3013: GENESIS (3013: The Series Book 11)

BOOK: 3013: GENESIS (3013: The Series Book 11)
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3013 Series



MATED by Laurie Roma

RENEGADE by Susan Hayes

CLAIMED by Laurie Roma

STOWAWAY by Susan Hayes

SALVATION by Laurie Roma

MENDED by Kali Argent

by Susan Hayes

CHAOS by Laurie Roma

ALTERED by Kali Argent

FATED by Susan Hayes

GENESIS by Laurie Roma





Mya Spartan
has lived a privileged life. She has a family who adores her, work that
fulfills her, and enough credits to have everything she’s ever wanted. However,
what she really wants isn’t something that can be bought…


Alphas of
their pack, Maddox, Daimon and Tavius Adaro, have created an empire with no
equal. As a traveling sanctuary, New Vega exists beyond Alliance regulations,
where the Adaros’ word is law. The three Krytos brothers are strong, capable
leaders who rule their world together, but nothing could have prepared them for
the little female elite who would come to rule their hearts.


Destiny may
have led her straight into the arms of the Krytos who want her as their mate,
but Mya fears she might not be a match for the three powerful males. When a
threat turns the floating pleasure palace into a dangerous prison, everything
they love is at risk. Will Mya find the courage to fight by the Adaro brothers
side, or will her uncertainty lead to the downfall of an empire?


Erotic Romance Novel.


GENESIS by Laurie Roma

E-book Publication: December 2015

Cover design by Sloan Winters

Copyright © 2015 by Laurie Roma


Kindle Edition


literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without
express written permission.


All characters and events in
this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is
strictly coincidental. It is fiction so facts and events may not be accurate
except to the current world the book takes place in.





To all of you who have asked
for the Adaro brothers’ story.

I hope I’ve done you proud…





year is 3013.

barely survived the Alien Wars that have ravaged the planet, and an unknown
virus had nearly wiped out the entire population. On the brink of extinction,
humans struggle to rebuild their civilization, although nothing would ever
bring back what once was.

martial law, a new age of mankind is born, where warriors rule and women are
the ultimate prize.
Only the elite earn breeding
rights and are granted leave to claim a woman in pairs.
Men dream of the
day that they will be able to claim a woman to love, but for those chosen being
means the end of their freedom and a
beginning to a lifelong bond with two strangers.
The warriors may have
the choice, but the battle for their woman's heart has only begun…




can do this…

Spartan braced her hands together in her lap as the private shuttle she was in
made its way through the congested flow of traffic in the Capital. Glancing out
the window, she looked down at the crowded streets below.

their slow progress in the air, she preferred hovering in the streamlined flow
rather than being stuck on street level where the mass of people on the
sidewalks added to the chaos. The color blue was all the rage this season.
Especially royal blue, so the citizens walking on the streets made up a sea of
the rich, vibrant shade, mixing in among the austere steel-gray and black uniforms
of the elites.

in the largest, most prosperous city on Earth had its advantages, but there
were also a lot of drawbacks. Over the last few years, the familiar metropolis
had become a prison of sorts to her. No matter how beautiful the city was, a
gilded cage was still just that…a cage.

Mya was ready to break free.

up to something,” Pia Colter muttered from her seat across the shuttle.

looking over, Mya said, “I don’t know what you mean.”

call bullshit.”

glanced over to see Ryland Colter glaring at her from his seat next to his
chosen. Ryland and his twin brother, Mikal, had been Mya’s personal guards
since she turned fifteen. Three years ago, when they’d claimed their chosen, she
had been added to their detail. The three older elite soldiers might have been
under orders to protect Mya, but they had become more like family during their
time together.

of that, they knew her too well for her to deceive to them.

Mya totally sucked at lying, and they knew it.

a sigh, she shifted in her seat so she was facing the others. Mikal might have
been in front of the shuttle where he was operating the controls, but she knew
he could hear everything that was being said. He was an elite with advanced
hearing, after all.

all were.

dark-blond twins had been chosen as her guards right after they’d graduated from
the Academy. They had been top ranked soldiers, so it might have seemed odd
that the two highly skilled men had been delegated to what essentially could be
called babysitting duty. But then again, Mya wasn’t just an average woman.

Mya Spartan was the daughter of three powerful parents, and sister to two
extremely protective brothers who would destroy worlds if anything happened to

mother, Donna Spartan-Rollins, had created a fashion empire she’d named Starlight
Designs before she had been claimed. Now, she ran the company with one of Mya’s
fathers, Jack Rollins. Together, they were a corporate powerhouse that catered
to some of the wealthiest members of the Alliance, on and off planet, as well
as many D’Aire that had a taste for human fashion.

to their business, the amount of credits Mya’s family had would have made her a
target in itself, but the fact that her other father, Ian Spartan, was a member
of the Alliance Council of Regents made it imperative that she be protected.
The Regents were all retired military commanders from all of the territories on
Earth. They were the governing body of the Alliance, and although Earth was at
peace now, there were still individuals who would try to use family members of
a regent to gain the upper hand.

didn’t really worry about that, though. In truth, she pitied whoever was stupid
enough to come after her, since her oldest brother, High Commander Jax Spartan,
would rain down the wrath of God on them. Some of his soldiers had even
classified his legendary temper as the Wrath of Jax, and it was totally
fitting. Talon, her other older brother, was stealthier in his approach at
handling an issue. He would track anyone who came after her to the ends of the
universe and cheerfully slit their throats.

that was nothing compared to what Regent Ian Spartan and former Commander Jack
Rollins would do. They would use the full force of the Alliance against anyone
who struck out at their family, and they wouldn’t stop until their enemies were
nothing but bloody dust…if there was even that much left.

Conner—her younger brother who was in the Academy—thought he could boss her
around when it came to her protection. Because of her family’s obsession with
her safety, Mya hadn’t complained when she was given a protection detail. It
was for their peace of mind as much as it was for her own safety, since, even
though she had been trained as an elite in the Academy herself, Mya was very
aware of her own limitations.

she’d been tested when she was ten, she had been given the enhancements that
made her an elite. She had inherited the intuition that made her father and her
brother such good leaders, however, she had also inherited her mother’s
empathic talent. Both abilities weren’t of much use to Mya, since neither ability
was very strong, but they were enough for her to know she could never be happy
living the life of a soldier.

that didn’t mean she wouldn’t kick butt when it was necessary. 

up, Princess Starlight,” Mikal called out from the front of the shuttle. “Tell
us what you’re up to.”

didn’t even bother to wince at the nickname her friends had given her years ago.
“I was going to
wait to speak to you about this,” she said carefully. “I want to talk to my
mother to see if it would be possible first before I drag you guys into my plan.”

always assumed that her regent father was the one who was in charge of her
family, but she knew better. It was her mother who held the position of power
in their household, and if Mya wanted to get anything done, it was Donna
Spartan-Rollins who would help her make it happen.

dark-brown eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What plan?”

into his intense stare, Mya sighed again. “I’ve decided to leave Earth.”

waited for the explosion, but it never came. Instead, Pia and Ryland both just
looked at her expectantly.

where are we going?” Pia asked.

eyebrows shot up. “You…want to go with me even though you don’t know where?”

rolled her eyes. “Well, duh.”

don’t have to,” Mya told them. “I mean, you’ll be given a choice—”

being stupid, and tell us where we’re going,” Mikal called over his shoulder.

she could speak again, Pia slouched down in her chair and sent Mya a crooked
smile. “It’s taken you long enough to make this decision. You’re suffocating
here. Have been for a while now.”

glanced at both women before saying, “This isn’t about what happened last week,
is it? Damn it, I knew we should have killed those two assholes at Cathica
after they tried to claim you.”

thought back to the night last week when they had gone to Cathica, a Tarin
restaurant owned by friends of her family. A drunk director and his buddy had
tried to drag Mya with them after seeing the solitary tattoo on her face near
her right eye, which designated her as one of the coveted fertile females who
hadn’t been claimed yet.

had worn the damn scroll mark since she’d been tested when she was ten, and
knew exactly what it meant for her and the other women that had been similarly
branded as potential breeders.

meant trouble.

her seventeenth birthday, Mya’s fathers had gotten her exempt status, which
meant that no males could claim her without her express permission. Usually,
all it took was telling any interested males about that exempt status to make
them back off. If they were more persistent, informing them of who her fathers
and brothers were was enough to make them run for cover, but the director and
his friend had been too drunk to give a damn about what they were told.

waved a hand in the air. “I’m not worried about that at all. And I have to
admit, it was sort of fun kicking that guy in the balls.”

laughed. “It really was. I liked breaking that other asshole’s nose just as

two are a menace,” Ryland muttered.

ran a hand over her sleek bob of dark-brown hair as she smirked at her bonded.
“You got to punch them, too.”

they wouldn’t shut up.” Ryland sighed again, this time with pleasure. “I really
love being able to hit higher ranking officers with no repercussions. Still, we
wouldn’t have to so often if Mya didn’t attract so much attention.”

shoulders hunched a bit as Ryland turned to glare at her as if she could
somehow control the way she looked.

slapped his arm before saying, “
You two see Mya as a little sister, but she’s a beautiful
shouldn’t have to apologize for it. Just because some idiot elites think they
can claim her without permission, that doesn’t mean she’s to blame.”

grimaced. “I’m not blaming her.”

just me,” Mya said softly.

nodded in agreement. “And that’s all it takes. Honey, face it. You’re
absolutely gorgeous, and you’re a scroll. Plus, you’ve got all that long, silky
black hair that makes them want to touch it, and your eyes…they mesmerize men.
It makes men go a little crazy with lust.”

don’t talk about lust,” Mikal snapped. “Subject change. Now.”

wouldn’t mind shifting the subject. It always made her uncomfortable to hear
someone praise her for her looks, because it wasn’t something she had any
control over. She had the same steel-gray eyes as her oldest brother, Jax, but
while his were cold, she had been told hers made her look almost mystical. Still,
she didn’t understand the fascination men seemed to have with her. She was
pretty, but not enough to cause anyone to try to claim her in the middle of a
damn restaurant.

Pia rolled her eyes. “As I was saying before we got
sidetracked, you’re suffocating here because you want to travel, see new places
and get new inspiration, don’t you?”

“Yes,” Mya said a little desperately. “I really do.”

“I’m up for a new adventure,” Ryland stated.

“Same here,” Mikal added as he maneuvered their shuttle out
of the flow of traffic so he could set down in front of their destination.

Pia smiled. “Not to mention, what other job could we get
within the Alliance where we can wear whatever the hell we want and not get stuck
in those boring uniform?”

That made Mya laugh. Because her guards were supposed to
blend in, Pia, Ryland and Mikal were always dressed in normal clothes whenever
they went out. Since they’d put up with Mya and her antics for years, she was
always creating new clothes that matched their personalities as a way to thank

And besides, the elite uniforms really were boring as hell.

Mya felt her heart lift as she thought of all the possibilities
for her future. Added to that, she was overwhelmed by her friends’ faith in
She had
worried about that part of her plan. Pia, Ryland and Mikal would’ve been given
a choice to stay on Earth if they wanted to, but Mya would have missed them desperately
if she had to take other guards with her when she left.

sharp pang of envy struck her as she watched Ryland glance down at Pia with a
tender look. It was something that had been happening more often lately, and it
made her feel horrible each time she felt jealous of her friends’ happiness.
Pia was right,
though. The opportunity to travel, to see the stars and other planets was
something Mya had always wanted.

But more than that, she wanted to start living her life on
her own terms.

And maybe she’d finally have the chance to find the love
she’d always dreamed of.

When their shuttle touched down in front of the building, the
two security officers in front didn’t bother to move from their posts since
they recognized them. As they got out, Mya declined Mikal’s offer to carry the
bag she’d brought with her and slung the strap over her own shoulder. She sent
the officers an absentminded wave, and
herself to remain calm as she walked up the front steps of the Starlight
Designs headquarters.

large, white building that housed her family’s fashion empire was located in
the heart of the Capital. It had always reminded her of some sort of modern-day
castle. And if Mya was considered its princess, her mother was definitely the

only visited the headquarters about once a week. Most of the time, she chose to
work in her studio on her family’s estate right outside of the city proper. The
studio was a large building, separated from the main house so that it allowed
her the peace and quiet she needed to design. Still, Mya could appreciate the
vibrant energy that swamped her the second she stepped into the Starlight
Designs building.

and her guards paused to check in with security at the massive U-shaped front
desk. When they were passed through, she wasn’t surprised to see her father,
Jack Rollins, stroll down the hallway to meet her. He might be the company’s
numbers man now—dealing with the financials and backend of the business—but he
still kept up with security. And given his military background, she was never
surprised that he knew exactly who walked into the building.

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