A Cursed Embrace (WG 2) (12 page)

Read A Cursed Embrace (WG 2) Online

Authors: Cecy Robson

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #General, #Weird Girls#2, #Fiction

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Vampires, furious Elders, and demonic possession had a funny way of interrupting dinner plans. Aric and I never made it out. Instead we waited for the others to return and collectively devoured all the leftover lasagna, fried chicken, and pot roast. Taking on evil worked up quite the appetite.

My sisters huddled out on the deck with their wolves, speaking in hushed voices and drinking hot chocolate. Their conversation lacked the usual lighthearted humor and laughter. And while the wolves hadn’t commented directly, I had the impression their link to Aric alerted them of the unrest within their pack.

I cuddled closer against Aric. He hadn’t discussed his Elder’s call with me, but I guess he didn’t have to. Anara didn’t want Aric with me. And that’s all there was to it. Whether Aric would defy his pack remained to be seen. For the moment, I thanked God for his company and the comforting warmth that accompanied our closeness.

Bren took a long swill of his beer. He seemed engrossed in the game, but I knew better. Sports always brought the crazed fan lurking beside his wolf. If he wasn’t commenting, screaming at our tiny TV, or accusing the umpire of being a shithead, his head wasn’t in the game.

The others had ventured outside shortly after cleanup. After my demon child encounter, I craved the warm glow and security of the house. Aric stayed with me, but neither of us had spoken much.

“Bren and Danny have a key to your place?” Aric asked, breaking the silence.

The question caught me off guard. And at first I meant to respond with an “Of course. Why wouldn’t they?” except the subtle bitter scent of jealousy that wafted into my nose null-and-voided my response. “Aric . . .”

Bren turned his head, his scruffy brown beard brightening his jovial grin. “Celia and I are very close.” He danced his brows.

The plastic tumbler I nailed him with bounced off his head and rolled across our dark wooden floors. He was lucky I’d finished my water. “Stop trying to cause trouble.” I rubbed my forehead when I caught a whiff of Aric’s rising jealousy. “Danny and Bren are our very dear friends. Danny keeps a copy of the key.” My eyes narrowed at Bren. “Otherwise Bren would eat all our food.”

“Hey, that just happened one time. Besides, you needed to go grocery shopping.”

Bren knew two ways to deal with stress. Either kill whatever bugged him or have fun at someone else’s expense. Bren, by far, was the annoying big brother we never had. But we loved him despite his faults and he loved us right back.

Aric’s frigid glare in Bren’s direction told me he suspected Bren and I had shared more than friendship. In all actuality, it was Danny and me who had once been involved. He was the first and only male I’d had sex with. Granted, we were seventeen, and neither of us knew what we were doing. But his caring nature and his kind soul kept our friendship going long after the physical intimacy ended.

Danny glanced up from the frail and stained pages. His black frames slid down his nose, and his unruly curly hair stuck out in too many directions to count. “Um, Shayna called us after you and Aric left them. She thought maybe I could dig something up in one of my texts, so I came right over.” He pushed his glasses up, but they slipped back down anyway. “Misha and his family arrived shortly after us, looking for you, Celia. He said he could feel your unrest, but didn’t say much more. I didn’t know much, either, but even if I had, I wouldn’t have told him—you know, unless he used hypnosis or torture or something.”

I wouldn’t have put it past Misha to use his vamp mojo to extract information. He wouldn’t, however, hurt Danny. No decent soul would. Torturing Danny was the equivalent of snapping a kitten’s neck. As it was, his stick-thin limbs barely held the oversize book. And yet despite what I believed about Misha, Aric thought the exact opposite, and always would. “I wouldn’t let that prick hurt you, Dan,” Aric assured him.

Aric’s protectiveness made me smile. He felt the need to defend those smaller and weaker than him. I wasn’t sure if that would’ve changed had he known how close Danny and I had once been. So I kept my mouth shut and allowed him to see Danny as he was, a good person and one worthy of our protection.

Aric motioned to his book. “What is that anyway?”

“It’s an old witchcraft book I picked up in France, one with different chants to vanquish demons back to hell. It’s considered useless by supernatural standards since by the time the spell works, the demons are already back where they belong.” He flipped to another section. “There are, however, a couple of passages describing different types of demons. I brought it along thinking it might be helpful.”

“Where in France did you get it?”

Danny glanced around, appearing surprised Aric would continue to show interest in what he had to say. “In a small town outside Montpellier.”

Aric frowned. “Were you touring the country?”

Danny’s face reddened. “Ah, no.”

“Then why were you so far south?”

Bren rolled his eyes. “Because the little turd travels the world searching for old magic books he finds on the Internet. Instead of trying to get laid by hot European chicks, he’s banging toothless librarians.”

Danny scowled at Bren, something he’d never pull on another werewolf. “She was twenty-five, and it’s not her fault her town didn’t have a decent dentist.”

Aric barked out a laugh and so did the wolves outside. Bren shook his head with disgust and took another swig of beer. All the blood pooled in poor Danny’s face, compelling me to draw attention away from him. I adjusted my position to face Aric. “How do you know so much about France?”

Aric coughed into his opposite shoulder, trying hard to muffle his laughter. “After the wolves and I graduated from the University of Colorado, we spent almost two years learning different fighting techniques throughout Europe and Asia. We stayed in Paris for about nine months learning savate.”

I perked up. “Did you learn French, too?”

Aric shrugged. “A little here and there.”

“Just enough to get some tail, Celia.” Liam spoke casually as if merely stating common knowledge. He’d walked in to grab a pack of mini marshmallows from the pantry. Too bad Emme hadn’t done so in his place. I didn’t need to know more about Aric’s sexual past. The females who flaunted and threw themselves at him were enough evidence of his prowess.

Liam did a double take when he caught my open mouth and almost dropped the small package. His hand shot out as he realized his mistake. Sort of. “Don’t worry, Celia. All those one-night stands didn’t mean anything to him, right, Aric?”

Aric’s glare had Liam backing into the sliding glass door. Koda stuck his head in, his brows set deep and his long black hair descending to his thigh-thick arms. “All you had to do was grab some damn marshmallows. Shut your trap and get outside before Aric eats you.” He gave me a stiff nod before disappearing outside.

Aric’s light brown eyes softened when they met mine. “That was a long time ago, sweetness,” he whispered.

I supposed it was his way of offering an explanation or attempting to apologize. I nodded but found myself inching away from him. It hurt too much to think about other hands caressing Aric, especially when my own had barely touched him. No matter how hot, his tempting heat stood no chance against my raging insecurities.

“Baby, I—”

“Did you find anything, Danny?” I spoke to Danny, but by that point I’d twisted enough to face Bren. Bren could’ve laughed, or joked, or asked Aric for details about his indiscretions. But he didn’t. He sensed my hurt, and he didn’t like it. That was the great thing about Bren. All kidding aside, he really cared about me.

“You okay?” he mouthed.

My clenched jaw screamed
, and that I was in over my head with Aric. Bren made a motion to stand, but it was Danny who actually saved me. He cleared his throat hard enough to make him cough into his hand. “There is something here.
Daemonium consanguineis
loosely translates into demon kin from Latin to English.” His finger traced along the passages as his mind worked to translate the words. “It’s believed a new breed of demons will arise from hate and dark magic. These demon lords, for lack of better terms, will possess the ability to cross between hell and earth without limitations, but that’s all it says.”

Oh, is that all?
Every muscle in my body saluted in tribute to our impending deaths. One by one, the wolves entered the house and took a seat around Danny. Emme squeezed Liam’s hand. “What is it, Lee?”

Aric swore beneath his breath as the wolves explained what Danny had just surmised. He leaned forward, resting his elbows against his knees. “Does it say anything about how you stop them from rising?”

Danny’s finger continued to travel along the page. He stopped suddenly and shot his finger back to where he started, his eyes widening as they darted back and forth. “No. But it does say the rise of these demons follows a significant change in the supernatural world.”

“Like what?” Koda asked.

Danny slowly met my stare. “Such as a vampire becoming whole once more.”

Taran threw her hands in the air. “For shit’s sake, Celia. Why the hell did you have to go and return Count Hotness’s soul?”

I stood, growling. “If I had any clue that biting Misha would bring about the rise of freaking unstoppable demons, trust me, I would’ve have gotten defanged.”

Every head shot in my direction. Aric rose, his anger permeating through our family room like a tidal wave. He spit his words out like flaming arrows. “You returned that asshole’s

“How the hell did you do that?” Liam asked, his amber eyes round with apparent shock.

“Forget how,” Koda growled. “
the hell did you do it?”

I wanted to scream. “Oh my God. It was a total accident. He pulled a piece of railing impaling me. It hurt, and I reacted by biting him. Apparently I’m some kind of . . .”

“Dantem animam,”
Emme clarified. “A-a-according to the vampires, it’s a rare ability to stimulate the return of a vampire’s soul.”

“We know what it is,” Aric muttered. His fists clenched at his sides. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

I shrugged, not comprehending why Aric appeared so betrayed. “In balancing life and death at once, Misha becomes more powerful, and therefore a threat to other masters. We agreed not to say anything so he wouldn’t become a target.”

“But Dan knew.”

Catholic guilt had a way of pointing a chastising finger at the most inopportune moments. “Yes, Aric. He and Bren both knew.”

Shayna tugged Aric’s sleeve. “We didn’t really know you guys yet when it happened. Danny and Bren were the only ones we could turn to to make sure nothing dangerous had happened to Celia in the process. It wasn’t anything personal, Aric.”

Aric’s features tamed as he took in the hurt settling across my face. He lifted my hands and kissed them. “I’m sorry. I’m not angry at you. That leech is one we watch closely. I like knowing everything he’s into . . . and anything that can make him more powerful.”

“Especially if he’s the one bringing forth the demons’ rise,” Koda rumbled. Koda didn’t waste any time to turn the tides on Misha. I didn’t like getting ganged up on. And I didn’t like Misha being the go-to bad guy. “Misha is not involved in the shift of the demon realm. He’s not, Aric,” I insisted. “You saw him today. That thing that possessed him left him drained and vulnerable. No way would he risk his soul by associating with hell’s minions.”

Aric gathered me to him. “I know. As much as I’d like to find the source, I know it’s not him.” I tensed against him. “What’s wrong, Celia?”

“What if I did it, though? What if I somehow caused this mess to occur?”

“You couldn’t have, sweetness. Your heart’s too pure to cause something so vile.”

I wasn’t so certain.

Gemini rubbed his goatee. He hadn’t liked Taran’s “Count Hotness” reference, but his response had nothing to do with Misha. “Celia, you didn’t cause the demons to rise. Things have been brewing in the dark realm for quite some time. And from what Dan said, it preceded such an event. Correct, Dan?”

Danny nodded hard enough to make his curls bounce. “Oh yeah, absolutely.”

Aric slipped his arm around my shoulders. “The supernatural world we inhabit is also changing rapidly. We have more
now than ever, and Genevieve’s coven has reported a rise in dark witches. My guess is that it started with the shift in the demon kingdom.”

I fell against him. Knowing I wasn’t the cause of an apocalypse made me feel better. I’d screwed up more times than I could count. But kick-starting Judgment Day and revving it into high gear trumped the list of major “F” ups.

Liam ambled slowly to Aric’s side, his features set deep with regret as they took me in. “We should contact the Elders,” he said quietly.

Aric nodded. “I’ll call Martin.” He walked outside to stand on the porch, the weight of protecting the earth tangible against his shoulders.

Bren slung an arm around me. “Listen, Ceel. I don’t like this shit going down. And I really hate you girls getting involved. But if I can help, you let me know, okay?”

“Okay, Bren. Thank you.”

Aric’s Warriors watched him carefully. As a
, Bren wasn’t well received by pack
. But as our friend the wolves had shown him some respect. Gemini gave him a stiff nod. “Your offer is appreciated by our pack,” he said quietly.

Other than a nod in return, Bren failed to answer him. “Come on, Dan. You ready to roll, or is there more fun news you’d like to share?”

Danny shut his book and stood, waving good-bye to everyone as he exited. I followed them out to the car, passing Aric, who was leaning against the porch beam. His tone was serious yet respectful, lacking the anger he’d demonstrated when speaking to Anara.

Bren tossed Danny the keys to his 1971 blue Ford Mustang. “You wanna drive?”

“Sure, I do everything else for you. Why not be your chauffeur, too?”

A slow grin eased across Bren’s face. “What are you so pissed at, princess?”

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