4 Bad Boys to take to Bed (4 Book Bundle Set!) (15 page)

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“You’re doing what?” Jessica asked.

“I’m going to get something to eat with Nick,” Brooke lied. She sat on the edge of her bed and pulled on her sneakers. She knew if she told Jessica the truth, Jessica would freak out more than she already was.

“Yeah, I heard you; I just can’t believe what I’m hearing.” Jessica closed her book loudly and tossed it on the floor. She stood. “What happened to hanging out tonight? We were gonna lounge around, watch chick flicks, catch up on things. Now you’re leaving?”

Brooke stood and sighed. “Please don’t make me feel guilty about this, Jess. You know I like Nick, and he asked me out, so I’m going.” She shrugged.

“And what about your English paper? It’s due on Monday and you’ve written what? A total of twenty words?” Jessica crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Brooke.

“Jess,” Brooke whined. “Don’t do this. You sound way too much like my parents right now.” Every other time Brooke said that to Jessica, she would get offended and back off. Brooke hoped it would work this time, too, but from the look of disappointment on Jessica’s face, Brooke knew she was sunk.

“Whatever.” Jessica flung her arms up in frustration. “But don’t come crying to me when you fail English.”

“I’m not going to fail English.” Brooke grabbed her cell phone, room key, and wallet from her desk. “What if the four of us did something together tomorrow night? We could double date,” she said excitedly. “Yeah, we’ll all go out to dinner, and then maybe a movie?” The more she thought about it, the more excited she became.

“Okay, but if you ditch me again, I’ll never speak to you again.” Jessica smiled.

Brooke hugged her friend. “Thank you.” She kissed her dramatically on the cheek, making a loud smacking noise as she did. “See ya later.”

“I thought maybe you’d changed your mind,” Nick said when she stepped out of her room and into the hallway.

Her heart always raced at the sight of him, at the knowledge that absolutely anything could happen, and probably would. “No, I was just talking to Jess.”

“Is she mad you’re leaving?” Nick put his hand on the small of her back and led her down the hallway, toward the lobby.

“She’ll be fine,” Brooke said, leaning closer to him. He always smelled so good. His scent alone was enough to arouse her. “But I did tell her we’d double date with her and Kyle tomorrow night. I hope that’s okay.” She risked a glance at his handsome face, which was relaxed yet strong.

Nick jerked her closer to his body, lowered his head, and pressed his mouth to hers. His lips were just one of her weaknesses, and she melted into him, letting him ratchet things higher and higher until he pulled away, both of them panting and gasping for breath.

“Mmm,” he hummed, licking his lips.

Brooke’s gaze was drawn to his mouth, to the sight of his tongue licking his lips, moistening them. “Is that a yes?” she asked breathlessly.

“Let’s see how tonight goes.” He winked, took her hand, and le
d her outside.

What did that mean? Her otherwise good mood turned slightly sour. She just dropped everything to go out with him, and he can’t even commit to a date with her and his friend? What kind of shit was that? It’s not like she was asking him for a commitment or anything. She got into the ca
r and stared out the passenger side window. Tonight was supposed to be fun, and here she sat, sulking. Snap out of it, Brooke!

“What did you have in mind for tomorrow night?” Nick asked, breaking the silence.

“Just dinner. Nothing exciting,” she said, turning to look at him.

“Well, we’ll have to make it exciting then, won’t we?”

Her heart raced and hope swelled inside of her. “Does this mean you’ll go?”

“Sure, why not.” He laughed. “I gotta eat after all.”

Brooke smiled and leaned across the console, placing her face close to his. She nipped at his earlobe. “I’ve got something you can eat.”

Nick jerked his head toward her, a smile the size of Texas on his face. “Is that an offer?”

“Sure is.” She grinned seductively. “And if you win the race, I might just let you invite another woman to join us for the victory party.”

He brought the car to a sudden stop and pulled off to the side of the road. Slamming the gear shift into park, he turned and looked at Brooke. “Is that what you really want?”

His intensity took her by surprise. In fact,
it kind of scared her a little. She shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe. I’ve thought about it. I just figured since Greg, I should maybe repay the favor.” She felt like an idiot for rambling on like that, but she really didn’t know how else to say it. The thought of having sex with a woman didn’t really excite her—sure, she was a little curious—but she was willing to do it, for Nick.

“Brooke, listen to me.” Nick took her face into his hands, his gaze boring into hers. “I know neither of us wants a relationship, and what we’re doing here, it’s fun. I like hanging with you, and I really like having sex with you.” He grinned in that sexy, arrogant way that always made her smile back. Now
was no different. “I’m cool with it being just you and me in bed. It’s not like it’s boring or anything.” He laughed.

“What exactly are you saying, Nick?” Her voice was low, her breath tight with anticipation.

“I know you had fun with Greg, and I had fun watching you, but I’ve done that before. You haven’t.”

She pulled away from his hold. “And you think I can’t handle it?” God, why was she being so defensive, so moody? It was getting close to that time of the month. Maybe that was it. Well, you better cool it before he takes off running for the hills.

“No, that’s not what I’m saying.” He smiled softly. “I have a feeling you can handle just about anything I try to throw at you. But I don’t want you to do something like that just for me. Do it because you want to do it.”

Brooke nodded. Okay, that made sense; he was being rational. “Fine, then tonight it’s just you and me.”

“And another dose of E,” he reminded her as he pulled back out on to the road.

“That was some intense shit,” she said, settling back in her seat. “Don’
t get me wrong. I liked it, but . . . do we have to go so slow this time?”

Nick flung his head back and laughed. “Yeah, it was pretty intense wasn’t it? We’ll go a little harder tonight, see if you can handle it.”

Brooke’s heart fluttered and her breath hitched. It had been borderline torturous going slow. She was both excited and terrified of what it would be like if it was faster. “How long is this race going to take?”

He gave her a sideways glance. “Someone’s impatient, huh?”

“Shut up and drive.” She laughed.


An hour later, Brooke stood on the side of the road, watching in awe and excitement as Nick raced down the road toward her, the front of his car even with the car next to him. Her heart was in her throat. Adrenaline coursed heavy through her veins. She’d ridden with him when he’d done his test race, and that was the single scariest thing she’d ever done. But now she was watching, and that was just as scary.
Come on, Nick. Faster. Faster. You can do it.
Her chants were silent, but there was no secret among the group as to who she was rooting for.

The cars whizzed by her in a blur. She turned her head and followed them with her gaze. The finish line was visible from where she
stood and she walked in that direction, wanting to be there to greet Nick when he won. If he won. Of course he was going to win. He was Nick Benson. She wondered if losing was even in his vocabulary.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Nick shouted, shoving the driver of the other car.

“You lost, scumbag, get over it!”

Brooke froze in her tracks. Nick had lost? And now he was fighting with the other driver? That didn’t shock her, but she hadn’t expected the night to take this turn, either. She jogged toward them, watching as Nick rushed the guy, tackled him to the ground, and repeatedly punched him in the face. Then she saw the blood, and her stomach turned. She never did like the sight of blood very much.

“Nick!” she screamed, hoping to get his attention long enough to snap him out of whatever raging, murderous zone he was in. “Enough. Let’s go!”

“You’re a fucking cheater, Brent!” Nick landed another punch to Brent’s nose before getting to his feet and looking at Brooke.

She studied him. He wasn’t bleeding, which was good, but it did look like his eye was swelling a bit.

“Get in the car, Brooke. It’s time to roll,” he said.

Without a word, Brooke got into his car and buckled her seatbelt. Nick got in, slammed his door, and took off like the world was on fire. Brooke grabbed the door, holding on for dear life as Nick increased his speed exponentially, taking corners so fast she was afraid the car was going to go up on two wheels.

“God, that guy pisses me off. I should’ve known better than to race him. He always fucking cheats. Always,” Nick yelled, pounding his fist on the steering wheel.

Brooke didn’t know what came over her, but she found herself laughing. And she couldn’t stop. Adrenaline, fear, excitement, and uncontrollable giggles coursed through her body. Nick looked over at her like she’d lost her mind.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing, it’s just,” she paused to take a deep breath, “you’re so upset over a stupid drag race. Honestly, Nick, who cares if that guy cheated? What was the prize anyway?”

He cracked a grin, but then quickly hid it. “There was no prize, but you don’t understand. It’s about street cred. I can’t be known as the guy who gives in to cheaters.”

“I still don’t understand why it matters. I thought you wanted to be a professional fighter, not a racecar driver.” She looked at him and smiled. For as much fun as he was, he took himself way too seriously at times.

“I do, but a good fighter doesn’t take shit from anyone.”

Brooke leaned over and kissed his cheek. “You’re the best fighter I know.”

He laughed. “I have a feeling I’m the only fighter you know.”

She shrugged. “Minor detail.”



Nick mulled over what Brooke said. Maybe he had overreacted, but he despised cheaters, especially when that cheater was Brent Gideon. That guy was a first class douche bag. Brent deserved the ass beating Nick gave him.

“So, now what?” Brooke asked.

He smiled. “Victory party.” Nick turned down another dead end, dirt road. This town had a lot of them, which made parking very easy. Sure, he could take her back to his room, but chances
were good Kyle would be there. Plus, having sex in his room was boring. He stopped and parked the car.

Brooke looked out the window. “Here?”

“Yup.” He grinned. “Get out. I’ve got a surprise for you.”


Nick got out and walked toward the back of the car. When she met him there, he grabbed her, lifted her, and crushed his mouth to hers. He was so hungry for her, desperate even. The entire time he’d been racing his mind had been occupied by her, by their private little party that was starting right now. Brooke grabbed the back of his neck and wrapped her legs around him, holding him tight to her body. Nick backed up until her ass hit the trunk of his car, and then he deepened his kiss, devouring her passion.

“Nick.” She moaned and arched into him.

That soft sound drove him mad. He set her on the trunk of the car and stood between her spread legs. Then he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small baggie that contained a pill cut in half. He took it out, popped one half into his mouth, and then held out the other half to her. When she opened her mouth, he gently placed the pill on her tongue. She swallowed and he kissed her hard.

And he continued to kiss her just like that until the ecstasy kicked in. Then, in the blink of an eye, it felt like everything was magnified by a zillion. “Brooke, baby, I need you so bad.” He licked and kissed her neck, savoring the feel of the goose bumps that erupted beneath his tongue. Her skin was as soft as silk and as sweet as
powdered sugar.

“Take me, Nick. Right here on the back of your car. Fuck me hard and fast.”

He was already unzipping his pants and freeing his hard cock, which was always hard when he was around her. Thank God he had shoved a condom in his pocket before he’d left his room earlier. He quickly sheathed himself, and then concentrated on removing Brooke’s sweat pants. Within moments, she was naked, fully exposed to him. His gaze lowered to her pussy, and he contemplated licking her until she came all over his face again. It would feel incredible to her while being high on E.

“Come on, Nick,” she whined.

Okay, his mind was made up. Nick grabbed her hips and dragged her down the trunk of his car so that her ass was on the edge, then he shoved his cock into her without mercy. She screamed and grabbed at his biceps. It was as if his nerve endings were exposed, raw, bleeding, and with each thrust into her, he grated on them, sending him into a true overload of pleasure. It felt so fucking good it was almost painful.

“Shit, Brooke, it feels so good.” His ass clenched with each thrust forward, and his teeth were gritted. He wanted to roar and holler with the intense feelings that tore at his senses.

“Nick.” Her voice was a whimper, a plea for more while simultaneously wanting less. He’d tried to warn her that going faster was going to be too much for her, but this was what she wanted, what she’d begged for. Who was he to deny her? Especially when he was getting the best pleasure of his life from it, from her.

“Want me to stop?” He leaned over her, kissing her, nipping at her lips.

“No.” She reached around and grabbed his ass, her fingers digging into him, squeezing.

Nick jerked from the touch, and then he pounded her with jackhammer quick thrusts, taking no mercy on her. “Your pussy is s
o tight, so wet,” he grunted.

“Ah, God!” Her screams echoed in the woods around them.

He didn’t care, and he doubted she did either. Keeping his mouth on hers, he pumped into her with fast and controlled thrusts, building his own orgasm and pushing her toward the edge. At the first signs of her tightening around him, bright colors flashed behind his eyes. His balls were heavy, pulled taut with the need to release.

“Nick, I’m gonna come,” she bellowed.

“Fuck yes Brooke! Let me feel you come.”

Seconds later, her fiery hot orgasm showered his cock, causing him to jerk and lose himself in her body. He dropped his forehead to her shoulder and shuddered as his orgasm tore through him. The effects of the ecstasy were re
aching its peak inside of him—just another reason he liked to take thing slow, so that when this moment came, he’d be ready to come. But now he’d done that long before he wanted to. And it was going to be one hell of a trip if he didn’t figure out a way to prolong their physical contact.

Brooke took his face into her hands, brought his lips to hers, and their tongues tangled lazily. Slowly, she began to rotate her hips, coaxing him into fucking her again. He groaned. “I want you again, baby.”

“So take me.”

God, she made it so easy for him. Always so willing to let him have his way with her. And he kept coming back, again and again. “Not here,” he whispered. “Let’s go get a room somewhere. I’ve got more E, we can get some beer. Keep this party going.”

She ran her fingers through his hair and smiled against his lips. “Will you fuck me again?”

He closed his eyes and moaned. Even the simplest touch set his blood boiling. “Repeatedly,” he said.

“Good. Then let’s go.”


An hour later, Nick was sitting naked in a hotel room, his back against the headboard, his legs extended in front of him, ankles crossed. Brooke was straddling him, kissing him, and rubbing her pussy on his semi-erect cock. As soon as they’d arrived, he’d pinned her against the door and fucked her hard. Hotel security had come knocking on their door, asking if everything was okay because of all the screaming. Nick assured them it was, but had considered trying to take the guy for interrupting them. Brooke talked him down, tempted him with more sex. And, well, he just couldn’t say no to her.

Nick grabbed her ass, held her down on him, and pushed his hips up. “Are you ready for me again, baby?”

“Yes,” she whispered breathlessly. “I want you, Nick.”

He smiled, adjusted her body, and then guided her down onto his cock. “Slow this time, Brooke. I want it to last.” He reached over to the bedside table and grabbed two pills. He handed one to her.

“A whole one?” she asked, pausing.

“Trust me. It’ll be worth it. I promise nothing will happen to you. I’ll make sure of it.”

When she still hesitated, Nick nudged her lips with the pill. “For me?”

“We’ll stay here all night?”

“Absolutely.” If he had his way, they wouldn’t leave this room until they were forced to. “Just you and me, baby.” If he was going to be honest with himself, he was hoping a marathon sex fest would get her out of his system. He’d never been so into a girl before. It bothered him. Maybe this would finally cure him.

Brooke parted her lips and took the pill. Then she started to rock on him. At that point, nothing else mattered.

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