A Bride Worth Billions (42 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Morgan

BOOK: A Bride Worth Billions
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“Kill me Mike. Take my heart. Get your key and save your home. You are the best part of me and I am happy that I got the chance to live my life. There is nothing more I need. I had you and that was all I really needed. “

Mike looked at me and before he could say something, the monitor started beeping very loudly. There was a flash of numerous lights and a siren of sorts started playing. There was too much commotion and Mike suddenly was muttering something in another language.

He immediately headed to the dashboard and started playing a few commands. I sat there, unaware of what was happening and I saw that the replica of his planet which was kept on the dashboard and was clouded in dark colors started shining.

After what seemed to be half an hour, Mike looked at me. He was both happy and sad.

“Sophia, you can go home. You don’t need to die. You can be with your parents, your friends and colleagues. You can go back to your own life. Your heart wasn’t the key. It was.

I mean, the key wasn’t the actual biological organ. It was the feelings in your heart. You had unadulterated and pure love in your heart which is a true quality of pure Skia blood. You loved me without demands. You didn’t ask for anything in return and the selfless love of the true Skia heart was the key to the portal. Look at that replica there and the shining lights. The black hole is gone. Your power was transmitted by my ship to the researchers who are constantly mentoring the energy from this ship.

Although, you know everything about us, it could be dangerous but you’re a part of us. I made sure, no one would harm you. You’re safe Sophia. You’re free. You can go home!”

He was so happy that my heart ached. He hadn’t realized so far that I would never go back home because he was the person I wanted to make a home with. However, I was happy that he got back his planet and I knew I would carry his memory with me for the rest of my life.

“Can I kiss you one last time?” he asked.

My heart hurt at the word ‘
’ and yet I knew that I might never meet this man again. I didn’t say yes but moved ahead and kissed him.

We didn’t touch or move. We just let our lips meet and lived the moment as if locking it in our memories to be played again and again. It was
our moment
. Some stories don’t end and ours would never end. We met momentarily, but the impact of the meeting was such that no matter what I did with my life, I knew there would be a part of me that would always belong to him.

As we broke the kiss, I cried and this time, he didn’t ask me why. He knew why I was crying, but I had to make an exit. The ship was needed back on Skia and so I quickly said my goodbye and started to leave.

“Eronio glimata Sophia.” He said these words and then handed me a letter. I had no clue when he wrote it down but I knew he had too many powers and he could have done it easily.

I took it in my hands and as I landed back on the same beach, the ship vanished in front of my eyes.

I opened the letter and started reading it.

“Eronio glimata Sophia.

You may not know what it means. It is the highest form of love which we feel at Skia. The place of the bright sun and the shining moon is known as Eclia. It is believed that you only visit the place when you find your true love and you want to be tied down to them. I hadn’t known I felt so strongly for you until the scene changed.

Until we meet again,

Eronio glimata, Sophia.

I love you, too.”

I kissed the letter and looked at the sky. A star fell and I just knew Mike was waving me a goodbye.

Eronio glimata, Mike.






We all have read those epic love stories – Snow White coming back to life after the magical kiss, Rapunzel being saved by her prince in shining armor and Jasmine finding her love in the most unexpected place.

But not every love story is a fairy tale.

There are some stories that start in the most unexpected places and end without a true lover’s kiss, with no goodbye, no last words. Although that doesn’t mean that they are any less important than those epic tales.

It is just a different side of love – the one that leaves you craving for more.

My story was one of that kind too! It started in a restaurant and didn’t really end.


It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and I decided to treat myself with some love. I, being a lonely city girl didn’t have a lot of friends. For me, a treat meant going to a lavish restaurant and eating as much as I could.

Yes, it might sound really depressing to go out and have a Sunday lunch at a lavish restaurant alone, but I have always found it fascinating. Right from the start, I didn’t have any friends. I was a misfit and couldn’t get along with people in my school or college. People often used to call me introvert or a wallflower.

Frankly, I never had any problem with that. I was happy being a wallflower, watching everything from a distance and often finding joy in the happiness of others. I am one of those people who cry at weddings, who cry while watching happy endings, who cry when I attend a baby shower, who cry while watching those romantic marriage proposals on YouTube. The reason is pretty simple! It is because I know that I am not going to have either of them. I have made solace with the fact that my life has come to a standstill. What I had is all that I am going to have! There would be no romantic proposals, no weddings, no happily ever after for me. I was living in my present, living my life as fast as I could and always trying to eat my dessert first. Because life is short and you can always order another dessert at the end (again!).

Just because I was alone, didn’t mean that I was depressed. I have always been the happiest person in the room. My lack of companionship and friends has never been the reason for my loneliness. I have always loved myself more than anyone else. A lot of time, I have been called selfish for having the same motto, but as I said, I have never really cared about what others have thought of me. It was never my concern.

“Are you expecting any company, ma’am?” the server asked. If I would have been any other girl, the question could have made me sad. The server knew and tried to ask the question in the most polite manner to avoid any unwanted situation.

“No. I am on my own!” I passed a smile and was ready to place my order.

“If you don’t mind, ma’am, can you sit on one of those single booths, made for people who eat alone. The view from the booth is really nice and you are going to love it,” he said and made a polite gesture. I gave him a disgusted look and lost my appetite. I was in no mood to sit at those booths. Yes, I looked at the setting and it seemed really pretty. Nevertheless, I found it a little rude.

“I am sorry, ma’am. I do not mean to sound rude. It is just that we have a long queue of people who are waiting. There would be no point in occupying two seats if you are… on your own,” he continued and I got his motive. If I would have been in his place, I might have done the same. He was just trying to do his job.

“It’s fine. I will go and sit at one of those booths!” I stood up and sat in the newly designed booths for “people like me!”

He pulled my chair and I looked at the beautiful city view. The collaboration of buildings looked beautiful. We were facing the Central Park and could see the limitless green grass, finding the end of its trail to the urban jungle of skyscrapers. It was both beautiful and sad, and I tried to find some happiness in the view, concentrating on the green grass and trees. There was only one other man who was sitting two seats away from me. I looked at him and realized that he was staring at the view too, without blinking his eyes. He was lost in his own thoughts.

He had light brown hair and sea green eyes. His skin was clear and had an unadulterated glow that radiated his luscious red lips. He was wearing a simple graphic tee that reads “Alien Invasion Coming Soon” and a pair of heavily washed denim jeans. He had beautiful curves and I could see the hours in the gym, he had spent to attain that flawless physique.

I didn’t realize how my innocent look converted to an awkward stare until I found him staring back at me. Our eyes met and a moment of silence was followed. We both realized that it was a little awkward and he passed a smile to make it all look better. I smiled back at him and blushed a little. He was extremely gorgeous and I tried to flirt a little with my eyes.

To my surprise, he stood up from his seat. For a moment, I thought that he found it awkward and decided to leave. But, I had a wide smile on my face when he came and sat right in front of me. I soon realized that I won’t be having that lunch alone anymore. The single booth wasn’t actually meant for all the lonely people. It was meant to fix people like me who would go out have their Sunday lunch alone.

“Hi! I am Brian!” he introduced himself and decided to take things further. “Nice to meet you, Brian. I am Paris.” I smiled back.

“Like the city?” he asked. I was used to that question. “Exactly!”

“Well, it’s a beautiful name, Paris.” I knew he was lying, but I liked the fact that he lied to me. “Have you ever been to Paris?” I knew that the question would come too. Everyone asked me the same set of question.

“No. My entire life, including my name is full of irony. My parents named me Paris because that is where they both met at the first time and decided to take the revenge through my name. I have never been to Paris, but would love to pay a visit someday,” I said looking at the faraway sky.

“I am sure, you will one day!” he said supporting my notion.

The server came to take our orders and passed a smile. I soon realized that he planned the entire thing up. I smiled back at him too to appreciate the gesture and gave out orders. I knew that it was going to be a great Sunday lunch. Having a romantic company was not a bad idea at all!

“So, tell me something about you, Paris!”

“What is it that you want to know?”

“Everything!” and with that reply I smiled out loud. I couldn’t imagine someone so flawless like Brian to be interested in me. But he was.

We started talking about each other’s lives – what we liked and what we didn’t. I didn’t realize how quickly time passed and kept on ordering some or other thing to keep it moving. We talked for some three hours when we realized we should move out of the restaurant, but definitely not out of each other’s life. The evening was just about to begin.

“Let’s go out for a walk, Paris!” he suggested and I gladly agreed.

“Where do you want to go?” he asked and I told him that going for a walk in the Central Park would be a great idea.

We started walking in the park and gazed at the beautiful skyline. It was almost perfect. Each and everything about that evening was close to perfection. Brian held my hand and we started walking down the tunnel that led to an artificially created lake at the park. To our surprise, there was almost no one in the park.

It was like time stood still and we could live an entire lifetime in that one moment. We thought of riding a boat in the lake. It didn’t seem like a very good idea, but we did it nevertheless. The sun was shining bright and I could sense how happy it was when its rays touched my skin and danced in liaison.

The ride was over and we thought of sitting on a bench, overlooking the entire city. It was like we could have the entire world to ourselves. I looked at his sea green eyes and could be lost in them forever. It was the first time in my life when I met an almost stranger like that and just knew that he would be the one for me.

Brian did some mysterious magic to my senses and made me believe in so many things. He made me believe in true lover’s kiss and happily ever after with just his look. I can’t describe how I used to feel when he would look at me as if I was his prized possession. I was already his soulmate.

It might sound strange, but sometimes you just know! And it was just like that with Brian. I just knew that he would be the one with whom I would be spending the rest of my life with. It was not a question. It was not a choice. It was exactly how it should be and I had no regret. I would have never imaged my life to turn out differently. I was with Brian and he was everything I needed.

“I need to tell you something, Paris,” he said in a serious tone and I realized he will soon tell me something that will make me regret my decision of trusting him blindly. I thought that he would tell me that he is married or is in a committed relationship with someone else. I thought that he would tell me that he is a ghost or a figment of my own imagination. There was a part of me who knew that something so flawless like Brian couldn’t be real.

“Tell me!” I said after thinking of every possible thing.

“I am not from your world,” he said and stopped for a while, letting me know to process the information. I thought of it but couldn’t really comprehend what I heard. I looked at him with a puzzled face and he realized that he would need to explain me everything in detail.

“I am not from Earth, Paris. I am from a land far away from your world, from your entire Galaxy. I came here with my ancestors to accomplish a mission – to know about human culture, the race, the technology, the communication and everything in between,” he said and explained me the reason behind his existence.

“Do you think I am mad, Brian? Do you think I will believe all this shit?” I asked him. I couldn’t believe he would say all those words to me with a serious face. I would have never believed his words, but then he did something which made me question every thought of mine.

“Trust me, Paris!” he said and tapped something on his wrist. I looked around and realized how time just seized. Everything around us stopped – fixed at one moment. The leaves of the oak tree that were floating in the atmosphere, the wind that was rushing through the trees, the water that was making circles around the lake, the kids who were playing different games and the football that was rolling towards us– everything was fixed at that moment. Whereas, it was only Brian and I who would move. I stood up to check if it was not a trick. I asked Brian to pinch me. It hurt. I wanted to make sure if I wasn’t dreaming.

It was not a dream, still everything around felt so unreal. I couldn’t imagine that Brian was able to stop time with just a single tap on his wrist. There was a strange device that Brian was wearing. I didn’t ask him much about it, as I didn’t want him to think of me as an intruder. He tapped the device again and everything started to move at the same pace.

“Do you believe me now?” he asked me and I had no other option than to nod.

“So, you are an alien?” I asked him. I had to know. I wanted to hear it from his mouth.

“Yes. I am an alien. But I also want to tell you that you have initiated a series of strange emotions in me. Maybe it is because I have been staying in your world for a very long time, but I am having these strong feelings for you. It is like I want to share the entire universe with you. I want to travel all those galaxies and lost planets with you. I want to kiss you madly at this moment and do not want this moment to go. I want to spend the whole life with you, Paris. But I do not know what does this feeling means? What is it, Paris? What do you call this strange sensation?” he looked into my eyes and defined his affection towards me.

“Love, Brian. We call this strange feeling as love,” I gave him an honest reply.

“I want to kiss you!” he added. “What is stopping you, Brian?” I said and couldn’t stop thinking about his tongue inside my mouth.

“But not like this!” he said, looking at the entire park. There were a few people in front of us and he wanted to keep our love making a private affair. I realized that he was not keen of public display of affection.

“Then do your magic!” I suggested and he smiled. He loved the fact that I called his science as magical and didn’t waste a second in tapping his device which once again halted everything around us.

No rules of science existed anymore. Everyone around us halted at that moment. The women who were walking on the sidewalk stopped at their fixed posture, the wind that was playing with my hair stopped. Brian touched my face and kissed me passionately. He bit my lower lip and our tongues collided with each other. I could taste a little piece of forever in my mouth. With that kiss, he promised me a lot – he promised me a lifetime of togetherness and the idea of eternal love.

He laid me down on the ground and the soft fabric of the grass roots welcomed me as a part of themselves. I could feel the dew drops on my legs and my shoulder. I took Brian’s shirt out to let him know that I wanted more. I wanted him to take me to the places I have never been to.

Brian threw his shirt away and I looked at his perfect body. If I were Brian, I would be shirtless all the time. I could see how amazingly each and every cut made him look even sexier. He was surely out of this world. He had to be – perfection like Brian couldn’t be found on Earth.

He wasted no time and unbuttoned my blouse. I was wearing a nude colored inner and I didn’t even realize how quickly his hands slipped near my back and took them away. He smiled after looking my breasts as if they were exactly how they imagined them to be. He pressed them gently to take a feel of it and bit the nipples hard. They were erected in no time and stood hard, waiting for him to do his magic. He licked the top of my nipples with his tongue and I felt an amazing sensation starting from my breasts, taking me to each and every part of the world.

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