A Cursed Embrace (WG 2) (13 page)

Read A Cursed Embrace (WG 2) Online

Authors: Cecy Robson

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #General, #Weird Girls#2, #Fiction

BOOK: A Cursed Embrace (WG 2)
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Danny shoved Bren’s arm, stumbling when the contact threw him off balance. Aside from Koda, at six-five, Bren was the biggest wolf I’d ever met. Danny might as well have shoved the Sphinx. He frowned. “You weren’t very nice in there. If it weren’t for that sweet toothless girl, we wouldn’t have the knowledge about the demons we do. She’s the one who, um, suggested the book. You know, afterward.”

“You mean after you banged her against the Encyclopedia Britannica?” Bren threw back his head with laughter at Danny’s mortified face. He patted his best friend’s back, careful not to send Danny flying. “I’m sorry, Dan. I shouldn’t have made fun of that toothless chick.”

Danny’s scowl relaxed. “Well, thank you because—”

“She must’ve given the best head ever.”

Danny’s deep blush told me that yes, maybe she had. I hugged them both good-bye and watched them pull away from the curve. Something clicked in the thick brush behind my neighbor’s house, and I thought I caught a flash of light. I angled my head and took a whiff to see if I could sense anything. But the tap against the phone screen alerted me that Aric’s talk with his Elder had ended.

I walked back to my house, where he waited at the top of the steps. He watched me as he shoved his iPhone into his back pocket. Gemini had brought him a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt upon his arrival. I wished then Aric had kept his sweatpants on, and nothing more. I longed to see the rippling muscles of his chest and to lie against him. I also wished I could have told him so, but of course I didn’t have the guts. “Hey.”

“Hi, sweetness.”

We said nothing for a few beats, yet I wasn’t ready to return inside. After all, we hadn’t been alone since we’d arrived. So I walked up the steps and took a seat on our wide porch swing. Aric lowered himself beside me and gently pulled me to him. I sensed his hesitancy. Perhaps he couldn’t anticipate how I’d react given Liam’s oh-so-honest recollection of his love life.

“Your conversation with your Elder seemed to go better this time.” The rhododendrons rustled beneath us, and a small bird returning to his nest chirped as it flew from the back of the house. Twilight had long since come and gone. Now nighttime ruled the land.

Aric nodded. “That was Martin, the Alpha of our Elders.”

I leaned against his hard chest. My nose took in his scent of water crashing over stones and how it blended into the soft cotton fabric of his shirt. “So there’s an Alpha of Alphas?”

Aric chuckled. “I guess you can say that. Native American and
traditions require each pack to be governed by Elders. They consist of an Alpha, a Beta, and an Omega. Martin is a strong and righteous Leader. I’ve known him my whole life. He was my father’s Warrior and one of the few non-
powerful enough to hold the position of Elder.”

I stilled. Martin came from a family of humans and wolves. The knowledge gave me hope. “Is he more understanding of . . . us?”

Disappointment broke through Aric’s typically confident tone. “No. He’s encouraging me to sever all contact with you.”

I squeezed my lids tight, preparing for the brunt of the pain and the holding back of the tears that threatened to fall. “Does this mean things are over between us?”

Aric straightened in his seat and cupped my face with his hands. “You asked me before if I spoke French.” He smiled softly at my nod. “Then I’d like you to hear me now.
Tu es belle. Je ne te laisserai pas partir.

My gaze dropped. The language was lovely and heated my cheeks. But I still didn’t know whether our time had drawn to end. “Tell me what it means.”

The shadows caused by the dim porch light strengthened Aric’s features, yet his expression remained soft as it took in my visage. His light brown irises flickered, giving away the intensity behind his words. “It means you’re beautiful. And that I won’t let you go.”

There were certain moments that would forever be ingrained in my mind. In my soul. In my heart. This was one of them. And I knew then my life would never make sense without Aric. Our lips met. Our bodies touched. And something ignited deep within me . . . and within him.

Aric gripped my hips and lifted me to straddle him. We kissed long and deep, our lungs shrieking for air as we broke apart. I dared to nibble across his jawline and, urged by my beast, to feel him. He groaned, his hands slipping into my hair. His head fell back as my teeth found a new spot to play.
“My Celia,”
he growled.

I reached the perfect little groove, just behind his left ear. It throbbed and begged me to taste it. My tongue listened and—

Aric jerked beneath me, fully aroused. I didn’t know what I was doing, but it worked. So I abandoned my inhibitions and listened, really listened to what his body begged mine to do. My lips traveled against his neck, sucking, taunting, leaving little marks that faded too quickly and demanded more of my time. My hips, oh
. They swiveled and circled over his lap, pleading with his body to respond to mine. It did. The hard bulge of his erection pounded through his jeans, making me whimper and quickening my motions. He grunted and arched his back. It was all I could do not to unbutton his pants.

Aric tugged my T-shirt free of the waistband. A hand wandered beneath my shirt and latched onto my breast, rubbing, pulling, pinching. I wanted to scream. The ache he caused within me seemed unbearable. But when he unfastened my bra and his hot palm touched my burning flesh, I wrenched back as if scorched. No, not scorched . . .


Aric yanked me to him, driving his tongue deep in my mouth. His heart pounded against my chest. A sharp, stabbing pain hit my groin, and I started to imagine him touching me in all the right places. Never had I wanted anyone more.

I tried to stop from groaning, but I couldn’t. Every time my tongue met his, waves of pleasure consumed me. My sound effects drove him wild. He growled, lifting me and stumbling across the porch with my legs fastened around his waist. The swing slammed against the siding, cracking it, but I could give a damn.

We fell against the wall, barely able to keep upright, besieged with the urge to lie down. My nipples hardened against his muscular chest as he rubbed his body harder against mine. “I want to be inside you,” Aric murmured between intakes of breaths. “I want to wake up with you naked in my arms.”

His arousal was so strong I could taste it. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t catch my breath. All I knew was Aric and how much my body needed him.


Aric fumbled to open the front door. I briefly heard Taran yell, “Holy
!” just before he raced us upstairs.

I slammed my bedroom door shut behind us. Aric released me slowly, letting me slide against his body, letting me feel how much he wanted me. I took a step back and batted at the light switch, surrounding us in darkness.

Aric flipped the lights back on. “No,” he muttered. “I want to see you. All of you.”

For a moment, we just stared at each other while our chests continued to rapidly rise and fall. A scraping sound from under the door forced my gaze away from his incredible eyes. Taran swore as she shoved a roll of condoms through the crack. I bent to retrieve them and held them up for Aric to see. “We’ll need these,” I whispered.

Aric grabbed them from my hand and tossed them onto the bed. “Not yet.” He slipped off my T-shirt. He stared at my chest, but wouldn’t touch me. I reached for my unsnapped bra to tempt him. Slowly, I removed each strap, letting the whole thing fall to the floor. I then grasped his trembling hands and placed them on my breasts. My nipples hardened as he grazed them with his thumbs. I tilted my head and rolled my shoulders to encourage him. He swallowed hard and tugged on the areolas, causing a deep whimper to break through my lips.

I couldn’t wait to return Aric’s touch. I yanked off his shirt and dragged my nails in a soft caress across his chest. He released my breasts to unfasten my belt. I kicked off my shoes. He knelt to the floor and removed my jeans. With one finger, he hooked the crotch of my thong. I gasped when his knuckle teased the sensitive area. His eyes, heavy with want and longing, locked with mine as he tugged off my panties. I swallowed hard, shaking, unsure I’d survive the experience.

Aric remained on his knees. He placed me against the door, draping my right knee over his left shoulder. I screamed when he pushed his fingers inside me, and his tongue found the perfect spot. What had started out slow and seductive swelled into a frenzied combination of lust and eagerness. His hungry tongue circled while his fingers moved in quick ramming motions. I was helpless. All I could do was urge him on with my moans as I dug my claws deeper into the doorframe.

Aric knew when my arousal peaked and crashed in one mighty wave, but he wouldn’t slow down. He intensified his motions, prolonging the experience until I collapsed limp in his arms.

Desire sparked his irises as he carried me across the room and placed me on my king-size bed. My fingers clenched his rock-hard shoulders, pulling him aggressively to meet my lips. His taste mixed with mine drove us both insane. But when he tried to lie on top of me, I wouldn’t let him. I dragged myself away from his voracious mouth, rolling him onto his back and tugging off what remained of his clothes. He watched me intently as I stripped him down to his bare flesh. I licked my lips.

And then buried my face in his lap.

The length and girth of Aric’s virility made it hard to take him in my mouth. I’d never done this before, so I used his groans and growls of pleasure to guide me as I savored him. He repeatedly screamed my name, willing me to go farther and faster.

By accident, I grazed him with my teeth. My heart clenched, believing I’d hurt him. I hadn’t. He went wild and crawled backward up the bed. But I wasn’t done. I needed more of him, so I grabbed his hips and towed him back. Faster and faster I went, his pleasure driving me mad, and fueling my own.

All at once, he gripped my arms and hauled me away. I might have finished him, but we were both covered with sweat and couldn’t slow our breaths. Yet as I looked in his eyes I knew we weren’t done. No. Not yet.

Aric placed me on my back. He fumbled with a condom wrapper as we continued our deep ravenous kiss. I couldn’t believe he was ready again so soon, but then again, I was, too.

My hands fisted the comforter when Aric tried to enter me. He glanced down when he was unsuccessful and adjusted my hips. He tried again, but once more, was ineffective. He regarded me closely, confusion wrinkling his brow. I turned away, worried and frightened my lack of experience would ruin our moment.

Aric touched my chin and moved me back to face him. He smiled softly but didn’t say anything. He kissed me, gently at first, then more seductively. As I responded to him, the fire we’d had during our foreplay caught and electrified our skin once more.

I tried to relax, but it was difficult. I didn’t want to disappoint Aric. He tried once more and was able to enter. Slowly, he pushed into me, driving me over the edge with anticipation. The more he advanced, the more my body accepted his. My sharp nails pierced through the covers and into the mattress. My heart threatened to explode. My God, I needed him so much.

Aric struggled for breath once he finished filling me. As he withdrew, deep groans escaped our lips. I was already tender, but the ache mixed with bliss momentarily blinded me.

Aric gasped. “Am I hurting you?”

“No, please don’t stop,” I begged.

Aric gradually increased his rhythm. The yearning as we explored each other’s bodies became all-consuming. He moved us in countless positions. I welcomed them wholeheartedly, desperate to learn, desperate to indulge, wanting so much to enhance his revelry and mine.

Finally Aric placed me on my hands and knees. Maybe it was a wolf thing. Whatever it was, I didn’t care. I just knew it intensified the experience and made me scream. He pleased me so intensely, but I wanted to please
. I pushed my back against his chest, turning my hips in circles against his lap.

Aric kissed and licked my neck. His left hand reached around to play with my nipples. His right traveled down my stomach to rub that entrancing spot. I screamed again, and clamped down. A long deep grumble vibrated hard in his throat. He liked me tightening around him. So I repeated my motions again and again.

Ecstasy had already claimed me multiple times, but I didn’t want to stop despite my exhaustion. So I forced myself to continue while Aric urged me on with his hips. And then it happened; complete and utter rapture cloaked us one last time.

Aric fell on the bed, dragging me with him. I was glad my back was still to him as stupid tears trickled down my face. I didn’t understand why I cried. I thought it was from all the pleasure we’d shared. Whatever the reason, I wished I could stop. My vulnerability completely embarrassed me. I clasped my hand over my eyes, praying our heavy breathing would be enough to distract him.

Aric swept my sweat-soaked hair behind me and kissed my shoulder. “Are you ready?” he panted.

I didn’t want him to separate us, but I nodded regardless. He withdrew, forcing our bodies to shudder. My lids closed tight. Our parting had affected him, too.

Aric lifted me and tucked me beneath the cool sheets, joining me once he put out the lights. I turned to face him when my tears finally ceased to fall. But he knew. Of course he knew. He kissed my eyelids sweetly and rubbed the last drying tear away with his thumb.

“You okay?” he whispered.


“Are you sure?”

I leaned in and kissed him, then laid my face and arm across his broad chest. He held me close and stroked my back with tenderness unbefitting such a powerful male. I discovered the reason for my tears before I drifted off to sleep.

I love you, Aric.

•   •   •

Sunlight hit my face from the crack in the blinds. I slowly opened my eyes to meet Aric’s grin. He’d gotten his wish; he’d awoke with me naked in his arms. I returned his smile, still amazed he lay in my bed. His messy hair hung over his light brown eyes, and his five o’clock shadow had darkened into a thin beard. He looked sleepy.

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