A Christmas Tail (13 page)

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Authors: Trinity Blacio

BOOK: A Christmas Tail
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“Do you think someone else was working with Drang?” Barry asked knowing it was highly possible. The scent of the demons that had attacked Orion a few years ago had been on the man that had been holding Betsy.

“You and I both know it, but I don’t think that it’s the manager. He does know something, though. Not to worry, I’ll find out what,” Zanger said as Davis headed toward he elevator door.

“No need, I’ll be right back,” Davis said and slid into the box. His gaze hit his and Barry knew Davis was furious and needed to do this thing.

He nodded, “
Be careful my weru, if you get hurt I’m going to kick your butt. Oh, and try not to make a mess like last time,”
Barry ordered and Davis laughed.

“That wasn’t my fault and you know it.”

Shaking his head, Barry turned to Orion. “Did you recognize the scent?” Barry moved to the other sofa next to them.

“Yes. They are here in London,” he stated trying not to react with a now sleeping Betsy in his arms. “She was exhausted. I had to put her to sleep.” Orion looked at him and he nodded.





Betsy opened her eyes and knew she was in Barry’s arms in what appeared to be a massive bed. Davis and Orion lay next to them. It was daytime from what she could see from the bed. Her throat was still a little tender and she had to pee badly. She lifted her head and looked up to see Barry smiling down at her.

“Bathroom?” he asked and she nodded.

His arms tightened on her and they flashed to the bathroom without waking Orion or Davis. “Do your business, you’ll find a toothbrush and paste on the counter also.” He tweaked her nose and allowed her to stand.

She sighed, her ankle now completely healed. “I’m like you now, right? Davis completed the transformation?” she asked twirling her finger for him to turn around. She sure wasn’t going to go pee with him watching.

He laughed and turned around. “I’ve seen every part of your body. Why be embarrassed?”

“Not embarrassed just can’t pee when someone is watching over me, that’s all,” she grumbled and he stiffened.

“Don’t say it you know who. Fine if it upsets you so much turn around, but if I can’t pee, I’m going to hit you,” she mumbled and he laughed turning around.

“And I will make sure we get that paddle today while we are out,” he purred.

“So our little kitten is misbehaving already?” Davis said coming to the door and stepping into the bathroom. “If you’ll excuse me I need a shower.”

She stiffened and turned to glare at Davis. “Who’s been hanging on you?” Betsy got up, flushing the toilet and moving in closer to Davis to smell him. At once Nella was there in the forefront clawing to get out to hunt the bitch that had touched him.

“You didn’t shower before coming to bed?” Barry growled and grabbed her, holding her back. “Easy kitten, Davis had to pay a visit to the manager of the hotel and his girlfriend happened to be there. We needed to know what they were up to.”

“I was exhausted by the time I got back, I’m sorry kitten all that happened was a blood exchange so I could tell what they were doing” he raised his hand to touch her, but she backed away.

“You won’t touch me with her scent on you.” Betsy slid out of Barry’s arms and moved to the counter to brush her teeth, but kept her gaze on Davis, who frowned at her.

“Fine,” he moved into the tub and shut the shower doors.

“You hurt him, kitten,” Barry said coming up behind her and rubbing her shoulders.

“And he hurt me. What would you do if I came to bed smelling of another man?” At once his fingers tightened on her shoulders and his eyes seemed to have flames in them as he stared at her. “He’d be dead and then I’d beat your ass with your paddle.” He growled and she nodded.

“Well that is how I feel. Fine, he went and did what he had to, but he could have showered before coming to our bed.” She knew he heard the hurt in her voice as did Davis as he stepped soaking wet out of the shower to stare at her.

“I promise, kitten, it won’t happen again. I’m sorry.” He held his arms open and she spit out her toothpaste and rinsed her mouth before moving into Davis’ arms, not caring that he was all wet.

“Please don’t do it again, it hurt.” She kissed his chest and felt his cock against her stomach getting hard. “Love me Davis, now,” she whispered as he lifted her and lowered her down on his cock.

“Wrap your legs around me, kitten,” he ordered and backed her up against the wall as Barry leaned against the counter, watching. He pumped his cock while reaching for the gel. “Don’t move. I want her ass.” Covering his cock in lube, Barry moved to her backside, as Davis turned, opening her butt cheeks for him.

“That’s it kitten, hold on, we’ll take care of that morning need.” Barry slid his cock in one thrust filling her as Davis pulled out. She did nothing but lean against Barry chest as both of her men pumped in and out of her until Orion showed up and lowered his head to her breast and slid his hand down, finding her nub, playing with it.

“You’re ours kitten, we don’t want or need anyone else,” Barry said as Davis leaned down and sank his fangs into one breast, he struck her neck while Orion took the other breast. She screamed as the orgasm rolled over her and didn’t stop as they thrust in and out of her.

Orion’s wicked fingers grabbed onto her clit and pinched, making her buck as he raised his head, licking to seal the holes in her. “Again,” he ordered and her body responded. She couldn’t think or move as both men filled her with their seed. Davis pulled out of her, but Barry held onto her, stepping into the shower as he slid out of her.

“Time to clean you, kitten.” He turned on the cold water making her scream and jump back.

“You pom...” the words died in her mouth when he looked at her.

“One smack kitten, let’s see how many we’ll get out of you today shall we?” he grinned and turned the water to warm, pulling her back into it and cleaning her. “We’ll have breakfast and then we’ll meet your sister and her mates downstairs in the lobby. Time to do some serious shopping, my kitten, and the first place we’re going is the adult shop right around the corner.” He nipped her shoulder as he slid a finger into her pussy and left it there. “No underwear either. Orion has left out the clothes you will wear. I want to be able to come up behind you and touch you anyway I want, is that clear?” he asked in his Master’s voice, making her melt and whimper.

“Good, now grab onto the door. I can’t leave you needing,” he said right before he slid his cock into her, lifting her up on her toes with the force of it.

God, how she loved when he went all powerful on her. It was quick and hard, but Betsy loved it as she cried out again and another powerful orgasm rolled over her. Behind her, Barry grunted and released his seed in her.

She rested her forehead on the cool shower door. “I think I’ve become a sex maniac,” Betsy mumbled and Barry laughed, slapping her butt.

“No kitten, it’s the bonding and you are still ovulating, but this will stop soon. You scent is safe to go outside now. You won’t affect others. Come, breakfast is waiting for us.” He picked her up and set her on the floor of the tub.

“You’re really going to lift me every time I get in the tub?” she teased grabbing a towel, but he took it away from her, drying her.

“Yes. You will not fall again. It’s our responsibility to keep you healthy, safe and loved.” He stood and nodded to the bedroom where a dress had been placed on the bed. It was red and there were green thigh highs with red knee high boots. “Thought we would get in the Christmas spirit while we’re shopping.” He led her into the bedroom and helped her get dressed.

“Do I get a choice in what I wear at all?” She asked staring in the full-length mirror. Betsy had to admit the dress was classy, but also sexy, hugging her body and giving a glimpse of her breasts. “I do love the dress, but what if I want to wear a pair of jeans or something?” she glanced up at Barry who stood behind her, his gaze traveled up and down her body.

“It pleases us to dress you, but if there is a day you want or need to wear something else, just tell us. I hope in time we will be able to read your needs before you even know what you desire.” He reached over to the dresser and grabbed the brush. “I thought you would want to be in something simple while you try on the clothes you need to buy. I love your hair. You will not cut it?” he asked but almost made a demand.

She laughed and turned to him, cocking her head to the side. “If you wear those black pants you were wearing the day I first met you?” Betsy asked and he laughed.

“Done, and what would you like to see Orion in?” Orion stepped into the room wearing black jeans and a black silk shirt with the first three buttons open.

“Um, he’s fine.” She could feel the wetness between her legs and she moaned. “Let’s eat breakfast,” she groaned and both men laughed.

In the living area, Betsy stopped and shook her head. “I’m doomed, that’s all there is.” She grumbled taking in Davis and Zanger. Davis was in a pair of dress black pants and a red silk shirt. Hell even Zander was hot in his black leather pants...  “Ow,” she jumped and turned to glare at Barry who swatted her. “What was that for?”

“You don’t need to be looking at other men. Now sit,” he snarled and Zander laughed, coming over to her.

“Don’t worry Betsy, you can stare all you want,” he teased earning growls from all three of her men.

She shook her head and sat down. “You are just asking for trouble and I for one don’t want any part of it, but...” she smiled and checked him out again.

“Kitten!” Barry grabbed a hold of her hair and pulled her head back, staring down at her. “Stop!”

“I was going to say Opal would really appreciate him.” She laughed, seeing the light spark in his eyes.

He released her hair and glanced at Zanger. “You’re right, he might be perfect for her. Someone who wouldn’t fall for his charm so fast.”

Zanger frowned and sat down at the table as Rhodes came into the room with his two other brothers. “Who is this Opal?” He sat down next to Zanger and instantly Betsy knew these two were meant to be together. The heat that smoldered when they looked at each other had her squirming in her seat as she took a bite of her bacon.

“Okay you two, cut it out.” She waved her hand towards the spare room she knew Zander stayed in. “If you’re going to get all steamy here, go to your room Zander. I want to see my sister.”

Barry glanced from Rhodes and Zander with surprise. “Really?” he asked and Rhodes snatched up a piece of bacon. “He is part of my family, but we are still working out who is
?” he grumbled and Zander grunted.

“You know who is
and the sooner you accept it, the better things will be.” Zander took a drink of his orange juice when Orion burst out laughing.

“Congrats my brother, at least you will know what it’s like to be mated to a demon,” Orion’s voice dropped as he glanced at Barry.

“Damn it, I’m never going to leave this room!’ she grumbled and stood staring at Orion who laughed and bent over lifting her up over his shoulder, slapping her bare ass.

“Come on Davis, let’s give our woman some loving,” Orion called out, heading back into the bedroom. “Barry, keep her food warm, will you? We won’t be long,” he shouted, the door shutting behind Davis.




Chapter Nine


Barry stood behind Betsy as she hugged her sister in the lobby of the hotel. The manager stared at them, frowning at Davis, but he ignored him and instead stood talking to Rhodes about their protection as they walked out of the hotel. All eyes turned to Lacey and Betsy when Lacey squealed seeing her choker for the first time.

“My god, it’s beautiful, but are you sure?” Lacey asked, staring back at Barry.

He smiled and ran his hand over Betsy’s back down to her ass, squeezing it and making her jump. She laughed and swatted at his hands. “I’m sure, Lacey. They complete me, it’s like they were the missing pieces in my soul even though it will take time for me to get used to dealing with living with someone, let alone depending on them.”

“Well, then I’m happy for you and I hear you’re going to have some little ones coming soon,” she teased wrapping her arm around her sister and heading towards the front door.

“Oh no, you don’t,” Isaac said stepping in front of her. “You know better than to walk out there without us.” Isaac snapped and nodded to two of the guards. Isaac, Anthony and Dan moved in front of them while they followed behind them heading to their first stop, the adult shop.

Barry couldn’t wait to see Betsy’s face when she walked into the store. But before they even got out of the lobby, Betsy stopped frowning and slowly did a complete circle, looking around. “Kitten is something wrong?” He asked on alert as was Orion and Davis.

Isaac, Anthony moved back and also searched, but they saw nothing. “My cat feels something. It’s weird, like someone is watching us, but not dangerous, curious.” She shook her head. “No Nella, that can’t be right.” Betsy said and again looked around.

“What?” Barry wrapped his arm around her and stared down into her face. “Tell us.”

“Nella said whoever is watching is blood. Barry there are no others, my father killed them all, unless it’s him?” she shivered and looked over at Lacey, who was snarling and ready to turn into her cat.

“Easy Lacey you know it’s not your father,” Isaac said yanking her back into his body as Barry did the same to Betsy.

Holding her tight against him he could feel her shake. “Whoever it was is gone, but it’s so weird and scary. Why would Nella tell me it’s family and non-threating if the only family...  Mandy or Jordon?” Betsy spun around to look up at him. “Do you think the children are on the street and heard about us?”

Barry glanced up at Isaac who shook his head. “We don’t know yet kitten, but we’ll find out. Maybe this person will follow us shopping. Will you allow me to talk with Nella?” he asked, not wanting to intrude but needing to know what she knew.

“Go ahead, I want to know.” Betsy turned to Lacey. “Could our father have other children running around? I mean he fucked anything that walked when he had me.”

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