90 Days (Prairie Town Book 2) (30 page)

BOOK: 90 Days (Prairie Town Book 2)
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     “Could have fooled me.” He said under his breath.

     “What was that?”

     “Nothing.” His eyes moved to Laney again.

     She still wasn’t moving.

     “Don’t worry about your little girlfriend.  She’s only knocked out.  I’m sure she’ll come around long after this is over—after I’m long gone.”

     “What about Devin?”  He wasn’t even sure why he was asking that question.  It was probably for the best if the psychotic match made in Hell left together.  At least then he wouldn’t have to worry about anyone else hurting Laney.

And I wouldn’t fail to protect her.  Again.

     “What about him?” One of her eyebrows arched.  “You really think I’m going to take him with me after this?  He was choosing
”—she nodded to Laney—“over me.  That’s seriously not okay.  Why would I be stupid enough to take him with me?”

     “You’re the one who said you loved him.” 
Shut up while you’re ahead, Benji.

     “Well, I thought I did.  But, what really counts is how a guy handles a ransom situation and he failed.  I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life.”

     “Yet you need to blackmail a decent guy and kidnap his sister?” He chewed at his inner cheek.

    “I loved Jebson.” Her tone was flat as she stared at him, finally lowering the gun to her side.  “I really loved him.  I just…he was dumb, okay?  He dumped
.  Nobody dumps me.”

Because you’re such a catch
.  He wanted to say.

     “I just wanted his attention. I knew he was going to break up with me and I couldn’t have that, so I did the only thing I know how; I dangled something precious in his face—in this case, his….um, sister, if we can call ‘it’ that—and I let him make a choice.” She sighed. “I was originally going to tell him I was pregnant or something, but then I came across that little gem in his car.  You never know how far a man is willing to go until you threaten to shatter the life of someone he loves.  You never know what he’s willing to do.”

     “I don’t want to know what he did to try to keep you quiet.”

     “Oh, don’t you?” She purred with a smile.  “I always loved playing in the sack with Jeb.  God, what a dick he’s got.  He’s blessed, you know.  We’re talking

     “No offense, but I don’t want to hear about my best friend’s brother’s package.”

     “Aw, why not?” She jutted her bottom lip outward.  “Is it because you don’t have one?”

     “No.” His eyes narrowed.  “I’m just not interested in hearing your life history.”

     “That’s too bad.  I don’t think you’ve got a choice right now. Gun?  Hello?” She waved it in the air carelessly and that made him nervous.

As if you’d let me forget.

     “Anyway, I was a little upset about how this has turned out, but I suppose you just can’t fight fate.”

     “You call this fate?” Benji glanced at Laney again and worry squeezed his lungs.  He needed to get back to her, but not with Mia conscious and moving about, and definitely not while she still had that damn gun.  It was no telling what the crazy cow had in her mind at the moment, and he refused to let her have another chance to hurt Laney.

     “I call this improvising.” Mia giggled.  “And it will be worth it after this is all over and I’m sitting on a sunny beach, away from this madness.”

     “Madness?” He almost laughed.  “You’re the one who kidnapped us, lady.  You don’t know a damn thing about madness.”

     “You don’t know me!” She wailed, throwing her hands up in the air.  “Life has been hard, okay?  No one’s ever understood me.  My parents didn’t love me.  They always wanted me to be someone else, but this is me.  Okay?  This is me.  I’m a modern day Bonnie and Devin was supposed to be my Clyde.  We were going to ride off into the sunset together, a million dollars richer and loads happier than either of us have ever been.”

     “Excuse me.” Benji rolled his good eye and shook his head.  “I just…don’t you think you’ve gone about this all wrong?  Scaring my friend and threatening to expose her to the world; kidnapping the love of my life and nearly killing her in the process; robbing an innocent man of his money…just so you can be happy?  How will you sleep at night knowing the things you’ve done?”

     “I just will, okay?” She huffed.  “Now, the question is…where’s Devin?  We need to hustle if we’re going to make that flight.”

     “I thought you were mad at him.”

     “I’ll get over it.  We’re partners, Devin and me.  I’m not going to leave him behind and you are going to help me find him.”

     Benji’s jawline tightened and he looked at Laney once more.  Even if they made it out of this alive, how would she forgive him for letting Mia get away?  For letting Devin run off after all the horrible things he’d done?

     If only he knew what Callum and Jeb would do in this situation.

They wouldn’t be afraid.  They wouldn’t let the bitch get away.

     As stupid as it seemed at the moment, ‘Eye of the Tiger’ played in his mind and he couldn’t help but to envision swinging from a vine rope with Laney in his arms.  If ever he had to prove he was a man, it was now.


     “What did you say?” Mia’s smile faded and she pointed the gun right at his face.  “Need I remind you who is in charge, tranny boy?”

     “I don’t give a fuck if you’re in charge.” His heart hammered against his ribs and his stomach twisted into sickening knots as he licked his lips and glanced at Laney briefly.

I’m going to get you out of this, baby.

     “Come again, tranny boy?”  She pulled the hammer back and slid her finger over the trigger.  “You want to rethink that decision and give me an apology?”

     “No.” His knees trembled.  “I don’t.”

Get ready.

     “You’re either very brave or very stupid.” She frowned.  “I could shoot you right now.  You know that, don’t you?  I’m a very good aim.”

Tackle her.  It’s just like football except she’s got a gun and she could shoot you.

“I’m going to give you one more chance, Benji.” Her voice trembled.  Was she scared? Would she really shoot him?  “Apologize to me.  Now.”

Just tackle her and start punching.
  He readied himself.

     “I’m not going to be your bitch boy, Mia.  And Jeb never deserved that.  You’re a real dragon, you know that?  An ugly, miserable, low-life dragon.”

     Mia’s eyes bulged out of her head and she clenched her teeth, releasing an angry, heinous growl that couldn’t possibly be human. 

     “That’s it!  I’m going to kill you, but luckily I was raised right.” She whirled around and pointed the gun at Laney.  “Ladies first.”

     “No!” He bellowed.  Something took over then.  He wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to describe it, but there was heat surging through his veins and it didn’t even feel like he was in control anymore.  His legs carried him fast and precise; his arms reached out of their own accord; a rally cry bubbled deep in his chest and escaped as fiercely as a hawk descending on its prey.

     They both hit the ground with pained grunts and it sounded like an artillery shell had exploded right by his head as the gun went off.  His ears rang and his lungs burned as he wrestled her for it, praying to God she hadn’t hit something.

     Or someone.

     She was a lot stronger than he anticipated, but she was no match for the weights he’d been lifting for months at the gym. 

     If only Jeb and Callum could see him now!

     “Ow! You’re not supposed to hit a lady!” Mia grunted and dug her knuckles into his side.  “Don’t hit me!”

     “I’m not hitting you, you crazy bitch.  I’m trying to keep you from shooting my girl.”

     They scuffled for what seemed like an eternity.  Her fists were flying, her nails broke through the flesh of his arm, but he somehow refrained from knocking the shit out of her as he finally got a good grip on the gun.

     “It’s over, Mia.  Give me the goddamn gun.” He panted.

     “No!  No, you can’t do this.” She sobbed.  “This is my night!  This isn’t how my story ends.  You’re ruining everything.”

     “You’ve already ruined everything.  Don’t you see that?” He yanked the gun out of her hand and threw it as hard and as far as he could. Listening as it fell into the bushes, he sighed in relief and finally relaxed, but he didn’t let her move an inch. 

     “You’re…ruining…everything.” She cried like an injured child, tears rolling down her cheeks as she squirmed beneath him.  “Please just let me get up.  You’ve done enough damage.”

     “Me?” He stared down at her with his one good eye, bewildered.  “
done enough damage?  Take a look around, Mia.  This? All of this is your fault.  You’re responsible for it, and you’re going to go to jail for it, too.”

     “I am
going to jail!” She became frantic as she kicked her feet against the ground.  “That’s not part of the plan.”

     “It is now.” His eye wandered until it landed on the phone, right where he left it.  “They’ve heard everything, Mia.”

I hope they have.

     Mia followed his gaze and whimpered, her bottom lip quivering.  “Wh-what?”

     “I called 9-1-1.  They’re on their way.  It’s too late to run, Mia.  You need to give up.”

     “No.” A sob ripped past her lips as she closed her eyes.  Her head fell against the ground and she began to whine like a damn dog.  “No, no, no!  This isn’t fair.”

     He should have known better than to let his guard down.  For fuck’s sake, if he’d ever learned anything from watching movies, reading books, or getting lost in comics, he should have known never to let his guard down.

     But he did.

     The pain the adrenaline had numbed came back tenfold and he decided to let his wrist rest, just for a moment, and that’s when Mia struck.

     Her knee slammed between his legs and damn if it didn’t hurt when bone hit bone, especially the pelvic bone.  It was just like straddling his bicycle all over again.

     He doubled over and the world turned upside down as Mia flipped them over and crushed her knees into his stomach, her cold fingers wrapping around his throat.

     “I’m going to kill you.” Her teeth clenched together and she squeezed as hard as she could.  “You fucking freak.  I’m going to kill both of you now.  I don’t care if I get the money or not.”

     “M-Mia…” He struggled to push his voice past the grip of her fingers, but it was damn hard.  Sucking in very little air, he gasped and sputtered, desperately trying to pry her hands away.  “D-don’t…”

     “I’m not doing this because I hate you or anything.  I really don’t.  I don’t even hate Jeb’s sister.” She sniffled and laughed, shaking her head.  “I just hate that you’ve ruined my plans.  I worked
on this scheme.  Months went into this.”  She squeezed harder, harder.  “I was almost free.  My dream was so close to coming true.  But you had to screw it up, didn’t you?  And for what? A girl? 


     “I just want you to die, okay?  That’s all I need.  Just give up and die.”

     His lungs felt like they were about to burst and his mind fogged over as he desperately fought his way back to one of the best memories he had.


     “Give in.” Mia cooed like a mother rocking her child to sleep.  “It’s okay.”

  His fingers weakened around her wrists and the pain he’d been ignoring for at least an hour began to fade away.

     Everything was disappearing and there was no way he could hold on.

I’m sorry, Laney.

     I’m sorry, Ags.

     I’m sorry, Lydia.

     His heartbeat was slow and thunderous in his ears.

     His fingers were cold and tingly.

     His heart was breaking. 

     His hope was fading.

     Mia’s fingers crushed his esophagus and her face began to blur as he fought to stay conscious.

     “Shhh.  Just go to sleep.  It’s almost over.”

I’m so sorry, Laney.  Please forgive me for not being man enough to save you.

     Man enough. 

     That’s all he’d ever wanted.  That’s all he’d ever truly known. 

     Brave enough. 

     Didn’t that come with the territory of being a man?   

     Strong enough.

     He wasn’t.  Maybe he never had been.  There was a good chance he’d been fooling himself all along.

     Laney deserved better.  She deserved a real man, not a fraud. 

BOOK: 90 Days (Prairie Town Book 2)
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