33-Pack CHEATING Megabundle (25 page)

Read 33-Pack CHEATING Megabundle Online

Authors: Nikita Storm,Bessie Hucow,Mystique Vixen

BOOK: 33-Pack CHEATING Megabundle
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"You sure?"

I nodded vigorously. "Do it! It's wide open for you!" I pushed back on his cock and moved around a bit until his head lined up with my stretched cervix. "There," I said as I sank my pussy back on his massive dick, "shove it in."

He did. Grabbing my luxurious, black hair, he rammed his rod deep into my unprotected cervix. I just knew that if I'd been ovulating, I'd bear his child. But that would come later. I let out a slight scream as he took me by surprise. I'd never felt so filled in all my life.

He grunted as he alternated between pulling my hair and smacking my bright red ass. It felt so good to be dominated by a strong bull. For a submissive Hucow, this was the best. My breasts jiggled every time he slammed his cock inside me, causing milk to fly everywhere. I felt so used and so much like a whore - which, in a way, I was. But I loved it. I wouldn't have a problem with Robert farming my snatch out to more hung, horny guys.

I reached back and fondled his balls as he slammed in and out of me. My ass was on fire, my tits were leaking and my pussy was wet and sore. I wanted him to cum inside me. I wanted to feel his dominant man-seed spurting deep in my pregnant womb.

For the next month, I would have no other man inside me. I would carry his seed proudly and when he knocked me up, I would carry his baby proudly. I wanted him to cum so much inside me that his semen would literally drip down my bare legs. I would make no move to hide it. I wanted my husband to know that I was another man's Hucow.

Those thoughts sent me over the edge and my orgasm was so powerful that I was barely conscious of his. I wanted to experience it, though, so I concentrated as hard as I could on his massive meat-stick inside me.

The first indication that he was close, was that his thrusts came faster. He stopped spanking me and focused solely on his stimulation. With one final, brutal thrust, he grabbed my milky fun-bags, buried his cock deep in my cervix and his face in my back and let out a guttural grunt that caused the cows to look up.

"I'm cumming!" He cried out. I forgot that I was supposed to be mooing and when I did, I felt his shaft expand to enormous proportions that I didn't think was possible. He held it there for several moments before releasing his torrential downpour of nut-cream deep in my pregnant pussy.

Blast after hot blast of his dominant cum spurted inside my belly. I couldn't believe how much cum he was producing. And this was after having shot his first load a half-an-hour ago into my throat.

Finally, after what seemed like an hour, he stopped spurting and released my breasts from his death-grip. The second he pulled his cock out, I could already feel his cum dribbling down my leg. I was going to leave it. It was his branding of me and I wanted to show it off.

"That was incredible!" He said breathlessly as he slid out and off of me. "I think we're both going to be rather sore for the next month."


That night at dinner, I slipped him a small package when no one else was looking. Inside was a pager and a note. I explained that when I was at the peak of my fertility, I would page him and that he was to show up within the hour. I would feign not feeling well and slip into his car where he would meet me after a few minutes where he could knock me up at his leisure. It was a bold plan and there were many things that could go wrong, but I loved thinking about and planning it.

I patted my belly - which was full of his cum and Robert's baby. "Soon," I smiled. "Soon."












Fertilizing the Farm Cow


Nikita Storm

My hands were shaking so bad I almost couldn't dial the number to the pager I gave Charles. After he'd had his month with me, I'd had a lot of time to contemplate what I was doing. I loved Robert. I was officially his Hucow. He took me in and made me feel welcome. Maybe him selling me to Charles for a month to pay off the old folk's mortgage wasn't such a good idea.

As the last number was dialed, I flipped the phone closed. As per the deal, he'd be here within the hour. I wondered if he was sitting in a dark hotel room somewhere close by, just waiting for my call.

All of that was in the past, however, now I had a new problem to contend with. The arrangement I made with Charles was that he'd give me a grand in cash - which he did - and I would allow him to knock me up and I'd carry his baby. That was the easy part - I wanted him to take me. I thought about his massive cock each and every night before I went to bed. I grew wet during the day just thinking about how he stretched my cervix wide and deposited his cum in my pregnant belly.

It had been four months since Rebecca had been born and I'd been keeping an eye on my fertility. Today was the day. I'd had plenty of time to think about how I wanted to go about this and writing Robert a letter was the best way. That is if I could keep from shaking so bad.

I hated lying to him about this, but what was done was done. I folded the note and stuck it in my pocket and waited. I spent the next twenty minutes in the bathroom, trying to calm my nerves down. I didn't want to cheat on Robert, but I was going to, anyway. What was I doing? There were so many things that could go wrong with this.

I mentally went over what was in the letter to make sure that all my alibis were tight. I just told him that I had a family emergency that I had to attend to and that he was busy with Charles and I had to go and to not wait up for me.

I jumped as I heard the doorbell ring. Oh God, it's Charles! My heart leapt in my throat and I grew light-headed. Don't pass out now, girl. I steadied myself and listened as I heard the door open and voices. Now was my chance. Grabbing my coat and purse, I slipped out of the bathroom and crept past Robert. Charles's eyes locked on mine and I felt my knees begin to give. I hadn't seen him in half a year and I almost forgot how fucking hot he was. My heart fluttered and my panties grew moist as I briefly took in his body.

He was wearing his familiar black stiletto, a pair of jeans and a heavy wool jacket. I could almost see his muscles rippling under his clothes. I gave him a quick, nervous smile and turned to the kitchen.

"Be careful with that Charles."

I nearly had a heart-attack as I turned and saw Mary standing at the back door. "Oh my God, you almost scared me half to death."

"Something's wrong," she said ominously. "I want you to promise me to be on guard."

"How did you?" If the old farmer lady knew about this, I wondered who else did. Shit.

"We old women have our ways," she said, smiling secretively. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. But there's more to him than meets the eye." With that she stepped aside and let me pass. In all the excitement, I nearly forgot to plant the letter.

"Take care, dear," she waved to me as I raced out the kitchen door and crept around to the limo. As the driver let me in, I wiped tears from my eyes.





"Well," Charles said as he sat next to me and put his arms around me, "that went better than expected. Hopefully you gave him a good excuse?"

I nodded. "I told him that I had a family emergency."

He turned to me and sensuously placed his lips on mine. He must've realized that something was bothering me as he pulled back and furrowed his brows. "Is something the matter?"

I gulped and let the tears flow freely. "I...I shouldn't be doing this."

He wrapped his strong, well-muscled arms around me and pulled me to him. "It's okay. It's just for one night. It's not like Robert didn't want you to mate with me or he wouldn't have made that deal."

I nodded. "I know, but it's just so hard."

"Did he ask your permission before farming you out to another man?" He looked at me as though he knew that he had made a winning chess move.

I stopped crying and looked up at him. "No," I said.

"How is this any different?" He gently wiped my tears away and pushed aside a stray lock of my jet-black hair from my eyes.

I thought about that for a moment and sighed. He was right. It wasn't any different. That made me feel much better. Of course I was going to be carrying another man's love child in my belly for the next nine-months, but that was all part of the deal.

"I guess it's not much different," I agreed. He again pressed his masculine lips to mine, but instead of pulling back, I pressed forward. Truth was, I wanted to carry this man's baby. I wanted him to knock me up and make me his.






"Where are we going?" I said after dozing off to find us still driving in the limo.

"To the airport," he said as he checked what looked to be stock quotes on his iPad.

"The airport!" I turned to him in shock. "Why are we going to the airport?"

"Because," he said coolly, "I want to introduce you to my wife. After all, she is going to be taking care of my baby."

I started to speak, but couldn't formulate the words. This was a lot to take in.

"In case you're wondering, we're going to my mansion in Atlanta. We'll be there in an hour."

Mansion? Atlanta? Wife? I couldn't believe I was hearing these things. I thought he was just going to take me to a fancy hotel where he'd treat me like a slutty hucow and knock my fertile belly up. I wasn't in any way shape or form ready to meet his wife. Did she know? Or approve? Oh God, this was starting to get uncomfortable.

The last five minutes of the ride was made in silence. He concentrated on his stock portfolio and I worried about meeting his wife. I also didn't realize that he actually wanted the baby. I thought he just wanted to knock me up and be done with it. This complicated things greatly.

I had never been on a private jet before and thought it was going to be one of those single-engine flyers that could barely accommodate anyone - let alone passengers. But I was wrong. This was a full-size jet decked out to the nines. The atmosphere was incredible.

Once we were seated comfortably, I finally got the courage to say something.

"So, how long have you been waiting here?" I got wet just thinking about him waiting for my body to become fertile.

"A couple of weeks. I spoke with your doctor and he let me know when you were getting closer," he said smugly as he sipped his champagne.

"My doctor?" I said, my eyes flying open. "Isn't there some kind of medical code against that?"

He laughed. "Have you forgotten that I'm the richest man in Texas? And I don't even live here." He furrowed his brow a bit. "Well, that may not be entirely true. I do have some real estate near San Antonio."

"So, what? You just called up my doc and told him that you wanted medical information on me?"

"Pretty much. Oh, by the way, I'm glad that Rebecca's healthy and happy." He took another sip of his champagne and lit up a cigar.

Geez, this was getting creepier by the minute. I felt like I was being stalked by this hot, gorgeous, hunky man. I thought about Mary's words and the more I contemplated the situation, the more I came to believe she was right.






The flight didn't take as long as I'd anticipated and within a couple of hours, we were driving up to his fancy mansion. I realized when I got out of his limo that no one knew where I was. Except maybe Mary. But she'd promised to keep my secret. This man could very easily do with me whatever he wanted and there was nothing I could do about it.

Like always, my breast milk had leaked through my shirt and was starting to make a mess. This was one of the downsides of being a Hucow - I always had to express myself. When I was home, I'd just have Robert fill another milk container and I'd be good for another hour or so.

"I need to express myself," I said timidly as we walked in the front door of his mansion. It wasn't the largest mansion in the world, but it could very easily fit several normal-sized homes inside it's walls.

"That won't be necessary," he said gruffly as a servant girl came and took our coats and my purse.

I looked at him and was about to say something, but the look on his face caused me to reconsider. I shivered as I studied his handsome, angular cheeks. He looked the part of the billionaire. He was tall, dashing, very strong and his face was rugged. I feared and lusted after him at the same time. I still wasn't sure what I was going to tell Robert - perhaps the truth. I don't know.

Charles poured himself a shot, asked if I wanted one and lit up a cigar. Oh my God, I thought he was handsome before - he was downright sexy now. My pussy began seeping wetness into my panties and I could feel the familiar flush of my orgasm course through me. I don't know why this arrogant man turned me on, but he did.

"Patricia!" He called and a tall, slender, blond-haired, middle-aged woman came racing down the stairs.

"Yes, master?" She said, turning my direction as a chilling smile played across her face. "Oh, I see you've brought our surrogate. Isn't she lovely?"

I stood stock still as Patricia slowly walked over to me and began inspecting my body. Again I shivered as she touched my cheek.

"You're a naughty cow, aren't you?"

I gulped and looked over to Charles who was sitting in a recliner, drink in hand, watching us. I could see the tent in his pants. "No, ma'am," I said, quivering, "I'm a good cow."

"Bullshit!" She smacked me across the face. "You've been sleeping with my husband, haven't you?"

I nodded.

"Good cows don't sleep with other cow's bulls, do they?" Her green eyes narrowed and her face hardened.

"No, ma'am."

"That's right. So, what does that make you?" She pressed again.

"A naughty cow," I admitted.

"Exactly. Does your bull know?"

I shook my head as I felt wetness seep from my breasts. If I didn't express this milk soon, it was going to leak all over the floor.

"You're going to have to tell him something when your belly starts growing."

"Why don't you take her upstairs and get her ready," Charles suggested as he polished off his drink and grabbed another. "You two ladies can talk shop later, I want to get down to business."

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