A Crying Shame (148 page)

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Authors: William W. Johnstone

BOOK: A Crying Shame
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She received a look that was half disgust, half mockery.
Sure, right. Go ahead and defend that mule-ridin' goofball. You voted for him. Silliest damned law I ever heard of in my life: allowin' the candidate from one party to be governor, the candidate from another party to be lieutenant governor. Goddamn it! It ought to be whole hog or nothing.”
Will? Let's get out of here—obey the orders. They've extended the deadline for leaving. Nine o'clock.” She glanced at the clock.
We can just make it. Just leave for a day or two. Drive up to Alex; see my sister. I just don't like this feeling I've got. We're close, too close to the swamp.”
Quick anger in the man's eyes.
Helen,” he said, losing patience with her,
there is nothing in that swamp ‘cept 'gators and snakes and gar. A few deer. Damned few. But no boogeymen, no monsters, no Devil's beasts, no half-men, half-creatures.”
To some degree he was correct; some of the maddened Links from the Crying Swamp were, at that moment, standing on his back porch.
They had killed and eaten his dogs.
Now they wanted to kill him and have sex with his wife.
You care so little for me?” she asked.
You won't do just this one thing for me? Do you want me to beg you, Will? Is that it? All right, Will, I'll beg. I'll—”
Helen,” he waved her silent.
Don't, please. I do care for you. I've loved you, and only you . . . ever since we were kids, and all my adult life. I've never been unfaithful to you. But what you're asking is stupid. I'm sorry, but it is. Things like . . .”—he fumbled for a word—
. . . missing links just don't exist. If there is ... something out there ... some Big Foot something or the other, well, we've got a house full of guns. The kids are visiting Mom and Dad in Lafayette; we don't have to worry about them getting hurt. And we're safe, honey. I've protected you all my life, haven't I?”
She had to agree to that; yes, he had. She smiled as a twinkle came into his eyes. She knew that twinkle.
Besides,” he said, kneeling down beside her,
I was thinking ... with the kids gone and all ... you know. . . .” He slipped a hand under her blouse and cupped a full woman's breast.

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