9781631054747HerstoBearHoffa (18 page)

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didn’t run for cover, he charged straight ahead toward the van. That man, John,
would be his. He would bathe in his blood for having touched his mate. A bullet
grazed his shoulder and a solid hundred and fifty pounds of wolf knocked into
his legs, right at the knees, he fell to all fours and a bullet soared over his

growled and snapped at the wolf by his side.
You’re welcome, stupid
, Bastian snarled in his head. Guards began
spilling into the parking garage from hidden passages surrounding them,
automatic weapons firing. But they were as good as dead. The Wolves and Bears
attacked, paws the size of dinner plates with six inch claws slashed across the
jugular veins of the guards before they could draw a breath.

full of razor sharp teeth clamped onto throats and squeezed or simply tore out
and life ended. The walls were painted with blood and while a few shots
connected with the shifters, they healed quickly, and unless you managed to hit
their heart or their brain they weren’t going to die.

whole fight lasted less than five minutes and at the end twenty guards lay dead
on the ground with only minor injuries to the shifters. As Bern was dispatching
the last guard an engine roared to life.

lifted his muzzle to see the white van shift into gear and careen toward the
exit of the mountain. Bern roared and lumbered after the vehicle, but
Sebastian’s voice stopped him.
We need to
find Jenna and Sarah and the cubs. There will be time enough later for

nodded his big shaggy head.
True enough,
my friend. Let’s find our kin.

appeared at Bern’s side in human form. “We have tracked the routes the guards
used to come to the surface. There are only people on two other levels. The
laboratory, which contains sixteen guards and all the captives, I scented
twenty-five; and a residence level, where the staff must live. They’ve made it
easy on
they’re all gathered in one room, five
guards manning the doors. What do you want us to do with the researchers?”

couldn’t answer Martin in bear form so he shifted back. He addressed Bastian.
What do you think? Do we kill the
researchers, capture and question them? Let them go?

We need to question at least the
doctor. I want to know how much they’ve learned and what it
they really want.
As for the rest…
It is a tough call.
If they are zealots like the rest of HUNTS they are better off dead, if they
are merely working for a paycheck, eh then let them go, but how do we know?

need the doctor for questioning. If you can safely capture and contain the
others, do so. If not, eliminate at your discretion. You take Guiles, Hans,
Victor, Ivan and three others of your choice and secure the residence level.
Rendezvous in the clearing outside at twenty-one hundred hours,” Bern said.

nodded solemnly. “I understand,

turned to Bastian and gazed down at the black wolf. “You ready to go bite some
more heads off?”

yipped at him, snapping his jaws a little too near Bern’s manly treasure. “Hey!
Watch it! I still want cubs you know.” If a wolf could smile Bern was sure
Sebastian was smiling.

with the fight in the parking garage, the infiltration of the laboratory was
over in minutes. There were a few more bullet holes on the shifter side, because
they had limited access into the lab, having to enter through doorways, which
made them targets for uncomfortable moments, but they entered in twos, bear and
wolf, high and low, and took the guards down fast and furious.

all the bloodshed had ended Bern found his mate huddled in the corner of her
cage in a fetal ball, he approached her slowly,
she would fear him after seeing his animal unleashed. His sweet mate was not
used to violence and anger.

had once again shifted back to human form and prayed he didn’t have to shift
again for a week. His body shook with fatigue and left over adrenaline. He
crouched beside her huddled form and extended his hand, stroking her hair.

flinched and Bern’s heart broke in two. “Jenna, little one,” he said in a voice
choked with tears.

looked up with unfocused eyes, glazed with fear and blinked. He stroked her
hair again, and grazed her cheek, smiling softly.
Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”

blinked again and her eyes finally seemed to focus. “Bern?” she asked
hesitantly, she blinked again and then shouted. “My Bern, my bear!” and threw
herself into his arm so forcefully he barely managed to remain on his feet.

that was more like it! His mate was in his arms, kissing the stuffing out of
him. Jenna placed kisses everywhere she could reach. Kissing his forehead,
cheeks, neck, and finally landing on his mouth where he deepened the kiss and
explored her mouth with the passion he’d been holding back. He crushed her in
his arms, standing to his feet and cradling her body as close as he could.

he finally pulled back she said. “Oh my goodness Bern, you’re naked!”

threw his head back and laughed. After the day he’d had it felt really good to
have something to laugh about. “Glad you noticed, baby.”

better get some clothes on, because…um, something is…poking.”

me some pants,” Bern yelled, and a pair of sweats
sailed his way. He pulled them on and bowed to her.
my lady.”

cleared her throat. “Yes, well, um.”

nuzzled her neck. “You are better than honey, little one,” he said.

“Sweet talker.”
She laughed,
looked around the room. “We better get the kids out of here and wake them up,”
she said.

my mate,” he said.
“Always thinking of the clan first.
I’m so proud of you.” He kissed her soundly on the lips. “You heard the lady.
Let’s get these kids out of here!”

went straight to Sarah’s cage and unhooked her from the IV, but when she would
have lifted the child into her arms, Bern took her instead. By the time they
reached the upper level and exited outside darkness had fallen.

troops had arrived and not one, but two helicopters sat waiting in the
clearing, along with medical personnel, blankets, food, water and anything else
they could possibly need. That man was pretty fucking amazing.

began to wake up and murmur. “Momma, where’s Momma?”

leaned over and stroked her cheek. “You’ll be with Momma soon, baby girl.”

blinked and looked up into Bern’s face. “Unca Bern? What are you doing here?”

“Carrying you, silly girl.
What does it
look like?”

snuggled closer and closed her eyes again, knowing now she was safe in her
uncle’s arms.







exploded when the entourage arrived back at Bern’s house. Sebastian had phoned
ahead to let them know they were coming so everyone was there.
The entire Honey Corner’s Clan, all four hundred of them.
The Von Drake Pack, and there must have been close to five hundred in the pack.
Alice. Jenna’s parent’s had flown in from Nashville, how they’d managed to get
a flight on such short notice she’d never know, but they were all there.

that was missing was the Dallas Cowboy’s Cheerleaders and it would have been a
real party. The minute Jenna walked in the door Alice confronted her, hands on
her hips she gave Jenna her best glare. “What the hell do you think you’re
doing going and getting yourself kidnapped? You almost gave me apoplexy!”

excuse me Queen of the World. I’m so sorry I inconvenienced you!”

stood behind Jenna and watched the two yell at each other like he was watching
a tennis match.

am so mad at you! You could have gotten hurt or even killed! That’s not
allowed!” Alice screamed.

know, sweetie. I’m sorry,” Jenna said.

Alice collapsed into tears and threw her arms around Jenna sobbing. Mrs. Raynes
walked up behind them and smiled at Bern. He looked at her and asked. “What the
hell was all that about?”

“Girl code.”
She shrugged.

of that crap? I’m never going to understand girl code
I?” he asked.

doubt it, dear,” she said patting his cheek. “Jenna, darling, do you suppose
you could let go of Alice long enough to hug your mother?” she asked with the
cutest southern lilt to her voice.

laughed and released Alice to hug her mother. “Oh Momma, It’s so good to see

had to laugh. All of a sudden his little one had a southern accent. Where the
hell had that come from?

balding man in jeans and checkered shirt entered the room. Bern knew in a sniff
it was Jenna’s father. The man’s serious eyes looked him up and down.

he scanned his daughter from head to toe. He looked back to Bern and nodded
once, stepping closer. “She looks in one piece,” he murmured. “That’s a good
thing for you.”

arched a brow at Barton Raynes. “Yes, it is, because I would kill
harmed a hair on her head.”

I would kill you if a hair on her head were harmed,” Barton Raynes said as
smooth as silk.

slapped his huge arm around the smaller man’s shoulders. “I think I like you
already, Mr. Raynes.”

looked up into Bern’s face. “I just might like you too, boy.” The man laughed,
he turned to his daughter and opened his arms. “You got a hug for Daddy there,
little girl?”

Jenna squealed and launched
herself at her father and hugged Bern at the same time. When she finally let go
of her dad, she stepped back and grabbed her mother’s hand, pulling her up
beside her. “Bern, this is my mother, Cassandra and I guess you’ve met my dad.”

“In a way.”
he lifted Cassandra’s tiny hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles.
“Pleasure to meet you, ma’am.
I can see where my Jenna got
her good looks.”

he is a sweet talker, Jenna, isn’t he? Maybe he could teach your father a thing
or two?” Cassandra teased.

Kiki, Don’t be like that,” Barton groused.

laughed and hooked her arm through Bern’s. “Let’s go sit down. I’m tired and
hungry. I need food!”

laughed. “There is enough food in that kitchen to feed both the Rebels and the
Yanks, so I think you’re safe, little girl.”

one thing I’ll say for these bears,” Jenna said. “They know how to eat!”

went into the kitchen, filled some plates, and then headed for Bern’s office
and a little peace and quiet. The five of them sequestered themselves in the
office and Bern and Jenna filled Alice and her parents in on everything that
had happened.

they had evacuated all the children, Bern and his men had blown the research
facility to kingdom come. HUNTS would not be utilizing that location
it was nothing but a pile of rocks.

they needed to locate the packs, prides, dens, etc. that the missing children
came from and return them as soon as possible. There would be some joyous
reunions in the future for the shifter community.

cell phone rang and he stepped to the side of the room to answer it.
“Bern here.”

Martin. We have the research personnel secured on the lower level of the clan
Five technicians and the doctor.”

is it?” Bern asked.

I need to discuss with you in person.” Martin replied.

you want to come up now?”

tomorrow is soon enough,” Martin said with a sigh.

not going to like it, am I?”

“Probably not.
I sure don’t,” Martin said.

in that case, definitely keep it for tomorrow. I’ve had all the bad news I can
take for today.”

that. I’ll see you in the morning for briefing,” Martin said.

too early,” Bern said. “It’s been a hell of a day. Let’s sleep in, make it nine

got it,
Guten nacht

Guten nacht

sat back down and pulled Jenna into his lap. “Something wrong?” she whispered.

shrugged. “Maybe, but nothing
that can’t wait until morning,
so not too bad

rested her head on his chest and her eyes drifted closed.

looked at her daughter and then her husband. “I think that’s our cue to retire
for the evening, Bart, Jenna is tired. Let’s head up to bed and let these
children get some sleep.”

stirred. “I’m okay, Momma.”

tired as an old mule after plowing the back forty. Now don’t go givin’ your
momma a hard time, little girl,” Kiki said.

smiled up at her and nodded.
“Yes, ma’am.”

rose to her feet and Barton stood beside her. “Your sister, Dagmar, showed us
to a lovely room in the east wing. I hope that’s all right?” Kiki asked.

stood with Jenna in his arms. “Of course, it’s fine. I’m so glad you’re here.”
He kissed Kiki on the cheek and nodded to Barton. Alice stood too. “Are you
staying here tonight, Al?”

I’m gonna head back to Jenna’s, just had to make sure my girl was okay,” she

walked over and kissed Jenna’s cheek and Bern leaned down so she could kiss his
too. She exchanged goodbyes with Jenna’s parents, and they left the room
heading in different directions.

Jenna’s parents were out of ear shot Bern said. “You can stop playing possum
now, they’re gone.”

flashed a cheeky smile at him and wet her lips. “How did you know I was

“Shifter nose, little one.
I can smell your

giggled. “You don’t think they knew, do you?”

I think they bought it,” he said.

nuzzled into his neck and began kissing up his jawline.
good, because I need you, my bear.”

need you too, little one. Bless my sister for putting your folks at the other
end of the house.”

cookie, that sister of yours”

was all he managed and the door to the bedroom fell shut behind them. He let
her slide slowly down his body, and his already swollen cock notched into the
juncture of her thighs. He slid his hands under the edge of her shirt and
lifted it up and over her head in one motion, letting it drop to the floor, and
backed her toward the bed.

sealed his lips over hers and never severed the kiss as they moved closer and
closer to the bed. Jenna kicked off her shoes. Bern stepped out of his, and
unbuckled his pants, dropping them and leaving them behind on the floor in one
fell swoop.

the back of Jenna’s legs reached the bed he pushed her down and pulled off his
shirt in one motion. She shimmied out of her skirt and dropped it over the side
of the bed before Bern settled between her open thighs.

sweet Jenna,” he whispered. “You smell so good.” He kissed down her neck to her
collarbone and then across to her breastbone. His large hands cupped her breasts,
and he circled her nipples with his thumbs, feeling them pucker under his

mouth followed his hands, sucking first one and then the other turgid peak into
his mouth and releasing them with a soft pop. He licked around her areola and then
blew softly across the peaks, watching goose bumps appear on Jenna’s skin.

soft round belly called to him and he kissed the mound, pausing at her navel to
lave the little dimple. Jenna giggled. “Are you ticklish?” he asked.

She squirmed and he dug his fingers into her sides and tickled until she was
rolling on the bed trying to get away from him, laughing and squealing. He
slipped his hands behind her back, palmed her ass, and pressed his face into
her stomach laughing.

sorry, little one, but I couldn’t help myself. I love to hear you laugh.”

leaned up on her elbows and stared down at him, her eyes glowing with love and
laughter. He rested his chin on her pelvic bone and stared up at her. “You
better make it up to me,” she teased.

pulled his head back a tiny bit and teased her clit with the tip of his tongue.
“Like that?”

threw her head back and moaned. “Mmm, good start.”

one to turn down a challenge Bern began to lick and suck her in earnest.
Teasing the moist entrance to her sex with a finger, he traced the seam up and
down. Jenna squirmed trying to force his hand and make him penetrate her, but
Bern would not be rushed.

honey was abundant, covering the lips of her
coated his fingers and drew the lubrication to the puckered rosette of her
anus. Jenna gasped, but didn’t pull away. He sucked her clit into his mouth as
he thrust one finger into her ass knuckle deep.

lifted his mouth for a moment and murmured. “Okay?”

yes,” she panted.

moved, sliding the finger in and out, working the lubrication inside her while
teasing her clit mercilessly. “I’m going to add a second finger, push out as I
push in, little one.”

she breathed.

pushed in and he felt her quiver and stiffen for a moment. “Relax, breathe,

she panted.

can stop.”

it’s okay now. Just feel so full.”

how full you’ll feel when it’s my cock that’s in your tight little ass,” Bern
said. His cock was a slab of marble just thinking about it.

shivered and a fresh burst of honey dripped from her pussy, obviously she liked
that idea too. Bern worked his fingers, scissoring them inside her, stretching
her tissues and preparing her to take his cock.

licked in circles around her clit, the little bundle of nerves peeking out of its
hood and begging for attention. She was close to climaxing, but Bern didn’t
want her to come alone, he wanted to be balls deep in her when she climaxed,
gripping his cock like a vise.

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