5 A Charming Magic

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Authors: Tonya Kappes

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Charming Magic



Tonya Kappes




This book is dedicated to all my readers who absolutely love visiting Whispering Falls as much as I do! You all rock!




Chapter One


“Today is the day!” Chandra Shango shouted over to me when I walked out of the door of my homeopathic cure shop, A Charming Cure. The morning sun sprayed down exposing the dew drops on the Drowsy Daisies and Moonflower petals that had already opened up to let the bit of vitamin D put more pep in the more-than-colorful flowers.

“It is.” I stopped and smiled watching Chandra go down the row of flower boxes underneath the windows of her shop, A Cleansing Spirit Spa, wiping off the dots of water on each and every single petal, adjusting her orange turban with each step she took.

My charm bracelet jingled when I flung my bag over my shoulder and gripped a good luck mojo bag in my hand. The welcome sounds from my bracelet gave me peace to know that I was safe and sound, not to mention that I was well looked after by Mr. Prince Charming, my fairy-god cat.

Meow. Purr
. Mr. Prince Charming stood next to me slowly waging his long white tail in the air.

I looked up and down Main Street in Whispering Falls, Kentucky. The carriage lights lined the magical street showcasing all the beautiful ornamental gates leading up to the coziest shops this side of the Mississippi, adding to how enchanting the town was.

“Let’s go,” I said.

Meow, meow.
Mr. Prince Charming darted out from under my feet and through the wisteria vine covering the path in front of my shop. The purple flowers overflowed and jumped out of the path of feet and other invading critters.

“Thank you.” I watched my footing making sure I didn’t step on any of the vine.

“Well, well. Aren’t you just the best Village President?” Petunia Shrubwood had bent down to pet Mr. Prince Charming while he did his signature figure eights around her ankles. He loved a good scratch and ankles were his choice of pleasure. “I see you have a mojo bag,” she pointed.

“I have yet to meet our new neighbor.” I glanced over my right shoulder where Magical Moments, the new shop, was located. It wasn’t just any new shop. It was a flower shop. “I’m going to take over a few good luck charms and introduce myself.”

Petunia grabbed a stick off the ground before she stood up and tugged the crease out of her A-framed black skirt with bright yellow polka dots all over it.

“No one has seen the new owner since
put these things up so fast.” She put the stick in her messy up-do, referring to how fast shops seemed to appear out of nowhere.

Chirp, chirp.
A couple of birds flew out the back of her hair allowing her to push the stick in even further.

“The Marys are fast,” I referred to the Order of Elders of the Spiritualist community, Mary Lynn, Mary Ellen, and Mary Sue. Affectionately known as the Marys.

The Order of Elders was made up of past Village Presidents from other spiritual communities. They were in charge of all of the villages, including new shops. As the Whispering Falls Village President, my only duties consisted of making sure the rules were followed and peace was kept within the community. So far, so good. At least for the past six months.

“I guess it went up overnight.” I looked over at the charming new shop. The front gate looked like long-stemmed flowers with the blossoms on the top. Perfect for a florist.

“Overnight?” Petunia laughed. “I had late tea with Gerald at The Gathering Grove last night.” She blushed. “I guess you could say early morning tea.” She looked away obviously remembering her time with her long-time boyfriend, Gerald Regiula, who owned The Gathering Grove Tea Shoppe, which was almost directly across the street from the Magical Moments. “It was not there when I came home.”

I didn’t ask what time she went home from her late night tryst and really didn’t care since my love life was dead.

“Yes.” I inhaled trying to push the thought of Oscar Park out of my head. I had a lot of work to do today and thinking about Oscar was not on that list. If it was, nothing would get done. “The Marys work fast.” I dangled the bag in the air. “I guess I will see you later.”

“I’m going with you.” She pulled a little bag out from underneath her cloak. “I have some good luck bugs to give her.”

“Bugs?” I asked. Bugs couldn’t be good for a florist, could they?

“Yes. Bugs,” was all she said. She should know since she was the owner of Glorybee Pet Shop. “These bugs keep the bad bugs out.” She beamed with pride. “At least that was what they said.” Her cheeks balled.

We walked the little distance to the front of the flower shop. We both took a deep breath. The fresh cut smell circled our heads and flew up into the air. I was sure I’d be able to get a whiff of the wonderful scents from my house which was situated on the hill right behind the florist.

Petunia Shrubwood’s spiritual gift was the ability to talk to animals while mine was the ability to create cures for all sorts of things.

I couldn’t wait to see what the new tenant’s spiritual gift was. That was what made Whispering Falls so special. Every single shop owner had an unusual spiritual gift.

Petunia’s boyfriend, Gerald, was a tea leaf reader, hence the reason he owned The Gathering Grove. Chandra was a palm reader. Her customers loved her. They were regulars, coming back for more of Chandra’s advice even though they had no idea she was a palm reader. All they knew was that Chandra was magical.

“Yes, it should be interesting to see what talent this one has.” Petunia’s eyes narrowed as she bobbled her head back and forth trying to get a look inside the gate.

“Petunia! You whoooo!” Patience Karima could be heard but not seen. The only thing we saw was the berserk giant ostrich Patience had acquired as a pet, only I think it acquired her.

The large feathery bird flew right past us with Patience dangling in the air behind the squawking creature. Eyes shut, mouth open, and hands tightly holding on to the leash.

“Help!” Patience’s voice trailed off as the bird darted out of sight.

“I guess this will have to wait.” Petunia opened her cloak and put the bag of bugs back underneath it. She waved. “I’ve already told her how to be an ostrich owner.” Petunia shook her head before heading after Patience.

The clouds parted allowing the sunlight to beam down on Whispering Falls in full force. The carriage lights clicked off. It was almost time for the shops to open.

I placed my hand on the gate of Magical Moments to open it. It was like one of those mood rings I had as a child. The iron stems turned green and the blossoms turned into every color of the rainbow, creating a little garden right there on the gate.

“Well, isn’t that cute.” My spirit filled with joy. Instantly I knew I was going to love the shop owner; they were going to fit in perfectly.



Chapter Two


“Rules, rules, rules!” A pair of thin hands shot up in the air behind a bundle of the most beautiful bouquet of long-stemmed white roses, which everyone who knew anything about magic—or roses for that matter—knew was a sign of a new beginning. The snip of scissors clicked faster and faster. Several green stems flew up in the air. I ducked when one hurtled my way. “Who can live with all these rules?”

“You need a fresh start and I stuck my neck out for you.” The small sweet voice came from the area where the stems flew up. A flash of light sailed into the air illuminating the floating woman underneath it. Her silver tight curls and fox stole resting around her neck gave me a clue who she was before she had to turn around. “Whispering Falls is a forgiving community. You will follow the rules.” She crossed her arms just like her legs were.

. I cleared my throat. Though I was the Village President, I didn’t have the right to be eavesdropping. “Welcome to Whispering Falls.” Nervously I tucked a strand of my black hair behind my ear and tugged on my long black dress. It drove me crazy when the side seams began to shift to the front of my body. “I brought you a congratulations mojo bag to welcome you to the community.”

Mary Lynn, one of the Order of Elders and the hovering spiritualist, turned her head. She smiled and uncurled her arms and legs, letting the light bring her feet to the ground. Only I couldn’t see her once she was firmly on the ground since she was only four feet tall, but I could hear the click of her pointy black shoes as she got closer to the front of the store.

There was a small creek running through the store. On each side were tiered black display tables with lines of black vases filled with all sorts of bright and colorful flowers. Darla, my mom, would have loved this shop. The owner had to be happy all the time. There was no way anyone could ever have a bad day around such amazing colors and smells. My eyes filled with amazement at all the wonderful items I could possibly use in new cures. I would definitely have to make arrangements with the owner to get fresh herbs and ingredients.

“June!” Mary Lynn turned the corner next to a small claw-foot table where there was a beautiful flower arrangement strategically placed in the center. The large glass purple vase was bigger than Mary Lynn, not to mention the bouquet reached the ceiling of the flower shop. “I’m so glad you are here.”

,” a sarcastic voice was barely heard over the sound of the snipping scissors.

“It’s my pleasure.” I tilted my head to the side to see if I could get a look at the new shop owner. I held the mojo bag up while Mary Lynn wrapped her arms around my waist to give me a big hug.

She pulled back and teetered on the edge of the small creek. I pulled her closer to me and off the edge of the water.

“How are you, dear?” There was a concerned tone to her voice. The corners of her eyes dipped down on the sides.

“I’m doing okay.” I smiled trying not to cry. Mary Lynn was one of the Elders who Oscar had denounced his spiritual gift to. She was there to help pick me up when I found out. “I have come to realize Oscar will never be able to accept me as his girlfriend or remember the fact that he was truly in love with me and this life.”

“So this Oscar doesn’t have a girlfriend?” The snipping stopped. The sound of heels clicked closer and out from behind the flower arrangements on the other side of the creek.

“I…I,” I swallowed hard when the dark-haired beauty walked up. Her olive skin went perfect with her deep blue eyes and high cheek bones, making me a little envious. “I’m June Heal, the owner of A Charming Cure.” I pointed out the door. “Just next door a little bit.”

“A little bit?” Her right brow rose as though she didn’t believe me.

“Um...” I held out the mojo bag. “This is for you. It’s a mojo bag filled with good luck charms and smells.”

“As you can see,” the scissors were still in her hand and she turned to snip a flower in the flower bed that lined the creek. “I have plenty of smells to keep me happy and filled with luck. Who doesn’t love a flower shop? A magical flower shop?”

“June, this is my granddaughter, Arabella Paxton.” Mary Lynn hopped her small body over the creek, barely clearing it. She put her hands on Arabella’s arms. “She’s amazing with flowers.”

“I’m a floral designer.” Arabella’s ice blue eyes narrowed, a thin grin crossed her lips causing her already high cheekbones to be even more defined. She flung the scissors around in the air. “What was this about a girlfriend-free Oscar? I wondered what type of men were in this community. And I need a man.”

“I’m also the Village President.” I took a deep breath. Suddenly I had all sorts of confidence. There was no way this woman was going to get her flower shears on my man. Okay...technically Oscar wasn’t my man, but he was and will be...one day. “Do you have a copy of the rules of the community?”

I recalled her fussing about rules when I had walked in.

“June,” Arabella threw her head back, her long straight hair cascading down her back. Her mouth opened wide and a fit of laughter came out. “Do you honestly think I didn’t know you were standing here when my sweet dear grandmother was scolding me about the rules?” She smiled. “You underestimate me.”

Not only was she beautiful and smart, but also she was a smart aleck.

“Oh Arabella.” I was going to give it right back to her. “I don’t underestimate anyone moving into
community. I do, however, expect you to follow the rules.”

My intuition dug into my gut. Where did she come from? Why did she move here?

“You should follow your own rule of not trying to read other spiritualists,” she reminded me of Rule Number One. “Because I don’t recall me giving you permission.”

Not only did I have the spiritual gift of knowing what potions to make for any type of ailment, but I had a keen since of intuition. But how did she know that?

“I’m sorry if you felt like I was reading you, but I was not.” My shoulders rolled back so I could gain more confidence. I held out the bag, across the creek. “I did overhear you and Mary Lynn discussing the rules when I walked in. It’s just a gentle reminder. That’s all.”

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