A Complicated Summer of Love (Complicated Love Series #3) (4 page)

BOOK: A Complicated Summer of Love (Complicated Love Series #3)
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“Let’s make a toast.” He raises his glass and I smile before lifting mine. “To a lovely evening in each other’s company.”

It’s a simple, sweet toast and I love it. We clink our glasses together and take a sip.

“So are you enjoying being here on this beautiful island? I think Annabelle has picked a fantastic place to holiday.”

I take another sip before replying. “Yeah, it’s so lovely here. I don’t think I want to go home. I think Annabelle did extremely well choosing. She never even told me where we were going and I’m her best friend!”

“Yeah, she was good at keeping it to herself that’s for sure. Even Joshua never told me we were coming to the Maldives.” Our meals arrive and it looks really delicious. I take a bite and I have to stop myself from moaning out loud, so instead, I close my eyes and savor the tasty chicken.

“It’s good, isn’t it?” I look up and see Karl staring at me. He has his classic smirk written all over his face. “The look on your face told me you were really enjoying it.” I blush and I must have given him the reaction he wanted because he smiles wide. I love his gorgeous eyes, and I could just stare into them all day long.

We continue our meal in silence and we just enjoy being here together. This day has been incredible and it takes me back to how I felt after Universal Studios. I love him so much, and I’m not so sure I can deny the fact that we are meant to be together anymore.

Would it be such a bad thing?

I don’t know, but maybe I’m wrong for thinking that we are going to end up like my parents. We spend three hours in the restaurant just talking and watching all the fish and sharks swimming around. No one seemed to mind that we were still there. We’ve drunk two and a half bottles of champagne while relaxing in this beautiful environment, and I definitely have a slight buzz going on.

After we finish the rest of the champagne, Karl walks me back to the water bungalows and I’m incredibly nervous because if he kisses me then I’m not sure whether I’ll be able to stop it going any further.

We arrive at my bungalow and I don’t see anyone else around. I’m not sure if Maddison and Lily are inside or not. Before I have a chance to thank Karl he pulls me to him and crushes his lips to mine. My arms instinctively go around his neck and it must be the green light Karl needed to pull me close to his body. I bite his bottom lip and he groans before plunging his tongue into my mouth. This is a hungry, demanding kiss that’s making me so hot and wet between my legs.

“God, I’ve wanted to do this since I saw you at the airport,” he says as his keeps his lips close to mine. “I want you so much, beautiful.” He grabs my ass and squeezes.

“Karl…” He continues to attack my mouth and I’m having trouble thinking with the slight buzz from the alcohol and the hot and heavy make out session we’re having now. “Karl, we have to stop…”

“Baby, I want you so fucking much. I need you now.”

“I know me too, but we have an issue.” He looks confused. “My roommates, Lily and Maddison.” He seems to realize what I’m saying and he smirks.

“Well, we could always give them a show.” He winks and reels me back in, so I’m pressed against his chest. I giggle at his suggestion.

“Karl, be serious. I’m sorry, but we can’t.” He pulls a pouty face and then gives me a peck on the lips.

“Fine…leave it with me.”

I’m not sure what he means, but he kisses me again before spinning around and leaving me standing there watching his retreating form. I sigh, and I can feel my heart beating wildly. I don’t understand what he meant by that last comment, but I’m so glad we had this day together. I don’t know if I can fight the pull between us anymore. I want him and I love him so much that this can’t be a bad thing? I sigh again before making my way inside. I know I won’t get much sleep because this day is on repeat in my mind, and it’s all I can think about.


I find Annabelle sitting on a rock, on the beach, staring out to sea. I have been running around all day looking for her because when I checked the beach earlier, she wasn’t there. I can see she’s been crying, but I’m not sure why. I make my way over to her and I know she knows that I’m here because she glances at me from the corner of her eye, but she doesn’t acknowledge my presence.

“Baby?” I don’t know what to say because I have no idea what’s wrong. I’m sort of shitting myself, wondering whether she’s found something out or I’ve done something wrong.

She can’t honestly know, can she?

I don’t think so, but I need to get to the bottom of this and fast. “Please talk to me, and tell me what I’ve done.”

She wipes her cheeks and eyes before turning around to face me and plasters on a smile.

“Nothing’s wrong…everything’s fine.”

“Baby, I’m not buying it. Something has upset you and I want to know what?” She won’t even look at me and I’m sweating profusely.

She sighs. “I’m not sure really. I don’t know if I’m just over-reacting.”

Oh, crap! She knows.
She knows what I’ve done. I gulp and try not to show any guilt, even though I have no idea how to hide it.

“Over-reacting about what? You know you can tell me anything…right?”

“Yes, I know.” She takes a breath and I see a few tears fall down her face. “Last night you hurt me and I was annoyed, okay?” She stands up and places her hands on her hips, she’s so stunning, standing there like that.

“Okay! What happened last night?”

“Nothing, that’s what!” She flails her arms around and then sits back on the rock. “You were all over me one minute and the next you weren’t. I just thought that because we were going away together without Ella, you would want me…like that again. We barely have time when we’re at home, so I just thought that we would use this holiday as a way to reconnect again.”

I sigh with relief.
This is what she’s worried about?

“It’s because we didn’t have sex?”

Her face turns red and I think I’m pissing her off again.

“See I knew you’d think I was overreacting. That’s why I wanted to head off on my own and have a pity party for one. I headed to the market they have here for a while so I can get over feeling like this.”

“Feeling like what?”

She looks me in the eyes. “Feeling like my husband doesn’t want me!” She looks away from me and continues staring out to sea. I can’t believe that I’ve made her feel like this. This guilt is eating me alive, but I don’t know whether telling Annabelle is the best option. I don’t know how she’ll react and I’m not sure I could stand to lose her and Ella. I haven’t even talked to Karl about this issue because he’s been having his own dramas with Tracy. I know that Karl would tell me to tell Annabelle, but I’m scared and I can’t do it. I take a few more steps to her and grab her hand before pulling her up. She looks at me and I see the hurt and pain in her eyes. It breaks my heart that she’s feeling like this.

“Baby, I love you so much and, of course, I want you. I always want you.” I give her a peck on the lips.

“But why were you so cold with me last night?” I knew she was going to ask this question, and I can’t tell her that my guilt is eating away at me and that I feel sick to my stomach with what I’ve done. Instead, I go for the safer and easier option.

“I’ve just been so busy lately and with the flight as well, I just think that I was a bit overtired…that’s all.” She seems happy with my answer. I brush my thumbs under her eyes to wipe away the remaining tears. She gives me a watery smile and I pull her to me. She gives me a cuddle and I feel her relax in my arms. We stand like that for a while, just watching the ocean. It’s so calm and peaceful out here. While I hold Annabelle in my arms, a wave of guilt washes over me.

I really want to tell her.

I try countless times, but I don’t know how to say it and I’m not sure how she will react.

This is all such a mess.

What should I do?



I’m so pleased that I’m wrapped in Joshua’s arms on this gorgeous beach. It’s so romantic. I have been walking around all day, trying to collect my thoughts. I had a look around the food market and spent time walking along the beach. Time flew and I can’t believe it’s late afternoon already. I feel so stupid that I reacted the way that I did. So my husband wouldn’t have sex with me, I totally understand where Joshua is coming from. He’s been super busy at work and, of course, he’s going to be tired after taking the flight. I feel so embarrassed by my behavior. I feel like I need to make it up to him somehow. I have an idea. I pull away and look up at him.

“I love you so much, Joshua.” He smiles and I see something in his eyes that I’ve never seen before, but I have no idea what it is.

“I love you too, Annabelle, forever and always.” He smiles and anything I just saw in his eyes has disappeared, and all I see remaining is the love he has for me.

“I want to cook dinner tonight for both of us. You just relax or go and hang out with the others. I don’t know where anyone is, but I’m sure they are around somewhere and then meet me at our bungalow for say 9:00 p.m.?”

“Sounds good, but I don’t think I’ll go find the others, I’m sure they’re all busy. I think I might stay here a while…” He looks sad and that look is back again. I need to turn this day around, so I give him a quick peck on the lips before making my way back to our bungalow to prepare dinner for us. I need to make it up to Joshua after how I have treated him today.



I watch Annabelle sprint off toward the bungalows and I’m back to feeling the guilt that’s been plaguing me. I have to tell her. I know I have to, but I don’t know how. I don’t want to hurt her, and I’m scared of what she’ll do if she does find out. I don’t wish to see anyone right now, so I continue to sit here on the beach, lost in my own thoughts. I can’t help thinking about Annabelle. My gorgeous, smart, funny, wonderful wife who I absolutely adore with all my heart. She and my daughter are my world, and I can’t imagine my life without them in it.

Ella is completely beautiful and is my little ray of sunshine. She’s four-years-old now and she’s so smart like her mummy. I feel so guilty that I’ve been spending so much time at work away from them, but I’ve been needed there and I wanted to keep on top of things, but I never thought that my family life would suffer. Annabelle has been patient with me and has never once been annoyed at me not being at home. I couldn’t ask for a better wife. We have been through so much since we first met. The miscarriage, and obviously my deranged and psychopathic ex, Tammy, made our life very complicated at first and, to be honest, I wasn’t sure if we would overcome everything that happened. But here we are, together and with our gorgeous baby girl. Our wedding day was one of the best days of my life, and I can always picture in my mind Annabelle walking down the aisle toward me wearing her white wedding dress. She was so beautiful, and it made it even better knowing she was carrying our child. It made me the happiest man alive. I continue sitting here thinking about our life together, thinking about the good times and the bad.

I realize I haven’t got my watch on, so I decide to make my way back to the bungalow. I’m ready to see Annabelle and put this whole situation behind me. I had plenty of time to think and I’ve realized that I can’t lose her. There’s no point in telling her when all it will do is hurt her. I won’t do that to her, so it’s better off left in the past. I walk into the bungalow to find Annabelle hard at work in the kitchen. She’s moving around so fast that it’s kind of funny to watch. I notice she’s already set the table with candles and champagne glasses.

“Wow, this looks nice.” She spins around and lets out a startled squeal and clutches her chest before laughing.

“God, Joshua, you gave me a fright. I wasn’t expecting you yet.”

“Yeah, I forgot my watch, so I didn’t know what the time was.” I walk into the kitchen and get myself a beer from the fridge before leaning a hip against the counter. “Something smells nice.”

“I’ve tried to cook you a fish casserole.”

I smile. “What do you mean, you tried?”

Her cheeks turn slightly red. “Well, I haven’t actually made it before and I wanted to do something nice for you. I really hope I’ve got it right.” She smiles and the guilt comes creeping back in.

“I’m sure it will be fantastic.” I cross the kitchen and take her in my arms and give her a peck on the lips, but it doesn’t take long for it to progress into something else. My hands travel to her ass and I grind my hips against hers. She deepens the kiss by sliding her tongue into my mouth and she moans when I massage her tongue with mine. I know she likes it when I do that. Whenever she moans, it gets my cock rock hard. I know she feels it too because her moans become louder and more insistent. I put my hands on the back of her thighs and hoist her up into my arms where she wraps her legs around me. I can’t get enough of her and all I want to do is fuck her right here.




It keeps traveling around in my head and I try squeezing my eyes shut to block out this incessant voice inside my head punishing me. Annabelle giggles and pushes me away from her lips.

“Okay, down boy. We have dinner to get through first, but I’m sure we can continue this a bit later on, though.” She smiles and winks before slapping my hands, telling me to put her down. She straightens her clothing and goes back to cooking dinner. “Why don’t you go and sit down, try relaxing before it’s ready. I have champagne to go with dinner, but we’ll open that then.”

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