A Daughter for the Eccentric Billionaire

Read A Daughter for the Eccentric Billionaire Online

Authors: Kelsey Charisma

Tags: #daddy daughter billionaire kelsey charisma fuck adult erotica sex

BOOK: A Daughter for the Eccentric Billionaire
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For the Eccentric Billionaire



Kelsey Charisma






Kelsey Charisma on Smashwords


For the Eccentric Billionaire

Copyright © 2013 by Kelsey Charisma



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Eccentric Lord Bruce
Linderman had no interest in Camille at sixteen, but four years
later, she found the perfect opportunity at his mad-mix party to
find out if he’d change his mind.

Book Formerly Known As: A Daughter for the
Eccentric Billionaire




Other Titles by Kelsey


























The invitation from Lord Bruce Linderman
smelled strongly of Old Spice. Embossed on the envelope was a
single golden key, and inside were few directions that read like an
encrypted treasure hunt to his house. When Bruce did odd things
like that, like soak his stationary until the parchment had an
overwhelming scent or confuse people where his new mansion was
located, people said he was eccentric. Camille herself couldn’t
deny he beat to his own drum after he took a long trip to England
to purchase his Lord title, but everyone accepted his ways because
he was a brilliant businessman and his wealth surpassed most of the
richest in the world.

Despite his unconformities, Camille found
him irresistible, or perhaps she liked him because of them. She
loved his unusual behavior; his peculiar thoughts and actions kept
her on her toes and she liked that. Around him she could be her own
person, and without fear he’d judge her. But it had been years
since she’d had the pleasure of his company, and in hopes to see
him, she stole the invitation from her mom.

Back when Bruce was married to her mom,
Aubrey, he had all the women’s attention—including Camille’s. She
was jealous of her mom, and toward the end of the summer, during
those few hot months she had with Bruce, she no longer hid her
feelings for him. On the other hand, nearly everything he did was
in pursuit of winning passionate sex with Aubrey. And gauging from
the noises echoing out of Bruce and Aubrey’s room, he was an
exceptional lover. In spite of his devotion to her and his ability
to satisfy her, the entire time Camille was falling in love with
Bruce, Aubrey was deciding she didn’t like bouquets of penis
pencils, a website dedicated to Aubrey’s anal, or accepting a large
gift that insinuated a night full of playful fun like a huge
saltwater tank of oysters ripe to eat as aphrodisiacs or a trip to
India to learn Kama Sutra from the best. In the end, Aubrey wasn’t
impressed and grew tired of sex. Her mom left Bruce, rather having
a hefty weekly allowance and abandoning the weirdness surrounding
constant foreplay.

Not that Aubrey was there for the divorce.
Bruce sent Camille to boarding school long before that. That summer
of her sixteenth birthday, everything blossomed between Bruce and
her before quickly falling apart. Prior to her stripping naked in
front of him poolside, he ignored her hints she liked him in order
to get to know her, but after she so boldly tried to seduce him,
she was gone within three days.

Years later, she was of age, and determined
to find out if he’d do things differently. And she had a reason to
suspect he could be interested in her. A memory kept giving her
hope that he once felt something for her. It was a few weeks before
she last saw him, before he had his guard up.

Bruce was in a good mood. A huge crate sat
on the deck of his enormous yacht. The package was flown in by a
helicopter while they vacationed at his private island in the
French Polynesia. Three men helped remove the large statue of a
woman standing beside a stone throne. The fair female looked
identical to Aubrey, but she was supposed to be Aphrodite. Bruce
wanted to sink the work of art yards off shore, as a lasting gift
to his beloved wife. Camille loved the idea, and she jealously
watched the men unload the hefty rock. Aubrey had no desire to come
and see the gift, Camille then took a seat in the thrown,
determined to steal all Bruce’s attention.

“Goddess of love, beauty, and sexual power,”
Camille said, and ran her hands down the smooth armrests while
looking at the nude body of Aphrodite. She snapped her gaze onto
Bruce, and added, “I feel sexier just sitting here. Do I look
sexier?” Camille leaned back in the seat, and made sure he’d look
over her body and think of her with luscious thoughts, she opened
her legs slightly to reveal her smooth bare skin on both sides of
her tiny bikini. Her pussy hid by a thin strap. She hoped he
wondered what shade of pink concealed underneath the white bottoms.
When he glanced down, following the movement of her legs, she
spread them wider. She didn’t dare look, but hoped there was a
small gap where he could steal a glance of her chaste cave.

Then she ran a hand between the cups to her
bikini top. Like a puppet on a string, he did everything she wanted
and strove for. He followed her fingers with his eyes as she swept
them between her breasts. Undoubtedly he noticed her hard nipples
poking through the material. With luck, he was picturing her
topless. She’d know if she turned him on if Bruce found relief from
Aubrey, and Camille would gloat knowing she made him need sex and
he’d fuck his wife with her tight, virgin body in mind.

All the men were watching her stroke her
body in a way she wished Bruce would. She didn’t care who drooled
over her as long as Bruce kept his eyes on her. She’d continue to
pursue him, until he forced himself to look away. The other men
gaped at her, shocked she’d strive for her father’s attention so
openly and while acting desperate. The alarm of incest made them
stare, but Bruce only recently married Aubrey and Camille didn’t
think her crush was scandalous in the slightest. So, she didn’t
even blush when the men most likely thought she was daddy’s little
rich girl he fucked in secret. Camille would gladly be his while
only in hiding. And with everyone’s attention she continued to run
her hands on her body, letting each man think what he wanted.
Unfortunately, she could see Bruce’s thoughts, which were plainly
visible by his scowl. He wasn’t amused by her tactics.

Bruce refused to answer her question, but it
was like him to avoid any of her advances. and explain to
bystanders that she was seeking attention. This time, however, he
was more shocked by her theatrics that he didn’t immediately chide
her. She was far more daring than usual.

It wasn’t until Camille draped a leg over an
armrest to open her legs wide, rest a hand over her bikini bottom
with a finger over her nub, and then brought her other hand up to
lick the tip of her finger to wet her bottom lip, that he finally
growled in outrage. Instead of him daydreaming about what it would
be like to kiss her body, Bruce forcefully commanded the men to
leave and prepare to submerge the statue. He was pissed they were
watching. Camille grinned.

“Take a picture of me, daddy,” she said when
he was the last to turn and abandon her where she sat.

“Camille, you can’t do that. Don’t you care
at all that they were thinking about…ravaging you, Camille. Don’t
pull this kind of shit in front of staff.”

“I’m just trying to be as sexy as

“You’re sixteen. You shouldn’t even be sexy

“I want to be. I want you to take a picture
of me, too.”

“I don’t have a camera.” His quick reply had
a tone that warned her not to push his patience, but the
extravagant gift wasn’t for her and she jealously pushed for his

“You don’t have a camera with you, yes, but
call for one, and then take a picture of me.” When he clearly
wasn’t going to be sucked into her ploy, she added, “If mom isn’t
coming to see it because of her so called head ache, you should at
least take pictures so she can see it later.”

have a head ache, Camille.
And that’s actually a good idea. But you better be out of that seat
by the time I get back, and start acting your innocent age.”

Bruce’s threats never amounted to anything,
so Camille didn’t bother to budge from her spot. A few minutes
later, he came back with a camera, and the only repercussion for
not listening was a disappointed glare. He frowned, when he halted
a few feet in front of her. He stared at her, clearly hoping she’d
follow his order if he scowled long enough.

“Just one picture,” she begged.

“Then you’ll get up, and stop acting like

“Like what?”

“You know,” he said sternly. “And even
know it’s inappropriate and unacceptable conduct.”

“Why are you mad at me? At least I came up
here to appreciate what you’re doing. I’m the only girl on this
boat that gives a shit about you. If she cared she’d be up here
doing exactly what I am.”

“Don’t change the subject. I’ll take the
picture, and you stop acting like this.”

“I’m not acting like anything.” She nestled
down in the throne and adjusted the white triangles to her bikini
while posing. Then she lifted her arms to make sure the top rode
up, and the small swells of her breasts poked free. “I don’t know
what you’re talking about,” she lied. “But I’ll try…”

“You know exactly what I mean. You’re doing
your damndest to seduce me all the time when you’re too young and
I’m married.”

His words were a hard blow, because the idea
of her age was so disenchanting, and Camille felt like he just
stopped her heart with a one hard punch. She deflated, and suddenly
trying to impress him with a sexy pose seemed humiliating and
painful because he was rejecting when she was trying hard for him
to feel the opposite. Her arms dropped and she slouched slightly
while sulking—although she tried to hide her wounded pride. “So…you
know I love you and you don’t even care?” Her words sounded
valuable and somehow young, like her question was a response any
sixteen year old would have.

He chose the worst time to take a picture.
She was hunched over, probably showing her heartache, and it wasn’t
at all the sexy picture she wanted to torture him with for weeks.
The only appealing thing was the skimpy bikini, but from his stern
determination to convince her she was out of bounds, the
unflattering picture wouldn’t convince him she was appealing or
worth ever pursing.

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