A Bridge of Her Own (17 page)

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Authors: Carey Heywood

BOOK: A Bridge of Her Own
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Jane grinned and did a little shimmy in her seat.

“Do you want me to reply?” Lacey asked with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

“Do and die!” Jane replied, laughing.

They pulled up to their apartment. Jane was stressing over how to respond without coming off too eager.

Hey Gabe, sounds rad! – Jane.
Eww. No.

Hi Gabe.
I would love to get together. Love, Jane.
Too strong.

Gabe, yes.
Probably too short.

This is hard, Jane thought. She finally settled with “Hi, Gabe. That sounds fun. When were you thinking?” Send.

Then Jane began stalking her messages status to see if he had responded. Jane and Lacey both jumped when her phone rang.

“Is that Gabe? Lacey asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t recognize the number,” Jane said. She shrugged her shoulders and answered “Hello? Oh hi, Wyatt.”

Lacey’s mouth dropped open. Jane waved her off and walked into the kitchen. She spoke to him for a couple of minutes, said good-bye, and came back into the living room.

“So…” Lacey began. “Did you give Wyatt your number earlier?”

“Nope,” Jane replied. “My mother gave it to him.”

“What did he want?” Lacey encouraged.

“He wanted to see if I would meet him for coffee,” Jane said, looking at her feet.

“Hm.” was all Lacey said in response.

“It’s no big deal,” Jane started feeling defensive.
“Just coffee.”

Lacey kept her lips firmly shut and nodded.

Jane hmphed and threw a sofa pillow at her, which startled Ronald and made him jump which cracked her up.

“Alright, alright,” Lacey began. “Just don’t turn into a pod person this time.”

Jane nodded. She was still processing the recent events. Ronald gave them both what only could be described as a withering glare and went upstairs.

“Look, Lace,” Jane began after composing herself. “I really do not know what Wyatt’s motive is for reaching out to me. He may just want to be friends.”

At this, Lacey started mock banging her head on the coffee table.

“Thing is,” Jane continued, pointedly ignoring her. “I have no interest in getting back together with Wyatt.”

Lacey smiled at this but still did not look convinced. “So why are you going?” Lacey countered.

“Honestly, I’m curious,” Jane said. “He was a big part of my life.”

Lacey rolled her eyes, and changing the subject, said, “Did Gabe text back?”

Jane jumped for her phone. “Let me check. He did! It says, ‘sweet. How does Wednesday sound?’ That’s so far away," Jane pouted.

“Oh hush, dork,” Lacey laughed. “It’s only four days away.”

“Alright, alright,” Jane smiled. “It’ll give me time to get my nails done. Should I meet him out or let him pick me up here?”

“What, scared he’s a mass murderer posing as a middle school teacher?” Lacey grinned. “What’s his last name? Let’s Google him.”

Do you think there would be anything out there?” Jane asked. “I feel like this is invading his privacy.”

Lacey was not going to be put off. Opening her laptop, she demanded “Last name!”

“Fine! Dixon.” Jane said, sitting down next to her on the sofa and watching Lacey enter his name into the search engine.

“Probably not the musician.
Or the plumber.” Lacey laughed. “There seem to be a lot people named Gabe Dixon.” She re-entered the search including city and state. “I think we have a hit. There’s an article about a local teacher…blah blah. A local teacher Gabe Dixon received a commendation with his class for surpassing a fundraising goal for a local charity. There’s a picture!”

Jane grabbed the laptop from Lacey.
“How cute! It’s him with his class.”

“Yes, very cute.
Grabby mcgrab-grab!” Lacey fussed at her. “I think it’s safe to let him pick you up here.”

Jane texted him back her info and a confirmation that Wednesday night would work.

“I’m so bummed I didn’t meet a yummy guy too,” Lacey pouted.

“Didn’t you think Gabe’s friend Matt was cute?” Jane asked.

“I guess, but he didn’t ask for my number so what does it matter?”

“Do you want me to get it from Gabe?” Jane questioned.

“Oh hell no. I am not desperate. So what’s the game plan for tonight?” Lacey asked hopefully.

“No way.
We were out way too late last night. I am taking it easy for the rest of the weekend,” Jane replied.

“Boo! I
wanna meet a boy,” Lacey whined.

“Plus, I have to meet Wyatt for coffee tomorrow,” Jane said.

“Ugh, come on. Please!” Lacey hugged Jane’s arm and gave her best impression of a pitiful look, which came off looking more constipated than anything else.

Either way it worked. Jane laughed and said, “Fine but only two drinks.”

Lacey jumped up, yelling, “I love you, I love you, and I’m hitting the shower first,” and dashed out of the room.

“Don’t use all of the hot water,” Jane called after her.

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips. Then she sat down in the living room. She shook her head trying to wrap her brain around the last twenty-four hours. Plans with two guys in the next week. Crazy, she thought.

“All yours,” Lacey shouted from the hallway.

Jane showered and threw on a cute top and jeans. Lacey got decked out in a short skirt, sequined top, and boots.

“So where are we going?” Jane asked.

“No jeans!” Lacey replied. “Get your cute butt back into your room and change.”

“Ugh, come on. I want to wear jeans,” Jane grumbled.

“If you must…” Lacey said, scrunching her nose.

“Yes, I must.” Jane confirmed. “And since we are not staying out all night again, let’s move it,” She propelled Lacey to the door.

“Ok. Tonight’s mission is to find me a hottie,” Lacey grinned.

Wanna go to a sports bar? Lots of boys there,” Jane asked.

“Great idea.
Let’s go!”

They headed to a popular local bar. There must have been a big game on because the place was packed. They made their way inside and learned their college team was playing.

“Sweet!” Jane said, and they grabbed a table and ordered drinks.

They were definitely getting checked out by some guys, but since the game was close, it was getting more attention than Lacey wanted.

“This blows. When’s halftime?” Lacey moaned.

“Hush, it’s soon. Look at the screen. There are only like two minutes left.” Jane replied.

At halftime, a couple of guys came over. “So, who are you cheering for?” one asked.

“Rams all the way,” Lacey grinned. “We both went there.”

“Hey, stranger,” Jane heard behind her. She turned.

“No way!” she smiled.
“Hey, Gabe.”

He gave her a big hug and gave the guy who was standing on the other side of her a “move along” look. Jane felt her heart race, feeling his arms around her. He felt fit and warm or maybe it was just her because, Lord, it suddenly felt hot in there. They both laughed when they realized the hug should probably be over by now. Jane blushed and smiled up at him.

“Are you following me?” Gabe teased.

We got here first,” Jane countered.

I’ve been here for awhile,” Gabe smiled. “And I definitely would have noticed if you were here. Come on. There’s a whole group of us sitting over there.”

Jane looked at Lacey.

“Sure,” Lacey said, picking up their drinks.

Gabe took Jane’s hand, at which she mentally screamed, and led her to his table with Lacey following. Once there, they recognized a couple of guys from the previous evening.

“So you went to VCU?” Gabe asked as they sat.

Where did you go?” Jane replied. Gabe pointed to the opposing team.

“Mason? No way. We’re rivals. I may have to cancel our date,” Jane joked.

“Oh, I see how it is. How about a friendly wager?”

“What did you have in mind?” Jane asked.

He mischievously rubbed his hands together. “Loser bakes winner dinner tomorrow night?”

“Deal, but I’m a terrible cook”

“It’s okay. I’ll take my chances.”

At this point Gabe’s friend Matt walked over.

“Hey, Jane! Gabe has been talking about you nonstop since last night.”

Jane looked up at Gabe, who looked pretty red and punched Matt in the shoulder.

“Thanks, Matt. Anything else you want to embarrass me with?”

"Where to start?”
Matt smiled.

“Matt was just leaving,” Gabe said, pushing him towards the other end of the table. Gabe turned back to Jane, grimacing “He loves to give me a hard time.”

Jane laughed. “It was pretty funny. You got pretty red. Plus, you didn’t even notice that three-pointer. I’m wondering what you’ll be cooking me for dinner.”

“I’m picking up a competitive vibe here. So, on the off chance you
win, what would you like for dinner?” Gabe asked.

“Oh, anything would be fine,” Jane said, blushing.

At that, they turned and watched the game. Jane kept sneaking glances at Gabe. The lighting was so much better here than the previous night. He was really cute. He was about six feet tall and had a solid, lanky build. He had short, brown hair that sat in a carefree style. Not too much gel, if any. He had a scruffy three o’clock shadow, so she guessed he had not shaved today.

He was wearing hiking sneakers, dark wash jeans, and a black polo. She went to sneak another peek and caught him doing the same thing. She looked away quickly and bit her lip. Gabe chuckled and cleared his throat. Jane met his eyes, trying her best innocent expression. They both started laughing.

“So,” Gabe said, catching his breath. “Can I get you another one?” He gestured towards her drink.

“Sure!” Lacey boomed, draping her arm around Jane. “I’d love another. Get one for Jane, too, while you’re at it.”

“Lacey!” Jane turned towards her and whisper-shouted.

“It’s cool Jane. I’ll be right back.” Gabe smiled and headed towards the bar.

“Some pretty good-looking guys here tonight,” Lacey said, sitting down. “It’s crazy that we ran into Gabe. I think you’re going to owe me big time, sistah.”

“Guess what?” Jane gushed. “We have a bet going on the game. Loser makes dinner tomorrow night. That means we’ll be seeing each other three nights in a row!”

“Yikes. Do I need to be looking for a new roommate?” Lacey joked.

“Shut up. It’s just really exciting right now,” Jane replied.

“Shh. He’s coming back,” Lacey whispered.

Gabe set the drinks down, and Lacey grabbed hers and blew him a kiss and headed towards a group of guys playing a golf arcade game.

“Oh, watch this,” Jane said, pointing towards Lacey. “She is a total, well, whatever the equivalent of a pool shark for this game is.”

The guys had parted to let Lacey have a turn. She set down her drink and very daintily crushed all of their high scores. A collective “whoa” rose from the group.

“Ah, thanks, guys,” Lacey said as she picked her drink back up, patted one guy on the stomach, and headed back towards Jane.

Someone in the group called out, “Best two out of three?” Lacey winked at Jane and turned around. Jane turned back to Gabe, laughing and raised her brow at him as he seemed to appraise her.

“Yes?” she asked.

“”You two seem very different to be friends,” he said.

”It’s always been like that,” Jane began. “We met freshman year. We shared a dorm, and the rest is history. I’ve always been a bit shy, and Lacey doesn’t have a shy bone in her body. We kinda balance each other out. She gets me out of my shell, and I help her embrace moderation. Speaking of moderation, we were supposed to leave one drink ago, but I can’t miss how the game ends now.”

“Looks like I’m up,” Gabe said, tapping the table.

“Not for long,” Jane teased.

“So, I never asked what you went to school for,” Gabe replied. “You work for an accountant, right?”

She nodded

“Did you study business?”

“Nope. I was an Art History major,” Jane grimaced. “Maybe someday I’ll work in a museum, but until then, I’m just happy to pay the bills.”

“Very cool,” Gabe said. “I took some art history classes in college, and seeing as how I ended up a history teacher, I am a fan."

A large whoop sounded all around them as Jane’s team took the lead.

“Not looking good for you,” Jane whispered in Gabe’s ear.

Before she sat back up, he turned his face towards hers. With their noses almost touching, Jane held her breath as Gabe looked deeply into her eyes.

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