4 Bad Boys to take to Bed (4 Book Bundle Set!) (11 page)

BOOK: 4 Bad Boys to take to Bed (4 Book Bundle Set!)
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They ate mostly in silence. Brooke couldn’t believe she’d given Nick a blow job under the table. She’d never done anything so crazy before. It was exciting and exhilarating, and she couldn’t wait to do something else just as crazy. The thrill of having his cock in her mouth, the fear of getting caught, the rush of knowing she was getting him off—it all swirled in her mind, mixing and twisting around until she was consumed by it. She felt alive. Invincible. Untouchable.

“Look at that jackass,” Nick said.


“Him.” Nick nodded toward the front counter.

Brooke looked over at the guy Nick was talking about. The guy was tall, muscles the size of boulders, massive arms covered in tattoos, a neatly trimmed goatee clung to his chin. Two girls stood near him, smiling, giggling, flirting shamelessly. He wasn’t a bad looking guy, in her opinion. No wonder the girls were glued to his every word.

“I could totally take that guy,” Nick said, drawing Brooke’s attention back to him.

“Take him where?”

Nick laughed. “Nowhere. I meant I could take him in a fight. You know, beat his ass good.”

She was stunned speechless for a moment. Nick wanted to fight that guy? Why? She studied Nick for a moment, and then looked back to the guy. She highly doubted Nick could take that guy, as he said. “Why would you want to?”

“Why not?” Nick shrugged. Then he gently nudged Brooke with his shoulder. “You should go flirt with him so then I have a reason to fight him. No one hits on my woman.”

Brooke shook her head. The evening had taken a very abrupt, very odd turn, and she had no idea if Nick was being serious or if he was just playing with her. “As much fun as I’m having with you, let me be clear about one thing. I am not your woman, and I am not looking for a relationship.”

He reached up and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. A small smile curved his lips. “Relax, Brooke, I’m not looking for anything serious either. We’re just having some fun. That’s all. You do want to have some fun with me, don’t you?”

“Yeah, of course I do. But . . . why pick a fight with a total stranger?”

“I’ve got to keep my skills sharp. It’s been a while.”

Brooke laughed. “Skills?”

Nick gave his signature cocky grin. “Oh, I have a lot of skills, Brooke.”

The way he said that sent a chill to her core and back. It was equally deadly and sexual. “What kinds of skills exactly?”

“I’ve taken a variety of classes. Boxing, karate, kickboxing, J
iu Jitsu, mixed martial arts, Tae Kwan Do. I was even on the wrestling team in high school.”

“Wow.” Honestly, the idea of Nick fighting that guy scared the shit out of her. But it also aroused her in a twisted sort of way. Watching him move his body in that w
ay, watching him get all sweaty . . . it was tempting.

“So, are you going to do it?”

She’d talked a good game about living life to the fullest, taking chances, having no regrets. With a sigh, she slid out of the booth. “If you get your ass handed to you, I’m not driving you to the hospital.”

ick laughed. “It’s not me who’s gonna need the ride, sweetheart.”

Glancing at him over her shoulder, he winked, and her entire body flushed with warmth. I can’t believe I’m helping him pick a fight with a total stranger, she thought as she made her way toward the counter. When she approached, she heard the two women giggling and saw them take turns putting their hands on his muscled arms.

“Oh, Devin, that’s so funny,” one of the women said.

Brooke rolled her eyes. Could they be any more obvious? She kept her gaze straight ahead, acting as if she didn’t see them or care. Behind her, she felt Nick’s gaze following her, which made her slightly nervous. Timing it just right, Brooke pretended to trip and fell right into the guy’s lap. In the process, she knocked one of the girls drinks down the front of her. Brooke smiled to herself.

“Whoa, easy there pretty lady,” the guy said with a southern drawl.

“I’m so sorry.” Brooke straightened herself and tried to look embarrassed. “I’m just so dang clumsy sometimes.”

“No problems, darlin’. It was a good thing I was here to break your fall.” He winked.

She noticed he hadn’t taken his hands off her. What a slime ball, she thought. “Yes.” Brooke batted her eyelashes and looked away shyly. She couldn’t believe he was falling for her over
that pathetic act. “I didn’t mean to interrupt you guys.” She looked from him to the two women who were now giving her death ray looks. “Is there something I can do to make it up to you?”

From the corner of her eye, she saw Nick leave the booth and make his way toward them. Her heart raced out of control, and adrenaline spiked through her veins. She’d never witnessed an actual fight before, let alone help cause one. It was scary and exciting all at the same time.

“How about you join us?” The guy grinned. “We were just about to head out for a private party, but we can make room for one more.”

Ugh! Was he seriously asking her to join in on their threesome? Gross. “That’s a sweet offer, but I’ve already made plans for this evening.”

Just then, Nick approached. He put his arm around Brooke’s waist and pulled her safely from the other guy’s grasp. “Is there a reason you’re touching my girlfriend?”

“She fell. I was helping her up.”

“Bullshit,” Nick said.

Brooke risked a glance at him. His face was firm, his eyes dark and cold. He looked so much different than he had when they
’d arrived, when she touched his cock for the first time. Then he’d looked sinfully sexy. Now he just looked deadly. She shivered and placed her hand on his chest. “It’s okay, Nick. It was totally my fault,” she said, hoping he’d take her seriously and just drop this.

But he didn’t.

“Put your hands on her again, and you’ll have to deal with me. Understand?” Nick’s entire body was tense, prepared to strike at a moment’s notice.

The guy laughed. “And what the hell are you going to do about it?” Then he stood from the stool he’d been sitting on.

Brooke’s heart lodged in her throat. That guy was a good foot taller than Nick, and he was double Nick’s size, too. Oh God. This was such a bad idea.

“Let’s step outside, and I’ll show you exactly what I’m going to do about it,” Nick said. The anticipation in his voice was unmistakable.

Christ, what had she gotten herself into?

The guy laughed again. “Whatever little dude. It’ll be your funeral.”

Nick smiled coolly. “We’ll see about that.” Then he turned and guided Brooke toward the door. He leaned over and whispered to her. “You did a great job. Knowing what you were doing, and then watching you do it turned me on. And as soon as I’m finished here, I’m going to take you to my car, and I’m going to fuck you, just like you asked.”

Brooke’s jaw dropped. Holy hell! Then a slow smile curled her lips as she thought about that for a moment. She really did want to have sex with Nick, but she wasn’t going to get her hopes up because the chances were very good that their date was going to end with him in the hospital.

“Stay out of the way. I don’t want you getting hurt, okay?” he asked.

She noticed his face and his eyes were back to the normal look he’d had when they first met. Nodding, she said, “Yeah, okay.”

“Good.” He smiled.

And the next thing she knew, Nick was moving away from her, facing off with the guy from inside. “To make it fair, I’ll give you the first swing,” Nick said, taunting.

“Dude, you’re fucking delusional.” The guy swung, his fist landing squarely against Nick’s chin. “And when I lay you out like a little bitch, I’m gonna go fuck your girlfriend.”

Brooke gasped and cringed. That looked like it hurt, but Nick seemed unfazed by it. She held her breath as Nick rubbed his chin and grinned. He was smiling? That pissed her off, and she clenched her hands into fists. If he lost this fight, she was going to have to deal with the big dumb brute by herself, and he was smiling about that? Oh, he was going to get it!

“That the best you got?” Nick ducked, dodging the guy’s second swing, and then Nick did some fancy footwork, moved in, jabbed the guy in the gut several times, then gave him a roundhouse kick to the back of the knees. The guy dropped to the pavement like a ton of bricks.

She couldn’t believe her eyes. In a matter of seconds, Nick had taken that guy down. But he didn’t stop there. Nick punched and kicked a few more times. The guy gathered himself and attempted to fight back, but Nick blocked his every move. Getting back up to his feet, the guy and Nick began to circle each other like animals in the wild. Brooke’s gaze was glued to Nick’s face. He was really having fun! And despite herself, so was she.

The sound of sirens in the distance brought the fight to a halt.

“Oh shit, police,” Nick said.

She was frozen in place, eyes wide. Police? Were they going to get arrested? She didn’t want to go to jail. She’d never survive it.

“Brooke!” Nick shouted. He grabbed her hand, and sprinted across the parking lot toward his car, dragging her behin
d him. He opened the passenger side door, shoved her inside, ran around the front of the car, and got in on his side.

Even though her mind was racing, she was having trouble keeping up with everything that was going on around her. “Oh my God,” she muttered. Things around her slowly became clearer, and she noticed Nick was speeding down some desolate dead end road with maybe only one or two houses on it.

“Woo!” Nick hollered and pounded his palms on the steering wheel. “You were fantastic back there, Brooke. We make one hell of a team.”

She looked over at him.
He was smiling from ear to ear; his eyes twinkled with excitement. It was contagious, and before she realized it, she was laughing. “You’re fucking crazy.”

Nick laughed, too. He slowed the car as he reached the end of the road. He pulled off to the right and parked. “You can’t tell me you didn’t have fun.”

“No, I did.” Her breathing was still heavy and her heart was still racing, although she wasn’t sure if it was residual from the fight and running from the police or if it was from the knowledge of what was about to happen between them.

“Seriously though, where did you learn to fight like that?” she asked.

“I told you, I have skills.” He reached down by the door and moved his seat all the way back. “I’ve had formal training.” Then he lowered the back of the seat all the way back so it was flat against the back seat. “And I fight when I can. Keeps me sharp and on my toes.”

Nick lay back on his seat and tucked his hands behind his head. Brooke’s gaze roamed down his body, lingering on his crotch, the memory of how big and hard his dick had been filled her mind. She licked her lips, and felt her panties dampen at the thought of seeing him fully naked. When her gaze moved back toward his face, she saw him smiling, his eyes dark with hunger. She swallowed hard. As if reading her mind, he sat up and removed his shirt, tossing it in the backseat. His chest was to die for. Smooth, hard, muscular, defined. She wanted to lick every inch of it.

“Your turn,” he said.

She sucked in a deep breath, and did as he said
. After all, she did want this—him—as badly as he did. Slowly, Brooke pulled her shirt off over her head and tossed it back with Nick’s. Then she reached around behind her and unhooked her bra. As soon as it was off, her nipples hardened.

“Come here.” Nick’s voice was strained, but his intentions were clear.

Carefully, Brooke maneuvered her body over the console and onto him. She straddled him the best she could, but it was awkward with the door on one side of her and the console on the other. But she managed it, and as soon as she was settled, Nick was all over her. He had one hand bunched in her hair, holding her head still while he kissed her hard and deep. His other hand was holding her ass, pushing her down onto him as he lifted his hips, grinding his erection against her already sensitive sex.

She tried to move, to rotate her hips just a little, to pull back from the k
iss long enough to get some air. But his hold was firm so she stopped struggling and just let him do whatever the hell he wanted. It all felt incredible anyway, and she was so ready for him.

“Do you still want me to return the favor? Hmm?” He traced her bottom lip with his tongue, and then nipped at it. “Do you want me to lick your pussy until you come?”

That was a tough question to answer. She hadn’t had a guy eat her out in so long, but she was desperate to have him fuck her. Of course, there was no reason she couldn’t have both, right? “Yes,” she said.

Nick smiled against her lips. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

Brooke climbed back into her seat and quickly removed the rest of her clothes, leaving her completely naked to his gaze. “How are we going to do this?”

“You’re going to sit on my face.”

“What?” She laughed incredulously.

He smiled and motioned for her to return to his side of the car. Sighing, she climbed back over to him. He kissed her again, his hands roaming over her naked body, lingering on her bare ass cheeks, squeezing and kneading them. Then he scooted down in the seat.

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