A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes) (38 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: A Beautiful Lie (The Camaraes)
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Dare I ask why?

Muira giggled, breathing more freely as she was allowed the room to do so, and then gasping when her husband

s hands delved beneath the stiff sides of the corset.  He cupped her breasts through the thin fabric of the chemise, testing their weight as he grunting his approval.


Because I like you best naked, and when I can

t have you naked I at least like to be able to appreciate you figure to its-

he swirled his tongue around the shell of Muira

s ear while still heavily palming her breasts,



Lachlan MacRae!

Muira gasped, swaying on her feet. 

You are-!

But the rest of her exclamation was lost a squeal, as she was quickly twisted around and kissed completely senseless. 


Lachlan had thrown the corset onto the ground and was moving Muira back towards the bed.  He was holding her flush against him body, his hands now resting tightly on her bottom, as he shamelessly ground his erection against her.  He broke contact for just a second, whipping his shirt off over his head and then he was pushing Muira down into the mattress, covering her with his body as he gazed down into her passion-glazed eyes.


A shudder wracked his body.  He couldn

t remember ever wanting anyone like this before.  It was already an addiction.  The memory of how it felt, to sink between Muira

s thighs, burying his cock in her wet heat until they were both spent and sated, made him ache to an almost painful degree.




s questioning sob was more than enough to refocus his mind.


Soon, lass,

Lachlan whispered, moving his hands under her chemise, hiking the fabric up over his wife

s shapely legs, not pausing for an instant until she was fully exposed to the navel, where he couldn

t resist the urge to plant a kiss.



Muira whimpered.  She opened her legs of her own accord, offering herself to him utterly shamelessly. 

No more teasing, Lachlan,

she pleaded, having been waiting for this moment for hours. 

Just take me,

she gasped.



he repeated thoughtfully, reaching under his kilt, arranging himself between Muira

s legs as she nodded her head frantically.  He nudged his cock forward, just letting its head trail her slit, bathing himself in her sticky juices. 


he purred, his voice heavy with a smug kind of satisfaction.


I know!

she puffed, bucking her hips against him, but Lachlan still refused to penetrate her. 


He rubbed himself against her clit- until Muira was writhing and clutching at the bed sheets, until his own jaw ached from how hard he was having to clench it to keep himself from pounding into her cunt. 


Roll over,

Lachlan grunted, when he couldn

t stand the wait any longer.



s head jerked off the mattress in surprise.  Apparently unsure as to his exact meaning, she tried to catch Lachlan

s eye.  He grinned at her wolfishly, and repeated his request.  Confused, but curious, Muria quickly obeyed, rolling onto her tummy.



s hands were on her in an instant, lifting her up onto her hands and knees, pushing the chemise the rest of the way up her body until he was able to slip if off over her head.  He parted her legs a little wider, using his knee to do so while his fingers fumbled clumsily with his belt buckle, stripping himself naked too, before rubbing himself against the cleft of Muira

s bottom.


Oh God,

she panted.  She arched back against him, quickly grasping what her husband wanted to happen next.



Lachlan rasped, leaning over her body so that he was able to breath the instruction into her ear. 


She turned her head, following the direction of his pointing hand, and then she choked.  From their current position she could see into the dressing table mirror, and in the dusky, candlelit reflection she could see her husband

s body poised to take her own.  The thick jutting length of his cock was now positioned as her entrance.  She couldn

t tear her eyes away from it.  He nudged gently and Muira shuddered in response.


Now watch,

Lachlan panted.


Muira really didn

t need the instruction.  Her eyes were transfixed on the glass.  She stared open mouthed as her husband sank, inch by slow inch, into her sex.  She would have been ashamed of the noises trickling from her lips, had she been able to think about anything except the exquisite bliss and fullness she felt whenever Lachlan took her.


You feel-

but the words ended in a strangled groan as Lachlan came to rest completely inside his wife.  He reached around her body, one hand groping at her breast while the other ground mercilessly against the achingly sensitive bud of her sex, and then he started to move.


Muira could hardly breathe, assaulted by such a combination of different sensations.  She felt as though Lachlan was everywhere.  There didn

t seem to be an inch of her that he wasn

t touching, inside or out, from his fingers pinching at her nipples to the enormous twitching rod of his cock thrusting between her legs.  Muira

s arms and legs were physically shaking with the ferocity of his lovemaking.  She wasn

t sure that she would be able to support her own weight much longer.


Oh God,

she panted. 

I can

t- oh God,

she cried, throwing her head back as her hips began to jerk furiously.  Her release was so amazingly intense that it almost hurt.  Muira felt like she was being shaken apart as bolts of pleasure ripped through her body.


Lachlan was inexhaustible however.  He had ceased some of his original attentions to his wife

s body, as he was now being forced to bear Muira

s weight after her shattering orgasm.  But he was still thrusting into her at a furious pace, chasing his own release, even as Muira continued to twitch and spasm, barely being allowed to recover being she was hurled into ecstasy again.


She screamed, blinded by pleasure, as Lachlan buried himself inside her, just one more time before he too exploded.  He groaned loudly and spilled himself in long, jetting spurts that splashed deep against Muira

s womb before they both collapsed.  Muira had long been boneless, supported only by Lachlan

s rough, bruising grip, and so when her husband was overcome by the intensity of his release they sank down into the mattress in a heap of tangled limbs.


Oh God,

Lachlan panted, fighting desperately to catch his breath. 

That was-
oh God

he swore again, lying heavily atop his wife

s back until she began to squirm in protest. 


He rolled off her and onto his side, although even that small movement was almost too much of an exertion for Lachlan

s exhausted body.  He thought that he could quite happily never move again, but the autumn night air was cold, and as their damp bodies began to cool he noticed that Muira was shivering slightly.


Muria, lass?

he whispered, crawling over her limp body and pressing a tender kiss against her cheek.



she sighed, still breathless, turning her head and smiling up at Lachlan dreamily.


Sleep now, darling,

he said huskily, chuckling when she instantly obeyed by closing her eyes. 

Not there,

he laughed.


I like it here,

Muira murmured. 

Or I would if you

d just come back and lie down beside me,

she purred, straining so that she could loop her arms around his neck. 


To Lachlan

s amusement she tugged on his body, but couldn

t get him to budge. 

Come here,

he grinned, scooping Muira into his arms, as if she weighed no more that a child

s rag-doll. 


He kicked his feet under the blankets and then pulled the covers up over both of them, sinking down into the pillows with a very contented sigh. 
This was worth it all
, he reasoned hazily, as his eyes drifted shut and he joined Muira in sated slumber,
whatever else happened, this was bliss.

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