A Christmas Surprise (3 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Downs

BOOK: A Christmas Surprise
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The man’s hair was still as unfashionably trimmed as always with not a hint to top thinning. He did detect a few strands of gray at the temple, such as he himself had. It wasn’t from old age, as in his case also, but from an offspring who lived for danger.

Somerset was a man who lived the lonely life of a widower, his wife having passed nine months before, mere weeks before Christmas. His only son was home from the war in Spain recovering from battlefield injuries. It was that individual who was part of the reason this meeting had been called.

Taking a final step forward, Simon cleared his throat, evoking the appropriate reaction from his friend, who set down the newsprint.

“Somerset, old friend, it is great to see you. You are looking well,” Simon said as he extended his hand.

“Thank you. So do you, Carlisle,” Kenneth replied accepting the hand.

Simon slipped into the high-backed, leather chair opposite. “So, what do you think about our offspring?” he started in, never one to mince words.

“If it works out it will be wonderful. I do not think we could have planned a better match if we tried. How does Eleanor feel about it, any idea?” Kenneth responded as he signaled for a steward.

Simon waited to reply until after sustenance had been ordered.

“If she knows anything about it she has not mentioned it to me, so I do not believe she is aware of the
between the two,” he said, once the steward had left.

“By the by, how is the charming duchess. I would have thought to see her this trip.”

“You just missed them.”

Kenneth raised a questioning brow at the response.

“With the Season over until the Small Season in the fall, Eleanor hied it home with Aleece, who was invited to a house party. We had already planned to visit my estate in Scotland so the duchess will not be accompanying her.”

“That would not be the one being held at the Earl of Whitchurch’s estate which his daughter organized?”

“Why yes,” Simon started but stopped when their meal was set before them. Once again free of prying ears he continued, “How did you know? Wait, let me guess, Thomas received the same invitation?”

With a mouthful of food all Kenneth could do was nod.

The rest of the meal continued in a comfortable silence, with neither man wanting to disturb the other as they feasting on poached Dover Sole, parsley potatoes, and asparagus covered with Sauce Béarnaise.

Once the dishes were removed and various cheeses and fruits were set before them, they resumed their discussion.

Kenneth picked up the conversation where they’d left off. “Well, I say that it is interesting that the two will be attending. I wonder if they might be caught in a compromising situation, not that I would wish it on anyone.”

“That, sir, I seriously doubt. Eleanor is sending Debbi, Aleece’s maid as chaperone. You remember the girl, don’t you?”

“Yes. I wish Thomas had had someone to play with growing up, but the other boys were either too old or to young,” Kenneth replied with a slight sadness to his voice.

“And speaking of him, my people noted most curiously that he chose not to stay at the ancestral townhouse while here. Do you have any idea why that might have been?”

“Yes, one of his Guards friends has an apartment at The Albany. As he explained the reason to me it actually makes sense. If the matchmaking mommas saw or knew he was staying at the house they would know he was my son. And he, like you and I did, chooses to marry for love,” Kenneth said, popping a grape in his mouth.

“So that explains why he is known around as Mr. Thomas. Smart, that young man of yours.”

“Yes. And he says he attended Cambridge and was injured in an accident with his horse. Makes no reference to being in the Guards. Let me tell you when the matchmaking mammas and their hoard of featherbrain offspring find out he has been hiding in plain sight, heads will roll. That I will love to see, as long as neither of our children are hurt.”

“I am in total agreement with you.”

Over the next several minutes, the old friends caught up on what was going on in their lives. They also promised each not to interfere with their children’s budding romance.

After brandy was shared and plans to meet again were toasted to, they said their goodbyes at the steps of White’s, promising to keep in touch.

Chapter Five


“Come in Aleece,” Eleanor said in response to a knock on her private sitting room door.

“Yes mother?”

She waved her daughter to a chair and waited for her to settle herself.

“Before we inform Debbi she will be acting as your companion for the Whitchurch house party there is something you need to be made aware of.”

Eleanor let her words sink in before continuing. “The reason your father and I wanted her to receive most of the same training as you is because of whom her mother was.”

“A countess, yes Mother. I’ve known for several years but didn’t say anything because I knew you’d tell her and me when the time was right.”

Stunned Aleece knew the truth, Eleanor rubbed her hands together as she tried to collect her thoughts.

“I am not going to ask how you found out only to say thank you for keeping it to yourself. For her safety, and now is not the time to go into why, her true identity must remain a secret.

“That I can understand and agree with you. So the reason to have her accompany me is to start introducing her into society. With this house party being small it will be a good way to begin.”

“Yes, that was our thoughts entirely. Now, shall we tell Debbi she is going as your companion?” Eleanor rang the tea bell and in a moment Mrs. Linna arrived.

“Please ask Debbi to join us for tea.”

“Yes, Your Grace.”


Lady Aleece wanted to laugh at the surprised expression on Debbi’s face. The duchess having only a short time ago informed her she was going to act as chaperone during the house party.

“It’s all right, Debbi, mother and I spoke with the countess and she doesn’t have any problem with you attending in that capacity,” Aleece said, giving her maid and confidante a hug.

“But what about the other guests? They know I’m a lady’s maid. If they see me with you instead of going about my duties, there’ll be talk. At the house parties I’ve gone to as your lady’s maid I’ve seen the things that go on. Oh, I’m not talking about the kissing and sneaking around at night, but the games and such. I just know I wouldn’t fit in. Please, Your Grace, can’t someone else be her chaperone?” Debbi pleaded.

“Debbi, everything will be fine. If there is something you don’t or can’t do, there’s no reason you couldn’t sit out that activity. Right, Mother?”

“Yes, darling,” Eleanor said, then turned to the still distraught girl. “And that also includes taking your meals with the guests. I know over the years Aleece has schooled you in the finer arts of formal dining, but you haven’t had to put the skills to the test.”

“You can always beg off and take your meals with the staff if that would make you more comfortable. Better still, have a tray sent to the room we’ll be sharing,” Aleece said.

Aleece was pleased that the hurdle had been successfully surmounted when she saw Debbi nod.

“But all I have are the gray lady’s maid outfits. Nothing nearly fancy enough to wear or be seen in,” Debbi announced.

“Ah, but that is where you are very wrong. You have a closet full. Do not forget you and my daughter are the same size, so you will be able to wear some of her dresses and such,” the duchess announced with a satisfied smile.

Aleece took Debbi by the arm and started to leave only to halt at the door. She leaned over to her and whispered, “And if anyone is disrespectful of you they will answer to me.” She glanced back to see if her mother heard. The smile and wink she got told her yes. Then in a slightly louder voice, “Remind me to pack my sabre.”

“Do not you dare take that thing. It is too unladylike,” the duchess declared.

“I was only teasing, Mother. I’m sure the earl has one I can borrow if need be.” With that the two ladies departed.

The next morning, after breaking their fast, Aleece and Debbi were handed up into the carriage for the four-hour drive to the Earl of Whitchurch’s estate.

“Debbi, I’m jealous of you in that traveling dress. I love it, but with your coloring, it seems to suit you so much better,” Aleece announced as she settled herself on the seat.

“Thank you, m’ lady. Did you see the look the footman gave me when I came out? I’ve never seen such an expression on a man before. It made me feel truly strange.”

“How so?” Aleece inquired with a raised brow.

“I know this will sound odd, but I truly don’t think he saw me as me, your lady’s maid, but as a gentlewoman. But I’m sure you get that a lot when men glance at you.”

Aleece couldn’t help but laugh at the observation. Once calmed she said, “Then get used to the looks and stares from the men, not to mention the glares of jealousy from the ladies at the house party. Without a doubt you will be the most fetching guest.”

“Oh no, m’ lady, it will be you who will turn heads.” She dipped her eyes down. “At least with one particular gentleman, if I’m not mistaken.”

“Yes.” Then Aleece said, “Last night after dinner, at which you were wonderful, Mother and I discussed how I should introduce you. Calling you my lady’s maid won’t work, so we — Mama actually — suggested to have you presented as my companion. This way you won’t feel out of place.”

“As you wish,” Debbi responded, as she worried her bottom lip with her teeth.

Aleece took a deep breath, knowing the next bit of information wouldn’t sit well with the nervous girl.

“And, Debbi, I’m sure you won’t be comfortable, but instead of referring to me, in public at least, as m’ lady, I would prefer either Lady Aleece or just Aleece. This way we can maintain the ruse.”

Over the next several hours, with a stop at a tavern for their noon meal, Aleece filled Debbi in on the types of events most likely to be held over the course of the party.

Having received from Susan the list of attendees, Aleece talked about the guests. This way Debbi would know which men in particular to watch out for and whom, besides Mr. Thomas, she could trust.

She barely finished and tucked the sheet of paper in her reticule when their carriage turned onto the long sweeping drive leading to the Whitchurch mansion.

Aleece noticed the panic-stricken look in Debbi’s eyes. Leaning over, she patted the girl on the hand. “You’ll do fine. Don’t forget we practically grew up together.”

“You’re right on that point, Aleece,” Debbi said nervously.

Minutes later the carriage came to a halt in front of the steps of the Earl of Whitchurch’s manor.

“One last thing, John Coachman and the outriders have been threatened with discharge if they leak that you are my lady’s maid and not my companion.” Aleece barely got the words out when the coach door opened, revealing not the footman who would normal attend this duty.

“Why, Mr. Thomas, what a pleasant surprise. Have you taken a posting here?” Aleece teased, surprised to see he was already at the party.

“The only position I’m taking here is to make sure you have an enjoyable time, dear lady,” he said, assisting her from the carriage.

Once she was comfortably set on the cobbled forecourt, he turned back to aid Debbi out.

“And who might this delightful creature be? I’m afraid we haven’t been introduced,” he wistfully said, bowing over her hand.

“You know who this is.” Aleece leaned over and whispered as she noticed footmen from the manor came to collect the trunks. She then straightened and said, “This is Miss Debbi Overstreet, my traveling companion and chaperone for the week.”

Again Mr. Thomas bowed over her hand. “Miss Overstreet, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

From behind them a squeal caused everyone to turn toward the noise, only to see Susan running down the steps to them.

“Oh, Aleece, I’m so happy you’re here. Now the party can really begin.” She paused and looked to Debbi, whom she already knew. “And this must be the darling Miss Overstreet you wrote me about.”

Susan stepped over to the frightened girl and embraced her as one would a sister.

“You’re everything Aleece said you were, and I know we’re going to become bosom bows in no time.”

“Thank you, Lady Susan,” Debbi nervously whispered. This was the first time she had addressed a family member of title by their Christian name as Aleece had told her.

“Now, we must get you two settled so you can have a chance to freshen,” Susan said.

Together, linked arm in arm, the three women glided to the stone steps only to halt when a deep growl stopped them.

Aleece glanced over her shoulder at the sad puppy dog face Mr. Thomas exhibited.

“Well, you can come also,” Aleece spoke, then wondered exactly how far he’d follow her.

She smiled as with skilled ease he took her arm and settled her hand on his sleeve.

“Yes, much better. Don’t you agree, my Aleece?”

Chapter Six


As they strolled across the entryway to the main staircase Aleece stopped to greet several friends. At each occasion, she introduced Debbi and was pleased when after the first gentleman was presented to the poor girl she relaxed.

With Susan in the lead and Mr. Thomas bringing up the rear, they ascended the treads to the first floor, where some of the guest rooms were located. As they glided past room after room, Aleece suddenly knew which of the suites was theirs. The same she and her mother used when they came to visit.

At the entrance to the room, they would occupy during the house party Aleece halted, turned, and gave him a raised brow look.

“And exactly where do you think you’re going?” she inquired.


“Now that you’ve done your duty to see us to our rooms, why don’t you join the other gentlemen, wherever they are, and we will join you soon,” she said in a tone that brooked no argument.

“Until later,” Mr. Thomas said as he bowed to the ladies.

Once free, not that she wanted to be, she glanced over at Debbi. “Your room is through there. I’m sure you’ll find it quite comfortable,” Aleece said, pointing to one of two heavy paneled oak doors.

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