodded instead.

brought you a silver blade.” Ward closed the door behind him.

felt himself frown. “Why?”

thought you might need one to slit your wrists.” Ward’s grin widened.

narrowed his eyes at Ward but didn’t say anything.

only yanking your chain. I came because I couldn’t stand the sounds of wailing
and crying coming from this cabin.”

growled. Before he could stop himself, he took a step towards Ward and his
hands curled into fists at his sides.

stood his ground, putting them almost chest to chest. “Are you sure you want to
do this?”

voice had the ability to make Rushe drop his gaze almost against his own will,
but he stayed where he was.

sorry. I shouldn’t be making jokes at your expense. I couldn’t help myself.”
His alpha lightly slapped his hand on Rushe’s back and just like that the
tension abated.

of them took a step back simultaneously.

nostrils flared. “The human’s scent has grown weak and should be almost gone by

shrugged. “Since I’m stuck in here for another four days it doesn’t matter.” He
tried not to sound too sorry for himself. He had after all brought this on

smiled. “I’ve been doing some thinking.”

shifted his weight, trying not to fidget. “Yes?” He finally said when Ward was
taking too long to continue.

may have been a bit harsh on you and I’ve decided to allow you to go to your
female tomorrow.”

heart rate quickened. He grinned and could feel how his smile stretched from
ear to ear. “Thank you so much, Ward. Tomorrow is Saturday so my human won’t
have to work.”

will be faint, but you will still have her scent on you so leave before sunup.
Sawyer will go with you.”

nodded, so excited that adrenaline coursed through his veins. “I want to go
tonight. Please, Ward.”

shook his head. “Sawyer has had a long day. I want him to rest before you make
the trip. It is only fair.”

He tried not to sound too disappointed. A few hours would be much better than
another whole week. He could not believe his good luck.

a minute. “What made you change your mind?”

I said, I thought about it and I realized that it was my fault for allowing you
to remain on the human’s detail after I realized that you could not handle it.”

tried not to chuckle. “As far as my detail was concerned, what better way to
protect my female than to have her directly underneath me?”

laughed and shook his head. “You still disobeyed a direct order.”

why the change of heart?”

blame myself. You were in no position to be able to keep your hands off the
female.” He paused, looking away. “I should have reali…” Ward gestured with his
hands as he talked.

told you to let me go early didn’t she?” Rushe asked.

alpha’s hands dropped to his sides. “Yes…okay…yes. My mate made me see things
differently. If you and that human belong together then you should go and be
with her.”

had to laugh, he shook his head. “Your female made you let me go early. Should
I start calling her alpha?”

growled loudly. “I can make you stay just as easily, you little wet behind the
ears pup.”

see, not so nice being teased is it?” Rushe smiled.

shook his head and smiled back. “You’re way too cocky and it’s going to get you
into shit one of these days.”

right about being cocky.” He grabbed a hold of his dick. “And as to being wet
behind the ears…not so much. Not anymore.” He had to smile at the thought of
his lush female.

nodded. “I didn’t hear anything that night. Are you sure you did it right? You
should’ve woken up the village.”

narrowed his eyes at Ward. “With all due respect. Fuck you! We needed to be
quiet and were in one of the farthest cabins. The ones reserved for couples
rutting during the heat. Otherwise I am sure you would’ve heard us even though
we were trying to be quiet.” He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. He
knew that Ward was playing with him. “That is all I wish to say on the matter
as human females are private about these things and I do not wish to embarrass

barked out a laugh. “I don’t think that female can get embarrassed. I’ve never
met a human quite like her.”

know.” He felt himself go all warm and fuzzy inside. “She is truly unique. I
can’t wait to start our lives together.”

what I said to you.” Ward took ahold of his arm. “Don’t rush things with this
female. Just because you were sexually compatible does not mean that she will
automatically want to become your mate. Push too hard and you could scare her
off. There is time. You can pursue her for as long as it takes and as many
trips to Sweetwater as it takes. You waited a long time for the right female
and have found her, don’t fuck this up because you are too cocksure.”

nodded. Knowing deep down inside that his alpha was wrong, he had to be. Becky
would be waiting for him. It might take some convincing but she would soon
agree to becoming his mate as well. His heart felt light and he couldn’t help
but to smile.


was already in way over his head. Tasting her blood had been utter rapture. Her
sweet nectar was like a gift from the Gods. Just looking at her pert little
nose and sky blue eyes made him feel warm inside.

fired his blood like he’d never experienced before. He needed to get his cock
and fangs into her again soon or he might just burst. Becky stood up, her body
was something to behold. Her curves were abundant, his dick throbbed and jutted
from between his thighs. Disappointment hit him hard when she grabbed her shirt
and pulled it over her head. Her hair was wild about her shoulders, mussed from
their earlier love making. Make no mistake, he was making love to this female.
He wished he could just tell her how he felt, convince her to give them a

bent over, giving him a perfect view of her rounded ass and glistening pussy.
He groaned.

eyes landed on him, almost making him flinch. It was strange, he had been in
many battles yet none of the stares from the hardened warriors he faced could
evoke this level of emotion in him. Her eyes narrowed as she tossed his tank
top at him. “Put on your clothes and leave.”

shook his head. “I’m staying the night.”

shook her head harder, her blond curls bounced. “Not happening, buster. You’re
not touching me again. We can’t do this, Ross.”

moved to stand in front of her. “You’re afraid I’ll get hurt.”

cheeks flooded with color and she dropped her eyes to the floor for a few
seconds. “I know, I sound totally conceited and full of it. I’m just afraid one
of us will end up hurt. It’s inevitable.”

can’t go through life trying to avoid what may happen. We could be very happy

little human actually cringed as he said the word. “I don’t do forever, I

you keep saying.” He folded his arms, noticing how her eyes drifted down his
body landing on his cock. Becky groaned, turning away from him as she grabbed
his pants and threw them at his feet before putting her sweats back on. He had
to stop himself from ripping them off of her. He loved the way she looked.
Couldn’t stand that she covered herself from him.

needed to be careful, she was already running scared. “Anyway, I’m not asking
for forever, I’m asking for one night.”

on the pants.” Her foot tapped on the floor as her gaze moved from his to the
crumpled jeans at his feet and back.

don’t want to.” He folded his arms across his chest. “I’m not going.”


was tempted to relax but something in her voice gave him pause.

eyes widened and her eyebrows rose. His female put her hands on her hips. “You
can stay on one condition.”

listening.” Anything, she could name it and he would do it. Not just because he
needed to please her again but mainly because he wanted to talk with her, laugh
with her, find out more about his precious female. Although they had texted for
months, he realized that he didn’t know nearly enough about her. Ross also
longed to cradle her in his arms, to hear her breathing deepen into a rhythm as
she slept.

me that you don’t feel anything for me, that you can walk away in the morning
without looking back and you can stay.”


he told her that, then he would be lying. The little vixen, she knew full well
that he had feelings that went beyond just the sex.

can’t.” He could hear the disappointment in his voice.

tension drained from her body and an almost inaudible sigh left her. “Get
dressed and go. It’s for the best.”

for whom?”

It would be best for you.” She spoke softly. “Now do as I say, please. Honor my
decision. Respect me and leave.”

sighed heavily. “I am a grown male in my prime, capable of making my own
decisions. I am willing to risk it to be with you. You never know, you might
surprise yourself.” He smiled at her. “I might just be the one you can do
forever with. How will you know unless you try?”

shook her head, her eyes wide. “No. You would be hurt and I would be hurt
because I hurt you or you would hurt me. Nothing is forever. Nothing, Ross.”

disagree. It is one night, Becky. We could take it slowly. We could date.”

smiled. “Tanya told me that vampires don’t date.”

don’t but I would be willing to give it a try for you, Becky.” Vampires either
rutted freely with chosen partners or they mated when they found the right
female. There was no in-between but if that was what Becky needed, then he
would be willing to give it a try.

sweet. You’re sweet…” She shook her head. “It would be too easy to fall for
you, just like with Rushe—” She sucked in a breath, her eyes darting across his
face in a panic.

wolf.” He couldn’t stop himself from snarling the words.

I said anything. You guys are just too intense for me. Too much.”

happened to make you so fearful? Did someone hurt you?” Again he found himself
snarling the last word.

shook her head. “No, I told you, the opposite is true. I’m the one who does the
hurting. Just because I don’t seem to be able to stay in a long term
relationship doesn’t automatically mean I was hurt by some guy. Nothing made me
like this.” Something flashed in her eyes before she looked away. If he wasn’t
mistaken it was pain. For whatever reason, there was something that she was
keeping from him. Maybe something she wasn’t even admitting to herself.

just that I don’t understand. Maybe you never met the right male. One that
could satisfy you”—his voice turned husky—“both in the bedroom and out.”

admit, sex with non-humans has been freaking mind blowing…”

had to suppress a growl at her plural reference. That damned wolf had left his
mark on his female. Ross just wished that she would allow him to stay, it
seemed she needed to be convinced further that he was the only male for her.

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