A Dash of Desire (Spiced Life #2) (18 page)

BOOK: A Dash of Desire (Spiced Life #2)
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“It was great. Thanks.” Tristan’s voice came out sounding unnaturally loud. He tried reeling it back in. “How did things go around here?” Riley’s palm slid up his cock. He jumped. Hunter’s gaze moved over his face, as if searching for the cause of Tristan’s distress.

“Things have been pretty quiet. I just wanted to run by and drop off a list of the security upgrades I’ve been working on while you were gone. I also added a few ideas I had for both your house and the church. I’d like to go over it once you’re settled in, and had some time to catch up.”

His zipper slid down. Tristan gripped the arms of the chair. “Sure. Just leave them with me and I’ll take a look.” With a nod, Hunter dropped the list on Tristan’s desk. He hesitated.

“I saw Riley’s car out front.”

Cool air touched his member before Riley’s mouth closed around it. It took all of Tristan’s control not to pump against her willing mouth. “Um. Yeah. She was parked behind me this morning, so I just took her car.” Riley rolled his balls between her fingers. Her tongue swiped at this slit.

“Funny. Your truck is out front as well.”

Tristan blinked. At best, he had nothing. At worst, he had nothing. Hunter tapped his knuckles on the desk. Riley startled. His dick hit the back of her throat. He swallowed down a moan.

“Well. I guess I’ll let you get on with your day. I just wanted to stop by while I had the chance.”

Tristan cleared his throat, doing his best not to pant. “Thanks for everything. I’ll take a look at all this as soon as I get a chance.”

“All right. Catch you later.” With a dip of his chin, Hunter headed for the door. Before he stepped through, he paused. “When Riley comes up for air, please let her know that we’re all keeping an eye out for her. She doesn’t have to be scared.”

“Aww, thanks Hunter,” Riley called from her spot between Tristan’s knees. Hunter’s chuckle followed him down the hall. Tristan’s forehead hit the desk. No doubt about it, Riley was a tidal wave of temptation sweeping away all of his good sense.


They made it longer than Riley anticipated. She’d been on edge since the moment they returned from their honeymoon. Everywhere she went, she expected Graham to turn up. Adam had sent Billy packing, just to ease Riley’s mind. Of course, Billy worked so hard, the extended trip to visit a friend in Vegas was something she’d been needing for a while. Riley would never be able to repay the amazing people she’d met since moving to town.

When Graham finally struck, it was almost a relief. She just never expected it to happen in church. The place was overflowing with people. That’s the only excuse she had for why she didn’t see him coming. Graham was standing over her before she realized he was there. Riley’s heart slammed against the wall of her chest.

“You look amazing.”

She blanched. Without thought, her gaze immediately sought Tristan. He’d been speaking for ten minutes before Graham’s arrival, which meant every eye was now on them. He was going to do it, literally before God and everyone. She had a new respect for that saying.

“May I sit with you?”

Riley didn’t answer. She tried looking in every direction but his. Tristan didn’t hesitate. It didn’t matter that he was mid-sermon, he still moved to intervene. After all, the spectacle had already begun.

Berta beat him to the punch. “This seat is taken,” she said, slamming her Bible down beside her. “It’s God’s seat.”

Emma May cut in. “Oh, for goodness sake! Berta let the man sit down.”

“Shush, little girl. The adults are speaking.” At Berta’s admonishment, Riley thought Emma would explode. Her face flushed red, mottled with her rage.

“Quit being a bitch, Miss Berta.”

Berta smiled. “My, my, those true colors are bleeding through now. I like you better like this, but still.” Her voice hardened again as she turned her ire Graham’s way. “I don’t give up God’s seat for anyone, especially not some lowdown bastard who’s trying to move in on my granddaughter-in-law.”

Tristan swept the Bible from the bench, and filled the spot next to Riley. He slung his arm over her shoulders, openly challenging Graham with his presence. “We need to have a serious discussion about the language used in God’s house,” he muttered as he settled in, making Riley smile in spite of everything happening around her.

Graham snorted. “This is honestly who you chose to marry? Does he make you kneel in prayer after sucking his dick?”

“Don’t talk to her. Seriously. About anything. I’m tired of hearing you speak.” Tristan’s voice had taken on a mean edge she’d never heard him use before, but Riley was just getting started.

“Oh. I do a lot of kneeling and chanting, but it has nothing to do with prayer.”

“Best church service ever,” Adam said from somewhere behind Riley, pulling her focus his way. He was smiling like an idiot and switching his attention between all parties involved like he was watching a tennis match rather than witnessing one of the most humiliating moments of Riley’s life.

“I’m definitely coming back next Sunday,” Hunter agreed. Tristan groaned. She felt his pain. They were truly a sideshow event now. Luckily, one of the elders had jumped into the pulpit the moment Tristan had vacated it. Riley could only hope the man held at least one person’s attention.

“You can sit here,” Emma offered, catching Graham’s attention. Emma May sounded like a woman with a plan as she eagerly made room for him beside her by shooing everyone else down the bench. Since Emma was seated directly behind Riley, he accepted. He took up his position at her back, even going as far as to lean forward in his seat, ensuring Riley couldn’t ignore him. When she glanced over her shoulder, he sneered. “Did you really think a couple of weeks away would make a difference? Who do you think you’re fooling anyhow, Riley?” Graham’s tone was so condescending that Riley was doing her best not to grind her teeth to bits. “A minister’s wife? Seriously? Come on, baby. Show these people the real you. They’re protecting you for now, but how do you think they’ll feel about you once they hear all about you and the puritan out at the pond? Let’s shake things up.”

Of course, Emma May chose that moment to join the conversation. “What happened out at the pond?”

Without breaking eye contact with Riley, Graham reached inside his jacket and pulled out his phone. “Should I show her?” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “It could be fun making her realize how a real woman behaves. Let’s do it.” Riley tasted blood as Graham scrolled through his phone for a moment before handing it over to Emma May. He smirked. Riley’s spine stiffened.

“Scandalous,” Emma May called out in a singsong way that set Riley’s teeth on edge.

Faith released a loud sigh. “Scandalous?” She switched her attention to Hunter who was sitting to her left. “Did that bitch just holler ‘scandalous’ like a twelve-year-old girl?”

“Yes ma’am,” Hunter said, sounding as if he was enjoying himself a bit too much. “I believe she did.” Riley’s horror doubled at the man’s agreement. Faith shot him a grateful smile before turning her ire on Emma May.

“Girl. I know you did not go there. For fuck’s sake.
am scandalous. A woman having sex with her husband doesn’t even rate on the scale of indecency. Thank the lord, or there’s a lot of doomed folk in this building. You, on the other hand, better get to praying for some Jesus, because I don’t see any ring on your hand. I did, however, hear all about how you were on your knees last night behind Hidden Gems, and not an ounce of confession was involved. Even though I’m quite sure a donation was given to the cause.”

At Emma May’s horrified gasp. Riley bit her lip. Hard. She didn’t even want to know how Faith had known which picture Emma May had seen. Staring at the ceiling, she counted the number of light fixtures to keep from bursting into mortified peals of laughter. She wasn’t nearly as embarrassed by the images in Emma’s hand as she was by the man sitting at Emma’s side. Why had she let this go on? Tristan was right. They were married. There was no way in hell she’d allow any harm to come to their union.

If Faith could put herself on the line, so could Riley. Gathering her strength, she met Graham’s stare. For the first time in a long time, she did so without flinching.

“I have pictures too. Of course, they’re not quite as delectable as yours.” Feigning a nonchalance she was far from feeling, Riley snagged the phone and began flipping through the images. She made a show of inspecting each one. “Damn,” Riley muttered, turning an awesome shot sideways for a better angle. She flashed Tristan a wicked smile. “For a preacher, you’re in amazing shape.” A flash of white teeth and dimple gave her all the reassurance she needed that he was behind her one hundred percent.

“The townsfolk keep me hopping.”

At Tristan’s explanation, a low chuckle echoed through the pews. There wasn’t a single person who could deny they kept him busy.

“Anything you can produce can only make your husband look worse than he already does,” Graham cut in, causing the room to fall silent. He nearly choked over calling Tristan her husband. The idea brought a genuine smile to her lips.

“I don’t know how it could. After all, he didn’t even know me any of the times both my eyes were black. Oh, and then there’s the x-rays of my broken wrist…” She paused for a minute to think it over, before adding, “…and ribs. How many accidents can you explain? I know I ran out of excuses a long time ago.”

Graham’s eyes flashed dangerously. It was a look she knew too well. He wasn’t cowed by her open accusations. In fact, he was more intrigued than ever. She should’ve known better. There was nothing he enjoyed more than a challenge.

“It doesn’t matter who you’re fucking. You know that. It’s never mattered to me. You can marry a hundred people, and it won’t mean a damn thing, because I own your mind. Do you think a piece of paper is going to stop me? It never has in the past. You’ll always belong to me.” Graham leaned even closer, holding her gaze as if they were alone instead of in a room filled with more than a hundred witnesses. His voice turned deadly. She couldn’t look away. “For the rest of your life, I’ll be right there. Watching. Waiting.”

Hunter spoke up, interrupting him. “And all these folks just witnessed you threatening this gal.”

Graham didn’t bother glancing Hunter’s way. His taunting stare never left Riley. A smirk pulled at his lips. “You know it doesn’t matter, don’t you Riley?” He was right. It didn’t. Money like his bought the world, but she’d be damned if she’d give him the satisfaction of saying it aloud. “There isn’t a person alive who can save you or keep me away.”

“I say we test that theory.”

Graham whipped around in his seat at the softly spoken words, facing the challenger seated behind him. Riley couldn’t believe Bella didn’t duck for cover beneath Graham’s murderous temper. Instead, she was the perfect picture of glamor. A blonde goddess among the masses.

“What are you doing here?”

A sardonic smile passed over Bella’s lips. Even though Riley had never understood the reasons why, she’d always known Graham hated his wife. The feeling was mutual. Riley did understand that.

“Careful, Graham. People are watching. You’ve become lax. There’re at least three people with their cell phones out, recording every word you say. Wouldn’t you just hate for me to use that footage to find a way around that air-tight pre-nup you had me sign?” Dismissing him, Bella focused on Tristan instead.

“Hello Brother Daniels.”

He dipped his chin. “Welcome to the Church of Holy Light. We’re always pleased to have visitors.”

A wisp of a smile touched Bella’s lips as if she found his words slightly humorous. Riley got it. Graham had a way of stealing a person’s religion.

“Congratulations on your recent nuptials. I hope your marriage is a happy one. Unlike mine,” she added, cutting her eyes at Graham, before meeting Riley’s gaze. Her eyes softened, making her seem years younger. “Oh, babe,” she said, sounding sad. “I’m sorry I wasn’t braver.”

Tears pricked the backs of Riley’s eyes. “Please don’t.” She hated the thought of Graham’s wife apologizing to her.

“But I have to,” Bella said, as if it was the darkest of confessions. “Please let me speak my piece.”

Riley ground her teeth to keep her protest inside. After everything she’d done, Bella deserved to have her say. The muscle in Graham’s jaw flexed. It had Riley switching her gaze between him and Bella. If he decided to spring, she’d see it. As Bella had pointed out, there were indeed at least three people recording the entire episode. She could only hope it would keep him in check.

Bella visibly swallowed and glanced at her lap before meeting Riley’s stare once more. “I can still remember the first time a reporter shoved your picture beneath my nose.”

“Oh God.” She was going to be sick. Tristan pried Graham’s phone from her hand and linked fingers with her. His tight grip was the only thing keeping her sane.

“Lies rolled off my tongue,” Bella said bitterly. “Without a single thought, I just sprouted off some bullshit about how you were my cousin or something similarly insane. All the while, I couldn’t stop studying your expression. It ate at the back of my mind. Sometimes, I would find myself staring at that photo for hours, trying to figure it out. After a while, Graham didn’t even try to hide you any longer. Not that he could have even if he cared to. But he began talking about you openly, taunting me with your existence.”

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