A Debt Paid (14 page)

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Authors: Joslyn Black

BOOK: A Debt Paid
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Chapter 25

Anya sat there, listening to the dial
tone. He’d hung up on her, wait…he also
said he loved her, wait…he wasn’t going to
bother her again. Did she want that? Yes!
Bastard lied to her, but he said he did it
because he loved her and wanted her so
badly. She set her phone down, leaned
forward, ran her fingers through the front
of her hair, grabbed two fists full, and
started to cry.

Nicole was standing outside the
bathroom door. Though Anya said she was
fine, Nicole stayed and listened. Now, she
could hear Anya crying. She knew that
Anya had to have been talking to Calix.
Who else would she call a bastard? Well,
other than her brother or father, but she
wouldn’t have called them. She knew she
might be stepping over the line, but she
couldn’t stand there and just listen to Anya
cry. She stretched up onto her tippy toes
and reached along the edge of the
bathroom doorframe. There was a key
hidden up there, just in case there was ever
an emergency. Her fingers slid from one
side to the other until she felt the key.
Nicole yelled in her head

Key in hand, she unlocked the door
and slowly opened it. What she saw broke
her heart. Anya was crying so hard she
didn’t even look up at the sound of the door
opening. Nicole walked to where Anya sat
and kneeled down in front of her. Nicole
slowly began to lift Anya’s chin and push
her hair out of her face. Nicole’s voice was
gentle and slow, calming, like a person
would use talking to a baby or wounded

“Anya, honey, calmed down, tell me
what’s wrong?”

Anya looked into Nicole’s eyes and
fell forward, wrapping her arms around
Nicole’s neck and just sobbed.


Calix hung up on Anya. His voice
almost broke talking to her, and his eyes
were shinning with the tears he was trying
to keep bottled up, but he was unable to. As
he blinked, tears slid down his cheeks. So,
he just leaned his head back and closed his
eyes. What was he going to do? He couldn’t
win; he was honest with her, and she called
him a bastard. He’d lied, and she hated him
for giving her no way out. It was too late to
call his mother, but he needed to talk he
needed perspective. His uncle would be
awake. Vito was probably at his favorite
restaurant, but he may be doing business.
Taking a chance, Calix decided to call him.

“Parlare (Speak).”
“What do you need, Calix?”
“I need to speak with you.”
“About what, Calix? I’m waiting for a
“Calix, I will call you tomorrow
when I’m free.”
“Yes, Zio, sorry to have bothered
“You’re family, it’s not a bother, but
business needs done, yes?”
“Okay, ciao.”

Vito was upset; Calix was not letting
go of Anya, and he needed to. He
understood love and wanting. He had spent
a lifetime watching Maria with his brother.
Craving her after their one stolen moment,
but he knew he couldn’t have her. It was
hard to be with another woman when his
body wanted Maria. But, he was not going
to live like a priest. He made do with
women, who looked similar to Maria,
always picturing her, and sometimes he
would cry out her name during climax. The
women knew their place and never

Calix didn’t want to let go. He said
he didn’t want company, but maybe Vito
should give him a bit of a push. Vito raised
his hand and gestured for one of his capos
to come over. When his capo leaned down,
Vito quietly told him what he wanted him
to do.

“Without a lot of show, get Natalia
and take her to Calix’s penthouse. Use my
name at the front desk. I’m on the list and
don’t require approval. Let her in then wait
till she’s done. Give her a gift from me and
then take her home.”

“Si,” was all his capo had said in
reply before leaving the restaurant. Vito
wasn’t sure if he was making the right
move, but he had to help Calix see that he
was not going to get Anya back, and he
needed to move on.

Calix had filled up his scotch glass
for the fifth or sixth time. He wasn’t going
to sleep tonight without passing out cold.
How did his uncle live this way with no one
to go to, no one to want you? Calix
wondered how he, himself, had lived
almost forty years that way. Anya had took
everything in his world and flipped it
inside out, and, now, he didn’t only not
know how to put it back, but he also didn’t
know if he wanted it back.

He was just about to sit down again
when someone started knocking on his
door. Funny, the front desk hadn’t
announced a visitor. He went to open the
door and was shocked by what he saw.
There stood Natalia, hair pulled back the
way Anya usually wore her hair. Instead of
her normal smoky eyes and red lips, her
makeup was light and pleasant. Her dress,
though tight, wasn’t trashy; it was a simple
black dress with a sweet heart neckline,
showing the tops of her luscious breasts.
The dress must have been tailored for her.
It fit like a glove and ended right above her
knees, and her normally strong, overpowering scent was nowhere to be
smelled. Instead, she had a soft rose scent.

Natalia could tell Calix had been
drinking; he smelled of scotch and had a
nearly full glass in his hand. Vito had asked
for this favor, so she would do it despite
Calix’s drunken state. It wasn’t exactly
torture. She had seen Calix around and had
been attracted to him for a while now, but
girls like her didn’t get guys like him, and,
with her current status and past, no matter
how much Vito liked her, he would never
allow it. Oh well, someday, she would find
her prince.

“Hi, Calix, your uncle mentioned to
me how you wanted someone to talk to.
Since he was busy with business, he asked
me if I’d mind being an ear for you.”

Calix, hanging onto his door, took
another drink while looking her up and
down. “You’re here to talk?”

“Yes, but if you want me to go, I

“No, it’s fine come in. “ He waved her
in with his empty hand, then let go of the
door and turned to go inside, leaving the
door open for her to come or go. He walked
back to his bottle of scotch and filled his
glass again and then sat on his couch.

Natalia followed him in and shut the
door behind her. Then she went to sit next
to him on the couch. Calix just sat there,
looking at her and drinking.

“So what has you so upset, Calix?
I’ve never seen you drunk.”

Calix’s eyebrows furrowed. “I’m not
upset, and I’m not drunk,” he retorted

“I’m sorry; my mistake,” she replied
quickly. “So, did you need to just talk about
business, bounce some ideas off someone?”

“No. My fiancé left. I just needed to
get my mind off her.”

Seeing her ‘in’, Natalia leaned in
closer to him and played with one of his
buttons as she spoke in a sultry voice. “I
can take your mind of her.” She leaned in
closer and kissed his lips softly. In reaction,
he pulled his head back from her. She
didn’t let that stop her, though, she kissed
down his neck, down his chest till she came
to his zipper. She unzipped his pants and
pulled his cock out. He was semi erect. She
knew some drunken men needed a little
work to get them hard, so she wrapped her
hand around him and took him into her
mouth. She worked him up and down, and,
after a bit, he started to moan.

Calix wasn’t surprised by what
Natalia was doing, after all, that’s what she
did for the family. But, he wasn’t hard. He
leaned his head back, closed his eyes, and
tried to enjoy what she was doing, but he
couldn’t. Then he started to think about his
last night with Anya and how she had
appeared when she took him in her mouth,
how she was so unsure. She had even asked
if she was doing it right. His tigress. He
moaned, picturing Anya, and got hard
instantly. He was so enthralled by his
fantasy of Anya, he moaned out her name
as he grabbed a handful of Natalia’s hair.

“Oh fuck, Anya, mmmmm, love, yes.”

Natalia felt Calix grab and pull on
her hair, and she even heard him moaning
out Anya’s name. It wasn’t the first time a
man had called out another women’s name
with her. She tried to not let it bother her,
pushed it out of her mind, and sucked more

Calix was so drunk and lost in his
fantasy and so close to his climax, he
completely forgot who he was really with.
He didn’t want to finish in Anya’s mouth,
no, he wanted to plant his seed. They had
been trying for weeks to get her pregnant.
He pulled her off, push her down, and got
on top. He was kissing her neck and
pushing her dress up and her underwear to
the side. He grabbed himself to push into
her, but he always loved how Anya’s eyes
rolled when he entered her, so he looked
into her eyes, and, just as he was about to
enter her, he stopped cold. Anya’s blue eyes
weren’t looking back at him. No, these were
brown eyes staring back at him. He pushed
himself up and off her and backed up to the
other side of the couch.

“Calix? Why’d you stop?”
Calix started to put his dick away
while he told her curtly, “Get out.”

Natalia was confused; he was
enjoying himself just a minute ago. She
tilted her head to the side; and her eyes
scrunched. “What?”

“I said get out! Get the fuck out
now!” he yelled at the top of his lungs.

Startled, Natalia jumped up and
fixed her underwear and dress. Not
knowing what to do because this had never
happened to her. She just apologized, “I’m
sorry, Calix, I thought…”

“Just leave now,” Calix said coldly as
he got up and headed to his bedroom.

With Calix gone, she briefly looked
around the room. Knowing Calix wouldn’t
change his mind, she walked out the door
and left.

Calix went into his bathroom,
turned the shower on cold, striped, and got
in. He was still hard. He hoped the cold
water would take care of that. God, what
had he almost done? How could he have
even let Natalia touch him? Calix lowered
his head and rested it on the tile under the
spray as he pounded his fist on the wall
Fuck, Anya, what have you done to me? I
can’t even get hard without thinking of you.
Not really religious, though he was raised a
Catholic, he prayed,
Please, please, God, help
me. I need her too much, please, help me.

Chapter 26

Anya finally stopped crying long
enough to tell Nicole everything about her
conversation with Calix. Nicole was able to
get Anya out of the bathroom and onto the
couch and made her a cup of tea to help
soothe her nerves. Anya’s face was blotchy
from all her crying, her eyes were puffy,
and she was still sniffling every so often.

“Anya, you haven’t eaten, and it’s
past eleven, are you sure you don’t want
me to make you something?”

“No, but, uhm, do you have
something that can help me sleep? Because,
I don’t think I’ll sleep any other way.”

“I think I have some over the
counter stuff somewhere.” Nicole got up to
go look in her room for the sleep aide.
While she was gone, Anya kept going over
and over what she had said to Calix and he
to her.
‘You bastard…you heartless bastard.’

‘God damn it, Anya, I love you!’
told her the truth about everything and
told her he was in love with her, and what
had she said? What had she done? Nicole
came back into the room, shaking a white
pill bottle in her hand.

“Here you go, sweetie. It’s natural
stuff, a mix of melatonin and valerian root.”

Anya reached for the bottle, briefly
read the directions, then took out two pills,
and swallowed them down with her tea.

“Thank you, I know you’ve only just
woken up a couple hours ago, but I’m
drained and just want to try and sleep.”

“Don’t worry, honey, I have a TV in
my room, and I can never get too much
sleep. I work three to midnight tomorrow,
but I’m sure I won’t be home till well after
midnight, so extra sleep is always good.
Night, I’ll see you in the morning.” Nicole
gave Anya a brief hug, then she got up and
went to her room.

With Nicole gone, Anya lay down
and went over everything again. Her
conversations with her mom, Nicole, and
Calix, and then she went over her time with
Calix. She’d not only enjoyed their intimate
moments but just the time they spent
together, eating dinner, watching TV, and
talking. Her mother was right; she had
never backed down from any fight. If her
reason for running that night had been the
reason she said, she wouldn’t have waited
so long to leave.

She would have left before it
happened, hell, she would have even left
before the dead line. She would have taken
her mother and left her father to deal with
his aftermath. She was, in fact, in love with
Calix. Despite her being irritated the night
of the fundraiser and blowing him off, she
had found him attractive. Did this really all
happen because of her fear of love, of being
hurt by a man the way her father hurt her
mother? It was clear now: she had come
face to face with her fear, and she had seen
what she was trying to hide from herself. In
that moment her decision was made. She
got up and went into Nicole’s room.

Nicole was on her bed with a book
on her lap while she flipped through the
channels. When her door sprang open, she
looked up.

“Hey, I thought that you were gonna
try and sleep?”

“I was, but I started thinking, and I
came to a decision. I’m in love with Calix,
and I didn’t want to see it. I was hiding my
feelings from myself. I need to use your
laptop. I’m getting on the first flight
tomorrow and going home.”

Nicole smiled. “I’m glad, I knew
you’d see it eventually. I’ve enjoyed having
you here, and I’ll miss you.” Nicole got up
and hugged Anya tightly. “Don’t let so much
time pass between our visits again, okay?”

“Yes, but that goes both ways,
though. Will you be able to take me to the
airport in the morning?”

“Yeah, I told you I don’t go in till

Nicole reached for her laptop that
was sitting on her nightstand and handed it
to Anya. “Just let me know what time, so we
can set the alarm if need be.”

“Okay.” Anya left Nicole’s room with
the laptop. She sat down on the futon and
started her search. Within fifteen minutes
she found a flight with only one connection,
better than when she flew out. It left at
nine, and, now, that she did have luggage,
she would have to get there at least an hour
early to go through check-in, baggage, and
security. Ticket bought, she went to tell
Nicole her flight time.


Getting into the car Vinnie, Vito’s
capo, handed Natalia an envelope. “A gift
from Vito.”

Natalia looked at the thick envelope
in Vinnie’s out stretched hand. “No, I need
to call Vito first.”

Vinnie looked at her questioningly.
“It’s important,” she replied to the look he
gave her. Vinnie hesitantly pulled his hand
back, set the envelope on his lap, and
handed her his phone with it already
calling Vito.

“Si, it’s done?”
“Natalia, why do you have Vinnie’s

“I needed to talk to you.” Glancing
over at Vinnie, Natalia stopped talking and
got out of the car and shut the door. “Vito,
he threw me out.”

“What you’ve been over there for
over forty minutes, and he just now threw
you out and after?”

“No, he was drunk, very drunk. I
could smell the scotch the minute he
opened the door. I went in, and we were
talking. He wasn’t active, you know what I
mean? So then, then I started on him, you
know? He was enjoying it, I swear, but he
was calling me Anya. After a bit, he was
more than ready, and he flipped me over,
and we were about to start, and he looked
at me, like really looked, and he just
snapped. He jumped off me and screamed
for me to get out. Then he walked to his
room and closed the door, so I just left. I
didn’t know what else to do. I’m sorry, Vito.
I just couldn’t accept your gift without
telling you.”

Vito was silent for a minute. “Ah,
Natalia, always so honest. That’s why I
always call you. I trust you. It’s not your
fault. Calix has always been difficult, and,
now, with what he is going through, well,
anyway… You did me a favor, so take the

“I know, he told me about her
leaving. I couldn’t get him up. He only
responded when he had his eyes closed.
Obviously, he must have been thinking of
her. I know it’s not my place, but I don’t
think he’s going to be with anyone else. He
loves her too much, and his body only
wants her. I hope to be loved that way
someday. But, being little more than a
prostituta (prostitute), I don’t think that
will happen.”

Vito lightly chuckled. “He actually
talked to you about her, he must really
have been drunk. Don’t worry, piccolo
(little one), there will be someone for you. I
know things you do not know and, right
now, don’t need to know but trust what I
say. Now, have Vinnie take you home and
rest. Ciao.”


The cold water hadn’t helped. Now
Calix was cold and hard and wanted Anya
even more. With his towel wrapped around
his waist, he went to his dresser to get
something to sleep in. Opening his drawer,
he looked to the side that held Anya’s
clothes. She hadn’t taken anything when
she left. Her soft, sweet, smelling perfume
bottle still sat on top of their dresser. He
pushed his drawer shut as a thought came
to him. Calix picked up her perfume, went
to the bed, and sprayed her pillow. Then he
went back to their dresser and returned
her perfume to its resting spot. He opened
the drawer that held her negligees and
picked out the baby pink, soft, satin and
lace one. He rubbed it with his fingers,
feeling the material and thinking of when
Anya had worn it last. Lifting it to his nose,
he inhaled deeply. He closed his eyes in
pleasure; it still held her scent.

He walked over to his bed, pulled
the covers down, and crawled in. Shifting to
his side, he lay his head on her pillow and
still be able to smell her scent. He ran her
negligee up and down his chest until he
was aching and ready to burst. Taking
himself in hand, he wrapped her negligee
around his swollen shaft and started to
pleasure himself slowly. Her smell fresh for
him to breath in, thoughts of Anya beneath
him moaning, the softness of the silk
against his warm flesh. While he had
started out slowly, he quickly sped up. He
needed this release, and only Anya could
give it to him. His breathing sped up; he
started to grunt with his climax nearing. Oh
how he wanted to spill himself into her. His
head thrown back onto the pillow, he called
out as his release came strong fast and
hard. “Ahhhhhh, Anya, love, Anya, Anya,
love, I want to be in you ohhhhhh,” he cried
as he finished the last few pumps to empty
himself completely. He cleaned himself up
with her negligee and threw it down to the
floor, hugged Anya’s pillow tight, and fell

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