84 Ribbons (26 page)

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Authors: Paddy Eger

BOOK: 84 Ribbons
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Steve laughed. “In your own way.” He stood, put on his coat, and pulled hers from her closet. “Let’s head out and watch the snow.”

“But it’s becoming a storm.”

“I love to drive in snow.”

He helped her into her winter coat and carried her to his family’s station wagon. After he settled her into the back seat, he surrounded her with blankets, then slid into the driver’s seat. “We’re off.”

“I hope you mean to The Rims.”

Steve laughed. “Even after the bracelet fiasco? I’m pleasantly surprised. I was afraid you’d not want to return there.”

“I love The Rims almost as much as walking to the bay back home.”

They sat on the side road of The Rims where the snow created a fast-moving screen, isolating them from the town below. It was like being inside a snow globe. The flakes reminded Marta of the ending of Swan Lake when paper snow fluttered onto the stage. She leaned her face against the cold window glass and closed her eyes.

“Warm enough?” Steve asked as he stretched his legs around the gearshift in the front seat and reached for her hand. “God, I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too.”

“This reminds me of being snowed in at my parents’ cabin. We should go up there since you didn’t get to stay over New Year’s. Let’s go now. I’ve got time before I need to fly back.”

“Won’t the roads be icy?”

“We have chains. Let’s do it. Okay?”


He backed away from the ledge and drove onto the main road.

A twinge of uncertainty climbed through her body. “I don’t have clothes or anything.”

“It’s just one night. You’re fine.”

“What about food?”

“I’ve had lots of practice cooking meals from canned food lately.”

“What about my wheelchair? Steve, I—“

“We’ll manage without it. It’ll be an adventure.”

Marta swallowed down her uneasiness. He’d come all this way to see her. Now he wanted to go to the cabin. In a snow storm. How could she say no? She’d wanted an adventure; now she’d get one.

They stopped in Laurel, and Steve phoned Mrs. B. She promised to let Marta’s mom know where she’d gone, if she called.

Few cars ventured out along the main highway, fewer still once they turned onto the mountain road to the cabin. Marta relaxed, enjoying her escape from the boarding house, certain Steve could handle the icy roads. But how would it feel going back to the cabin so soon after her fall?

As Steve carried her up the steps, she looked around for any sign of the broken porch railing and the chaos of the woodpile that had buried her.

“You cleaned up everything.”

“All back to normal. Good as new.”

When they entered the cabin, their warm breath hung in puffs whenever they spoke. It felt colder than when she and Lynne had come up.

Steve settled Marta onto the sofa by the fireplace and covered her with quilts. “I’ll get wood to start a fire.”

“Be careful!”

“Relax, Marta. I’ll be fine.”

As they waited for the fire to take the chill off the room, Steve pulled up a chair and sat holding her hand. “How’s this?”

“It’s wonderful! Thank you for bringing me. I’ve been lonely.”

“I could tell. I’m sorry your mom is sick and that I’ve been away so much. You need to think happy thoughts.”

“Like what? Sewing beads on costumes until my hands cramp? Or not being able to go anywhere unless people haul me and my wheelchair around?” She recognized the anger in her voice, wishing too late she could take back her words.

“How ‘bout me? Doesn’t thinking about me make you happy?”

“Yes, but you’re busy or gone.”

“Ouch, you’re mean today. Does Marta Selbryth need a kick in her back side?”

“Maybe. I’m so tired of sitting. It’s ten days before I get this cast off.”

“And each day you’re closer to walking and dancing. Focus on that.” Steve stood, kissed her cheek, and headed for the kitchen area. “Ready for a cup of hot tea?”

“That depends on whether you’ll carry me into the bathroom later on.”

“No fear, fair maiden. We can handle any situation.” Steve settled the tea kettle on the stove, then filled a small coffee pot with water and scoops of coffee for himself.

The bathroom experience didn’t embarrass Marta like she thought it might. Steve carried her inside, set her on the edge of the bathtub, and got a stepstool to elevate her leg. When he returned, he moved her to the couch and set her down with a grin. “You are light as a feather. Let me find some food to fatten you up. That cast must take lots of energy to haul around.”

Steve whistled as he rummaged through the kitchen cabinets. His off-key tune made her smile. She’d missed his being around. His presence pushed away her sadness. Could this be how love felt?

His foraging produced chicken noodle soup, Cheese Whiz, a carton of sugar wafers, and a jar of Planter’s peanuts. After he started heating the soup, he set the coffee table in front of Marta. “So, now what, Miss Fluff? Hungry? Tired? Want to play cards?”

“I’m fine sitting here watching you work. Are you sure we should stay overnight? Maybe a few hours is enough.”

“It’s beautiful when we get snowed in. It’s quiet and we’re all alone—”

“Wait. Where will I sleep?”

“Relax, Miss Worry Wart. You can sleep on the couch, and I’ll sleep in the loft. Come on, Marta. It’ll be fun.”

“I, ah…okay.”

Steve grinned and rubbed his hands together. He took down a game box and handed it to her. “Okay, I challenge you to Monopoly. The winner decides how long we’ll stay. Sort out that mess of play money while you still have a reason to smile.”

Marta toyed with the bowl of soup. She turned down Steve’s offerings and his extra ”treasury of foods”: pimento cheese and canned deviled ham.

“Aren’t you hungry? It’s been hours since you ate.”

“No. I’m fine. But is there something to drink?” Marta reached for her diet pills. Her pockets were empty. She’d be without pills until she got back to Billings. Drat.

Steve found an Orange Crush, two Pepsi-Colas, and a bottle of Squirt. He lined them up on the table next to the bottle opener. “There, just in case we get into the game. I don’t want to turn my back on you in case you decide to cheat.”

Marta threw a pillow at him. He caught it and grinned.

They played for hours, taking turns buying property and spending time in jail. When she surrendered her last property, he raised his bottle of soda, toasting it against hers, tipping her remaining soda into her lap.

“Hey! Take it easy!”

He stopped laughing and grabbed a towel. “Sorry.”

“I’m sticky and you want me to forgive you? Maybe if we have a Monopoly rematch tomorrow morning...”

Steve wiped off the blankets and smiled. “You’d like that wouldn’t you? For now let me get my mother’s robe.”

“You do realize I have soda in my hair, don’t you?”

“I’ll help you wash it out. Can’t have you be a sticky loser, can we?”

In the next five minutes, he’d carried her to the bathroom, she changed into his mother’s robe, and he’d carried her to a chair by the kitchen sink.

Steve gathered shampoo and towels. “Lean back and leave everything to me.”

She closed her eyes, feeling his hands and the warm water circling through her hair. “This feels wonderful. I’m floating on a cloud.”

“Who cut your hair so short?”

Marta laughed. “I did it one night. It’s a long, boring story.”

“Well, I like it. And, I doubt anything about you is boring.” Steve’s hands stopped moving.

Marta opened her eyes. With his hands tangled in her curls, she couldn’t turn away.

He leaned down and kissed her wet face and her lips. “Okay, Miss Fluff. Now I’ve got you where I want you.”

He kissed her lips again. Her usual panic didn’t arise. A mellow glow roamed her body. Were Steve’s kisses or not taking the pills the reason she felt so good?

Steve stared down at her. “Ready for more?”

“Keep doing your job, Mr. Sticky, if you want to be forgiven.” Marta closed her eyes and let the sensation of laying in the ocean surf on a hot summer day wash away her sadness.

Steve’s hands stopped again.

She opened her eyes.

“You’re beautiful. I want to keep doing this. That way I can watch you,” he said as he brushed wet curls off her face.

“I’m not beautiful.“

“Sh-h. You’re beautiful and I love you. Being away from you is torture. Spend the night with me.”

Marta bolted upright. ”I—” Her heart pounded faster than a jack hammer.

“I‘ll keep you warm.”

Marta grabbed a towel. “My hair is probably clean now.”

“Hey, relax. Let me rinse out the shampoo.”


Steve tucked the top quilt around Marta’s neck. “Think you’ll be warm enough? I can round up more covers.”

“If you put on any more covers, I’ll smother.”

“Okay then.” He kissed her cheek and slid around to kiss her lips. “Sleep well. Thanks for coming with me. Holler if you need anything.”

She watched him start up the ladder. “Steve? Thanks. I know I’ve been hard to be around.”

“Don’t worry, Marta. This cast business ends soon. Night.”

She lay awake, watching the fire until it became a pile of embers. Once she fell asleep, she became the firebird. As she danced the dramatic ballet, ugly birds flocked onto the stage plucking her feathers. The more she pushed them away, the angrier they became, biting and scratching her arms and legs until they drew blood. She cried out, “No! Stop! Stop!”

One bird grabbed her shoulder. She struck out with her hands.

“Marta! Marta!”

She opened her eyes. Steve knelt beside her, ducking her frenzied arms.

“What? Oh.”

“Are you okay?”

Marta shuddered. “I had the worst nightmare.”

“You’re safe. We can talk about it in the morning. Go back to sleep.”

Marta shook her head, trying to push the vivid scene away. “Stay down here with me? Please? I don’t want to be alone.”

He pulled one of the oversized chairs close to the couch. “I’ll stay right here. All night.”

When Marta awoke in the morning, Steve’s head leaned awkwardly to the right. A small rhythmic snore escaped his lips. She watched him, thinking about how he’d flown home just to see her. Such a sweet thing to do. That’s what made him so lovable.

Marta turned down Steve’s offer of Sugar Pop cereal and powdered milk for breakfast. She closed her eyes when he started eating.

“Yum. Marta, you don’t know what you’re missing. M-m-m.”

“Yes I do. That’s disgusting. Turn around, I don’t want to see those balls of sugar on your spoon. How can you drink powdered milk?”

He didn’t answer. He just grinned and kept eating.

Steve moved to sit beside Marta by the fire and took her hands in his. He nudged her shoulder. “Hey Marta, remember our articles for the paper?”

“Oh my gosh. I completely forgot about them. We could write about their next ballet,

“Great. But first, tell me about that dream that frightened you last night.”

“It was from a ballet. It’s not a scary story. It’s a love story about a man who enters a magical kingdom and captures a firebird. She helps him win over the princess he loves.”

Steve held Marta’s hand and smiled. “Do I need a firebird to win you over?”

“No. You’ve done that on your own.”


They drove back to Billings that afternoon. Untracked snow glittered like rhinestone dust across the open fields. Next time they’d plan to walk in the drifts and make fresh footprints and snow angels.

At the boarding house as they sat in the warm car, Marta leaned forward to touch Steve’s sleeve. “I loved our trip.”

“And, see, I remained a gentleman, right?” He kissed her fingers. ”Wish I could stay longer in Billings. But it’s time for me to catch my flight.”

Back in her room, Steve tucked her in, then hugged and kissed her before he backed out the door. “Bye, Miss Fluff. Think about me.”

“I will. I’ll miss you.”


he days dragged along. February 28, cast removal day, arrived with no new snow, making it easier to maneuver into the doctor’s office. Marta fidgeted as she sat in the crowded waiting room surrounded by sniffling, sneezing, and restless patients. She thumbed through the dog-eared
Modern Screen
where Doris Day smiled from the cover. In a few minutes when they removed her cast, she’d be smiling too. She thought about how she’d start her recovery with
and stretches.

“Marta Selbryth?” called the nurse.

She wheeled down the hall beside the nurse. “After you’re weighed, we’ll do a blood test, then see about that cast.”

Marta balanced on one foot, watching the nurse adjust the weight bar. Had she been careful enough? Her clothes fit the same.

The nurse made a notation on her chart. “Good. You’ve gained since your last visit. Anxious to get that cast off?”

Marta nodded with a stage smile. She’d gained weight? How could that be? She watched what she ate. She’d need to increase her regimen of diet pills and her daily exercise routine and decrease meal sizes if she wanted to return to the company. All the sitting around didn’t help either.

In the exam room after the blood draw, Marta sat with a thermometer in her mouth. The room gave off a ghostly glare: white walls, white linoleum, white nurse’s uniform with white shoes, white cast. In a short while she’d be walking and laughing at how she’d moaned over her “plaster stocking,” as Shorty called it.

By upping her twice daily exercising to three times a day, getting her muscles toned and her energy back should be easy. Everyone would marvel at her rapid recovery—even Madame Cosper.

Dr. Wycoff entered the exam room scanning her chart. “Today’s the day? Excited?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Good. Let’s get this cast off.” He used a noisy saw and set the cast remnants aside. Next he cradled her calf and shifted her ankle from side to side. Marta grimaced and looked at the wall behind his shoulder. He pressed her toes forward.

“Ah!” She jerked back as an electric charge shot through her leg.

“Hm-m. Let’s get an x-ray and see what’s going on in there.” He made notes on the chart and left the room.

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