90 Days (Prairie Town Book 2) (27 page)

BOOK: 90 Days (Prairie Town Book 2)
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     “I know that.” She whispered after a few seconds.  “Deep down, I know that.  I just…I’m so scared.”

     “I know you are.  I am, too.  But I won’t let anything happen to you.”

     “You got hurt because of me.”

     “It doesn’t matter.”

     “Yes, it does.  Benji, he could have done so much worse to you.  I’m sorry.”

     “Stop apologizing, Laney.” He let his lips touch her cheek and he tasted the saltiness of her tears.  As the moments ticked by, he found comfort in just being close to her.

     At least they were together.

     “Can I tell you a secret, Laney?” He asked after a long while of silence.

     “Yes.” Came her whimpered reply.

     “I think I’m in love with you.”

     The last thing he expected was to hear her laugh, but it was also nice to hear.  She had such a beautiful laugh, even when it was laced with fear and exhaustion.

     “I think I’m in love with you, too.”

     “That’s good.” He leaned around until his lips touched hers.  Her mouth trembled against his, but it stilled as he began to kiss her.

     “This is all madness, you know?” She said when he pulled away.  “Declaring our love for each other while tied up and being held for ransom.”

     “Life is madness.” He closed his eyes, smiling weakly.  “But I’m really glad I get to share it with you.”

Chapter 15




     The last four hours of her life had been an absolute nightmare.  Getting the phone call from Devin threw her for a loop and everything seemed to be falling apart.

My sister and Benji are in danger.

     That was her first thought and it tore her apart on the inside.  All of her efforts to keep Laney safe seemed to be a waste of time now.  She felt like a fool for leaving her behind, but how was she supposed to know what would happen?

     Devin wasn’t supposed to be involved with this; Mia what’s-her-face was meant to be working alone.  But, as fate would have it—the twisted bastard—he had teamed up with someone equally sadistic and now her boyfriend was getting
one million dollars
from his father, as casually as receiving an allowance, to pay the ransom.

Callum is filthy rich.

     It wasn’t something she should have been thinking about, but she couldn’t help it.  How had he kept such information from her?  Why?  They were supposed to be honest with one another.  The guy she fell in love with was simple.  He lived comfortably, but simple.

     She wasn’t with him for money anyway, and she hoped he knew that, but knowing the truth would have been nice.

I should have told Laney the truth.

     Resting her forehead against the cool glass of the window, she watched as headlights came into view through the passenger side mirror. 

     Jeb and Callum’s backs soon appeared as they approached the car and she huffed impatiently.

     They called Mr. Reynolds after half an hour of contemplation and he agreed to meet them in Cherokee, North Carolina.  He was in Gatlinburg with his wife for a mini-anniversary celebration, but he didn’t hesitate to drop everything when Callum muttered something into the phone.  What he said, Lydia had no idea, but at least his father was coming through for them.

We have so much to talk about.

     She sank down in her seat and rubbed at her temples, trying to ignore the migraine threatening to take over.  She needed to focus right now.  Laney needed her; Benji needed her; she would be there for them.  One way or another, she’d get to them.

     What worried her the most was the fact Devin could have more people working for him.  What if someone was tailing them, watching their every move?  They didn’t want to give him any reason to hurt Benji and Laney.

     Lydia would never forgive herself if something happened to them.

     The exchange happened fast and it wasn’t long before Callum and Jeb returned.  They got into the Tahoe and fell silent, leaving Lydia’s nerves in shambles as she stared back and forth between them.

     Her fiancé clutched a black duffle bag between his fingers, staring at it in silence.  If only she could read his mind…

     “That was fast.  What did your dad say?  Is it all there?”  She finally asked when neither of them offered to break the silence.

     “It’s all here.” Callum replied with a small nod.  “My dad has connections, babe.  Even at this late hour all it takes is a phone call.  His banker was more than happy to cooperate.  He only wanted to know why I needed it, and I promised I’d tell him after it was all over.”

     “It was that easy?  He must really trust you.” She frowned.

     “He does trust me, but he also anticipated something like this happening someday.  You know my dad and his scenarios.”

     “I do.” She tilted her head curiously, gazing at him.  “And I finally understand why he is the way he is, but what do you mean by he ‘anticipated’ it?”

     “I mean he has a code word we’re supposed to use if something happens.  In this case, all I had to do was say ‘Mel Gibson’.  My dad has been beating that one in my head for years.”

     “As in
.” Jeb popped his head between their seats and grinned at her.  “That’s pretty genius, huh?”

     “Sure.  If you want to call using such a code word because our sister and my best friend are being held captive by a crazy man and his even crazier new girlfriend—who used to be your girlfriend, by the way—‘genius’.”

     Jeb’s grin disappeared and he stared at her seriously.  “I know this isn’t a joke, Lydia.  I know it’s dangerous. But, we’ve got the money now.  They’re going to be okay.”

     “I know that, but how is it fair that Devin Rose gets to walk away from this without consequence?  What about Laney and Benji?  They’ll be traumatized because of this.  Laney’s already dealing with enough.  Don’t you think this will have lasting effects on her?”

     “Of course I think that.” He sighed, bowing his head.  “But…we won’t let him get away with it, Lydia.  He’ll answer for what he’s done.  Mia will, too.”

     “You’re damn right they will.” Callum placed the duffle bag on the floorboard between Lydia’s legs, and then rested his hand atop hers.  “Just because I agreed not to call the cops doesn’t mean I didn’t call anyone else.  Devin has no idea what’s waiting for him after we make the exchange.”

     “Good.” She nodded, feeling a little better.  “I hope the son of a bitch pays.”




     It was turning out to be the longest night of her life.  She and Benji had been subjected to the torturous sounds of two raving lunatics having sex off and on for God only knew how long, and if she were honest, she’d rather bite a bullet than hear

     “At least somebody’s getting some, huh?” Benji asked, his voice void of amusement.  He stretched his legs out and sighed, resting his head against her shoulder.  “This is almost over, right?”

     “I think so.” She mumbled, desperately trying to get into a more comfortable position.  Her body was so stiff.  Her tailbone hurt like hell, but her cramping arms and wrists were fighting for a close second.  “I’m really not sure what time it is, but it has to be nearing morning soon, right?”

     “God, I hope so.  I can’t handle hearing another orgasm from that freak.  She’s got some bolts loose upstairs.”

     “You think?” Laney rolled her eyes and felt a dull ache in her temple. Great. 
she was getting another headache?

     “I keep wishing they’d accidentally shoot each other.” Benji snickered.

     The light Devin had left on in the hallway ‘just in case they got scared’ allowed a little light to seep beneath the door and they could at least see each other, but being able to see Benji’s face sliced her heart into little pieces. The cut on his cheek looked so terrible.  An angry bruise surrounded the dried blood, but he still managed to be handsome in spite of it all.

He was trying to fight for me.
  She thought.  Her heart found a way to leap for joy in spite of their circumstances, and that somehow gave her hope that things would be okay.  Devin wouldn’t
kill them, would he?

     “Knock, knock!” Mia pushed open the bedroom door and stepped inside. She flipped on the light and revealed she was wearing nothing more than a racy nightie.  Her hair was messy and her dignity had obviously disappeared, but she didn’t seem to mind as she pranced towards them and stopped just mere inches from Benji’s feet.  “How are you?”

     Did she honestly expect them to reply?

     “Hm.” She shrugged. “You know, I must say I’m super proud of you for not trying to escape.  Did I really tie your hands together that well?”

     Reaching out and grabbing Laney’s shoulder roughly, she yanked her forward and peered behind her back.  “Wow, those zip ties really do the trick!  Can you feel your fingers?”

     “No.” Laney said through clenched teeth.

     “Can you feel this?”

     “Ow!” Laney cried out from the quick jab of pain in her index finger.

     “Oopsie. Did that hurt?” Mia shoved her back and then held up a needle between her fingertips.  “I suppose I should have warned you I’ve got a thing for making people hurt.  My mother once said it was very disconcerting.  Hm.” She tilted her head to the side.  “I suppose it
pretty disconcerting when I poisoned her…”

She killed her mother?
  The alarms in her mind began sounding off again as she rubbed her thumb against her fingertip, trying to dull the pain. 
Just great.  We’re stuck with a modern day Debbie Jellinsky.

     “Anyway, I’m supposed to let you know we’ll be leaving out as soon as your brother calls back and lets us know he’s got the money.  I have to tell you, I’m really excited about it.  I’ve got so many plans for that money…”

     “Don’t tell them everything, Mia.  What have I told you about that?” Devin asked as he appeared in the doorway.  His shirt was hanging open, revealing the dragon tattoo on his chest Laney had always hated.  But she supposed that made sense now; he really was a monster.

     “Sorry, baby.” Mia skipped back to him and pressed a kiss to his chin.  “I’m just so excited!  Have they called yet?”

     “They sent a text.” His eyes met Laney’s.  “You’re in luck, babe.
They do have the money.  They’ll meet us in exactly one hour.  I guess they want you guys back as soon as possible.” He shrugged.  “But that means our fun time will be cut short.  I had more plans for the two of you, but…”—his eyes swept over Laney’s body and her skin crawled—“I guess we’ll just have to skip it.”

Thank fucking God.

     Laney honestly didn’t want to think about what he had in store for them.  Devin needed help in the worst way.  How could he do something like this?  Sure, he was the town douche, but when did he sink so low?

     “Go get dressed.” He swatted Mia’s ass.  “We’re heading out in about twenty minutes, okay?  I’m not stupid enough to make this exchange in Prairie Town.  We’ll be meeting them somewhere else.”

     “Okay, baby!” She pecked at his lips and disappeared down the hallway, leaving them alone with the lesser of two evils.

     At least Laney hoped he was the lesser of two evils.

He’s still a dick.

     “Oh, Laney.  Your mom called a few hours ago.  I sent her a text back to let her know you’d be staying the night tonight with uh, what’s your name again?”

     “Benji.” They said in unison.

     “Right.  Funny name.” He snickered.  “Anyway, she thinks you’re spending the night with your new boyfriend, so she won’t be too worried.”

     “How courteous of you.” She mumbled, letting her head fall back against the wall.

     “Hey now, I can be courteous.” Devin moved towards them and crouched before her, his hand falling against her knee.  “I’m sure you remember just how courteous I can be, hm?”

     She tried to shake his hand off, damn it, but it was no use.  Her upper lip curled back in disgust as he inched it upwards.

     “Buddy,” Benji suddenly rasped.  “I’d advise you to stop that hand right where it’s at, or when I get free from here you’re going to carry an ass-whooping like you’ve never had.”

     Devin’s sly grin vanished and his hand stopped as he glared at Benji.

     “Excuse me?”

Oh no.  Please no.  Don’t hurt him.

     “I’m not repeating myself.  If you touch her, I’ll kill you.”

     “Is that a fact?”

     “No!” Laney wailed as he fisted the front of Benji’s shirt between his hands and yanked him up like a rag doll.  “Please don’t hurt him!”

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