A Conquest Like No Other (11 page)

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Authors: Emma Anderson

BOOK: A Conquest Like No Other
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For three years she had cut
herself off from any form of relationship with a man, denying herself something
she had always enjoyed. Now that she’d found her sexual self again, she wasn’t
sure she could go back to that empty way of life. And she had Viper to thank.
He had brought her back to life with his casual charm. She knew in her heart
that no one else would have been able to draw her out of her fear for intimacy.
Only Viper.

Paul Watson’s reign over her life
was over. No longer would she allow him to stand in the way of her happiness.
He still posed a danger to her, and that was something she wouldn’t forget.
Complacency wouldn’t be an option this time. She knew what sort of lunatic she
was dealing with, and she wouldn’t let his madness pollute her world again. She
had too much to live for now. A future with Viper awaited her, and she wasn’t
sure she wanted to waste any more time on the likes of Paul. She was reclaiming
her life and handing it straight over to her mate—this evening, if she played
her cards right.




Nikki took one last look at
herself in the lift mirror before stepping out onto the floor that held Viper’s
office. The very thought of the man had her rushing toward the closed door.
Using the key he had provided, she slowly opened the office door. For the first
time since meeting him, she allowed herself to take in everything there was to

She was finally free of fear to
truly appreciate how gorgeous he was. True to Viper’s style, his hair was
standing on end in a haphazard way, reminding her where she was hoping this
night would end. His skin markings called to her. Her tongue snuck out between
her lips, desperate to lick every inch of him. Then his eyes raised from the
papers he had been reading. They lit up with appreciation as he took in all of

“Am I interrupting?”

“No, you’re a pleasant
distraction,” Viper said, smiling and pushing his chair back from his desk. “In
fact, you’re saving my sanity.”

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“Just looking over some accounts.
The numbers are adding up, but something feels wrongs about them, and I just
can’t put my finger on it.”

“You’ll figure it out,” she said

“Such faith you have in me,
sweetheart. It humbles me,” Viper replied, opening his legs and arms. “Now,
enough about business, why don’t you come over here and give me a kiss?”

Her thighs were slick with her
juices as she made her way to the one place she had been thinking about being
all afternoon. Viper’s arms. As soon as she was within arm’s length of him, he
pulled her the rest of the way into his body. His hands slipped under her dress
as their lips explored one another’s. The kiss grew heated as their tongues
dueled and her thighs grew increasingly wet.

“What do I owe this surprise
visit to?” Viper murmured against her throat.

“I thought it might be nice to
have dinner somewhere,” she suggested. “Like a first date? That’s if it’s

“Watson won’t be setting foot in
this building without me knowing about it, sweetheart,” he reassured. “Dinner
sounds perfect. What do you feel like?”

“Something casual,” she replied,
secretly ordering her dessert already.


There was something different
about his mate. He just couldn’t quite put his finger on what. Tucked into his
body, she almost purred as they walked toward the restaurant. The only
noticeable tension within her was as they walked through the lobby to get to
the restaurant in the hotel.

He knew the cause, but she
needn’t worry. He had every entrance covered in the hotel and casino. Every
guard had Paul Watson’s picture, and Judge had organized extra staff to man the
security cameras. And though he had no desire to ruin the evening with that
piece of shit, Viper almost prayed for the man to show himself.

He had plans for him that didn’t
include handing him over to the police. Well not straight away, anyway. This
man was still hurting his mate, and it was his right to take vengeance. Only if
the man survived what he had in mind would the police be called.

Stepping across the threshold of
the restaurant was like walking through a portal to another world. The bright
lights and the usual din of a busy hotel were replaced by a more romantic
atmosphere. The lights were low, softening everything within the large room. Music
flowed through the hidden speakers from the piano man tucked away in the corner
of the room. As they were led to their table, Viper felt several gazes
following them.

Turning his attention back to the
stunning beauty who now sat beside him at their table, he asked, “Have I told
you how beautiful you look?” She shook her head. Lifting her hand to his lips,
he added, “Well allow me to correct that. You look absolutely breathtaking. All
eyes were on you when we entered the room. I’m tempted to clear the restaurant
if the men present don’t stop staring.”

“I only have eyes for you, Viper.
Please believe that.”

“What did I ever do to deserve
you?” The one organ he had long ago presumed dead came alive. His heart slammed
against his ribs, beating for this woman and this woman alone.

“I could ask the same thing of
you,” she replied, her eyes sparkling with tenderness.

It gave him hope that soon she
would accept him as hers. In the meantime, he intended on being a gentleman and
proving to her that he was worth the fight she was having with herself.

“As this is our first date, I
think we should do what others do on first dates.”

“I haven’t been on one for ages.
You might have to take the lead on this one,” she said, laughing.

“Sweetheart, it has been several
lifetimes since I went on a first date. Why don’t you start by telling me about
your childhood? Did you have much family around you?”

“My family consisted of my mum up
to middle school. Then I added Gabby and her mother into the tiny circle. I
have no idea who my father was. He disappeared before Mum realized she was
going to have me. She had cystic fibrosis and never thought she could get

“So you were her miracle too?”
Viper said, seeing the love she had for her mother. He hoped he would earn that
amount of emotion from her one day. “How long has she been gone?”

“Four years,” she replied, a
smile brightening her face. “But I refuse to be sad. My mum lived longer than
anyone expected, and her path was relatively pain free, considering her heart
gave out in her sleep. It was a better way to go than most who suffer that
disease. She was a foster kid, so her diagnosis didn’t come until after several
bad lung infections. Her foster parents at the time couldn’t be bothered
following up with the doctors, which meant she didn’t receive the appropriate
treatment. But do you know what? She never complained about what she had been
handed in life.”

“She sounds like a wonderful

“She was.” Nikki glowed. “I never
once regretted not having a father around. Mum gave me enough love for both
parents. Then once I met Gabby, I ended up with two mums in a sense and an
amazing sister.”

“Yes, I noticed that you and
Gabby have a special kind of relationship, much like mine with Devil, Judge and

Before they could continue the
conversation, the waitress arrived to take their order. Once it was placed,
they continued talking, sharing more of themselves with each other. It was the
most pleasant evening he had ever spent with a woman. His only disappointment
was when it came to dessert. Instead of ordering one, Nikki requested that they
return to their quarters. There was something in her request. He just couldn’t
decipher what it was.




As they walked through the door
of their quarters Nikki expected fear to consume her. It didn’t. Sure she was
nervous. She was about to sleep with a man. She was going from fear prescribed
celibate woman to one who was mated. Now that she had taken back control of her
life, she knew what she wanted. This beautiful man had her enthralled by the
future he was offering. The way she felt about him, even if he had enchanted
her with his
magic, she didn’t rightly care. She
was ready to tie herself to Viper in every way possible. And he seemed totally
oblivious to her intent.

As she moved through to their
bedroom, which was lit only by a bedside table, she asked over her shoulder,
“Can I see your skin markings?”

“They’re yours, and yours alone
to peruse, sweetheart,” Viper replied, taking off his shirt as he followed her.

She was disappointed to see that
he was still in his trousers, but what did she expect from this honorable man?
He probably thought that he would scare her by his forward actions. If only he

As soon as his progression into
the room had halted, she walked toward him. Moving around his motionless body,
she placed feather light touches to his skin across his solid back and
deliciously broad shoulders. Her fingers traced the delicate lines that made up
the beautifully colored intricate design, unique to Viper, leaving goose bumps
in their wake. She paid special attention to the many scars scattered across
his skin. His body wore evidence of his battles much like hers did. She placed
a kiss on each beautiful blemish.

As she moved around to his front,
her gaze fell upon more healed wounds. It gave her lips further reason to touch
this man’s soft skin. Taking note of his closed eyes, she found the courage to
explore the one thing her tongue had been salivating over since seeing the
ever-present large bulge in his trousers. Falling to her knees, she removed the
only barrier that stood in the way of her prize.

His cock sprang free in a rainbow
of color. It, too, carried the skin markings that seemed to speak to her,
demanding she claim her mate. Her eyes would have happily inspected him
further, if her tongue didn’t have other ideas. She tasted him for the first
time. Nothing had felt as right in her mouth as Viper’s cock. Not even the food
that sustained her.

“Sweetheart, you’re playing with
fire. I don’t want to scare you, but I’m not sure I have the strength left in
me to resist you, especially with your exquisite mouth on me. You’re temptation
personified and it has taken everything in me not to take advantage of your
desire so far.”

She pulled her mouth from him with
an audible
. “It’s yours to take advantage of, Tatts. I’m giving it
to you.”

“Are you sure?” he asked on a
groan as she took another lick of her new favorite object.

Looking directly in his eyes, so
there would be no doubt, she replied, “More than I have been in my life.”

He seemed to be reading her,
searching for the answers to the many questions she could see floating through
his eyes. Finally, he nodded. “You know I won’t be able to hold back on mating
you if you continue.”

Raising an eyebrow, she
questioned, “And?”

With a relieved smile, he
encouraged, “Well, as you were, then.”

Her tongue caught the
that was trying to escape the tip of his cock.
Everything that was the complexity of Viper existed in the taste of him. Salty,
yet sweet, pure, yet naughty and more importantly, addictive. Desperate for
more of him, she wrapped her lips back around the large girth of his cock,
taking him as far into her mouth as she could. Wrapping a hand around the base
was the only thing she could have done to prevent herself from gagging on his
great length.

As she pumped her hand, her mouth
followed, desperately trying to entice some more of his cum from him. It would
seem that she now had a new favorite flavor. Continuing to feed her newfound
addiction, her thirst for him grew. As did the throaty groans and moans coming
from above her.

“Sweetheart, I can’t hold it too
much longer. If you don’t want to swallow you need to pull away now.”

Looking up, her eyes met his as
she continued to suck him. It seemed to be all the invitation he needed. His
hands landed at the back of her head, his fists grabbing her hair. The pain
went straight to her pussy. He held her still, pushing his cock into her
willing mouth. When he hit the back of her throat, she forced her breaths
through her nose. With one hand busy wrapped around Viper’s cock, her other one
traveled up her dress. Finding her swollen and sensitive clit, she began
rubbing it in time with Viper’s thrusts. She couldn’t have held back the moan
if she wanted to.

“Fuck, sweetheart. Whatever
you’re doing, keep doing it.” Like she was able to stop. Then came the order,
“But no coming until my mouth is there to catch what’s mine.”

Her next moan was met with more
forceful thrusts. Knowing she wouldn’t be able to hold back her own orgasm for
long, she swallowed around him, hoping it would set him off. She wasn’t
disappointed. Two more short stabs into her mouth and Viper stilled, his hands
tightening in her hair as he pumped his essence down the back of her throat.
Not willing to lose any of it, she furiously swallowed, claiming it all for

His taste had her finger moving
harder and faster over her clitoris. Her orgasm was near, and she had no way of
fighting it. Viper must have read the urgency in her eyes because the next
thing she knew she was flat on her back on the bed, her legs over his
shoulders, and his mouth had replaced her fingers.

His stiffened tongue entered her
as his stubbly chin rubbed her lower, against her backside. Throwing her head
from side to side as her oncoming orgasm promised to be monumental, she
couldn’t help but scream with each quake. She fell over the edge into oblivion
shouting Viper’s name.

As she returned to the world in
which Viper existed, he was leaning over her, wearing an awe-inspiring smile.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”

On a snorting laugh, she replied,
“Somehow I think it’s me who should be thanking you. That was beyond amazing!”

“Do you want to stop?” His
concern had her heart soaring and her love for this man growing.

“Not a chance, old man. Unless,
of course, you’re too tired?” she teased.

“Watch your mouth, otherwise I
might have to keep it filled, sweetheart.” His stern warning had her pussy
coming back to life.

“Promises! Promises!”

Lifting her as if she weighed
nothing, he positioned them so she was astride his body. Her hands immediately
went about exploring his smooth chest, her gaze falling to his nipples. Leaning
down, she painted them with her tongue, trying to add color to the only part of
him that held no bright colors. Though their light brown chocolate reminded her
of her favorite toffees.

She relished Viper’s reaction
when her teeth bit into his nipples. His chest thrust into the air, taking her
along for the ride. His guttural groans had her pussy leaking further, calling
to its mate. Still maintaining contact with her mouth, Nikki lifted herself
slightly as she went in search of his cock, hoping to guide it home where it
belonged. Of course, even as he accepted his own pleasure, Viper’s thoughts
were of her.

“Nikki, stop, sweetheart. I want
you looking at me, knowing and seeing who’s inside of you, loving you,
cherishing you.”

Holding on to her hips, he slowly
lowered her onto his ready cock. It was both exquisite and excruciating all at
the same time. He stretched her like no other man had done before, adding a
little bit of pain to her immense pleasure. Finally, after what seemed like a
lifetime, he was fully seated—an experience a part of her wanted to last
forever. The other part of her demanded she move.

A now familiar burning had begun
in her lower abdomen. A burning that only this man could ease. Slowly she
lifted herself off of him and stilled before slamming back down on his cock.
Again she did it, loving the sounds she was drawing from Viper. On the third
attempt, she was stopped. Not only by his hands on her hips but the change in
his eyes. They were glowing yellow and the sexiest thing she had ever seen.

“So you want to play, mate?”

“Only with you,” she managed to

“As you wish!”

That comment was followed by
Viper taking control of their lovemaking. With each of her fast downward
motions, he would thrust up to meet her, his pelvis slamming into her already
sensitive clit, increasing her pleasure beyond belief. Soon he had her shaking,
her orgasm hanging on a knife’s edge. A couple more thrusts and she would be
coming once again. But of course Viper had other ideas. He held her hips,
preventing her from further pleasuring both of them. Rolling them both over, he
pinned her beneath him. Her hands, still on his chest, were taken in his and he
pinned them above her head. Once he positioned her to his liking, she expected
him to once again move. He didn’t. He seemed to be waiting for something.

“Please, Tatts. I need you,” she
begged, lifting her legs and wrapping them around his back.

That, it would seem, was what he
had been waiting for. He pummeled her pussy hard and fast, keeping her on the
brink of orgasm. It was the most sublime experience in her existence. Her body,
while being punished by Viper’s heavy thrusts, floated toward a celestial
finish that only Viper had the power of providing. When her orgasm hit, it
catapulted her to the heavens as stars lit up her now closed eyelids. Her
descent into darkness was met with the same force as a black hole consuming
everything that surrounded it.

She was suddenly engulfed in
color, bright spectrums lighting her way back to earth. Opening her eyes, she
quickly realized that it was Viper’s skin markings lit up brighter than the
sun. They wrapped around her, holding her to him, binding her to him. A warmth
encased her; it fed her comfort and a sense of security. It was Viper.

As the color dimmed and coherent
thought returned, she desperately wanted to say something to him, but could
only expel, “Wow!” from her mouth.

you feel me, mate? Throughout your body, your heart and soul?

“Yes,” she said on a sigh, just
before her senses came to her. “Wait a minute, how did I just hear that when
you didn’t move your mouth?”

Pulling from her body, Viper
rolled to the side, taking her with him. With her head now resting on his
chest, he explained.
We are mated,
sweetheart. We can now exchange thoughts without even speaking.


think about what you would like to say. I will hear it.

Following his instructions, she
sent him thoughts of love, though she hadn’t managed to say the actual words.
She wished to continue experimenting with this newfound gift, but it would seem
that her state of mind was also transferred with her words.

“Okay, sweetheart, no more,”
Viper said aloud. “I feel how tired you are. Sleep. We have a lifetime to
explore everything this mating has offered.”

She felt rather than saw Viper
reaching for the bedside lamp to turn it off. Her eyes were already closed,
welcoming the darkness. Her circle of security completed when she was once
again wrapped in both of Viper’s arms. Only then did she allow sleep to take


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