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6: Treatment

While the patient may still feel overwhelmed by the event, he would be guided by the psychiatrist to recover from it. Hence, a series of therapy sessions are integral for the patient to return to his normal lifestyle.


Psychotherapy engages the patient in a healthy conversation with the psychiatrist. Known to be the most popular form of therapy, this is used for adults or children suffering from PTSD. Depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, psychotherapy can last for three or more months.

There are different types of psychotherapy. First, cognitive therapy involves talking to patient to make him realize his situation. Specifically, the psychiatrist wants to expose to the patient what exactly is keeping him stuck to his predicament. Alongside this, the patient should also utilize this period to open up about his emotions. Here, he is encouraged to reveal his inner thoughts and feelings for the psychiatrist to know how to effectively treat his problem. Of course, it can be difficult for the patient to do this. Hence, time would be essential for cognitive therapy. In fact, some psychiatrists would even spend more time building the patient’s trust. This would help in making the patient feel more comfortable. Eventually, he would slowly say more about the experience without feeling threatened.

Once the psychiatrist learns key details about the patient’s situation, he can proceed to exposure therapy. This empowers the patient by exposing him to stimuli that can be associated to the traumatic experience. However, the patient’s exposure would be done in safe environments. This is crucial for the individual to face his fears and let him cope with the stimulus. During this period, the doctor would assist the patient and talk to him as he engages in the stimulus. He would encourage the patient to think objectively and control his strong emotions toward the object.

For best results, the process is done slowly but surely. Loved ones of the patient are also encouraged to be present to serve as moral support. While physically bringing the patient to the stimulus can be challenging but effective, modern therapy has considered using virtual reality for this procedure. Here, the patient can re-enter a setting similar to the previous event through the assistance of a computer that generates the area.

Finally, EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is another popular method to help PTSD patients. The psychiatrist utilizes elements of cognitive therapy by assisting the patient’s eye movements. This is vital as the patient is able to process the terrifying memories and see how he can cope with the thoughts. According to research, concentrating on eye movement can help to calm the patient and reduce his stress levels.



While the patient is experiencing treatment, he too is encouraged to take medications to help improve the recurring PTSD symptoms. Antidepressants would respond to his anxiety and depression. These also help him improve his sleeping habits and concentration. On the other hand, anti-anxiety medications would reduce his feelings of stress and anxiety. Although these drugs are primarily focused on providing relief to the patient, abuse can happen and may trigger side-effects. Nausea, irritability, and other problems may surface if excessive amounts are consumed. Hence, it is best that the patient’s loved ones assist in his medication to avoid abuse.

Coping with PTSD

While the PTSD patient would have to endure weeks toward recovery, it is important that the people around him also participate in his recovery. In providing strength the patient, he would be encouraged to fight his condition and return to living a normal life. Hence, it is important to consider the following tips to further hasten to recovery process.

First of all, those around the individual should be patient and understand his condition. As PTSD recovery would take weeks or even months, the people around the patient must contribute to assisting his recovery rather than making it harder. They should understand the difficulty of the patient’s condition and find ways to make this period easier. Staying with the patient, listening to him, or just showing support would go a long way for his recovery.

If the patient still experiences PTSD symptoms, his loved ones can prepare the necessary medications and responses to such events. They can assist the patient by knowing what triggers his panic attacks. Knowing the items, dates, places, or people that can cause such problems should be taken into account. From there, the people concerned would be prepared to calm down the patient.

Furthermore, while the loved ones exert a lot of effort to help the patient, he may sometimes fail to see the purpose of these activities. In effect, he may appear apathetic or irritated. In these cases, the loved ones shouldn’t take these reactions personally. Rather, they should understand that these are effects of PTSD. Hence, they should just continue with their tasks.


Thank you again for downloading this book! 

I hope this book was able to help you know more about PTSD. 

Although the disorder can be challenging, proper knowledge about it is the key to effectively respond to it. Hence, through one’s efforts and the support of others, he can overcome PTSD and return to his healthy, normal lifestyle.

The next step is to apply the information in this book to help the person suffering from PTSD.

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I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book,
“Gluten-Free: 50+ Gluten-Free Recipes For Busy People On Budget!”

This book contains over 50 gluten-free recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even for snacks! Aside from that, you’ll have an insight on what gluten is and why some people need to go on a gluten-free diet.

Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!

 Copyright 2015 by Valerie Wright - All rights reserved.


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Table of Contents

1: Understanding Gluten

2: Gluten-Free Breakfast Recipes

1. Nutty Granola

2. Crispy Zucchini Pancakes

3. Berry Coco Flakes

4. Sautéed Zucchini

5. Cheesy Veggie Frittata

6. Avocado Omelet

7. Banana Muffin

8. Banana Pancakes

9. Buckwheat Pancakes

10. Fruity Quinoa

11. Coco Cornmeal

12. Amaranth Porridge

13. Buckwheat Porridge

3: Gluten-Free Lunch Recipes

1. Baked Broccoli Balls

2. Tangy Chicken

3. Pasta Zucchini

4. Arugula Salad

5. Quick ‘N Easy Quinoa

6. Rice Noodles

7. Chicken Apple Salad

8. Tofu Cabbage Cup

9. Easy Potato Salad

10. Egg Salad

11. Triple Beans Salad

12. Tangy Greek Salad

13. Soba Noodle Salad

4: Gluten-Free Dinner Recipes

1. Baked Chicken

2. Spiced Pork Chops

3. Chicken ‘N’ Broccoli

4. Beef Stir-Fry

5. Easy Baked Polenta

6. Cabbage Casserole

7. Fried Potatoes

8. Easy Hash Browns with Corned Beef

9. Mashed Potato Cakes

10. Cheesy Frittatas

11. Spiced Rice

12. Cabbage Rice Noodles

13. Sautéed Zucchini

5: Gluten-Free Snack Recipes

1. Almond Bars

2. Quinoa Bars

3. Mixed Seeds Bar

4. Sweet Toasted Pecans

5. Easy Trail Mix

6. Sweet Potato Fries

7. Apple Chips

8. Kale Chips

9. Roasted Cauliflower

10. Lemon Bars

11. Milky Banana

12. Caramelized Snack Mix


1: Understanding Gluten

Gluten is a protein found in grass-related grains such as wheat, rye, and barley. This protein is usually present in almost all bread products. It makes the dough more elastic and it helps the product rise and retain its shape. It is also the component which makes the product’s texture soft and chewy.

It is also added to other food products and acts a stabilizer. Gluten is the most common ingredient for making imitation meat products. In addition, it is commonly used in cosmetics and other dermatological and skincare products.

Eating foods that contain gluten is not recommended for people diagnosed with celiac disease. The disease triggers abnormalities in the digestion process which can cause adverse reactions such as bloating, vomiting, joint pains, migraines, and diarrhea. Celiac disease is not curable but it is manageable.

There are also people who do not have celiac disease but they are sensitive to gluten. Their gluten intolerance may cause allergies and other immunological responses. The effects of gluten are not life-threatening but they can disrupt bodily functions which may lead to long-term health issues.

To prevent complications of celiac disease and gluten intolerance, there is a need to control its symptoms. It can only be controlled by creatively changing one’s diet and avoiding foods that contain gluten. The switch to a gluten-free diet may be difficult in the beginning because of many restrictions. Nevertheless, a little creativity with the food choices can still create a delicious and balanced diet.

Allowed in the diet are naturally gluten-free foods such as fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, nuts, and seeds. Also allowed are gluten-free grains and starches such as corn, rice, quinoa, buckwheat, and amaranth. Foods that are not allowed are gluten-rich grains such as wheat, rye, and barley.

1. Nutty Granola




½ cup pecans

½ cup walnuts

1 cup almonds

½ cup coconut oil

½ cup honey

¼ teaspoon salt




Put all the ingredients in a food processor and process until a chunky paste is formed. Spread the mixture on a lightly oiled baking sheet and bake at 350 °F for about 15 minutes. Let the granola cool and then crumble it before serving.


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