A Daughter for the Eccentric Billionaire (5 page)

Read A Daughter for the Eccentric Billionaire Online

Authors: Kelsey Charisma

Tags: #daddy daughter billionaire kelsey charisma fuck adult erotica sex

BOOK: A Daughter for the Eccentric Billionaire
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Bruce gripped his cock which was no longer
coated in lipstick but glowing a creamy reddish-orange. He pumped
his head between her soaked thighs. “Wrap your leg around me,
Camille. I’ve only had a taste. I want to fuck you, and show you
how much I want to stay between your thighs.”

When she brought her leg up high, he bent
his knees and shifted the angle his head stroked. He leaned toward
her, and on his upswing his round, mushroom-cap spread her lips.
The end of his cock stroked her clit with perfect firmness.
“Please, Bruce!” she yelled urgently. He thrust and she moaned with
thrill, when he drove forward and his soft head prodded her
opening. A rush of gel slipped inside of her. Bruce slicked his
cock back over her clit, and used his head to caress her nub a
second time. “Please, Bruce!” she begged. He was toying with her
when she was already desperate for him to be inside of her.

He rubbed her sensitive slit with leisure.
She slinked her foot up the back of his leg and squeezed him toward
her in hopes he’d penetrate.

“Wait, Camille, I want to sink you. I’m
going to fuck you in a pool of KY, and have my way with you, but be

He firmly planted his feet between the
mattress and the wall. With one hand he gripped the glass and with
his other he held up her leg. Having her legs spread wide and skin
soaked with lubricant made it impossible for his cock to remain
teasing the outside of her. In a single thrust forward, he drove
his shaft into her pussy and powered into her with a single pump.

They both quivered from the unexpected
penetration, but at a taste of one hard drum, he needed more. Bruce
gripped her thigh tightly and the sound of his husky pants was of a
man taken over by lust. Suddenly, with feral greed, he growled.
“Fuck waiting!”

Bruce became a powerful storm in a second.
He rammed into her with a deluge of swift, hard thrusts. His big
dick tapped against her cervix, making her scream. Her sounds made
him confident and dominant. He powered into her with added greed.
He whispered into her ear, telling her she was divine. His words
were silk, and they both thrived off them. He fucked her harder,
and listened to her scream louder. His cock ruled over her. She
completely surrendered to him. “FUCK ME, BRUCE! MORE! I’M BEGGING

He lifted her leg high, and pressed her knee
into the glass to open her legs wide for easy penetration, and
propped it with his arm while he clung to the wall. In the waist
high gel, he hammered his cock into her pussy. With so much juice,
he recklessly jerked his dick out of her, continued to pull back a
few inches, and then he slammed forward as he grunted. His soaked
head powered through, driving into her wet hole. Each pump filled
her core with juice, which he crowded out by slamming his cock in


The added inches he swung back gave him
increased strength and he tapped her cervix with impressive power.
She wildly shook, and with unruly craving she forced her hips close
to his swings to take his vigor. “YES, GO!”

He was fucking her hard, and with raw lust,
but as he hoped, it proved his craving for her. He was an animal,
ramming into her with wild demand. He held her legs open, giving
her no choice to take his inflicted pleasure.

His cock glowed orange. Their radiant sex
appeared to brighten the faster he fucked. The friction tugged her
walls and seemingly ignited her with light. The sight of it was
intensely arousing. She clawed at his hips while begging for more.

From an angle, his hips slammed into her
legs and he hammered into her depth. With a tight grip on the wall,
he thrust forward and simultaneously jerked her into him. His
entire body tightened as he worked against the thick gel. He pumped
his long, slippery cock into her with power her body barely
withstood. His head rapped against her cervix with delicious
strength. Pleasure broke her. “YES!” she screamed out as ecstasy
shattered her restraint. “I’M CREAMING!” She didn’t hold back, and
let out a loud cry and convulsed with unconstrained elation. In
complete freedom, raw, wet, carnal lust surged through her

Bruce groaned near her ear. He thrust in
with power, held the end of his cock firmly against her cervix, and
ejaculated hard into her depth. Every muscle in his body was tense
as he continually crowded her back wall and repeatedly ground his
head into her. He maintained his white-knuckled grip on the wall,
and didn’t ease his restraint as he pinned her by holding his cum
inside. He caught his breath, taking his time before releasing her.
Possibly he was determined to keep his semen inside of her before
the lubricant washed away his seed.

He kissed her with an open mouth, and panted
with hot and heavy breaths like a man who wasn’t anywhere near
finished with her. Yet he groaned into her mouth, “I hope you love
oral sex,” he bit her bottom lip before continuing, “because I have
every intention of taking you upstairs and then spending the night
with your legs open. I told you I’m curious if you’re sweeter after
you cream, and I intend to find out.”

“After years of waiting,” she replied with a
smile, “I won’t refuse.”





About Author:

Kelsey Charisma is a young stay-at-home
wife, who started writing erotic short stories for her husband as
special treats to whet his appetite while they read them aloud....
Her husband encouraged her to publish her work for other couples
that may want to share fantasies—though, they’re fun to read alone,

Thanks to fans discovering her, and then
rushing out to purchase more tantalizing books after a first taste,
Kelsey Charisma is a bestselling erotica author with several
novellas that reached top bestsellers lists. Currently she’s
writing her next sizzling fantasy for all her avid readers



Author’s Note:

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to
all my loyal fans that have read so much of my work and enjoyed
story after story. You’re emails and reviews are tremendously
encouraging! And for you, I keep publishing.

If you’d like to help others discover
my naughty tales, please leave a review. And if you do write a
recommendation, please let me know by emailing me at
[email protected]
and I’ll
thank you with a personal email. Thank you for your

Also, be among the first to get news
about Kelsey Charisma’s new releases by signing up for Kelsey’s
Email Newsletter by going to this url:


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