4-Ever Theirs: Four to Score, Book 1 (5 page)

Read 4-Ever Theirs: Four to Score, Book 1 Online

Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #college;new adult;ménage;bondage;alpha male;friends to lovers;foursome

BOOK: 4-Ever Theirs: Four to Score, Book 1
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Chapter Nine

Waking up to a lonely bed was even harder the second time.

Andi rubbed her chest, hoping it was just a lingering sore muscle and not something less curable—like a slowly breaking heart—that was causing the ache there. No such luck. Despite Simon’s magic hands and the amazing rubdown he’d given her before bed, she winced as she stretched.

She wasn’t used to all that…activity.

Glancing at the clock, she was surprised to see she’d slept until noon again. This was the first time she’d been able to catch up on her sleep in years, so maybe it made sense. Committed to the decadence of the next few days before being thrust into the real world, she refused to be sorry about it.

After another quick shower, which loosened her some, she wandered into the kitchen. She smiled when she opened the refrigerator and found a plate with half a sandwich inside. There was a note on top, taped to the plastic wrap.

I know you like my leftovers. Just like Reed. HA HA HA -xoxo Simon.

Any other guy might have gotten smacked for that, but he didn’t intend any malice. Especially after yesterday, since he’d probably filled his quota of
for an entire decade. The chuckle he gifted her with helped ease her nerves a bit too. She owed him for that.

Speaking of Reed, by the time she was down to the crust of the bread and picking at the last of the good stuff from inside, he came through the back door with his hands covered in grease and an endearing smudge across his cheekbone.

Despite her recent overindulgence, her entire system purred at the sight of him.

In between both Simon and Cooper in terms of height and build, her inner Goldilocks declared him
just right.
His hair was darker than the others, nearly black, and his contrasting eyes granted him a shocking stare. They fluctuated between gunmetal gray and cornflower blue, depending on what he wore and the lighting in the room, not that she’d spent a disproportionate amount of time studying them over the years. Right.

Despite his calloused hands, he was a thinker—a strategist and a coordinator. Those traits were going to make his medical supply 3D printing start-up a smashing success. She couldn’t wait to see him rising to the top and knew it wouldn’t take long for him to get there.

Driven and focused, he wouldn’t settle for anything else.

Engrossed in studying him, she didn’t hear what he said to her when he noticed her sitting at the table.

“Hmm?” she asked.

“Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.” He didn’t turn to face her as he scrubbed his hands in the sink. “When were you going to mention that your oil light came on again?”

Oh. That.

“Never.” She shrugged. “I’m gonna have to learn to take care of this shit on my own, right?”

“Not yet.” He practically spit the words. “And you know we’re not going anywhere. If you need help, we’re not
far away.”

“You’re going to drive four hours to work on my car?” She didn’t mean to be a bitch, but she also couldn’t allow him to make false promises. The only way this was going to work was if she made a clean break when she walked away.

“I would if you’d let me.” He shook his head as he dried his hands. “Sorry. I don’t want to waste our time arguing.”

“Me either.” She came up behind him and hugged him, resting her head between his shoulders.

Reed put his fingers over hers then squeezed. “It’s harder than I thought, and I knew it was going to suck donkey dick.”

“I know.” She sniffled, trying not to ruin the day with tears.

Then he turned in her arms and took her cheeks in his palm. “No matter what, don’t forget how proud I am of you. All of us are. You deserve this job, this chance to make a difference in your field. It’s a big deal. You’re doing the right thing.”

It felt natural to strain upward until he kissed her.

The first brush of his lips over hers felt like coming home. Ironic, since it was kind of the opposite. Andi committed the moment to memory and knew she’d think of it often when she got homesick. Hopefully his encouragement would give her the strength to stay the course on the long, lonely nights when she waffled over her decisions.

And she knew she would.

But he was right.

This was what she’d been working for. It was what she wanted.

Making a difference in people’s lives, helping relieve the anguish of thousands of people… Well, she’d seen how both of her parents had suffered through long illnesses before finally succumbing. It was the best thing she could think to do with her life to try to prevent others from going through the same thing.

If she got really lucky, maybe some of her involvement in trials would lead to cures.

People like her wouldn’t be so alone if their loved ones could be saved.

Any personal discomfort she might sustain had nothing on the upside. She had to do this.

Reed separated them and smiled at her. “You’re going to make a difference. I’m just a selfish bastard, that’s all.”

She bit her lip and nodded once, because part of her was just as egocentric and pissed at what she had to forgo. Hard decisions, but ones she’d already made. And she wouldn’t change her mind.

He wandered away from her then rested against the wall, closing his eyes to gather his thoughts or maybe just to keep her from scrutinizing those glorious eyes of his, which told her so much he never would say out loud. “Do you mind if we stay in today, Andi?”

“Not at all. Honestly, I’m still kind of recuperating from yesterday’s jungle adventure.” She stretched as she admitted it.

“I told Simon to be careful with you.” His brows drew together, making his eyes turn as stormy as the afternoon had been the day before.

“He was.” She wondered how much she should share. “It was my fault. I got kind of carried away.”

“In that case…good. I don’t feel like sharing you with the rest of the world yet.” He stared out the window with his hands clasped behind his back. “Not until I have to.”

“That’s kind of ironic, isn’t it?” She swallowed hard. “Unless you’ve changed your mind about our arrangement?”

Reed turned slowly to face her. He tipped his head to the side a bit. His stillness had never made her nervous before, but maybe his intensity had never been quite so focused on her. “Simon and Cooper aren’t the rest of the world, they’re part of mine. And we have you to thank for that. I never would have fallen into this kind of arrangement otherwise. It was you…and the damn frittata girl. I thought it would be enough to close my eyes and imagine she was you. Then I realized how much
there was to sex when I was sharing someone with those two. Bringing her three times the pleasure. It was incredible. Blew my mind. Then there was no going back.”

She nodded weakly, twisting the hem of her shirt between her fingers.

“Are you changing your mind? It’s okay if this is too much. I understand.” Reed seemed resigned, as if he’d expected exactly that all along.

Andi couldn’t deny that she was struggling this morning. She figured if she had any chance of surviving until graduation…and beyond…she had to be as honest as possible with him, despite the fact that she knew he wouldn’t like what she had to say.

“That’s just it—I’m not. I want this, Reed, even though I’m not sure it’s best for you. I mean, I feel pretty slutty needing you as much as I do, considering that I’ve fucked both of your best friends in the past forty-eight hours.” She couldn’t meet his stare when she asked, “Are you
that’s not a problem for you?”

“What’s not fucking okay with me is you demeaning yourself. Don’t make me put you over my knee for saying shit like that.” He would do it too, she didn’t doubt it.

The purr that escaped was probably not the kind of encouragement she should have given him.

Reed strode to her and took hold of her shoulders. “I’m going to show you exactly how much it turns me on knowing that you’ve opened yourself to them. Finally learned to take. And then I’m going to let you see what it’s like when I do the same for myself. Because once I let go of all this shit I’ve been keeping in check, it’s not going to be…civilized.”

Unlike Cooper, he wasn’t gentle. Unlike Simon, he wasn’t playful.

No, being with Reed was serious business.

Andi knew why he’d come to her last. He was capable of a whole new level of passion that he’d had the others build her up to. She hoped she was as ready as she was eager.

He wasn’t the kind of guy to hedge his bets or take the long way around. “Be sure you’re up for that.”

“I am.”

Reed was direct, and he was coming for her.

She couldn’t wait to be caught.

Chapter Ten

Reed captured Andi before she could utter any more reassurances. He backed her up against the kitchen wall, trapping her between it and the long, hard length of his torso. A squeak burst past her lips when she realized how much control he had over the situation.

Had always had over her.

“You’ve been planning this the whole week, haven’t you?” she whispered.

The barest of sounds was all that was necessary since his lips hovered a hairsbreadth from hers.

“Much longer. I’ve been plotting this since the moment you applied for the open roommate spot on our lease.” He was dead serious too. “I never thought I’d actually get to live out my fantasy.”

“I want to be whatever you’ve dreamed of,” she admitted.

“You are. Without trying, you’re everything I could want. More than I need.” He brushed his mouth over hers in a deceptively tender caress. She could feel his teeth behind his lips, though, waiting their turn to leave their mark.

“If I only get to do this once, with you…” A shiver made it hard to finish her thought, but he waited patiently to hear what she had to say. “I want it to be everything. I need that as much as you do. Don’t half-ass this, Reed.”

As if she’d unleashed a tiger, he growled and pounced. He crushed her with the well-muscled wall of his chest and jammed his thigh between her legs. While it held her up it also stoked the fire in her core, which grew from a glowing ember to something that could rage out of control and turn them both into a pile of ashes if they weren’t careful.

It seemed the more she indulged sexually, the more insatiable she became. Good thing there were three of them and one of her. Soon she was going to be an unrepentant nymphomaniac, completely out of control and loving every second.

Or maybe desperation fueled her desire. Like a bear preparing for a barren winter, she had to hoard enough to get her through the cold, lonely nights ahead.

Either way, she couldn’t seem to stop feasting on Reed, who didn’t try to curb their shared appetite for desire.

She squirmed against him, trying to rub herself on him and glean what pleasure she could from his clenched quad against her mound. Meanwhile, she reached over and slid her hands beneath his shirt, running them up his back before raking her nails along either side of his spine.

Andi couldn’t say what made her do it, except that she liked the idea of him bearing some proof of their time together. Unlike with Simon yesterday, he responded to her aggression by growing bolder himself. He wasn’t the kind of man she’d ever be able to flip things around on. Instead, he would take her passion and match it. Escalate it.

As much as she’d enjoyed herself yesterday, today was a new day.

And she appreciated that about him.

No matter how brazen she got, how uninhibited, he wouldn’t be fazed…or undermined.

Reed smiled down at her, though the expression held a steely edge more than kindness. “I like it when you’re untamed. I always knew you had this in you, Andi. I’m glad you’ve realized it too, even if I only get a taste.”

His fingers speared into her hair, fisting the strands until he held her face at precisely the angle he preferred for devouring her. When she moaned, close to begging for more already, he lifted her over his shoulder unceremoniously. With an arm banded just below her ass, he toted her into her room then tossed her onto the bed.

So different from how Cooper had treated her when he’d done nearly the same thing, yet with so much more finesse.

She didn’t mind at all.

Having the best of both worlds…
worlds…was really the way to go.

The mounting anxiety in her about her pending departure made today’s brand of loving more welcome. It gave her an outlet for her fear. It also allowed her to express the potency of her wish to cling to the things she loved about the present as she transitioned to her new life.

Raw and completely exposed, she allowed Reed to take her emotions and channel them into something constructive, something that would bring them both immense pleasure.

“That’s it,” he crooned as he stripped down with deliberate motions that unveiled his tattooed torso and the delicious lines that stretched from his hips to his groin. She’d spent hours staring at him working—shirtless—on her car, imaging exactly where they led. Now she knew, and it was far better than she’d imagined. She licked her lips as her gaze roamed over his fully erect cock. “You’re going to give everything to me. All you have to worry about is pleasing me and letting me do the same for you. It’s simple.”

Andi swallowed and nodded. She could see the appeal of this flavor of intimacy.

For Reed, and for her, it would be a much needed release—a pressure valve that would allow them to operate logically in their day-to-day life without their brains overheating.

When he was nude and unflinchingly absorbing her gaze, as if completely sure of himself, he crossed to her closet and selected a few of her scarves before returning to the bed. Only then did he begin to remove her clothes too. He was careful not to rip or stretch them, but didn’t waste any time with pleasantries either.

Soon enough, she was naked, lying before him.

She shifted, thinking of the beautiful women he was rumored to have partied with at Flesh. She knew now that he’d sealed the deal with every one of the dates he’d shared with Simon and Cooper. There was no denying his innate alpha could be persuasive.

“Don’t you dare hide from me,” he snapped.

Andi shivered. She allowed her arms to fall to her sides and her legs to spread the barest bit.

He took the scarves and trailed them over her, raising goose bumps in their wake as he studied each inch he teased, as though committing it to memory. “Every part of you is stunning to me, Andi. Your body, your laugh, your heart—all of it. Never doubt that.”

When she merely stared up at him, transfixed, he asked, “Understand?”

“Yes, Reed.”

“Good.” He kissed her lightly then backed off far enough to ask. “Mind if I tie you up with these?”

“Yes. No. I mean, I definitely don’t mind.” She rolled her eyes at the jumble he’d already made of her ability to think clearly.

He laughed, though the sound was somewhat strained compared to usual. Before she could wonder if she’d made the right decision—and secure in the knowledge that if she hadn’t, he’d release her immediately—he began to secure her to the brass bed.

“You have no idea how many times I imagined doing this since we picked this thing up from that estate sale.” He groaned as he demonstrated his adeptness with knot work. Somehow she wasn’t shocked in the least.

“I wish you had. I’m not blaming you—” she began, trying to make him comprehend.

“None of us were ready for something this serious. This real. Until it was almost too late.” He glanced away then, only for a moment. “But now we are, and I’m not going to spend any more of our time regretting that it’s not longer.”

Andi nodded.

When he knelt by her shoulder to finish securing her second hand, she couldn’t help but strain her neck toward him. With her tongue outstretched, she licked the head of his cock and sampled the drop of precome there.

“Is that really what you want?” he rasped.

She hummed and he took that as the encouragement it was.

Reed fed her his shaft, slowly, though she tried to swallow more of him than she was ready for. He backed off the moment she thought she might choke before easing inside once more. The transformation in his face from harsh to serene mesmerized her. Knowing she could do that for him made her never want to stop.

She swirled her tongue against the veins that increased in definition the more she experimented with different techniques. When she flicked a particularly sensitive spot just below the bulge of his head, he groaned then withdrew.

“As good as that feels, I’m not going to come before I’m finally buried in your tight cunt,” he promised.

Hearing him talk like that to her exhilarated Andi. She squirmed, trying to press her thighs together to generate some friction. With her legs tied wide, it was no use.

He chuckled as he repositioned himself between them.

“You want that too?” he asked. “My dick stretching you as I fuck you so hard and deep that you can never forget what it’s like to be mine, if only for today?”

“Yes!” She did. So badly.

“Then that’s exactly what you’re going to get.” He slapped the fat tip of his cock against her clit several times. The shockwaves alone had her trembling all over. “Don’t hold back, Andi. Remember?”

This time it was a sharper sensation when he used more pressure.

“Yes.” It was the only word she could seem to say to him.

“Good. Because you’re going to come for me now. Get yourself nice and wet inside so I can fuck you hard for as long as it takes to leave you boneless. By the time I’m done with you, you’re going to think you’ll never want to come again. And then I’m going to make you do it anyway.”

Though his speech was enough to trigger her first orgasm, she didn’t really think he could deliver on those wicked guarantees.

A few hours later, he’d rid her of every doubt.

Never once had he let go. Instead he’d edged himself, switching to eating her pussy when the urge to come nearly outstripped his willpower. It might have been more impressive to watch if she wasn’t losing her mind to rapture on the regular.

“Mercy, Reed. Mercy,” she panted after at least a dozen earth-shattering orgasms.

“That’s all you had to say.” He flashed a grin worthy of the Big Bad Wolf.

In a flash, he’d untied her and flipped her over. He placed her with her head on the mattress and her ass in the air, positioning her as if she were a poseable action figure, which she supposed she kind of was.

A giggle escaped her.

“You think this is funny, Andi?” He smacked her ass, sending shockwaves up her spine. Not bad ones, either. To her amazement, the sensations rekindled her lust.

“No. Please. Fuck me. Again.” She reached for him and he made quick work of her arms, pulling them up and behind her before wrapping one of his big hands around both of her wrists to pin them in the small of her back.

“I think I will.” He sank into her saturated pussy easily now. Still they both groaned at the reunion.

She was too busy enjoying his long strokes to realize quite what he was doing when he added a finger beside his cock.

That was, until he began to paint her natural lubrication over her back passage.

Andi bit the pillow beneath her as a whole host of new feelings bombarded her already overwhelmed senses. That went double when he pressed against her asshole and worked his digit inside. Never once did he stop fucking her while he did it, either.

“Tomorrow,” he whispered into her ear, “this isn’t going to be my finger.”

The thought alone made her climax again, even harder. Her body wrung his cock and his finger at the same time. He took her to a place she’d never gone before. One where her pleasure kept exploding in burst after burst, an endless orgasm that he managed to prolong and sustain with his expert manipulation.

“Fuck, yes. Even hotter and tighter here,” he groaned as he fucked her harder, deeper, faster.

It would be impossible for him
to come soon. He’d already surpassed her lofty expectations. It was the last thing she needed to feel completely satisfied with the journey he’d taken her on.

“Please, Reed,” she begged. “Come. Come now. Tomorrow. There. No condom.”

At first she wasn’t sure he understood her broken ramblings.

Then she realized it was disbelief that had finally hitched his stride.


“Yes!” she screamed as another onslaught of pleasure wrung her pussy, and her ass followed suit. The combined vibrations, or her filthy promises, maybe both, finally broke his legendary restraint, taking him over the edge with her.

Reed roared as he shoved deep, locked entirely within her.

He anchored her against him as he spasmed, launching his come into the latex neither one of them wanted separating them again.

If she only got one more shot to show her roommates how much they mattered to her, she wanted it to count. Completely exhausted, both mind and body, she collapsed and remembered nothing more.

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