A Christmas Tail (11 page)

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Authors: Trinity Blacio

BOOK: A Christmas Tail
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“I’m sorry but we aren’t allowed to tell our mates before...  It only happens when we are truly...” she squirmed in his lap and tried to pull back, but he held onto her, pulling her closer.

“Go on, finish it,” he told her.

“Well, as you have figured out, my mother comes from a very powerful family and to control this gift the women of our family need...” she shook her head and sighed, as he released her chin. “We need men that are strong enough to control the cat and our gifts. As you have seen, I can teleport to different places, but they must be close by. I can’t travel say from here to the United States. We are born with gifts for our men, if they are truly ours. We don’t know what we give, it all depends on the man.”

He ran his finger down her cheek and she looked down. “Look at me kitten,” when she glanced up, he smiled. “In other words the females in your family need and crave a man who is gentle, but can master you? Am I your Master, kitten?”

“You know you are,” she whispered, and he nodded.

“Let me get you cleaned up and we’ll get out of this room. You need to eat, and if I’m not mistaken, Orion has ordered our dinner?” he said, looking at Orion, who nodded.

“Room service had just left when her gift hit us,” he smiled and she giggled. “We’re lucky this is a hotel for our kind, but I bet everyone below us heard your roar,” he stated and Barry knew he was right. He’d have to apologize later when they left the room.

Grabbing the sponge on the corner of the tub, he lifted their kitten up and turned her around. “Bend over and grab the side of the tub so you don’t fall. I want to clean you.” Barry stood and stepped out of the tub, grabbing the body wash. “When I’m down washing you, I will be cleaning you and inserting a water mixture into your butt, kitten. I want you to hold it in for as long as you can. I’ll set you on the toilet when I’m done. Tonight we will be stretching and working your body. I’m sure Davis has already mentioned fisting to you? It’s a powerful feeling, from what I’ve been told.” He stopped washing her and reached around her, turning on the shower, and then he got back into the tub and joined her under the water.

“Has any of what we have done scared you or hurt you tonight?” he asked in her ear as he reached around her and slid his hand over her pussy.

“No, well it was scary when Davis used the candy cane. It was different.” She said leaning against him as he slid two fingers into her pussy. In and out of her as she rested her head against his chest.

“I can’t wait to watch Orion and Davis both make love to you at the same time. Did you know soon both of them will be squeezed into this pussy loving you together while I take your ass?” She shivered at his words and moaned as a small orgasm rushed over her.

“That’s it, baby, come for me,” he whispered. As soon as the tremors stopped, he pulled his fingers out of her and lifted her out of the tub, drying her before turning her back to the tub. “Grab hold of the edge of the tub and keep your legs apart. Do not push out, hold this in you as long as you can, kitten,” Barry ordered as Davis handed him the bottle with a long nozzle on it.

It only took a few seconds to fill her, but her little whimpers tugged at his hear as he helped her onto the toilet. Davis stepped up and put her new silk nightshirt that they had gotten for her over her head. Barry knew the red color would bring out the blue of her eyes and that her light skin would look like cream.

“Did you see the mark on your back?” Davis asked as Barry went to the shelf under the sink pulling out a butt plug and gel.

“No, but I felt the burn. It’s her marking us.” Barry glanced at Betsy in the mirror where she met his gaze and nodded.

“It’s also the family’s mark. You are the family patriarch like Isaac, you will carry the power to take care of us.” She turned a little red and he knew she had released what they had put in her.

“You are fine, kitten. I didn’t think you’d hold it in as long as you did. Stay there for a little bit and let your body finish the cleansing process,” Barry said and moved to the door, hearing her whimper.

“Shh, I’m here, we’re not leaving you alone, kitten,” Davis whispered and Barry knew he would take care of her while he checked in with Isaac.

It’s a powerful thing, isn’t it, carrying the gift and power to destroy so easily?”
Isaac said as he moved into the living room taking the glass of water Orion handed him.

Yes it is. Any news on the search for the children?” H
e asked, throwing open the doors and stepping outside. Even though he wore no clothes, the cold didn’t even faze him as he drank his water, needing it.

We are close. They found where they were originally left as infants, but they are older now and were moved to another home. We have also heard Drang is searching for Betsy. He’s already killed two of our men and ten humans, so be ready. Warn Orion’s brothers and Zanger. We’ll be there in a couple of hours. How is her heat cycle going?”

“We are handling it, it’s not too bad right now, but I believe she’s still a little scared to really let go on us after all that she has survived. I’m hopeful by tonight our kitten will release those fears. As for Drang, I get tired of this cat and mouse game. Maybe it’s time to draw him out?”
Barry took another drink of his water when he felt her small hand on his other arm.

“Are you coming to eat with us?” Betsy asked, looking up at him. “What’s wrong?” She asked sensing his mood.

“Nothing for you to worry about. You shouldn’t be out here dressed like. You’ll get sick,” he swung her up in his arms and moved back into the room as Orion shut the doors behind him. “You shouldn’t have let her go outside,” he scolded Davis and Orion who both bowed their heads to him.

“It’s not their fault. They were busy getting our dinner ready,” Betsy said patting his chest. “I’m fine. I don’t get sick often.” She frowned as if trying to remember. “I think the last time I got sick was over six years ago. A girl I was living with got the flu and I ended up with it. Worse thing in the world.” She shivered as he placed her into a seat at the table.

“Don’t even want to remember that week,” she mumbled as Orion placed a plate of food in front of her.

“Eat it all, kitten, you hardly ate enough earlier,” Barry ordered sitting next to her as Orion and Davis took the other two chairs.

“Tell me what Isaac had to say, please,” she glanced up at him and he smiled.

“You are a smart kitten, but we will have dinner without worrying about anything.” Barry pointed to her plate and she sighed.

“Fine, but after dinner I want to know what’s going on,” she grumbled and started to dig into her food, all the while squirming in her seat. He looked over at Davis and Orion and each of them knew she was close to her cycle. Her scent had him hard as a rock, the cat inside wanted to mount her from behind and claim her, but he held back eating and watching her squirm.

Small beads of sweat started to form on the side of her face, her hands trembled to the point Betsy dropped her fork and jumped up. “I can’t take this, it hurts,” she cried looking at him.

He scooted his chair back and held out his arms. “Come here, kitten.” She waited but a second before moving into his arms and started to climb on him when he stopped her. “No kitten,” he stood and took her over to the back of the sofa. “Lean over kitten and spread those legs.” He tapped her butt and she whimpered.

“Davis, the butt plug please,” he said squeezing her butt cheeks, slapping one, then the other as he watched her juices roll down her leg. “She’s in her cycle, boys. It’s time. Orion, get the nipple clamps and put them on her.”

Her little whimper only had him smiling, as he slapped her butt again and pushed a finger into her pussy. “Barry!” she cried.

“No kitten, I want hear ‘Master’ out of your mouth tonight, because tonight we’ll show you what you have missed.” He stepped back and allowed Davis to put the plug in as Orion put the pinching nipple clamps on her. “I’m thinking we need to get a paddle just for her. What do you think Davis? Do you think she could handle it?”

smiled and worked the plug in. but Betsy scooted away, earning a slap from Davis. “Hold still kitten, you can take this.” Davis slid the butt plug all the way in and stepped aside, grabbing the lube and putting it on the table.

“I agree, tomorrow or when we go out we’ll get one. Hold onto her shoulders Orion while I give her what she needs.” Barry grabbed onto her hips and thrust his cock into her, making her cry out.

“More!” she actually growled, which brought out his cat.

“Easy kitten, you don’t want to go there,” he snarled and she turned her head around and looked at him. Her cat eyes stared at him.

“Yes we do,” she challenged, shoving back onto his cock.

“Davis, work the butt plug, Orion give her your cock in that mouth.” He snapped taking control of the situation. His thrusts become faster and harder as he spanked her butt cheeks and Davis trust the plug in and out of her butt. Within minutes she was screaming and coming as was he.

By tonight she would carry their child or children. Barry pulled out and she moaned, already moving around, needing more. “Take her to the bedroom. Davis put yourself in her pussy, Orion you get to break that ass in,” Barry stated, taking a drink of water before following them into the bedroom.

For the next hour, each of them made love to her, but still her Heat was on her, hard. She was near exhaustion, but still needed more. “Davis, strap her legs back, it’s time to give her a bit more.”

Davis smiled from ear to ear and he laughed. One thing Davis had dreamed of was fisting his woman, giving her the ultimate orgasm. “Make sure you cover the bed first. We have to sleep there.” Barry said as he took a seat at the side of the bed in one of the lounge chairs.

“Let me,” Orion asked, kneeling before him, staring at his cock.

“Suck me, Orion,” he said and laughed when Orion covered his cock with his mouth.




Betsy was out of control. She watched Orion suck Barry and growled, wanting to join them, but that was not about to happen as Davis strapped her down. Her legs were open and bent back to give him plenty of access to her pussy. The bed was covered in plastic as Davis climbed onto it and licking her before kneeling between her legs.

“If you can, I want you to relax. You don’t have to do anything. I will do it all.” Davis pushed three fingers into her and she snarled.

“More.” Which earned her a smack to her pussy, shocking and exciting her.

“Add a small flogger for her pussy to the list. Our kitten is dripping here,” Davis announced and slapped her again before sliding four fingers into her, stretching her. “I can see your little nub. It’s all swollen and needing attention, but not now. No, now we’re going to play with that special spot inside you.” He lay down on the bed, his head close to her pussy, as he slid his fingers out and slowly worked his whole hand inside her.

Her breath caught so full, but when he started to push on that special spot, Betsy shook her head. Something was happening again and this time the pressure was too much. “No stop. I have to pee,” she lifted her head up and he smiled.

“No, you don’t,” he said and stroked the spot twice more before pushing down on it.

“Davis!” she screamed, the orgasm so different and powerful, but wet. “What did you do?” she cried watching in horror as it seemed her bladder had released a gusher. Water or whatever it was squirted out of her, covering Davis.

“Again,” he said and she shook her head not wanting to, but she had no choice as he pushed down on the spot again. By the time Betsy could focus again, Orion had picked her up and was once more taking her into the bathroom.

He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “Time to get cleaned up while Davis cleans the bed.”

“I’m so embarrassed. Why did he do that?” she cried, making him stop and frown down at her.

“Oh kitten, you didn’t pee. That was a woman’s ejaculation. Sort of like what a man does. Didn’t you see Davis licking it up as fast as he could?” Orion moved out of the way as Davis came in and leaned down, tapping her nose.

“And believe me, I wouldn’t be licking up you urine,” Davis winked at her and she shook her head.

“I’m so out of my league with you guys. I feel stupid sometimes.” She said earning a growl behind them.

Barry moved up next to Orion, pushing Davis out of the way. “Don’t ever say that again. You are one of the smartest people we know. Just because you don’t know much about sex, does not mean you are stupid. It’s our pleasure to teach you, to watch you unravel.” He leaned down and sucked her sensitive nipple into his mouth. “Hurry up and wash her before the next wave hits. I want her to eat before that happens.”

Barry turned and left the room with Davis right behind him while Orion placed her in the tub and turned on the shower, getting in behind her. “Barry is right. Never think you are stupid, little kitten. You’ve had a rough life and it’s our pleasure to teach you.” He took the soap and gently washed her quickly, then himself, before turning off the water, getting out of the tub, and helping her out.

She would have fallen flat on her face as her foot hit the rim of the tub, but Orion was there to catch her. “Son of a bitch, that hurts,” Betsy cussed, tears coming to her eyes as her ankle throbbed.

At once, Orion lifted her into his arms and moved into the bedroom to set her down on the lounge. “Let me see?” Orion ordered but gently took her foot into his hand.

“What happened?” Both Davis and Barry came in moving to her.

“She tripped over the metal part in the tub and twisted her ankle. She would have fallen on her face if I hadn’t caught her. I knew that metal part was dangerous.” Orion snarled and she smiled.

“Orion I’m fine. It’s just me being a klutz. I’m sure it will be fine in a little while.” She tried to reassure him, but it was Barry who went into the bathroom and stood there, studying the tub.

“You’re right. That tub is dangerous. It’s too high for her and that metal part is sharp too. Did she cut herself?” Barry asked, coming back out.

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