9781618851307WitchsBrewShayNC (44 page)

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The priest smiled. “You may recite your vows to each other
now, so that all may witness your joining.”

high priestess held up a green ribbon for everyone to behold. “Green, the
symbol of earth and physical material.” She drew Talon’s left wrist to the
bride’s right wrist and tied the ribbon around them, binding the couple
together. “A couple now bound by the first law.”

Talon turned to face his bride, his words low and soft. “I
promise to live with you for all the centuries of my life, to share all I have
in the material world with you. We are partners in life and love, and we will
always work as one for the best of our lives together. I will do everything
within my power to see to your happiness, this I vow.”

The priest held up a yellow ribbon. He gave a curt nod toward
the small crowd. “Yellow, the symbol of air and mental intellect.” He knotted
the ribbon around Saylym’s and Talon’s wrists. “The second law of binding.”

cleared her throat. “I promise to communicate as clearly as I am able. I will
share my thoughts with you, my hopes and dreams, as well as my fears and
insecurities. My heart shall always be open to you. I promise to listen when
you speak, to hear you, whether the words are good news or bad. I promise
always to look for the good in your words and shun the bad. I will do
everything within my power to see to your needs, this I vow.”

again the high priestess stepped into the circle and held up a red ribbon for
all to see. “Red, the symbol of fire, power, passion and fertility.”

eyes darkened with desire as he watched his bride blush. The priestess smiled
as she tied the ribbon around their wrists. “The third binding law.”

Talon cleared his throat, but his voice still sounded
strained, husky with suppressed need as he looked into Saylym’s eyes. “I
promise to always feed the fire of our physical passion. I will never take you
for granted and I’ll always remember you are my friend, lover, and mate. I will
always be open to your expression of your love and I will share myself totally
with you and no other. Everything I have, everything I am belongs to you. I am
yours, this I vow.”

the priest held up a blue ribbon. “Blue is the symbol of water, emotion, and
love.” He slipped the ribbon around their wrist and knotted it in place. The
fourth binding law.”

turned to Eldora and took the ring she held out to her. Her knees quivered. Her
heart pounded fiercely in her chest. She couldn’t believe she was taking this
important step in her life, binding herself to this man.

gently squeezed her hand, encouraging her as she slid a sterling silver
Pentacle- shaped ring with Celtic knot work onto his finger.

licked her dry lips and continued, “I promise my heart to you, to love and
respect you and always put you first in my life. I will always consider your
feelings when making decisions and make our relationship the first priority
before all else. I place myself into your care for always, this I vow.”

Talon felt the sting of tears in his eyes as the priestess
held up the final ribbon and said softly, “White is the symbol of spirit and
all things spiritual, blessed with grace, blessed with purity, honesty, and the
love Saylym and Talon share for one another.” She tied a double knot in the
ribbon. “The fifth ribbon by law is the last binding performed. The final words
shall be spoken by Talon to his mate in the privacy of their home and just
before the physical joining of their bodies.”

nodded to Talon to complete the binding vows.

took the Pentacle and Triqueter-shaped ring Sage held out to him.

“I thought witches were allergic to silver,” Saylym
whispered for his ears alone.

Talon’s lips twitched and he eyed the ring on his finger.
“I think that’s werewolves, darling,” he whispered back. “Was it your intent to
murder your groom?”

lifted a stricken gaze. “Of course not. It just occurred to me about the
allergies,” she said in a low voice.

Eldora snickered and Sage gave a choked cough.

the high priestess cleared her throat, indicating for them to complete the

inhaled deeply and slid the ring onto Saylym’s trembling finger. “As everything
in life is a circle, so is our love. Two hearts beat as one and there is no
beginning and no end. We were two, now we are one. Today. Forever. I promise
this will never change. Our lives now join to complete the circle of love and
fill it with our children.”

mote it be!” the coven shouted.

priestess smiled. “You may kiss your bride Prince Talon and congratulations on
acquiring your beautiful mate. You have chosen well.”

chose that moment to poke her tiny head up out of Sage’s shirt pocket. “Hurry
up with kissy-kissy so we get to good stuff.”

arched a brow. “And that would be?”

“Cake and champagne. Dinka plan on leaping into full glass
of bubbly brew and splash ‘round. Maybe take sip or two. Live the good life.”

floated about the forest as Sage looked sheepish and poked the frog back inside
his pocket. “I’m going to fry her legs one of these days.”

Dinka’s little green legs alone!” the
shouted. “Need for swimming
in champagne.”

coven tittered with laughter at the

Talon drew Saylym close, lowered his head and rubbed his
lips across her mouth. Stepping back, he withdrew the athame from its leather
case and held it toward her, handle first. “A promise freely given, ask, and it
shall be yours.”

Saylym took the athame and held the point against his
heart. “I ask for your love. Your fidelity. Swear to me it is mine and that you’ll
always be true.”

crowd laughed, enjoying the playful show.

lips twitched with amusement, but his eyes were warm and serious. “I’m
committed to you, darling, in every way. I’m yours, Saylym Winslow. This I pledge.”

took a small shiny key from Eldora. She placed it in Talon’s hand and closed
his fingers around it. “I give to you the key to my heart. Guard it well, for
it is given but once.”

nodded, swallowing hard. “I will guard it with my life. Always.”

“Witches and
” the high priestess announced,
“the jumping of the broom.”

giggled at the sight of Eldora and Sage holding the broom just above the
ground. Talon took her hand and together they jumped over the broom.

be,” the coven yelled, cheering.

and champagne inside the tree for everyone,” the priestess shouted above the
excited cheers of the crowd. “Come. Let us celebrate this grand ceremony and
the bonding of this most special couple. May it be fruitful.”





Chapter Twenty-Nine



George Jacobs, Sr., Martha
Carrier, George Burroughs, John Willard, and John and Elizabeth Proctor were
tried for witchcraft and condemned. They were all
hanged on Gallows Hill, except for Elizabeth


~George Jacobs

“Because I am falsely accused.
I never did it.”


~Martha Carrier

“…I am wronged. It is a shameful
thing that you should mind these folks that are out of their wits.”


~Salem Witch Trials

August 2-19, 1692




bonding night should be special,” Talon stated to Topaz, his tone serious. He
stalked up and down, pacing outside Saylym’s bedroom door in nervous
frustration. Since their return from the forest thirty minutes earlier, she had
locked herself in the bathroom and he hadn’t seen or heard her since.

appears your bride is nervous and needs more time,” Topaz suggested, grinning.

The big tom lay stretched out on a rug in front of the
fireplace, lapping at a bowl of champagne. He gave a big yawn, as though
declaring his boredom with the subject. “The secret, Boss, is to storm the
Bastille, so to speak. You don’t give the little woman time to think about what
you’re doing. Or what you’re going to do to her. You simply go in there, rip
off her clothes, throw her on the bed and stick it in her.”

For Samhain’s sake. That’s not
how it’s done.”

“That’s how I do it, boss. In and out, three thrusts, seed
planted before the little darlin’ knows what happened. Pardon me saying this
but you don’t have time to shilly-shally, boss. The little witch is bursting
with ripeness. Three thrusts I’m tellin’ ya’, and the job’s done. Babe

Talon said, snapping his fingers. “What about food?”

“Sounds good, boss,” Topaz purred. “Strawberries, whipped
cream, thick, golden honey, peach slices. You can dribble berry juice all over
her delectable body and then take your time lapping it off her. Then a sneak
attack, stick your cock in her, a little thrusting and wal-la, baby conceived.”

was talking about real food. You have a one track mind.” Talon snapped his
fingers and a tray of assorted meats and cheeses appeared. He glanced at Topaz,
flashed a wicked grin and a bowl of fresh, ripe strawberries popped onto the
tray, along with a small jar of rich, thick honey.

boss. Gotta’ have peaches.”

small bowl of sliced peaches appeared on the tray. “I have a one track mind,
too,” Talon said, laughing.

you’re talking, boss.”

raised his fist to knock softly on the bedroom door.

Prince, you can’t give her time to think about it or you’ll never get laid.
Three thrusts, that’s the trick.

Talon rolled his eyes and entered the bedroom. The soft
splatter of the shower running was the only sound he heard. He paused,
grinning. By now, his bride must be the cleanest witch in Sanctuary. Topaz
slinked past him and curled up in the middle of the bed. With a flick of his
hand, Talon motioned for the big cat to leave. He wanted some time alone to
create something special for Saylym.


* * *


bailed off the bed. “Didn’t want to watch anyway,” he mumbled, and made sure
the room was secure behind a wall of
magic as he went in search
of Celine. Maybe he’d try the three thrust theory on his little Persian, that
is, if she ever quit hiding from him.

Topaz frowned as much as a feline can frown. He had a few
things he wanted to say to the beautiful feline. She had refused to come out of
the closet and attend Talon’s wedding with him. Celine had to learn her place
and it was at his side during important events. It angered him that she’d
refused to go with him and stand at the prince’s side. To punish her, he’d ignored
her since his return from the bonding ceremony. But his patience was at an end.
He wanted to get laid, damn it.

her to continue sulking was out of the question. Time for some action.

He searched for her, finally catching her rich jasmine and
opium fragrance teasing his nostrils. He grinned, satisfied that no other male
had touched her yet.

Topaz glanced down at his boner. Thank Samhain it still
worked. He’d thought it was broken for sure. “Lee-tle lo-ove kit-ty—where are

pranced over to the closet door and knocked. “Come out, my lee-tle love pot.”

away!” Celine snarled.

my lee-tle furry puss, come out, my love. It’s time to play.”

“Stay away from me you over-bearing, over-sexed tom!”
Celine sniffed. “You’re never getting near me. I hate you! And stop speaking
with that dumb French accent.”

hissed between his teeth. She didn’t like his French love words? The sure sign
of his passion for her? Huh. “Ah my lee-tle love juice, come out, or I’m
leaving. I’ll go find a hot alley cat.”

Celine stuck her head around the corner of the door. “Go.
Do you think I care?”

snickered. “Now don’t get ugly, Celine.” He loved to see her in a snit. “Come
here and let me have my wicked way with you.”

slammed the door in his face. “You’re not just a dog, you big oaf, you’re a

winced, slamming his paws over both ears. Oh, boy. He didn’t know a female
could make such an ear-piercing screech. Blessed gods! But his darling pussy
had a set of lungs!

He narrowed his
gaze to mere slits. The Persian was serious. She wanted him to go away. Leave
her alone. “Too bad, Celine, because you’re mine. I’m going now, my lee-tle
honey pot. I’ll go find you some big juicy rats to soothe your temper.”


* * * *


Waiting outside in the darkness, Eldora watched as the
capsule of
magic slid over and surrounded Saylym’s house in a
glowing, protective mantle. Nothing could get in. Nothing would disturb the
couple inside, at least, not until after they mated.

She rubbed her hands with glee as she spotted Topaz skulking
across the yard. The poor tom looked downright depressed. “Cheer up, Topaz. Our
handsome prince has at last settled with a bond mate. You did tell him about
the strawberries and honey? And the peaches?”

Topaz nodded grimly. “Yeah, I told him, and he took some
of all of it with him into the bedroom. No doubt he’ll make good use of them.
He won’t wait much longer to get the mating done. The prince sealed Sandman’s
eye and lips shut and ordered me out. I just hope Talon has better luck with
Saylym than I’ve had with my sweet Celine.”

“Pish-posh.” Eldora sniffed. “Celine’s always been a bit
snooty, comes from being the queen’s
. Once you mate with her,
she’ll be just fine. You mark my words, Topaz. Celine is head over heels in
love with you, she just doesn’t know it yet.”

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