A Change of Heart (50 page)

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Authors: Nancy Frederick

BOOK: A Change of Heart
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Annabeth dabbed at her eyes, then smiled at Doug who was watching her.
She read the tenderness and love on his face, and squeezed his hand tightly.

"You were as beautiful as a bride could be," she told Sally later as they mingled among the guests.

Sally hugged her mother.
"Oh Mom.
Thanks for everything."

"Thank you.
You and Laurel are my heart and my life."

"Ah, Mom!"
Sally hugged Annabeth, squeezing her tightly.

Hugh walked over then, hugged his new daughter-in-law, and said, "How about a dance with the mother of the bride?"

Annabeth stepped into Hugh's arms and they danced briefly until Maggie, in a pink satin dress, walked over.

"I knew it!" she exclaimed.

Hearing the tone of her voice, Annabeth and Hugh stopped dancing and the three walked toward a more quiet corner of the room.
"Knew what?" they both asked.

"That you would want Hugh back."

"What?" said Annabeth incredulously.

"Want me back?" asked Hugh, "Did I miss something?"

"Hugh was supposed to be your boyfriend and I stole him.
And now that you don't have a husband you want him back."

"Are you crazy?" asked Annabeth, then looking toward Hugh, "Not that you're not…I mean….
Is this what you've been so mad about all this time?"

Hugh looked back and forth between his wife and Annabeth, but said nothing.

Maggie nodded.

Annabeth shook her head.
"Do you know me at all?
We were friends for years, decades, and you don't know me at all.
You think I'd try to steal my best friend's husband?
You take what you want, Maggie, not me."

Maggie blushed, hearing these words.

"And what--you think I'm some object that can be stolen, not a person who chooses?"
Hugh looked at his wife, trying to feign anger, but he actually looked quite flattered at her jealousy and fear of losing him.

"Oh, God I'm sorry.
I don't know what I was thinking.
Will you forgive me?"

Annabeth nodded.
"Yes of course.
Next time why don't you say something instead of seething for half a year."
All this agony over some crazy idea.
Now they could be friends again, but…no it would never be the same…they could be friendly though…yes they could be that.

Maggie laughed and was about to say something when R.J. walked over.

"Dance, Annabeth?"

Not wanting to accept, but knowing she could not refuse Annabeth moved into R.J.'s arms.
Amazingly, she didn't feel anything any more.
No longing.
Not even nostalgia.

"You look beautiful.
As beautiful as Sally."

"Thank you."
R.J. pulled her closer, and Annabeth noticed the sour smell on his breath.
Had he always smelled like this?
She couldn't remember.

"It's over with Linna.
I been such a fool.
I went back there after the divorce, looked around, wondered what am I doin' there.
She's this kid.
You were right.
Mid-life crisis.
I was gonna dump her when she ups and dumps me.
Old boyfriend, little Cody's father, you know."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm gonna make it all up to you.
Gonna make it better than ever.
This can be a good thing, really, needed a kind of a shakeup, something to wake us both up, guess this is it."

Annabeth, stunned by what she was hearing, listened as R.J. talked.
Occasionally she would begin to speak but he never stopped long enough to allow her a comment.

"We had something, right from when we were kids.
Travel, you wanna travel, well I always wanted to travel, you know I did.
Travelin' was always my idea.
And there's money now, plenty of money, well you know all about that."
R.J. chuckled hoarsely, as though her were very clever indeed to jest about something so serious.
"I'm gonna come back tonight, right after the wedding, start makin' it up to you…."

"Stop it R.J., just stop.
We're divorced.
It's over.
You can't make anything up to me.
Why don't you just try to make a few things up to your daughters."

"You can't mean that.
You love me.
Always have."

"I loved you.
I don't any more."
She had loved him, but now it seemed like a lifetime ago.

"You can't just quit lovin' me."
He looked into her eyes imploringly, "We had a lotta good times."

Annabeth returned his gaze briefly, then slipped out of his grasp and walked away, through the crowd of friends and family.
The room was filled with music and laughter, conversation and merriment, the sounds of life being lived and celebrated, the joy of continuity, of family, of new beginnings and young people taking up the threads of life and weaving into the grand fabric their own arabesque.

Annabeth looked all around at the people in her life, people she'd loved so long and so well, and she sighed for all that had passed and for all the future yet to live.
Look at my girls, both so wonderful, such successes.
Being a mother…seeing them…so proud…so wonderful…mothering…success.
And me…less than a year….
Imagine if R.J. hadn't left.
Seemed like a crisis, a cataclysm…really the best thing could have happened to me.
All I did…so few months…my work…work of my own…being independent…something of my own…strong…that I could be so strong…success.
Finding Doug…my own true love…success.
The best time of my life, even with all the pain….
Now…now is the best…very best…better than a dream…more than I ever imagined…more than I could ever have wished for…the best.

She spotted him then, standing straight, and watching her, his eyes a reflection of all the emotions that had been so transparent on her face.
Doug smiled at her, and she saw in his eyes understanding, and recognition. Whatever she might think or feel, he would be there, open, ready to share it all with her.
Hurry, faster, hurry her heart sang, and in an instant she was by his side.
Doug reached for Annabeth's hand and together they walked onto the dance floor.


If you enjoyed this book, consider checking Nancy Frederick's other works, such as
Touring the Afterlife

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