4 Bad Boys to take to Bed (4 Book Bundle Set!) (9 page)

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Sasha knows what kind of heartbreak can accompany a talented rock star’s relationships. But she finds herself falling for one nonetheless—the way he falls in with her rhythm is mesmerizing and addicting. And when a family emergency sends her running home, there’s no one she wants by her side but lead singer and new boyfriend Jesse.


When she learns about her parents’ relationship—or lack thereof—will this new information quell Sasha’s fears or only rekindle old questions that continue to resurface? She knows Jesse isn’t her dad, and she’s not her mom, but her long held stereotypes of dating rock stars are hard to break.


Jesse does his utmost to prove to Sasha that he’s worth fighting for and breaking her own rules for. Will he continue to be a picture of love, loyalty and strength, or will everything Sasha believes come true at the worst possible time?




You Only Live Once 1

A Brooklyn Bailey Series

At 18, Brooke is convinced she’s an adult and free from her parents’ overbearing grasp. She admits that she’s spent her whole life being careful and is tired of it. So she heads off to college with her best friend and a new motto to live by—you only live once. She’s looking to have fun, take chances, not over think things, and wake up every morning with no regrets for how the day before ended.

Nick Benson is a self-proclaimed ladies’ man. They want him just as much as he wants them. But he never sleeps with them more than once, and never brings them back to his room. He has no
boundaries and an attitude that screams trouble. He admits that he likes to live life on the edge, exactly what Brooke is looking for.

So when they meet by chance early in their freshman year of college, it looks like a match made in heaven.

But things quickly take a turn for the worse when Brooke learns about Nick’s dark side—an obsession with fighting, taking drugs and sleeping around. Will she be able to take what he throws at her, or is she in over her head from the start? Will her best friend be able to shed some light on Brooke’s newly destructive choices, or will their friendship take the biggest hit of all?





Brooke stormed into her room and slammed her door.
She let out a loud, frustrated scream, not caring if her parents heard. In fact, she hoped they did. It would serve them right to have to sit downstairs and listen to her scream all damn night. Fucking jerks! She flopped down on her bed, slid her finger across the screen of her smart phone, and called her friend Jessica.

“Oh, please, please tell me you’re calling with good news,” Jessica said
as soon as she picked up the phone, not even letting it ring one whole time.

“No,” Brooke grumbled. “They’re not going to let me go.”

“You’re kidding. C’mon Brooke, this is the last party of the summer, the last time we’ll all be together before we go off to college. It’s going to be sick. You have to be there.”

“You think I don’t know that, Jess? I’m so pissed right now. My parents never let me do anything,” Brooke whined.

“So sneak out.”

Brooke laughed. “Yeah, if it was that easy, my life wouldn’t suck so much.”

“What’re they gonna do about it? You’re eighteen now. You’re an adult. They can’t control you anymore.”

That was true. Brooke chewed on her cheek and thought about it for a moment. She really did want to go to
the lake party tonight, but if her parents caught her, they’d take her car away. And being at college without a car would suck worse than being forced to stay home tonight. She sighed.

“Don’t,” Jessica groaned.

“Don’t what?”

“I know that sigh. You’re not going, are you?”

“I don’t know.” Brooke rolled onto her back and blew out a long breath. “I want to, really bad, but my parents have been threatening to take my car away all summer. I’m starting to think they’re serious.”

Jessica laughed. “So? Who cares? I can drive you around.”

Brooke grinned. She was so excited that her lifelong best friend would be going to college with her. They’d talked about it, planned it since childhood, but when they hit high school, Jessica cut loose and so did her grades. For a while, Brooke had serious doubts that Jessica would even be able to get into the local community college. So when she learned Jessica had gotten into the same four year college as Brooke, she was beyond thrilled.

“So, what do you say?”

“Having my best friend drive me around college will only make me a bigger loser than I already am.”

“Okay, first of all, you’re not a loser. You have strict parents. Totally not your fault. And secondly, if you go tonight, I’ll let you tell everyone at college that I’m your personal chauffer.”

Brooke busted out laughing. Jessica always had that effect on her. “Thanks, but it’s going to make my life easier if I just keep the peace.”

“Fine.” Jessica sighed. “I really hope you won’t be such a party poope
r once we get to college, though.”

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. I plan to party more than anything else.” They both laughed. “Have fun tonight. Take video
s so I can see all the stupid shit everyone does.”

“You got it, girl.”

Brooke hung up and tossed her phone to the foot of her bed. This sucked so bad. Why did her parents have to be so controlling? It’s not like they wouldn’t let her do anything fun, they just never let her do anything period. On the rare occasions when they did let her out of the house, her curfew was ten o’clock. All of her friends were allowed to stay out until midnight or later. She wasn’t allowed to ever go to parties because there might be drinking. And dating? Forget it.

Her brother got to do things
. When she pointed that out and cried foul, her parents would say it was different for a boy. She’d quickly learned that meant because her brother couldn’t get pregnant, he could have the freedom to do as he pleased. It wasn’t fair.

Thank God she only had a week
left of living in this prison—and that’s exactly what it felt like, too. One more week and then she would be leaving for college. She would be free to do whatever she pleased and with whomever she pleased. It was going to be fantastic. And she’d already come up with a new motto for her upcoming rebirth: you only live once.

Okay, so it wasn’t very original, but it was one she was going to live by. There would be no fear, no reservations, no nagging parents on her case. It would be true, uninhibited freedom. And lucky for her, she’d have her best friend by her side.

“Brooklyn, honey, can I come in?” Her mother’s soft voice carried through the door.


Her mother entered the room and sat at the foot of the bed. “I know you’re upset with me and your father, but you have to trust us. We really do know what’s best for you.”

Brooke rolled her eyes. They gave her this same speech every single time they said no to her about doing something.

“You’ll be leaving for college next week, and we just want to know that we’ve done a good job raising you; that you’ll have the ability to make smart decisions.”

She had to stop from laughing. Her parents rarely let her make her own decisions. How could they possibly know if she was capable of making smart ones? It was ridiculous.

“How about we go to the mall, catch a movie?”

Nothing said
like spending Saturday night at the movies with your mom. Brooke sighed. She supposed it was better than sitting in her room alone, sulking. “Yeah, okay. Let me change real quick.”

Despite her parents being total control freaks, Brooke had always been close with her mom, and she would miss spending time with her once in college. Of course, her mother
would only be a phone call away; but still, it would be bittersweet to be out on her own.



“Whoa!” Nick held up his hand and accidently smacked his friend on the chest. “Who the hell is that?”

“Dude, get your hands off me.” Kyle shoved Nick’s hand away.

“Dibs!” Nick grinned and made his way across the dining hall toward the auburn haired beauty sitting in the corner. She was gorgeous, and Nick knew right away that he had to have her.

“Hey, wait up!” Kyle chased after him. “You can’t call dibs without pointing out who first.”

“Her.” Nick pointed. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, and he got a glimpse of her profile, which to him looked perfect. “Come on.” He weaved around the tables until he stopped at hers. Without waiting for an invitation, he pulled out a chair and sat. “Hey,” he said with a confident, arrogant smile.

“Uh, hi,” she said with a slight attitude. “Can we help you?”

“Yeah, you can go out with me tonight.” Nick searched her face. Big blue eyes, pert button-like nose, full lips. Oh yeah, she was exactly his type. His cock was getting hard just thinking about how right she was. He shifted in his chair, trying to ease the sudden discomfort in his groin.

She laughed, surprised, and then quickly clamped her lips. “Sorry.”

Man, her laugh was fantastic! Light, genuine, fun, vibrant. “So, is that a yes?”

She propped her elbow on the table and dropped her chin into her hand. “What’s your name?”

She was making conversation. Then again, women always made conversation with him. Still, it was a good sign. “Nick Benson.”

“Hello Nick Benson.” She smiled seductively, and he swore his heart stopped for a moment. “I’m Brooke Bailey.”

“And I’m Jessica Montgomery, in case anyone cares.”

“I care!” Kyle raised his hand and grinned. Then he took a seat next to Jessica.

Good. Now that Kyle was occupied with Brooke’s friend, Nick could focus on his ultimate goal: getting a date with Brooke. He gently took her hand into his, caressing her knuckles with his thumb. “So, Brooke Bailey, I’ll pick you up around seven tonight?”

“You’re a little presumptuous. For all you know, I could have other plans,” she said.

He cocked a brow. “Do you?”

She hesitated then faltered. “Um, no, not really but—”

“Then what’s the problem?” He kept hold of her hand. Her skin was so soft. He couldn’t help but wonder how the rest of her body would feel. He bet it was just as soft, probably softer in places. And warm. Damn, he’d bet his left nut that she was warm in all the right places, too.

“Nothing,” she said after a moment. “Did you bother to consider I might have a boyfriend?”

Nick laughed. “Nope.”

“Well maybe I do.”

He noticed she hadn’t pulled her hand back nor had she moved away from him. In fact, she was getting progressively closer. “No you don’t.”

“How could you possibly know that?”

“Because if you did, he’d be here with you right now.”

“He’s in class.”

Nick studied her. She was totally lying. But if she wanted to play this little game, he’d play. He loved games, especially one he knew he’d win. “Okay.” He dropped her hand. “Then for the record, he’s an idiot.”


He leaned closer, his face mere inches from hers. Then he lowered his voice to a seductive whisper. “Because if you were my girlfriend, I wouldn’t leave you alone like this to get hit on by guys like me. And trust me, Brooke, guys like me always win.”

Her eyes twinkled as she licked her lips. Nick’s gaze went straight to them, his own lips tingling with the need to feel hers. “Maybe I like guys like you hitting on me.” She stood. “C’mon, Jess, we’re going to be late for class.”

Nick slumped back in his chair, stunned. The entire time he’d thought she was some sort of shy, inexperienced girl who would be charmed by his stellar personality. Man had he been duped. She was smart as hell, sassy, and had just played him for a fool. He jumped up from his seat and ran after her. “Brooke, wait.”

She either didn’t hear him or ignored him. The latter only made him want her more. Nick caught up, grabbed her elbow, and spun her around. Without thinking, he yanked her toward him and slanted his lips over hers. He felt her inhale sharply, and then relax and lean into him. She parted her lips and welcomed his kiss. His tongue savored and explored—until she nipped at it, causing him to jerk back slightly. But it was only momentary. She wasn’t getting away from him that easily. His cock twitched with anticipation as he groaned and deepened the kiss.

“Nick,” she mumbled, pushing him away.

“Brooke,” he said with a smirk. Her chest heaved, and she licked her kiss-swollen lips again, drawing his attention to them and away from what she was saying.

“Make it six,” Brooke said. Then she was walking away again.

Nick blew out a breath and smiled. Six o’clock it was. He turned to head back to where his friend stood, gaping and waiting.

“Dude, did you seriously just get a date with her after that?”

Nick laughed. “Sure did.”

Kyle shook his head. “How the hell do you do it?”

He honestly didn’t know how he managed to pull that one off. He’d truly expected Brooke to smack him, but she hadn’t. She’d responded to him—thoroughly. He could still feel her lips on his, her taste on his tongue, her sweet perfume in his nostrils. Attending college was a dream come true for him. Not because he wanted to learn something grand and eventually change the world, but because he had one very specific goal: find girls, have sex, and party. Preferably all in the same night. But one thing was for sure: Nick Benson was not looking for a serious relationship. And he was pretty sure he found a girl who was after the same things he was—fun. Tonight, he’d find out for certain. In the meantime, he had to do something about the bulge in his jeans because he had a feeling his erection wasn’t going to go away any time soon.

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