A Christmas Surprise (6 page)

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Authors: Lindsay Downs

BOOK: A Christmas Surprise
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“My dear Aleece, you take my breath away with your beauty,” he said as he bowed over her hand.

“Why thank you, kind sir,” she replied, recovering from her curtsey. She then added, noticing someone missing, “And where is Lord Sidbury? You two seem to always be together when we appear.”

“Right behind you.”

Aleece turned and would have tripped over the gown’s hem had it not been for the quick hands of Mr. Thomas grasping her around the waist.

Crushed against his powerful chest, she breathed in the heavenly scent of sandalwood soap, which was quickly becoming her favorite fragrance. She knew, or at least suspected, the rose-hinted perfume of hers was his preference.

“Not that I want to release you, but I must, for it seems several people have started to stare at us,” he whispered, setting her on her feet.

“If you must.” Even she heard the disappointment in her voice, causing her face to warm.

Settling her hand on his forearm, he then covered it with his other, and they descended the last of the stairs.

As they stood in line waiting to be announced to the assembled crush of guests, of which many were from the surrounding estates, neither could keep their eyes off the other.

“My darling Mr. Thomas, I’m so wishing this party could go on forever,” Aleece quietly said, giving his arm a gentle squeeze.

“As do I, my dear. But we both know that sometimes even love must step aside for duty. We’ll exchange letters between now and when you return to London for the Small Season.”

“Will you…” She stopped as they stepped forward to be presented to the guests.

“Lady Aleece Taylor escorted by Mr. Thomas,” the butler announced.

As with balls of the past, no sooner had they staked claim to a choice spot than individuals and couples started to congregate around Aleece. Gentlemen asking for a dance and ladies complimenting her on the gown and ogling her Mr. Thomas.

Having released his arm so she could greet friends, old and new, Aleece realized that had been a mistake. Several matrons, she plainly noticed, were flirting openly with him, to the point of making him uncomfortable.

When all hope seemed to be lost, the musicians began the first strains of a slow waltz. Even though not currently accepted as a dance at Almack’s, it had infiltrated into polite society by way of house parties.

Aleece prayed he would be able to partner with her, considering his leg injury. She lightly tapped him to get his attention. A questioning raised brow was all the coaxing needed.

“Lady Aleece, I do believe this is our dance?” he said, extending his arm for her to take.

“Yes, I do believe you’re correct, sir,” she replied gracefully.

In two steps they were on the floor, and he twirled her into his arms, making her laugh.

“What’s so funny, imp?”

Aleece paused in answering, she wanted to enjoy the feeling of how well they fit together.

“You. Watching you trying to deal with those two women who definitely had things other than dancing on their minds.”

“Yes, how well I was aware of their intentions. Never have I been so glad to see a questioning look before. Your timing was impeccable.”

“I happened to catch the look one of those ladies gave me for rescuing you. Needless to say, I’m surprised her face doesn’t freeze in that position,” Aleece commented as he swept her through a turn at the far end of the ballroom.

When he stumbled slightly she lifted her chin and gazed at his face only to see the slenderest hint of distress revealed in it. “Is the dance causing you discomfort? If so, we can bow out.”

“Nothing that your tender ministrations couldn’t remedy,” he whispered.

Her face heated, wondering if he meant what she thought. “Maybe later if it’s possible. The best I can bestow on you would be a kiss,” she said softly, not wanting anyone to overhear.

As the music came to an end, Aleece gave him a curtsey and then accepted the proffered hand to raise her. Settling her hand to his sleeve, they returned to their group, happy to note the two harridans were nowhere in sight.

“I’d wager they went off in search of easier prey,” Mr. Thomas said in a low voice.

The rest of the evening passed pleasantly in comfortable conversation with friends and promises to have another house party soon.

At the midnight buffet they chose a small round table so as to enjoy the last few private moments they’d have until late fall.

It was arranged that the first dance after dinner would be a waltz. What surprised Aleece was when, without a hint, Mr. Thomas led her onto the dance floor.

When safely ensconced in his arms, she let a pleasurable sigh slip from between her lips.

“I’m so glad you’re happy, darling,” he said in a hushed voice.

“When you hold me I am. But I fear tomorrow will be another story as we separate,” Aleece bemoaned.

“Yes, but only for a few short months,” he said, in an attempt to lift her spirits.

The dance ended with them at the side where the French doors were opened to let in the comfortably cool night air. With a shared glance, they slipped out. Surveying the near empty veranda , Aleece warmed as she let Mr. Thomas lead her to a darkened corner of the terrace.

Wrapping her arms around his neck she brought his lips to hers, open and accepting his tongue before he asked.

They were so well hidden, even the distant sound of couples strolling on the flags didn’t dissuade them from enjoying each other.

A near-by cough alerted them to the presence of a possible on-looker. Breaking the kiss, Aleece glanced around Mr. Thomas to see Debbi standing just outside the darkened corner they’d chosen. Beside her was Lord Sidbury, his arm draped around Debbi’s waist.

“Our presence is requested inside. It would seem the earl wishes to bestow some sort of award upon the four of us.”

Rapidly Aleece shook out her gown, then with Mr. Thomas at her side, the four returned to the ball.

Chapter Ten


London-Several months later

From the side of the ballroom Thomas watched as Lady Aleece curtsied to her dance partner before rejoining her group of friends. With another glance around the room to make sure he recognized no one, he pushed off the wall and crossed to her.

With military precision, he made his approach from her blind side. He positioned himself behind a tall potted plant so he could overhear the animated conversation she was having with one of the gentlemen in her circle.

“M’ lord, answer me this if you would be so kind.”


From past experience and in the letters shared since last they’d been in each other’s company, he suspected his Lady Aleece wasn’t going to be asking about the weather or the latest fashion plates.

“Why are you not in favor of relieving the colonials of sailors who are British?”

Mr. Thomas watched as Lord Stevenson’s mouth dropped open in shock at such a question. In several letters between them this very topic had arisen to which he had replied in agreement with her.

“Lady Aleece, I don’t believe this is a proper topic for a lady of breeding to be discussing. It’s better left to men who are more familiar with the subject. Ladies should only concern themselves with more genteel subjects.”

“Such as the weather, or what flowers we should have in our gardens, or who is stepping out with whom? Or what colors will be in vogue for the coming Season?”

He was pleased to hear that several in the group laughed or tittered at her comment as he knew Aleece preferred to have people surround her who spoke their mind and didn’t shy away from sensitive subjects.

Mr. Thomas swallowed a laugh, not wanting to give away he was hiding so near.

He watched as a decidedly nervous Lord Stevenson fidgeted with the lapels of his evening coat.

“Yes, m’ lady, those would be more appropriate topics of discussion. Now if you’ll excuse me, I believe a waltz is about to start, and I promised the dance to another.”

Having arrived in London that morning and not up on the social scene, as it were, he smiled when the first strains of a waltz started to be played. This was the one dance he was able to perform without causing undo stress to his injured leg. From the corner of his eye, he noticed a young buck intent on stealing away his Aleece make his way toward her.

Not wanting to risk losing her to this upstart, he stepped out from his place of concealment and with a bow said, “M’ lady, I do believe you saved this waltz for me?”

He noticed Aleece fidget with her fan, not sure what to say or do. Not giving her a chance to fully collect her thoughts, he offered his arm to escort her to the dance floor.

As her gloved hand touched his arm, he watched as a smile brightened her eyes.

“I do believe you are correct, good sir.”

“To answer your unasked question, I arrived this afternoon and my sources told me this was the ball worth attending, as such I suspected I’d find you here,” he said in a soft voice, not wanting to bring to much attention to himself.

“Yes, but I wasn’t expecting you for several more days,” she replied as he swept her around a corner.

“After I posted my last letter, I suddenly realized the posts weren’t giving me the joy I desired, so I rushed here to be with you.”

“I’m glad you decided to come earlier than planned. I’ve only got a few more days in London before returning to the country. If you’d have arrived as the letter said we might well have been as a pair of star-crossed lovers.”

“Then, I say we make the best of the time we have together,” he whispered.

“I have a tea tomorrow but can make my excuses and meet you for a walk, if you desire. I know it’s not very private, but with most of the
leaving for their country estates, The Mall shouldn’t be busy.”

“We could also step out on the veranda for a few moments?”

“Mr. Thomas, now really, do you think that’s appropriate?”

“Yes,” he answered back.

“Besides, it’s cold out there, and I’m acting as Debbi’s chaperone tonight,” she countered as the music came to a halt.

“Ah, well then we can’t be sneaking off, set a bad example for your charge. How’s she doing by the by? Making any progress with Sidbury?”

“From what I understand I do believe he’s about to offer for her. She told me in confidence that even if he was to, she’d refuse until I’m settled,” she responded after accepting his hand to raise her from the curtsey.

He started to return Aleece when a hand descended on his shoulder. Glancing back to see who it was he came face to face with the Duke of Carlisle.

“Your Grace,” he immediately said, giving the duke an appropriate bow.

“Father, I didn’t know you and mother planned to attend. May I present Mr. Thomas?”

“It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir.” The duke paused as he looked over the man. “Sir, have we met before? I have a good memory for faces, and you look familiar.”

“I fear not, Your Grace. This is my first venture into society. For the past several years I’ve been on my father’s estate learning the ropes, so to speak.”

“Ah well, that explains it then. I am sorry, but I must steal away my daughter. The duchess has run into someone Lady Aleece must become acquainted with, a gentleman of title. So, if you will excuse us,” Simon declared.

“Certainly, Your Grace,” he said with a bow before he turned to Aleece. “Thank you for the dance. I hope to see you again.” He brushed his lips across her delicately gloved knuckles, bowed to the duke, and watched them disappear into the crowd.

Once he could no longer see even the top of his love’s head, he turned and started for the refreshment room. He’d planned on returning to his apartment but thought better of it, praying for a chance of another dance with Aleece.

Stepping into the room, he glanced at the tables set with silver platters of lobster patties, cold meats, and assorted other foodstuffs. Collecting a plate from one of the footmen, he started to pile foods on when he spied his friend, Jeff, who came over to greet him.

“Thomas, I didn’t know you were in town? Are you staying at the mansion on Mayfair?” Jeff said in a hushed voice.

“Yes, I got in this afternoon and had to see Aleece. I knew she’d be here.”


“Yes, we got a chance to talk and took in a waltz before her father appeared. Before you even think of asking, no. He doesn’t recognize me, so my secret’s safe for now. Aleece and I plan to meet tomorrow afternoon.”

Thomas guided his friend to a corner table so they could talk privately.

“You remember Twiglets.” He returned Jeff’s smile when he mentioned the man. “He’s got an apartment at The Albany and said I could use it whenever I’m in town. As he put it, ‘to escape the matchmaking mammas’. When I come down, that’s where I stay.”

“Good. Anyways, I’m glad I ran into you. When I was at White’s this afternoon, I couldn’t help but overhear several gentlemen talking about the newest stake in the betting book.”

“What does it have to do with me? No one knows I’m here.”

“Seems these chaps have set a wager as to who will claim your Lady Aleece as their bride.”

So incensed at what Jeff said, it was all Thomas could do to hold his temper and not fling his plate across the room.

“Thomas, I know you’re upset over the news. If I was to hazard a guess, none of them will offer for her, and I do believe you heard the reason earlier.”

“You mean—”

“Yes,” Jeff interrupted. “Your Aleece tends to rankle their feathers. None of them want a wife as set and strong-willed as she is, which is exactly what you’re looking for. So, there might be hope for you yet.”

A willingness to speak her mind even if others disagreed with not only the point she wanted to make but how vehemently she would fight for her position was what he’d always sought in a wife, much like his mother. He needed to find out was how Aleece interacted with estate workers. If he was to hazard a guess she’d be helpful and caring.

“I’m aware, but in offering to her parents for Aleece’s hand, I first have to tell her who I really am.”

“You’d better do something quickly. There’s a rumor, if Aleece isn’t married off by the annual Holly Hall Christmas Ball, her father will arrange the marriage to someone, and she’ll have to live with it.”

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